April 9, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E437 INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT I urge support for this bill. Pat’s hard work. I commend him for his dedi- OF COLUMBIA FLOOD PREVEN- f cation to those who have served this country. TION ACT OF 2019 f RECOGNIZING YESSENIA HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON MARROQUIN ONJOLI LEE-SALAZAR OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SALUD O. CARBAJAL HON. ED PERLMUTTER Tuesday, April 9, 2019 OF CALIFORNIA OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, I rise to in- troduce the District of Columbia Flood Preven- Tuesday, April 9, 2019 Tuesday, April 9, 2019 tion Act of 2019. The bill would amend the Mr. CARBAJAL. Madam Speaker, I rise to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 recognize Yessenia Marroquin for her Con- today to recognize and applaud Onjoli Lee- (CZMA) to include the nation’s capital in the gressional Women of the Year Award and for Salazar for receiving the Adams County May- definition of ‘‘coastal state.’’ Our bill would cor- all the incredible work she does to improve the ors and Commissioners Youth Award. rect an apparent oversight in the omission of quality of life on the Central Coast. The Youth Award focuses on teenagers who the District of Columbia and would make the Yessenia has been serving our community have overcome personal adversity and cre- District eligible to receive federal funding and for over 20 years through her work at Santa ated positive changes in their lives and their provide oversight for federally issued permits, Barbara Neighborhood Clinics—and she is not community. The program provides businesses, facilities and actions that affect the coastal even 40 years old! She came to this country the community and civic leaders an oppor- waters of the District. The District urgently from El Salvador as a child and has excelled tunity to support young people in their commu- needs the protection of the CZMA because of ever since due to her intelligence, persever- nities and recognize their accomplishments. serious flood risks that currently affect federal ance and good nature. She began at SBNC in Onjoli is the perfect recipient for this award assets, residents and businesses, including college as a volunteer. Over the years, she because despite adversities and challenges, the National Mall and the cluster of downtown has worked as a medical assistant, clinic man- she has become an inspiration and role model federal agencies. ager and now serves as the Director of Oper- for her peers. In an effort to reduce coastal flood risk, ations. She is an unsung hero of SBNC ac- The dedication and leadership demonstrated Congress has authorized a number of pro- cording to her colleagues. She has remained by Onjoli is exemplary of the type of achieve- grams to help states and territories respond to dedicated and calm through multiple chal- ment that can be attained with hard work and floods and mitigate risk through resiliency lenges and the clinic almost shutting its doors. perseverance. It is essential students at all projects. Among these programs, the CZMA Through it all, Yessenia and her warm smile levels strive to make the most of their edu- provides planning and technical services to were a beacon for its employees and patients. cation and develop a work ethic which will assist states in protecting, restoring and devel- She has led numerous initiatives at SBNC that guide them for the rest of their lives. oping coastal communities and resources. have resulted in better patient care, coordina- I extend my deepest congratulations to Once the federal government approves a tion with other community partners and ensur- Onjoli Lee-Salazar for this well-deserved rec- state’s coastal management plan, the state ing SBNC is meeting the needs of the His- ognition. I have no doubt she will exhibit the becomes eligible for grants. Federal actions panic Community. I am glad to recognize her same dedication and character in all of her fu- must be consistent with the state plans and work to make Santa Barbara healthier, espe- ture accomplishments. vice versa. cially for the most vulnerable. f Even though the District is located on two f rivers and has suffered substantial coastal PERSONAL EXPLANATION floods in the past, D.C. was omitted from the RECOGNIZING PAT FARRELL FOR list of eligible states and territories in the HIS REMARKABLE SERVICE TO HON. HAROLD ROGERS THE VETERANS OF ARIZONA CZMA. This oversight probably occurred be- OF KENTUCKY cause the CZMA was passed in 1972—before IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the District achieved home rule. Of note, HON. PAUL A. GOSAR Tuesday, April 9, 2019 under Section 304 of the CZMA, ‘‘coastal OF ARIZONA state[s]’’ include the states and U.S. territories IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, (Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the on Monday, April 8, 2019, my flight was de- Tuesday, April 9, 2019 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- layed and I was unable to make votes. Had I lands, the Trust Territories of the Pacific Is- Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today been present, I would have voted YEA on Roll lands and American Samoa). Absent from this to honor a remarkable constituent of mine Call No. 157; YEA on Roll Call No. 158; and definition is the District, even though the Dis- named Pat Farrell. Pat enlisted in the Navy in NAY on Roll Call No. 159. trict, including the federal complex, is under a 1968, serving as Aviation Electronics Techni- f serious threat from rising sea levels. Because cian until 1971. Following the Navy, Pat territories are included in the definition of worked for the U.S. Postal Service and as a IN HONOR OF CONGRESSWOMAN ‘‘coastal states,’’ it appears that D.C.’s omis- Corrections Job Coordinator. Pat has dedi- EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON sion is a mistake, which only Congress can cated a large portion of his life to working with correct. homeless veterans. In 2013, 2014, and 2015 HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Scientists have predicted that the tides on Pat took the lead overseeing the Tri-State OF GEORGIA the Atlantic Coast could rise two to four feet Homeless Veterans StandDown in Bullhead IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by the year 2100, causing property worth as City, Arizona where he assisted 750 homeless much as $7 billion in the District to be rou- and at-risk veterans. Tuesday, April 9, 2019 tinely under threat by floodwaters. This dam- Pat has been essential to the Homeless Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I age not only includes private homes and busi- Veterans StandDown year after year. After a rise today to honor a distinguished public serv- nesses, but the National Mall, federal buildings successful 2013 StandDown, he secured ant and a dedicated stateswoman, Congress- and three military bases located in the District. $10,300 in funding to organize the following woman EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON who was The Anacostia and Potomac Rivers are both year’s event. Pat continues to give back to the honored in a dedication ceremony in Dallas, tidally influenced, showing tangible salt water veteran community by volunteering with the Texas on April 6, 2019 to rename Dallas effects (and fish), and are part of an HUD & VA Supportive Veterans Housing Union Station in her honor. The former Dallas ‘‘intertidal-zone’’ existing between high and Project and numerous other programs aimed Union Station now bears the name Eddie Ber- low maritime tides. In addition, the Maryland at eradicating veteran’s homelessness. Due to nice Johnson Union Station. and Virginia coastal zones each include the Pat’s efforts, the VA Community Outpatient Since its establishment in 1916, the Dallas tidal Potomac River, with Maryland’s zone Clinic in Kingman, Arizona was also able to be Union Station has stood as a prominent land- ending at the District line. Because of these built. mark for the City of Dallas, serving as a his- factors, the District should be eligible under Pat truly represents what it means to be toric social anchor and an intermodal transpor- the CZMA just like the states and territories al- selfless. The veterans of Mohave County and tation hub—consolidating the five main rail ready listed in the CZMA. the state of Arizona are forever grateful for stations into one and making Dallas a major VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:08 Apr 10, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09AP8.021 E09APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 9, 2019 transit center for the Southwestern United Congresswoman JOHNSON is truly a stellar and Ana Bella. They all love soccer and enjoy States. Just as the Dallas Union Station has example of servant leadership. I am proud to traveling. significantly enhanced the quality of life for the have served alongside her in Congress where I ask all Members to join me in honoring this Dallas area, so has Congresswoman EDDIE her friendship, leadership, and counsel are exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- BERNICE JOHNSON, and I cannot think of a held in high regard by many. nia’s 28th Congressional District, Anita more deserving person to receive this monu- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Quin˜onez Gabrielian. mental tribute. my wife, Vivian; and me, along with the people f Congresswoman EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON is of the 30th Congressional District of Texas serving her 14th term representing the 30th and countless others all across America, in IN RECOGNITION OF THE DESIGNA- Congressional District of Texas.
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