Ing last period 'ittle (heels of k hodnes, tin) paper, tightly rolled meeting with th, little words of le, e, about some Latakia, dittees instead of Help to make earth happy Contains within its magic ittee as a whole. he like the 111.11V(.11 /11/I/Ve. fold inth grade college tes —.1FLIA A. l'.11tN EV , 11110111 111111111 e shown a Rita —MARI' 1,1,11611 -Methuen genie, IN o Day. NIDCVER ICIWNSMAN hers of the Jute°, 62 NUMBER 7 VOLUME ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, DECEMBER 2, 1948 PRICE, 5 CENTS hiss Ansi Angel o, TS ,autos, and Mix are being giva by Owen !Mickley VIEWS and High school OF ANNOUNCE SITE FOR VETERANS' HOUSING pickup squad from homerooms is in tying the condition THE :rounds by pick in; Land Off Easterly of paper that ;it d. NEWS By LEONARD F. .1.\'I I'M End Of Morton St. n he VISION One vital issue of foreign US affairs that makes little sense to In at the average citizen is the problem Chosen By Board in- of aid to China, a confused picture ng highlighted by Madame Chiang Area of Four and One-Half Acres NEWS Kai-shek's self-invitation to the ng United States. We certainly can- Near Chestnut Street Accessible :15 • Your Favorite not get a clear picture of United States policy towards the country. To the Schools and Playgrounds in- for our government has been ex- The Andover Housing Authority H or DRINK hibiting an off-and-on attitude announces that It has selected the ln- towards the Chiang Kai-shek Night Parking Ban site for the construction of the local n: regime. If we knew what our rk Streci housing units for veterans. he Policy is supposed to be, what we Goes Into Effect et really stand for in China, and why Tile site is off the easterly exten- The ban on all-night street we support whatever policy we are Rion of Morton street as it swings parking went into effect Dec. 1 der supposed to support, we might down the hill toward Chestnut St., and will remain operative until EPAIR better arrive at an understanding and is on the westerly side of the next spring. street. oat of the problem. Our assistance to- CE eems to resemble a hand-to- "All cars left on the streets The area selected contains four 1.11111.11111.11 1/1.1,! hair 1.01111.1., ii,. the lilue 21 1111 %% hi te cheer their favorite, in the animal Thank,. tal Guth charity aroused by vague after 11 p. in. will be towed to a and a half acres and extends down giving day game 11 MI .11,1111,011 High which the ho 111. t,,11 12 to 7. 1 Look Photo rt- ympathy for an unknown quan- garage at the expense of the cur the hill almost to Rogers Brook. owner," Police Chief George A. 'lie ity, based on no real knowledge In selecting tide location for the e. E'S None stated in announcing that r appreciation of the cireum- FIVE ('ENT PARKING construction of the 56 dwelling the town ordinance is now effect WTI TEL. 1175 tances. We don't know whether ON CHESTNUT STREET units of the garden type for which FIRST ANDOVER MEN for the fourth year. by ve are merely prolonging a Motorists are still wilting $560.000 has been allowed by the oomed life or are really bringing pennies in the parking meters "Car owners have been very co- state, the local board noted that it he patient back to health. We on Chestnut street. They get IN PEACETIME DRAFT operative in the past," Chief Dane is accessible to schools and to play- wn went on to say. "We have had urround Chiang with an aura of nothing in return. Chestnut grounds, and that water is available, to very few violations, in fact, we igorous leadership and sanctity, street meters are different TO LEAVE TUESDAY The state board has approved the or- OM et we have strong suspicions that fr :ell others in town—they had less than half a dozen cars Andover's first peacetime draft- to be towed away all last winter." site only on condition that the town e is far from competent and that 1.1111 he operated only with 11 ees will leave next Tuesday morn- construct a sewer there. At present e is a thoroughgoing dictator. 100,11, fur 1111i1•11 the motor- School Teachers The ban on all-night parking of ing to start a 21-month period of the nearest sewer is on Chestnut St. he ill be ist gets lit',, hours of parking motor vehicles on the streets is )oes China Want Chiang? military service. and it would be necessary to extend 1 a time. Ask $300 Increase made each year in order to assist The picture is made the more Sebastian J. Romano of 32 it up the hill about 200 feet. • of week A fiat salary increase of $300 in snow removing operations dur- . obscure by the presence of Com- Franklin Ave., and George Kri- Approval of the state board la for all teachers in the school sys- ing the winter. munists. If we support Chiang we korian of 136 Greenwood Rd., will also conditioned on the local board Increase In Wages tem is sought by the Andover Pub- "It has made a great difference wonder whether we are not pour- be included in the second group getting a change in zoning to allow Open lic School Teachers' association. in the streets," Chief Dane said, ing our money down a bottomless of draftees to leave from this area. the garden type of dwelling to lie And Employment In a letter addressed to the "both for the public and for the drain, and we aren't sure that The first group sent by Draft constructed in that area. The multi- 3r kAIN STREET China's people want Chiang and Employment and payroll records school committee it was stated town. It is much less expensive board 8. which includes Lawrence, family type of dwelling known as ar- for Andover showed an increase in that the association had unani- now for the town to keep the what he stands tor. But if we Andover, Methuen, North Andover garden apartments is the style on. October over a corresponding mously voted to ask for the $300 streets clear, as they don't have leave him to his own destiny we and Boxford, left last Monday but which the state authorities have ap- ion period in September, according to raise over and above the present to go back and plow two or three did not include a local noun. proved for Andover. They are at- mall (Continued on Page Ten) the figures of the division of statis- compensation received as of Nov. times over the places where autos The men from this area will re- tractive two-story structures in out tics of the state department of 1, 1948, to go into effect Jan. 1, had been parked overnight." port with the rest of the class to Police officers have been in- which the units would vary from or- labor -and industries. 1949. the joint examining board and in- structed to enforce this ordinance three to six rooms. The nine manufacturing estab- In the letter, sent by the com- duction station at 11 Kearney sq., and officers in cruisers will be The land chosen by the board is vor lishments canvasses here showed mittee on salaries, it was pointed Lowell. especially alert for these viola- owned by the heirs to the Daniel /111- that for the week ending nearest out that the association at a meet- At that point they will be as- tions as they tour the streets Collins estate, (Agnes C., Rosamond October 15 the number of wage ing had expressed the general signed to a camp for a basic train- A., and Esther E. Murray of Law- /11(1 earners was 3.552 and the total sentiment that present salaries ing period of eight weeks, after rence), Mrs. Dora F. McCarthy, 74 wn wages paid $191,310, an average are inadequate. which they will be assigned to one Body of Veteran Morton St., and Mr. and Mrs. Clin- er, weekly wage of $53,80. The school committee, which of the army posts in the First ton E. Stevens, 72 Morton St. has The percentage change from Sep- met in executive session Monday Army area for completion of their rah night, took the letter under con- To Be Buried Here tember shows an employment in- military service. The body of PFC. Melville nal sideration with other budget mat- crease of 1.2, and a gain of 0.6 in The December quota for Massa- Wakefield Whipple, U. S. Army, PIANO TUNING ters. chusetts is 421 of the 15,000 to total wages paid. Approximately who was killed in action in ALFRED H. PETTINELLY 2,000 establishments in the state be called up throughout the na- France Jan. 10, 1945, is being MEMBER were canvassed revealing a slight tion. The January quota was ex- sent here for burial and will ar- Punchard Defeats pected to be 20,000, but budgetary American Society of Plano Technicians decrease in the number of persons rive at the Andover station on the 5 Berkely Sf. Lawrence Moss. employed and in total wages paid. limitations have caused officials to Johnson, 12 to 7 4:25 p. m. train today. Telephone, Law. 29518 me Punchard wound up its season in cut the next two draft calls in half.
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