,-- -~ I Reg. No. G~NP/GOAl321 IRNI No. GOAENGl2002l641 0 I Panaji, 29lhJanuary, 2004 (Magha9,1925) I. SERIES II No 44 . ! """''':'''''t\. .' .'.. ' .' .''.' ..-. OFFI CIAL ~~j GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA Note:- There is One Supplem_ent and One EXtraordinary issue Order 'to the Official--Gaze_tte, Series lI,--No. 43- dated 22-1-2004 as follows:- No. 118/1/97-MR/MKT/RCS 1) SUppl~ent dated22-1-2004 frampages 1287 to 1296 Read: Government Oreler No. 118/1/97-MR.tMKTIRCS/ regarding Notification from Depatment of Labour. /444 dated 17-6-2002 .. 2) Extraordinary dated22-i-2004 from pages 1297 to 1298 Whereas the price of coconuts in the State of Goahad regarding Notification from Department of Finance fallen down to the extent of Rs. 1100/- per 1000 coconuts (Ijevenue- and- Control Division) and ·Order trom during the period from December, 2000 to July, 2001, pepartment of ~ome. thereby putting the coconut growers in heavy financial losses; And whereas, in order to extend support to the GOVERNMENT OF GOA coconut growers, the-National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED) was Department of Co-operation requested by the Government to intervene into the market and purchase the· copra from the farmers paying Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies them the minimum support price in accordance with the Government of India's policy; Order And whereas. NAFED had, through M/s. Adarsh Sahakari Kharedi Vikri Prakriya Saunstha Ltd., Balli Goa, No.3-1-81/ESTIRCS(Part)/469 .' the Nodal Agency, purchased the copra from the coconut '.- growers at the rate of Rs. 32.50 per KG as support price Read: Application' dated 17-12-2003 received>friim asagainstthe·prevailingmarket rate of Rs. 22/- per Kg .shri C. D. Phaldessai, Special -Auditor/ and has purcha'sed copra in the ..state of Goa w;orth ICo-operative Officer. Rs. 3,37,75,355/- (Rupees three crores thirty seven lakh seventy five thousand three hundred fifty five only). The Government. is .pleased to transfer Shri C. D. Phaldessai, Special Auditor/Co-operative Officer And wh~reas the N~FED vide lette~ N;;!' GOA/MW presently working in the Office of the Asstt. Registrar of . /COPRA (PSS)/2001-2002/887:92 dated 17-09-2001, h~d Co-op. Societies, Central' Zope, Panaji to t~eOffice of . .requested the Qoverm;nent for waiver 'of 1% mar:ket' fee Asstt ... Registrar of Co-op •. Societies, South Zone; Margao imposed on purchase of copra under Price Support against the vacant post of Sl?ecial Audit~r/Co-operative Scheme by the Goa State Agricultural Marketing Board, Officer caused due to the promotion of Shri' P. L. Naik, which works. out to Rs. 3,37,753/- (Rup",es three lakh Special Auditor to the post of Assistant Registrar, Head thirty seven thousand seven hundred fifty three only). QU9-rtElr, P.alJ.aji-Goa. And whereas, after considering the s~rvices of gesture Shri C. D, Phaldessai, Special Auditor/Co-operative extended by the NAFED in giving support price of copra Officer will not be entitled for T.A./D.A., joining time etc. to the coconut growers of the State, the Government has as -the transfer is made at his own request~ decided to exempt the Goa State Agricultural Marketing Board from levying and collecting 1% market fee on the This order shall come into force with immediate effect. purchase of copra by the NAFED during the period from 'December, 2000 to Jilly, 2001. P. K. Patidaz; Registrar of Co-operative Societies & Ex-officio Joint Secretary. Now, therefore, in exercise of :the powers _conferred by Section 59 of the Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Panaji, 30th December, 2003. Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1963 (Maharashtra Act 1300 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 11 No .. 44 29TH JANUARY, 2004 No. XX of 1964),.as in force in the State ot"Goa (hereinafter Departmehtof Law & Judiciary called the "said Act"), the Government of Goa hereby exempts' the' Goa State Agricultural Marketing Board from leVying and collecting.l% market fees under the provision" of section 31 of the saidAct, amounting to . Notification by the High Court of Rs ..3,37,753/- fr{(,pees three lakh thirty seven thousand JUdipature APpellJO-te- Side, Bombay seven hundred fifty three only)on·the purchase of copra worth Rs. 3,37,75,355/- (Rupees three crore thirty seven No, A 1205/G/2003 lakh seventy five thousand three hundred fifty. five only) .. made by NAFED. .' Read:.Govermrient Notification Law & Judiciary pep~rtmenf;- Gdvernment of Maharashtra This Notification is issued.in s~persessfon of the . No', CRC-l003i(108)/IX- dated 16th September, .Notification No; 118/1/97-MR/MKT/RCS/444 dated· 2003 regarding. appointment.. of Judicial 17-06-2002 published. in the Official Gazette Officers as ad hoc Additional District Judges (Extraordinary No.4), Series II No. 11 dated 18-06-2002. in the State of Maharashtra for implementing the Special Scheme for elimination of arrears By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. - . - . (sponsored by the Central Government). P. K. Patidar, Registrar of Co-operat;";'" Societies & Goverrnrient cfGoi>. Notification No. LS/l0/~01! Ex-officio Joint Secretary. /Part-II dated 29th Deceml1er, 2003. ,Panaji, 16th 'January, 2004, The Hon~ble the ·Chief Justice & Judges are pleased --+++-- to makepostings of the Judicial .Officers· from the Maharashtra in consultation with the Government of . Department of Finance Goa appointed under· Government Notification Directorate of Accounts mentioned above, with immediate> eJfect as- ad hoc Additional District Judges and Assistant Sessions Judges in Goa temporaril)!, on deputation under the Order Special Scheme for elimination of arrears till the select list of candidates for appointment as ad hoc Additional No, DA/Admn/45-7/2003-04/TR,3108/128 District Judges for Goa is prepared or until further orders whichever is earlier. The services of Shri Jesus M. Rodrigues; Asstt. Acc9unts Officer -under Common AccQunts.Cadre-,are Name and New posting placed"t the<disposal of the Goa State Horticultural . present posting Corporation 'Ltd"Panaji, as :Manager Accounts/ /Adininistration on deputation ·ori-·foreign--serVice l?asis L Silli v.T. .lst ad hoc Additional District with immediate effect. Suryawanshi, .. Judge & Assistant Sessions C, J. M. Bhandara, Judge, Panaji, North Goa at The deployment of Shri Rodrigues shall be .on Maharashtra 4th Floor, Velho Building, deputation basis for a' period of one year in the first Panaji, North Goa: <., "'" instance and it shall be regulated as per the standard terms' of . (i.'eputation coritained in the Office 2. Shri Hemant S.. 2nd ad hoc Additional District Memorandum' No, 13/4/74-PER dated 12-2-1999" as Mahajan, Judge & Assistant Sessions amended from time to tiine. C.J's.D. Chandrapu:t; . Judge, Panaji, at 2nd Floor M8harashtra Junta House, Panaji, North Goa. The Goa State Horticultural Corporation, Panaji shall be liable top-ay the Government leave salary and td 3. Shri AjayN: Chavan, 2nd ad hoc Additional District pension contribution of the above officer at the C.J.S.D., Chandrapur, Judge & AssiStant Sessions prescribed 'rates', Maharashtra Judge, Margao at District Court Complex Marga", Shri Rodrigues, A.A.O. shall send C.T.C:/Joining South Goa. Report ·to this Directorate on "reporting to his new assignment. 4. Shri Suhas V. Mane, Ad hoc Additional District . C.J.M.,Pune, By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.. Judge & Assistant Sessions Maharashtra Judge, Mapusa, Panaji, Goa. Norbert MOTIleS, Director of Accounts & Ex-officio Joint •'Secretary, ' High Court, Bombay, V. R. Kingaonkar l/c. Registrar GeneraL Panaji, 15th January, 2004. Dated 1st January, 2004. -' OFFICIAL GAZEITE ~ GOVT.OF GOA 1301 SERIES II No. 44 _ 29TH JANUARY, 2004'· .. -Probationary. Period . IN THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL GOVERNMENT OF GOA . Completion of ...... : by the . AT PANAJI Civil Judge(J. D.) and Judicial Magist,ate, F. C. (Before Shri Ajit J .. Agni, Hon'blePresiding Officer) Certificate regarding Ref. No.IT/77/92 High Court of Judicature Shri Robert R. Falcao, Appellate Side, Bombay. D.R. Falcao, Villa Concelacao, Near Laxmi Pump Vadem, Resolution No. A 3921/G/2003 Vasco-da-Gama, Goa. ,.. Workma!)/Party I dated 20th December,. 2003 Vis The Honourable the Chief Justice and Judges are MIs. SalgaoilkarMining Industries Ltd., pleased to direct that Shri Cholu M. 'Gauns, Civil Judge, St. Palegia Bldg., . J. D. and J.M.F.C. Ponda, District,Panaji be treated as P'O.Box No. -171, - having completed his probation satisfactorily on Vascocda-Gama; Goa. ...- Employer/Party II 16-7-2003. He is continued on an officiating basis as Civil Judge, (J. D.) and Judicial Magistrate, First Class, WorkIilenlParty I - represented by Adv. Shri E.O: Mendes. with effect from 17-07-2003. Employer/Party II represented by Adv. Shri M. S .. Bandodkar. V. R. Kingaonkar Panaji, dated: 8-8-2003. 20th December, 2003. Registrar (Inspection) 5th January,2004. AWARD _ -.-.- .... -- -In exetcise- of the powers conf",rred by clause (d) of . sub-section (l).-of Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes . DepartmentofLabour. Act; 1947, (Central Act 14 of 1947) the Government of Goa by order dated 8-12-1992 bearing No. 28/51/92-LAB referred the following dispute for adjudication by this Order Tribunal. -- No. 21/20/2000-LAB Whether the action of the management of Read:- Order No. CL/1/103/2000-Adm/31 dated M/s. SalgaoncarMining Industries Ltd., Vasco,­ 2-1-2001. in terminating the services of Shri Robert D. R. Falcao, with effect from 11'2-1992, is legal and On recommendation of G6" Plll>lic Service cclIlUnission -' - -justified? as conveyed vide their letter No, COM/ll!11128(3)1~2' It not, to what relief the workman is entitled? dated 15-12-2003 the Govllmment is pleased to contiriue' theadh6c ~ppciintm.ent oiShii b.S.,Pednekaras Labour 2 Clnrecelpt of the reference a case was registered Welfare Officer 'Group 'B' Gazetted inlheOfftceof the undetNo.
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