r PROPERLY PREPARED FOOD Is essential to health and the general comfort of the household. BY THE AID OF COOS'S FEIEITD BAKING POWDER LIGHT, EASILY DIGESTED AND "WHOLESOME ROLLS, GEMS, TEA CAKES, GRIDDLE CAKES, PANCAKES, Ac, can be expeditioiisly prepared. The COOK'S FRIEXD is also useful in PIE CRUST, BOILED PUDDINGS, *&c., saving a large proportion of the usual SHORTENING, and producing more healthy food. IT CONTAINS NO INJURIOUS INGREDIENIS Such as are to be found in many of the baking powders that are being forced on public attention, its principal constituent being the purest Grape Cream Tartar that money can buy. Dyspeptics may use with auvantage food prepared by its aid. Wherever receipts call for one teaspoonful of soda and two of Cream of Tartar, two and one half teaspoonfuls of Cook's Fkibnd will be found to do the work in a superior manuer. THE COOK'S FRIEND Has liad FIE8T PRIZES awarded wherever exhibited. OTTAWA, 1879 ; Toronto and Montreal, 1830 and 1881. BRONZE MEDALS, Toronto, 1880, Montreal, 1881. SILVER MEDALS, do. 1882, do. 1882. do. do. St. John's, Jf. B., 1883. Purchasers should make sure that they are served with the genuine " Cook's Fficiicl." No variation from, or addition to, this name is genuine. RETAILED BY ALL RESPECTABLE STOREKEEPERS IN THE DOMINION. :^^o TliiED, TESTED, PEOVED. THE HOME COOK BOOK. OOVTILBD BT LADIES OF TORONTO AND CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS IN CANADA. SEVENTIETH EDITION. ©oronto : ROSE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Bakkie :—W. B. BAIKIE, 1887 Entered according to Act of the Pakrliament of Canada, in the year ont thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by Bblfobd Bbothsbs, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. CONTENTS. PAOB rAOk Baking Powdeb 165 Bread and Yeast 265 Breakfast and Supper Bdiahes. 140 General Direction for making Oyster Stew 140 Bread 265 Toast 140 Yeast 206-68-69-71 Scrambled E^a. 141 Best Baking Powder 266 French Toast 141 Boston Brown Bread. 267-73 Tongue Toast 141 Salt Rising Bread 267 Lemon Toast 142 Yeast for Bread. 268 Fried Bread in Batter. 142 Bread 269-70-71 Codfish Balls 142 Wheat Bread 272 Codfish Puffs 143 Rice Bread 272 Codfish Mash 143 Splendid Brown Bread 272 Beef Hash 143 Steamed Brown Bread 273-88 Corned Beef Hash 143 Brown Bread Toast 273 Breakfast Steak 144 Travellers' Bread 273 Side Disk 144 Steamed Corn Bread 274 Another Side Dish 144 Old- Fashioned Graham Bread 274 A nice Breakfast Diah 145 Brown Bread 274 Potato Puffs 145 Com Bread •. 274-5 Rice Cakea 145 Indian Bread.. „ 275 Veal Stew 146 Graham Bread 275 6 To stew Mushrooms. 146 Rolls 276 Baked Eggs 146 French Rolls 276-7 Poached Egg« 147 Brown Rolls 277 Omelet (splendid) 147 French Biscuit* 277 Egg Omelet 147 Tea Biscuits 277-87 Omelet. 148 To make Stale Bread or Cake FriedOmelet 148 FresL 278 Friar's Omelet 148 Graham Biscuits 278 French Omelet 14 » Rye Biscuits 278 Baked Omelet. 149 Bans 278-90 Veal Omelet 150 Rusks 279 Cheese Scallop 150 Soda Biscuits 279 Fish ReUsh 150 Cream Biscuits 280 Breakfast Gems 151 Strawberry Shortcake . 280 Potato Cake 151 Orange Shortcake 280 Rice Fritters 151 Apple Shortcake. 280 Breakfast Buns 152 Sally Lunn. 281-90 Quick Sally Lunn. 152 Cream Cakes 281 Breakfast Cake 152 Breakfast Cakes. 281 Rye Cakes for Tea 152 T^ Cakes 281 Jolly Boys 153 Wheat Gems 281 Graham Breakfast Cakes 153 Graham Gems ij- 282 Tea Cakes 153 Pop Overs 282 Cottage Cheese 153 Puffs 283 White Corn Bread 154 Graham Puffs 283 Voailanti Egg Eolla. 154 Fritt«n aS9 IT CONTENTS. PASS MOB Apple Fritters 283 Cocoanut PufFs 224 Rfuffins 283-4 Chocolate Caramels. 224 Rye Muffins 284 Coffee Cream 225 Indian Meal Muffins 284 Orange Cream 225 Waffles 284-6-9 Apple Cream 225 Rice Croquettes 285 Fruit Creams 226 Good Breakfast Cakes 285 Pistachio and Almond Creams 226 Bannocks 285 Italian Cream ... 226 Enj^lish Pancakes 286 Tapioca Cream 226 Muffins for Breakfast 286 Tapioca Meringue 227 Mrs. Curtis' Muffins 287 Lemon Sponge 227 Muffins 287-9 SnowSouffie 227 Bread Cakes 287 Charlotte Russe 228 Gems 288-91 Charlotte. 229 Port Hope Biscuits 288 Rich Charlotte 22!) Coffee Cake 288 Blanc Mange—Arrowroot 229 Sally Lunn for Breakfast 289 Chocolate Mance 229 Com Breakfast Cakes 289-91 Mont Blanc 230 Graham Cakes 290 A simple Dessert 230 Johnnie Cake 291-2 Jellied Grapes 230 Griddle Cakes 291 Candy 259 Splendid Corn Cake 292 Lemon Candy 260 Quick Buckwheat Cakes 292 Cream Candies 260-3 Buckwheat Cakes 292 Everton Toffee 261 Oatmeal Gridd» Cakes 293 Candy 262 Mush 293 Candy Caramels 262 Oatmeal Gruel 293 Chocolate Caramels 262 Bills or Fare 381 Cocoanut Drops 263 Menu 381 Kisses 263 Lunches 381 Molasses Candy 263-4 Dinner 382 Butter Scotch Candy 264 Tea 383 Sugar Toffee 264 Suppers 383 Cakes 295 Allowances of Supplies for too. Icing 296-7, 316 Entertainment 384 Frosting; 296-7 Cold Luncheon for Washing Ice Cream Icing for White Days, or other days of ex- Cake 297 tra labour. 384 Chocolate Frosting 298 Economical Dinners. , , 384 Black Fruit Cake 298 CusTAEDS, Creams, &c 218 Black Cake 998 Rice Custard 218 Cookies 299, 300 Boiled Custard 219 Molasses Cookies 299 Tapioca Cream 219 Sugar Cookies 299 Chocolate Custard 220 Drop Cookies 300 Sago Custard 220 White Cookies 300 Apple Custard 220 21 Poor Man's Doughnuts 300 Caramel Custard 221 Doughnuts 301-303 Floating Island 222 Fried Cakes 301-27 Apple Float 222 Nell's Ginger Cake 301 Whipped Cream 223 Cream Cake 301-22 Spanish Cream 223 Ginger Cakes 302-3-.39 Velvet Cream 223 Gingerbread 302 Chocolate Cream 223-4 WHte Gingerbread 3031 1 CONTENTS. PAOI risi Ginger Spice Cake 303 Nice Little Cakes 320 Walnut Hill's Doughnuts. ... 303 Sandwich Cake 320 Rice Flour Cake 304 Lemon Cheese C«^e 321-25-30 Soft Ginger Cake. 304 Excellent Cake 322 Ginger Cookies 304 P^igCake 322 Spice Cake 304-18 Chocolate Frosting 323 Sponge Jelly Cake 304 23 Washington Cream Cake 323 Fritters 305 Coffee Cake 324-37 Soft Gingerbread 305-15 Delicate Cake 324-26-35 324-28-36 Cream Sponge Cake . ;305 Pound Cake Jelly Cake ;M)5-31-33-35 Gold Cake 325-30 Loaf Cakes ;^06 California Cake 325-26 Light Tea Cakes 306 (Jinger Drop Cakes 326 Feather Cake . 306 White Mountain Jelly Cake, 326 Cocoanut Cake.. .300-10-13-24-9-33 Fried Cakes 327 German Kings 306 Pan Daddlings 327 Pound Cake 307 French Cakes 327 1, 2, 3, 4 Cake 307 Orange Cake 327-41 Rice Cake 307-09-35 White Sponge Cake 329 Cup Cake 308-9-.39 Cocoanut made as Jelly Cake 329 Plain Fruit Cake. 308-319 Marble Cake 331-37 Drop Cake 308 Velvet Cake 331 Sponge Cake 309-15-22-32-34 Lincoln Fruit Cake. 332 German Ladies' Fingers 309 Silver Cake...., 332 White Cake. 300-28 Lucy's Tea Cake 333 Sweet Sandwiches 310 Cake—Washington. 334 . Shrewsbury Cake 310-21 Lemon Cake . , 334 ( "enteiiuial Cake 310 Clove Cake 336 Luncheon Cake 311 PI «in Sponge Cake 337 Plain Sponge for Jelly or Co- Cakes without Butter 337 coanut Cake 311 Composition Cake. 338 Mountain Cake. 311-3 Fruit Loaf 338 Joe's (Jake 311 Orange Cake as Jelly Cake. 338 Chocolate Dressing for Cake. 312 Ginger Nuts 339 Puff C;ike 312 Almond Cake ... 339 Chocolate Cake 312-3-30 Lemon Honey 340 Cottage Pudding 314 Birthday Cake 340 Fruit Cake 314-18-22-36-40 Nell's Chocolate Cake. 340 Crullies i 314 Dal 235 Molasses Cake 31 Dr!XK9 342 Ginger Snaps 315 Tea 342 Winter Sponge Cake 315 Tea d la Rnsse 343 Wedding Cake 316 Iced Tea A la Russe 343 Cake 316 CThocolate 343 Dried Apple Cake 317 C.ffee 343 Cheap and good Cake 317 Currant Wine. 343 Com Starch Cake. 318-28 33-36 Cream Nectar. 344 Cream Puffs 318 Soda Cream 344 Spice Cake 319 Raspberry Acid 344 White Sponge Cake 319 Raspberry Vinegar 34-") Lovely Sponge Cake 319 Blackberry Syrup 345 Vanity Cake 320 Lemon Syrup 346 <$od» Cake ,..,.. 3g0 Splendid Ginger Beer. 346 » CONTENTS. VI pAex Hashed Lamb or Mutton-^ Ginger Wine.^_. 047 Cold Meat Cookery ij|J Currant Wiae. ^*' Eed Spiced Veal ^^ Cream (a Summer Boston ^^ Jellied Veal • ' j^J • • . • •• : , drink) 040 Fricandeau .,.2 • Hot Mulled Wme Sweet Breads..... • • • " ^J| l";^ Champagne Cup „^g Sweet Breads-Broiled -Fried }"^ Claret Cup 343 Calf's Liver Lemon Syrup „ .g Calf's Liver-Stewed j";* |"- Ginger Liqueur ^^^ Calf's Liver-Mann^ ICssence of Ginger. To Roast Venison | Red Currant Cordial. -^-^ To Cook Sliced Ham 1^^ White Currant Cordial f^ Oxford Sausage Whi.key....- ^^ Cherry -^^ Sausages .•.;•• 105 Blackcurrant Cordial Sandwiches J« Ham :J" Ginger Cordial ^^ TravelUng Lunch |"» Cheny CordiaL ., Baked Ham \V^ Lemon Syrup '.^^^ Boiled Ham .....:^ j"" 1«' Cream iSectar •^,-, Boiled and Baked Ham ' Beer Boil a Ham ; Hop 22 To ^^^ ER Etiquette Pork DiMN Salting 108 Domestic Receipts • • • • • • Curing Hams ^^ 2:50 Cook a Ham (vfY &««).. Dishes for dessert To Veal or 23() Boil a Leg of Drifts .._.. To ^ Snow 236 • • • Fruit.. Mutton f! Macedoine of way of Dress- Dish ^^ Sallie Munder'8 A Nice Dessert ^f' ing Cold Meat ^^ An ExceUent Dessert -^^^ Boilld Beef (Cold) 9^ Fish Fiah,xisu, Poul-i"..*- Modeled ^"^ Suggestions as to A la ^^ • Duck : Mock g^ try, &c 64 Omelet White Fish Beef g^ Boiled 61 Beef. ^•••' la Crime. ... •• Spiced 94 Fish d 6.5 from Soup Bones .. for Boiled Fish ^Uat Sauce 65 ^ Halibut, or Sahnon. Baked 66 Baked Black Bass ....
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