Index Compiled by the author A Frenchman in Khaki (Paul Maze): Churchill's Adenauer, Dr Konrad-continued introduction to, 1288 n.1 near', 844; and 'friendly messages', 849, 856; A Gunfor Sale (Graham Greene): 1310 and a proposed Four-Power conference (at A History ofthe English-Speaking Peoples (Winston Berlin), 92g-30; to be supported, 1003; and S. Churchill, 4 volumes, 1956-8): Churchill's Churchill's desire for a Summit with the work on, 177, 180, 255, 274, 847 n.2, 876-7, Soviets, IOI 3; 'desultory discussion' about, 883-4,887,891,915,958,1044,1066,1077-8; 104 7; and the French rejection of the Euro­ Churchill renews work on, I 126, I 132, I 136, pean Defence Community, 1055-6; French 1141,1144,1145-6,1148-g,1161,1162,1163, 'harshness' to, 105 7; Churchill 'high on the 1165, 1166, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177-8, list' of admirers of, 1075; and a possible 1179; the first v9lume published, 1183-4, Paris meeting, 1103; unwell, 1168; Churchill 1193, I 196-7; continuing work on, I 187, meets (in Bonn), 1197; Churchill meets (in 1188, 118g-go, 1190, 1200, 1201, 1205, London), 1306; a gift from, 1307 1212-13, 1214; the second volume published, Adler, Generaljulius Ochs: 327, 684, 685 1223, 1225; 'rapidly nearing completion', Admiralty House (Whitehall): 1330 1228, 122g-30, 1233, 1241; the third Adrian, Baron: 1263 n.2 volume published, 1249-50, 1254; the Adriatic Sea: 6, 16, 200, 238, 239 fourth volume published, 1267 Aegean Sea: 91, 332 A Passage to India (E. M. Forster): 854 Aga Khan, the: 628 A Roving Commission (Winston S. Churchill, Agnelli, Umberto: 1297 1930): 469, 1204 n.3 Airlie, 7th Earl of: I 340 n.2 Aachen (Germany): Churchill speaks in Aix-en-Provence (France): 424, 426-9 (1956), I 197, 1225 Aix-les-Bains (France): 977 Abadan (Persia): 617, 618, 624, 639, 642, 840 Alamein, Battle of (1942): 133, 47g-80, 492 Abdication Crisis (1936): 549, 844 Alamein Reunion Dinner: 160, 486, 492, 561 Abdullah, King of Transjordan (later Jor- Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Viscount (for earlier dan): 449, 527, 558, 623, 1093 n.1, 1272 n.2 index entries see Brooke, Field Marshal Alan): Aberdeen: Churchill speaks at (1946), 228-9 231, 262-3, 373, 389, 551 n.4, 728, I 171; Acheson, Mrs Dean (Alice Stanley): 977 his diaries published, 1232-3; his good Acheson, Dean: 206, 544, 675-6, 677, 680, wishes, 1262 692, 741, 793, 1010; and the 'baffiing years', Albania: 45, 76, 77, 80, 351 n.3, 390 1I32; photograph 19 Albert Hall (London): Churchill speaks at Achilles: Churchill declines to emulate (1947), 321, 329; (1948), 400-1; (1951), (1930s), 1074 607-8; (1954), 972, 977, 97g-81, 1048; Acre (Palestine): 335 n.2 (1956), 1190-1; (1957), 1240; (1958), 1266 Adams, Governor Sherman: 1001 Aldrich, Winthrop: 790, 1007, I rng-10 Adams, Major Vyvyan: 112, 401 Alexander, A. V. (later 1st Viscount): 19, 20, Adana Conference (of1943): 444, 1262 n.3 23, 283, 298-g, 319, 321, 324-5, 516 n.3, Adeane, Sir Michael (later Baron): 1097, 979 n.2 1117, 1123-4, 1177, 1227, 1255-6 Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold (later 1st Aden: use of troops from, 782 Viscount Alexander of Tunis, subsequently Adenauer, Dr Konrad: 666, 756-7, 774, 82g- 1st Earl): 5, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 16-17, 28-g, 30; 'exasperated', 832; his election 'draws 45, 57, 60, 81, 91, 93 n.2, 94, 98, 815 n.1; 1377 INDEX Alexander, Sir Harold-continued An Infamous Army (Georgette Heyer): 1267 and Churchill's visit to Lake Como, 132, Anders, Lieutenant-General Wladzyslaw: 2 r 2 134, 137, 141-2, 144-5, 146, 148, 151, 154, Anderson, Lady (later Viscountess \Vaverley) 185, 985 n.2; and an historical query, 262, (formerly Ava Wigram): 339 625-6; and war crimes, 325; and Churchill's Anderson, Sir John (later 1st Viscount second Premiership, 653, 685, 709, 711, Waverley): 36, 59, 60-1, 66 n.5, 156, 249, 713-14, 716, 724, 726, 727, 728, 737, 741, 322, 471 n.2; and India, 333; 'second-rate', 755, 757, 769, 796, 821, 822; and Egypt, 470; and the 1951 General Election, 642; 804, 946; and Jordan, 964; and Malaya, and Churchill's second Premiership, 655; 994, 999; at the Other Club, 748; succeeded for subsequent index entry see Waverley, by Harold Macmillan, I065: and Chur­ Viscount chill's retirement years, 1171, 1272 n.4, Anderson, General Sir Kenneth: 580 1343; photograph 4 Andrew, Prince (later Duke ofYork): 1331 Alexander, Lady (Margaret, Countess): 154, Anglo-Egyptian Agreement (Sterling Balances 716 Agreement, 1951): 941-2 Alexandra, Princess: 1340, 1344 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement ( 1953-4): negotia­ Alexandria (Egypt): 237, 668, 796, 799, 804, tions for, 796, 897, 900, 998-9, IOoo; signed, 826,833 897 n.2, 1036 Algeria: 1201, 1206, 1245, 1264n.5, 1295, 1318 Anglo-Egyptian Treaty (1936): 237, 659, 796 Alice, Princess: I073, 1266 Anglo-French Union ( 1940): 364 n.3 All Qyiet on the Western Front (E. M. Re­ Anglo-German Naval Treaty (1935): 246 marque): 887 Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the: 617, 639, Allen, (Sir) Denis: 997 n. 1 685 n.1, 878, 1192, 1235 Allen, Commodore G. R. G.: his work on Anglo-Soviet Fisheries Agreement (1930): 812 Churchill's war memoirs, 339, 341, 345, Anglo-Soviet Treaty (of1942): 281 383, 389, 415, 416 n.2, 417, 427, 428, 474, Annan, Noel (later Baron): I 304 493, 495, 522, 549, 551 n.4, 597, 6o1, 609, Anne, Princess (later The Princess Royal): 663, 735, 877 r 095; photograph 20 Allen, Sir Roger: I 297 Anne,(2ueen: 347,835 Almighty, the: and English Common Law, Annecy (France): 628, 630, 631 792; and the cobalt bomb, 1251 Antigua (British West Indies): 977 Alsace-Lorraine: 247, 926 Anti-Semitism: 'the strongest abhorrence of', Altrincham, 1st Baron (formerly Sir Edward 251; and Hitler, 464 Grigg): 349, 1249 Antonescu, General Ion: 76, n. 1, 121 7 n.2 Amalgam: a 'sludgy', 634, 793 Antonov, General Alexei: 92 Amalgamated Society of Locomotive En­ Antony and Cleopatra (film): 236, 663 gineers and Firemen (A.S.L.E.F.): fails to Antrim, 13th Earl of: 306 n.6 receive Trade Union support ( 1955), I 145 Antwerp (Belgium): Churchill's Mission to Ambedkar, Dr B. R.: 233, 237 (October 1914), 856 American Civil War, the: 371, 1201, 1204, Anzio Landings (Italy) (1944): 236 1267 Appeasement: 6, 33 r, 467, 529, 5 74; and American Indians: and Churchill's ancestors, Egypt (in 1953), 795, 796; and 'conversations 1297 at the centre', 973; and 'co-existence', !030 American Zionist Council, the: 723 n.4 Arab countries: and an 'Anglo-French' agree- Amery, Julian: defeated (1945), 112; defends ment, 287; 'obligations of', to Britain, 455; Churchill, 441; and Egypt, 897 n.2; enters and Onassis, r 333 Cabinet (1962), 1337 n.2 Arab League, the: ·ki5 Amery, L. S. ('Leo'): 241, 267, 283 n.2, 298, Arab Legion, the: 41 r 472 Arab peoples: Churchill's appeal to ( 1958): Amid These Storms (Winston S. Churchill, 1283 1932):469 Arab refugees: 'a festering sore', 841 Amman (Jordan): 449 Arab States, the: 557-8, 658, 689, 788, 942; Amnesty (for Second World War deserters): and their boycott against Israel, r 300 n.2 748-9, 781-2 Arab world, the: 841, 1201 Ampleforth Abbey: a memorial to Bracken in, Arabs (of Palestine): 244, 252, 253, 295-7, 302, 1275 n. r 411,430,449,456--7,525,623,625,646,841 Amsterdam (The Netherlands): 232, 409 Ardahan (Turkey): 75, 91, 195 INDEX 1379 Argentia (Canada) (Conference, 1941): 175 Atomic Bomb--continued Argentine, the (Argentina): 490 n.1, 498, 519, Europe, 266; and 'God's children', 277; and 53 I> 553, I055 Switzerland, 280; and Russia, 286, 432, 437, Armistice Day: ceremony, 1255-6 440, 459, 464, 467-8, 520, 521, 530, 553, Armstrong, (Sir) Robert (later Baron): 1138 575,595, 959; and Truman,467-8; and the Arnhem, battle for (1944): 239 United States, 475, 5IO, 540, 556, 557, 572, Arnold, General H. H.: 70 n.2 595, 6II; 'our only hope', 478; and Chur­ Arromanches (Normandy): 669n.1 chill's war memoirs, 505, 793-4; made in Arrow of Gold (Joseph Conrad): I 3 IO Britain, 538; and the Quebec Agreement (of Arthur, Wing-Commander: 378 n.2 1943), 572-3, 595-6, I054, 1091; 'the only Ashley, Maurice: 140, 443 lever', 575; and the march of science, 621; Asia: 'on the Elbe', 422, 436; and a United and the policy of Churchill's peacetime Pre­ Europe, 521; and the new geography, 561; miership, 666, 683, 688 n. 1, 689-go, 7 I 7; Europe's contribution to, 934; a possible and Korea, 688 n. 1, 928; 'the supreme deter­ 'misjudged intervention', I023-4; Nehru's rent', 689, 837; tested, by Britain, 764; 'no role in, 1093 more' to be made (following a Summit), Asquith, H. H. (later 1st Earl of Oxford and 863; and Attlee, 914; and French sensitivity, Asquith): 349, 476 n.2, 601 n.1, 646, 698, 924; discussed at Bermuda (December 699, 742, I068, I I 14 n.2, I 157 1953), 924, 929, 932-3, 936; discussed in Asquith, Margot (later Countess of Oxford Washington (June 1954), 999; a prophesy and Asquith): 742 of (1932), I015; and morality, 1022; let­ Asquith, Raymond: killed in action (1916), ters about, I I I 7; see also index entry for 742 Hydrogen Bomb Asquith of Yarnbury, Baroness (Violet Atomic Energy: 437, 904-5, 919, 937, 940-1; Bonham Carter): and Churchill's 'last long and the Bermuda proposals, 960, 968, I028; battle', 1361 and the 'Atomic Bank Plan', I031; British Assheton, Ralph (later 1st Baron Clitheroe): work on, 1091 IO, 37, 38, 227 n.
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