“ STAND BY THE- UNION,. NOW AND FOREVER,” ' ' YOLTJIE I. BUCHANAN, BERBIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1863. - NUMBER 12. THE WEEKLY UNION JDlJfl! From the Detroil Adverlis j.r & Tribune. “ Pity,” observed N eville,“ when there neither Hugh nor Edith evinced the least - ■ From the Indianapolis Journal, 14th. IS rCBUSUED -EVERY 51 IT501 SOMEBODY’S DARLING: are so many maneuvering mammas and tendency to .drift off into dreamland; for Frightful Catastrophe ia the 121 sentimental daughters who Will appre THURSDAY MORNING, BY EMILY M. GOD.VUD, the pale and beautiful young widow had . Michigan Battery. date your six feet of 'manhood and your told a simple story of her life to him who b u c h a n a x m e n . Yesterday evening about-kaff pastsevea Camp." Bowling ") Smooth the hair gently snug little fortune.. Hallo! here comes had once confidently vowed to share its Fnuu oft' the pale brow, o’clock a heavy sullen roar, unlike the OFFICE IN TREMCNT HALL. your train! In with you,.-old fe llo w - vicissitudes— how she was a widow, and .Green, Ivy., y Fold his hands numbly. sharp crash of a gun, at first supposed by Their work’s ovev now. drop me a line now and then just to let alon.e! , , RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Close the eyes, drooping those not in the immediate vicinity, to be March 1, 1868. J me know that.you haven’ t.turn.ed -Mussul­ “ But I ana wearying you,” she said If paid in advance,......................... ..£1.50 'Neath Death’s heavy dew; the firing of a gun 'to call on the city bat­ I f paid within six m on th s,...__ ____1.75 He’s somebody’s darling, man at Constantinople, or taken to tiger- timidly. - ^ I f not paid within, the year------ ------ .2 00 Dr, E. S. Dodd, God only knows,who. talion, was heard in the direction of-In- liuniing.in the jungles of.Bengal.” “Nay, Edith,” said Soulhbank, re­ Five or more copies to one address, each 1.25 diana Avenue. In a few moments the' N o paper discontinued until ail arrearages Dear Sir:-— Raise his head gently, There was a cordial grasp of two earn­ proachfully. “ Who shotlld be interested are paid, except at the option of the publish­ Rest it on flowers, hurried galloping of an artilleryman of in the history of your sorrows if not. I?’’ ers. Calm be his slumbers, est hands— a farewell spoken, almost be­ the 32th Michigan battery, down Illinois We, Slid these green bowers. neath ilie breath—-and then Alfred Ne- “ It is a year ago to-night since Charles RATES OF ADVERTISING. Sad eyes are watching, street, announced that something serious Tearfully true; SjjA'Sh, stood alone on the; platform, a mist died,” she added,, “ and I feel that it is One squrc, one insertion,................. .$1.00 bad occurred, and a rutnov came down “ two insertions.................. ..1.25 the undersigned, take He’s Some mother’s darling, that was hot the dew or melting snow- my duty to exert myself at least for the “ three insertions,....... ___ 1.50 God only knows who. immediately a'ter, that several men had *' four insertions,— . ....1.75 Nffakes before his eyes, and the express benefit of those- little ones who are left pleasure in recommend­ Place that fair ringlet, been killed by the explosion of a caisson ** six weeks,.............. 2.00 train was speeding on through the gloom penniless. Mr. Southbank, ycur circle of “ three months,......................3.00 Just threaded with gold, up the- avenue; We hastened .at qnce in O’er the still heart, where friends is large and influential— at leasY.I “ six months,.......................... 4.00 ing to the public your and darkness .of a. winter pight. the direction of tire report; ffnd f6Und a • • “ one year................... ; .........G.flO It rested of old. AncI see even that’s “ Is this seat engaged, sir?” know it was. Can you .tell me of any Larger or smaller advertisements in propor­ squad of our city cavalry atlhqcornet; of . By bullets pierced through; Hugh Soulhbank answered in the neg­ situation in which, as governess, or com­ tion. GERMAN COUGH He’s somebody’s darling, . Illinois stre.et. and thu avenue; placing • A square is one inch of space, column width. God only knows who. ative almost petulantly, for the conduct­ panion, I could earn u livelihood, howev­ Business cards, not oyer six lines, $3.00 a guards, andAxdluding citizens'ffoftuhat er humble?” • Year. BALSAM. We hare He sleeps his last sleep, or’s voice aroused him from a deep rev- portion of the. avenue, between- Tennes­ All legal advertisements charged at the stat­ His last battle’s fought; brie.into which he had fallen. The twl Husfli was silent in an instant; he ute prices. ; - see and Illinois streets, and eaw-the gtins tried it faithfully in our Victory’s laurels could scarcely .realize that this ..meek, A il transient advertisements to be paid for Shall pass him unsought. light of the half illuminated car, the and caissons of a battery filling the clear­ in advance. • - God pity the hearts heated atmosphere within, and the swift, timid, creature was the haughty, high- The privileges of-yearly .advertisers will he Company, and have ed space for some distance. Pass­ That wait, fond and true. spirited Edilli o f six years since} ■ At confined strictly to iheiv business, and all other For some hearts are waiting, tremulous motion of ;the train were alike ing up the Avenue we saw, some aistanre advertisements 'not-pertaining to tlieir regular length he spoke,. rather nervously, for found it to be one of God only knows who. ■ favorable to dream faucies, and.it was not below the Tennessee street crossing, the business,‘to be. paid for extra. ----------------------- Mrs*. Calthrope’s soft brown eves, were particularly pleasant to bp.roused up. to fore-wheels of a caisson broken , till to , JOB PRINTING. the Best Remedies that Till PASSING BEKEZE. make room for a lady and two little chil­ fixed upon his face. Pamphlets,Hand-Bills,Circulars. Cards. Ball fragments, the tires and felloes torn off, Tickets, Attorneys Briefs, and other varieties Gently, gently, passing breeze,' dren. “ I know of but one plan, Edith, which the seat split to. pieces,, and nothing left of-Plain and Fancy Hob Printing neatly execut­ we ever found in the Waft- the song I give to lbee ‘People havn’ t any business to be tfkv. [.could confidently .recommend to you, ed with promptness, on the ipost favorable To her who fs, of all the ivor d, but splinters and spokes which stuck out terms. Orders solicited line of Golds, Goughs, A world of worth and light to me! cling with children,” grumbled the fat and I fear, even-in this-instance, you will wildly in all directions. At the crossing -”» avid l l o y d , ? LLOYD & TTTRIOIS, Deftly, deftly, weave around man with spectacles opposite, across be unwilling to take my advjqe,” ■ = edwIn turxebA Proprietors. of Tennessee street we found the cause of Her classic brow a garland fair; whose outstretched feet the little four “ I will do whatever you recommend, the report, and the wrecked wheels. A and Bleeding of the And print, oh kindly, passing breeze, year-old had'stumbled. ‘ Hugh.’ ’ , T3uchana>t B usiness D ir e c t o r y . Thy sweetest, purest;purest kisses there!__ caisson of the Twelfth Michigan Battery, •Babies are a perfect nuisance in .a “ Then, dear, will you let the aiA years Lungs,ox in any disease Softly, softly, press those lips, A ....... f-^ which was on its way to the depot to take J. H. ROE, Whose coral hue I hope-to see, car,” remarked an acidulated old maid that have paised be but as a tumultuous the cars for Ohio, luid exploded in thp DEALERS in drugs, medicines, stationery, of. the Throat ■ We To thee she’ ll not. refuse the blms- whose nerves were disturbed by the ba­ dream-, and stand once more at my > side 3'C., ^"C., Roe’s Corner, Buchanan, Mich. The holy bliss—denied to me! middle of the crossing of Tennessee and by-bundle whose blue eyes were on a as we stood together in auld lang syne. candidly recommend to Adieu, adieu, oh passing breeze, ^ New York streets and the avenues, one of ROE & CARLISLE, I ’ll longing wait, for breath of thine; level with its mamma’ s sbbuTder. I have never ceased to love you, Edith! the most densely populated portions of HOUSE, sign, and ornamental painters. Shop To bring rue back some tokeu of . And Hugh Southbank— whether out of shall I have no reward for my constancy? on Front street, over Slaters waggon shop, every one troubled with The smile, the glance of ‘Angel mine!’ the city, killing the two men who were Buchanan, Mich. voli ndtf the sheer spirit of contradiction, or from Dear love, will you forget the past and riding on it instantly, mortaRy* wounding a disease of this nature Christian charity, will-never, we fear, be be my wife?” • : ? ■a. fioy who was-iu the street near by, and H. F. STRONG. LOVE IS AN EXPRESS TRAIN. MANUFACTURER of and dealer in boots and known— leaned forward and'took up the “ But the children, Hugh?” ^ severely wounding one of the riders. shoes of every" description;.One do.or smith of “ They shall be my children, too.” A> to send and-get a bottle The winter night was closing dark and four*3?ear-old upon his knee, while he as­ The circumstances, as we learned them, the American House, Main street, Buchanan, sisted the lady to dispose o( her manifold Speed on your way, fleet-winged night Mich.
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