rs to SEE STORY PAGE 2 Sunny and Cold Sunny and eold today, clear THEDAILY • FINAL _, and Cold tonight. Partly sunny Red Bank, Freehold tomorrow and continued cold. I Long Branch EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper * 22 PAGES V0134 NO. 159 BED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8.1972 Welfare Has NEW SHREWSBUBY - An fare director, said that the control of their own. dis- from so-called N and F seg- cases, Dr. Greenfield esti- cases in which a family's in- average 40 per cent of Aid to major study is the first to be cipline," Mr. Wells said. ments of discontinued Aid to mated that 732 were in the N come is less than set stan- Dependent Children (ADC) released by any board since Under the flat grant systemi Dependent Children (ADC) segment, and 624 were in the dards. These standards are % cases discontinued with the the initiation of the flat grant welfare recipients are given a eases, F segment. .. less than ADC eligibility stan- advent of the flat.grant sys- system last July. single monthly payment from The total number of N and ' The study was conducted dards, and the aid is also % temreturned to welfare rolls. He said that Dr. Lawrence which they must pay all living F segment cases discontinued fromJuly to November,. 1971. less. This was indicated in a lim- Greenfield and four research expenses and rent Under the July 1,1871 was estimated at During that five-month' peri- Cases Reinstated ited Monmouth County Wel- staff members worked on the old system, they received sep- 1,356, Dr. Greenfield said. od, 44. or 40 per cent;Of the 112 • A total of, 13 of the 21 reins- fare, Board study which also study Mr. Wells pointed out arate payments for everyday The N segment involved aid families were reinstated on tated ADC cases reappeared pointed to a dramatic in- that neither he nor the Wel- expenses and certain special to thefamiliesof: the under- welfare rolls. • on the rolls because of in- crease in the percentage of fare Board influenced the expenses based on Individual employed, and it was •. con- Of the 44 families, 21 reap- • capacity on the part of the wives' working -after their study, and that the board is need, and rents were paid sep- ducted with no federally peared in-the: ADC category male member of the family. ADC aid was cut off. Those not bound to act on the recom- arately. matching funds. The F seg- and 23 were reinstated under And 8 of the 21 cases were who returned to welfare rolls mendations contained in it Explains Study ment — aid to families of the the new Working Poor (WP), .reinstated due to the desertion appeared in both ADC and' "We tried to create an oper- Dr. Greenfield said that the unemployed — operated with program. • of the male over the five- other categories. ation where men like Dr. study involved 112 cases federal matching funds. The Working Poor program monthperiod. Robert Wells, county wel- Greenfield can Work while in which were randomly drawn Of the 1,356 discontinued was Instituted July 1,1971, for See County, Page 2 RobertWells Or. Laurence Greenfield State Senate Eyes TRENTON (AP)-The Re- Beadleston said there were million," he said. He said action on legalizing publican majority in the Sen- no definite estimates on how The Republican leader said gambling would be done inde- ate wants to take a look at the much legalied'fiamblinR could the study of legalized gam- pendently of the work of the possibility of raising new rev- raise for the state. "There are bling would not be tied into Governors Tatf Policy Com- enue from legalizing all forms all sorts of wild guesses that it the tax reform program of the mittee, which is expected to of gambling in the state. could raise $50 million or $500 Cahill administration. issue recommendations soon. Senate Majority Leader Al- fred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- mouth, announced,plans yes- terday for a gambling study commission which he said had the support of "a pretty broad Thieu, U.S. in Rift • group of Republican sena- SAIGON (AP)-SouthTiet- that his government must put peace plan, backed by the tors.". namese-U.S. relations hit a fourth any proposals made in North Vietnamese, calls for Beadleston said a bill will stormy patch today over Paris dealing with South Viet- Thieu's immediae resignation be introduced to create a le- the Saigon government's polit- Dam's political future, they and talks to set up a "cociliat- galized gambling study com- ical future, added., •; . • ' ory government" mission that would be ex- Official sources said Presi- Thieu was said., to. feel that " • Rialitw Staff Photo .Rogers was. asked at the pected to report by June 1. If dent Nguyen Van Thieu was any political settlement must news conference whether the AFTERMATH — This Is what's left of the huge wood furniture manufacturing division of Estey Metal the commission recommended angry at Secretary of State be acceptable to the South •Products Inc., New Shrewsbury, after Sunday night's Intense fire which destroyed the three-block-long Vietnamese government and United. States is flexible on new forms of legalized gam- William P. Rogers' state- the! jSHnposition' of a care- building in Red Bank. bling, the suggestions would ments', at a Washington news that Saigon's views must be, conference last week that the heard. taker-government and on how be presented to the voters in a United States was "flexible" far ahead of the election referendum next November, on provisions of the latest al- Under the U.S.-South Viet- Thieu would, resign. Rogers Beadleston said. lied peace proposal—under nam eight-point peace plan, replied: In his annual message, Gov.. : which Thieu would resign and" disclosed Jan. 25 by President Furnace May Have William T. Cahill urged crea- "Yes, we are. And I think new elections would be held, Nixon and Thieu, new elec- those are considerations that tion Of a commission to study ..Thieu told his ambassador tions would follow a cease- if the other side was inter- the feasibility of off-track bet- to Washington, Bui Diem, to fire. Thieu would resign a ested, in negotiating in good ting. A measure to create that find out whether Rogers' as- month prior to the vote,' in faith, they could raise. I think commission has been in- sertions indicated an erosion which all political factions in- they are perfectly logical, Caused Estey Plant Blaze troduced. of U.S. support for his regime", cluding Communists would be sensible considerations that Beadleston said he thought the sources said. Thieu in- able to participate. we would have to think about. ByB_NVANVLIET but was hung from the ceiling speculate on the loss, saying to a meeting at the Calvary the two study groups would formed American officials with a chimney extending up he couldn't estimate the dam- Baptist Church. not interfere with each other, The revised Viet Cong We are flexible, on those." • RED BANK-A faulty fur- through the roof. ages until he receives infor- Mr. Corson, one of the first even though the Senate group nace may have been the A spokesman for Estey Met- mation from the company and men to respond, said the would study all types of gam- cause of, a fierce fire Sunday als said the building was a to-' its insurance appraisers. flames. were shooting from bling in addition to off-track which destroyed the wood fur- tal loss, but said he has no ThTh e alarl m was turnetd in at thth e soutth end of thth e buildingbildi , betting. niture manufacturing division idea of the value of the build- 7:20 p.m. by :Mrs. Eleanor 'but had completely engulfed Beadleston said he did not RailroadDef ends Plan p y of Estey Metal Products Inc., tag or its contents.. .'. -•-'"-•--Judd of Shrewsbury,• - , wh- o the huge.structure within 30 know how many senators New Shrewsbury. Chief Corsbii declined to-- spotted the fire while enroute . See Burner, Page 2 would sponsor the' bill on the •Red Bank Fire ChiefGar- legalized gambling study com- iett'• W.1 Corson saioVa prellml- mission. But he said "only one To Cut Station Staffs ':fliiii>^\'Uves^tim'.;yesterda7; or two" Republican senators ating clerk and ticket.agent LONG BRANCH -The 1 stations and because most indicates that the 'fire prob- appeared to be philosophically New York and Long Branch positions at stations in five commuters purchase their ablystarted' from a malfunc- opposed to investigating legal- Railroad yesterday defended towns it serves at the Shore. special commuting tickets in tioning oil burner. izing gambling. its plans to eliminate oper- Nathan James, director of the mornings when the sta^ The investigation was made publicity for the railroad, said tions will have full staffs, this hy Chief Corson and Mon- the personnel cuts will not im- service will be unaffected. mouth County:Fire Marshal, To Meet on Sewage pair service and are being un- Positions scheduled to be. Leonard Mack.,.. , dertaken for economy rea- ; •abolished are: Red Bank, op- ;r 'Mr. Corson said the fire MWP, - Asbury programs for which it might ment and for it to extend its sons. erator-clerk (information and started in the.southern end W Park officials .are under court be eligible jn order, to comply 1,000 foot outfall line farther "The number of tickets sold reservation desk) Monday to Wriearly tliree-block-long. order: to meet with state De- with[the earlier ruling. into the ocean. does not justify these jobs.
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