~~_______~ ~I_ ~_ . :, f Senate censures Administration SYear By Nancy Kruh out we will move it to the Ball- No. 2 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, September 5, 1973 58th Year Daily Campus Associate Editor room," Perry said. "We want to The Student Senate voted last discuss the priorities of SMU and night, 23-4, to "vigorously con- start it out by giving the facts." demn" the recent actions of the "If enough students come we Steelman may lose administration, which saw 40 can show the administration that students evicted last week from the student body is concerned Peyton Hall and a new cafeteria about the situation and wants plan implemented in the Student some positive action," Perry ex- SMU to Collins Center's East Cafeteria. plained. By Barbara Bulla County explained that unless the The resolution read: "Be it re- During the meeting, Perry and Daly Ca.uipu Star wr aer 3-judge panel decides to hear the solved, that the Student Senate Student Body Vice President SMU and the surrounding park intervenors' additional plans, "the vigorously condemns the enumer- John Goodwin answered general cities area is currently involved Supreme Court wrote its decision ated actions of the administration, questions concerning the entire in a congressional redistricting and we are not parties to the and abhors the disavowal by the athletic situation. boundary dispute to decide case." In the event the court administration of the raison d'etre "The student affairs area con- whether this area should remain grants the writs of. intervention, of Southern Methodist Univer- sisting of Dean of Residential Liv- in Rep. Alan Steelman's 5th dis- he plans to submit a number of sity." ing James Caswell, Director of trict, as it is now, or whether it alternative plans-"each of which Steelman H. W. Perry, SMU student body Special Services Joan King. Dean should be redistricted into the 3rd would restore the 5th district," he president, explained the use of the of Students Bob Leach and Vice congressional district, represented said. Ingraham on all pending motions foreign phrase in the resolution. President of Student Affairs by U.S. Rep. Jim Collins. "We hope to demonstrate to the has been set for Sept. 14. "It is the favorite saying of Presi- James Wroten didn't want an ath- According to a June 18 decision courts that there are .any number Meanwhile, Democratic mathe- dent Hardin," he said. letic dorm," Goodwin said. "They support Letterman's Hall rendered by the U.S. Supreme of plans fitting closer to the legis- matician Dan Weiser--designer of The student senators questioned wouldn't to be turned over totally to the Court, in order to establish dis- lative intent and have a smaller the new districts under Plan B, the effectiveness of this action be- depar«tmnti. o y.1......c. pr. tricts more equally representa- population variance than Pian B." has filed a response to the Su- fore finatlly passing the resolution. tive in population, Plan B should He cited the three general prin- preme Court decision, asking the During the meeting, Perry said, mised." be adopted by a 3-judge federal ciples involved in this or any re- 3-judge panel to order implemen- "The thrust of this resolution is Goodwin also revealed a recent court. Under this plan, SMU districting question: tation of this plan. 'where is this University going?' discovery by Wroten and Leach be redistricted into the 3rd Hopefully the action will come of seven injured football players would * one man-one vote principle The legal clerk to Judge Hill from the Student Association living in an unfurnished room in district. -that is congressional districting explained the court's position: adoption of this plan meeting I have called. Any ac- Ownby Stadium. "This has been However, should be based on population and "The Supreme Court recommend- challenged by both the tion that needs to be taken needs recently remedied," he said, "and has been not eligible voters. ed very strongly that Plan B be Coun- they have been moved out." Republican Party of Dallas implemented, but didn't foreclose to come from the entire student * community of interests-peo- the resolution was ap. ty and Steelman. Following the the possibility of another plan." body." After ple with a common philosophy proved, Senator Rinda Rubottom Supreme Court's recommended Thus, it appears that ti'e crux of Earlier in the meeting Perry realignment of Dallas congres- over socio-economic and political announced the meeting to be held submitted a recommendation ask- in the same this matter is whether the panel sional districts, motions were filed matters are located in the Student Center's Assembly ing for a boycott of the first home community. will decide to open the case up to, to intervene in the case and pre- additional plans or let the issue Room at 7 p.m. Thursday. "If football game by the entire stu- * compactness-natural district sent alternative plans. While Steel- See Steelman, p. 3 we should have an adequate turn- dent body. man's alternate plan would still boundaries. redistrict SMU into the 3rd dis- Summing up his redistricting trict just as Plan B does, the Dal- stand, Porter concluded, "His- las County Republican Party's torically the Park Cities have Students join administration plans would leave the district been in the 5th district and should boundaries relatively the same as remain there." The hearing be- they are now. fore the panel which includes Attorney Bob Porter, chairman federal judges Robert M. Hill, in fund raising, sustentation of the Republican Party in Dallas William M. Taylor Jr. and Joe By Jeannette Stephenson usual to find students actively available to speak at high schools Daily Campus Staffr Writer participating in the development and luncheon clubs and will be The Student Sustentation Tele- and funding of their university." hosting visitors to the campus and fund will be organized this fall by The organization works parallel participating in Mustang Day. A dministrative paper a rece ntly formed student group, The group's major project for iU Student Foundation. The with the Development Office. yet h mnc nlichrnfin the S1 it is independent of any adminis- the fall, however, i the Telefund, n e of the Foundation, which which will take place durin, ;Octo- evolver trative or governing body. "That d last year in the aftermath andir November. The Founda- dent participation in the is one of the great things about The first issue of a new weekly, SMU NOW, began publication of stu it," Mike Miller, the Foundation's tion hopes to recruit hundreds of Tuesday under the direct supervision of the University Administration. Sustenttation Drive, is to bring president, said. "We have a lot of students to call thousands of Dal. Thile newspaper is a publication of SMU Information Services di- studentts closer to the administra- latitude within which to work." las alumni durinw the period of rected by Joe Sherman and featured stories on faculty and staff tion, the alumni, families and The group does receive $3,000 the Sustentation Drive. changes, University President Paul Hlardin's draft response to the friends of the University through SMU's from the SMU Development Of- Student Foundation is Report of the Commission on the Status of Women, an opinion-letters particilpation at a "high level" of baued upon an oranization of the column and a University calendar of events. Univer sity life. fice with which to fund its activi- ties. Larry Termolen. executive same name at the University of A permanent editor has not been named and until one is found, Channcellor Willis Tate, who Indiana. President Mike Miller director of development, Jeanne Sherman will edit the weekly. Informed sources report the Adminis- gave t he go ahead on the forma- President Mitchell, director of advancement and Vice Pam Godkin, tration is seeking someone with at least five years professional tion of the Foundation last spring, who head the SMU's eleven mem- journalism experience. A salary of $10,500 per year has been mentioned. said of the group: "Who can bet- services and sustentation and Jim Soule, director of bequest and de- her group, traveled to Indiana last The purpose of the newspaper, Sherman said, is to help the progress ter testtify to what happens in the spring and exchanged ideas ferred giving, work with the mem- with of shared governance for the university, and to promote the visibility lives off the students than the stu- bers. "I don't know what you Foundation members there. The of the decision-making process. dens t hemselves? They can do would call us exactly," Termolen University of Indiana group, "I don't know if I like this characterization, but some people have much more than 10.000 speeches nmw said. "Mainly we just sit in on the which was founded in 1949 said that if you're going to report in full things like the evaluation of in the life of a chancellor or 5.000 has a membership of around se . the Report of the Commission on the Status of Women, it will be kind brochu res." He also commented meetings and provide information and advice when we're asked for en hundred. They have railed of like a New York Times approach to the news," Sherman explained, upon the uniqueness of the or- it. The students do all the work." hundreds of thousands of doltai He added SMU NOW will attempt to publish full reports of the ganizaltion,. saying, "It is very un- See FoaedatI s, p. 3 shared governance experiment and other reports from University com- "I think the Foundation is one mittees as the need arises.
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