![HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, September 22, 1981 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
21550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE September 22, 1981 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, September 22, 1981 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Strengthening the financial integri­ only purpose is to bring more tax dol­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David ty of social security must be done in lars into the Federal Treasury. Ford, D.O., offered the following an equitable and humane way rather prayer: than by sacrificing the future of those So you will walk in the way of good entitled to the system's protection. I TRANSNATIONAL TERRORISM men and keep to the paths of the right­ invite my colleagues to join me in op­ <Mr. McDONALD asked and was eous.-Proverbs 2: 20. posing the President's recommenda­ given permission to address the House 0 God, we thank You for all people tion as well as in assuring the Ameri­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend who, through courage and selfless de­ can people that our promises to them his remarks.) will not be broken. votion, have carried the banner of Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, last righteousness before us and have night's terrorist bombing in Schenec­ pointed the way to the high ideals of PRESIDENT REAGAN: DON'T tady, N.Y., at the offices of the East­ human dignity that are the handiwork JEOPARDIZE ENERGY SECURI­ ern Rugby Football Association, of Your creation. May Your blessing TY TO INCREASE TAX REVE­ should strengthen our resolve not to be upon men and women everywhere NUES give in to terrorist demands to cancel who risk themselves in the pursuits of the U.S. tour of the South African freedom and may we ever be inspired <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was Springbok rugby team, as called for in in our lives to do what we can that all given permission to address the House House Concurrent Resolution 183. Your people will know peace in their for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) This bombing is an example of hearts and in the world. Encourage us "transnational" terrorism-that is, a to serve those about us who are in Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I un­ terrorist act carried out by a group in need, for by so doing we serve You, derstand the Treasury Department is one country on behalf of their terror­ our Lord and our Creator. Amen. floating a proposal that we need to ist comrades in a second country. In make sure never gets off the ground this case, the beneficiary of the terror­ and is outrageous. The proposal, de­ THE JOURNAL signed to offset the revenue loss due ism in America was the African Na­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ to the just-enacted tax bill, would tional Congress <ANC), a South Afri­ amined the Journal of the last day's repeal tax incentives put into place can terrorist group controlled by the proceedings and announces to the over the last several years to spur Soviet Union and the South African House his approval thereof. energy conservation improvements by Communist Party. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the businesses and homeowners and pro­ As we deliberated yesterday, a ter­ Journal stands approved. duction of alternative fuels, such as al­ rorist bombmaker prepared the device cohol fuels. To repeal these tax incen­ that exploded last night, clearly an at­ tives would simply sell our energy tempt to intimidate this body into CRUEL AND UNJUST ATTACK ON yielding to demands that we should NATION'S ELDERLY AND DIS­ future short and is pure, plain non­ sense. condemn the visit of the Springbok ABLED rugby football team to America. <Mr. WEISS asked and was given Yes; we have a temporary glut of gasoline, but it is absolutely absurd to We must not vote for passage of the permission to address the House for 1 resolution, because to do so would be minute and to revise and extend his think for a minute that we do not still have a long-term energy problem. To seen as a cowardly acquiescence to ter­ remarks.) rorist thuggery and a victory for anar­ Mr. WEISS. Mr. Speaker, the Presi­ repeal these incentives aimed at get­ ting the private sector involved in de­ chy, not only in South Africa but in dent's proposal to defer cost-of-living our own country. Again, we must not increases for social security benefici­ veloping alternatives to expensive OPEC oil-and improving the energy support House Concurrent Resolution aries is a cruel and unjust attack on 183. our Nation's elderly and disabled. efficiency of their operations would be Today, I am introducing a sense of a big mistake-particularly in the the Congress resolution with 48 co­ aftermath of budget cuts which seri­ ously weakened Government programs SQUEEZE ON AMERICAN sponsors, expressing opposition to this FARMER'S INCOME delay, which would indiscriminately aimed at bringing alternative fuels on cut needed benefits for 36 million line quickly, would be perhaps the (Mr. DE LA GARZA asked and wa.c; Americans dependent on social securi­ highlight of idiocy. given permission to address the House ty. The President's proposal makes a I think we can nip this idea in the for 1 minute and to revise and extend mockery of our commitment to protect bud if we act quickly, but to do so, I his .remarks.) the elderly and disabled from the dev­ need the help of my colleagues. Yes­ Mr. DE LA GARZA. Mr. Speaker, I astating impact of inflation. terday I circulated a "Dear Colleague" noted on the news wires earlier this A delay in the cost-of-living increase inviting Members to join in a letter to week an item reporting that, according would imperil the vital security that the President urging him not to lend to USDA officials, the Department the program affords its beneficiaries. his administration's support to this will raise interest rates on its price Even the current 1-year adjustment idea. Since a decision is likely very support and storage facility loans Oc­ lags substantially behind price in­ shortly, I will be having the letter tober 1 if current regulations for set­ creases and leaves the elderly at a dis­ hand-delivered this afternoon. So I ting these rates are continued. Under tinct disadvantage in their battle with hope you will have your staff call my these regulations, USDA adjusts the inflation. A further delay would force office right away so that your name interest charges each April 1 and Oc­ many social security recipients to join will be added to the letter. tober 1 on the basis of the cost of the already swollen ranks of the elder­ There is too much at stake to forfeit money to the Commodity Credit Cor­ ly poor. our energy future, certainly when the poration in the preceding month. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. September 22, 1981 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 21551 The CCC paid 14.5 percent for its ently impressed by his smooth han­ we have assumed toward that country money in the month before the cur­ dling of each new challenge. in the past. rent 14.5-percent rate was set last Probably no better incident demon­ I would urge support for that resolu­ spring, and USDA analysts reportedly strates Mike's thorough-going ap­ tion <H. Con. Res. 183), and I yield say the cost of money this month will proach to his responsibilities than the back the balance of my time. be 16.5 percent. This could mean an­ arrangements he made for the Nation­ other 2-percent increase in the inter­ al Republican Unity Day-which was est farmers must pay on these loans observed just 1 year ago this month. THE 1984 OLYMPICS IN for 6 months beginning October 1. While the event was planned for a JEOPARDY I do not intend to single this inci­ gathering of Republican candidates <Mr. DYMALLY asked and was dent out especially. but it is a symp­ for public office on the west front of given permission to address the House tom of the brutal and tightening the Capitol-Washington's notoriously for 1 minute and to revise and extend squeeze on the American farmer's unpredictable weather necessitated al­ his remarks.) income during a period in which farm ternate "rain" plans for an indoor Mr. DYMALLY. Mr. Speaker, yester­ prices are too low to be fair by any gathering. Mike took care of all the day. during the course of the debate standard. Maybe another 2-percent in­ details-arranging for radio and TV on House Resolution 183, I yielded crease in interest rates on crop sup­ coverage both in front of the Capitol most of my time to the gentleman port loans does not sound like much, and in the Cannon caucus room in the from Georgia and did not have an op­ but Mr. Speaker, we are in a situation event the elements drove the observ­ portunity to give another reason why I in which every little bit hurts. When ance inside. Fortune smiled on the Re­ think we should seriously consider the farmers are in the kind of economic publicans that day as they met in the passage of the resolution today. situation they face today, every extra sunshine on the west front of the Cap­ What we are talking about with ref­ dollar in additional production costs of itol.
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