cpc MAY,1977 $1.00 ALSO In THIS ISSUE: SOUTHERn PACIFIC WARTIME HELPERS AnD A BAD CALIFORniA DROUDHT. IIRMlnaHAM TO PORTLAnD: THE 4449'S TRAnsconTinEnTAL dOURnEV HOME TO PORTLAnD IF YOU DON'T OWN THIS ALBUM That's A Shame! Trains RECOMMENDATION IN conjunction with Bill Withuhn's cri· tique of GS-4 4449 beginning on page 22, we would be remiss if we didn't alert you to and warmly recommend the stereo/quad 12-inch LP recording Extl'a 4449 North EXTRA 4449 NORTH (SB4 4507 from Mobile Fidelity Records, 12" LP or TAPE Box 336, Burbank, CA 91503). Bill's article is for the mind. Side 2 of the record is for Seven trackside scenes alongside the the heart-22Y2 minutes of on-board sound Southern Railway mainline between taped from behind the cab as the great Birmingham and Alexandria, includ­ Lima worked up from a standing start to ing two during a storm - thunder 78 mph. Brad Miller's mike captured all: unintelligible shouts behind the backhead; and all. alternating air and steam whistles; undu­ ...And, a complete 22+ minute thrill lating stack talk-an evocation of every­ thing that the mighty machine once meant of a lifetime, in the 4449's cab! to California and now means to (;\ all the nation. A 4449 hosanna. � June 1977 Volume 37 Number 8 $6.98 postpaid, for stereo LP album $7.98 postpaid, for Stereo 8 Tape, Quad 8 Track Tape or Strereo Cassette Tape . '��"':;'. ..: . � ���..... ..... California Residents Add 6% State Sales Tax .... " '.�"" "" 8'"'' ...... »,�_ _• Foreign Customers add $1.50 postage MOBILE FIDELITY RECORDS I . '<?. l �� ..(� P. O. BOX 336 � - ...... :'.'\'" CD-4 QUADl\ADlSC BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91503 •If\ �.' 2 MAY, 1977 No.187 Pacific MAY, 7977 Me s VOLUME 77 NO. 5 KARL R. KOENIG • EDITOR HARR E W. DEMORO ............ EDITOR IA L STAFF TOM GRAY ................. PRO DUC TION STAFF HAROL DC.KO EN IG ........... EDITOR IA L STAFF JOHN PARSON .................... OFF ICEST AFF D. S. RICH TER ................. EDITOR IA L STAFF GARY VIEL BAUM ...... ....•... STAFF LIBRAR IAN Inside Chatham • • • Summer is rapidly rushing in on us, and with it for many of our family Kenneth M. Ardinger ...•............•.... Contributing Staff of readers is a new season of train-chasing activity, both local and on Edward M. Berntsen ..........•........... Contributing Staff longer trips even if only as a portion of an overall vacation. Railroading George R. Cockle ...................•.... Contributing Staff is always a more active pastime during the warmer months. Many just Doug E. Cummings ....•............•.... Contributing Staff will not brave the terrible cold of winter snows and rain to chase trains Tom Eikerenkotter ........•..•..•........ Contributing Staff RobertL. Hogan .......•..•.............. Contributing Staff over, say, Southern Pacific's Donner Pass - was there any snow! - on Don Jewell .....................•........ Contributing Staff an otherwise miserable dark December day but prefer, instead, to Daniel B. Kuhn .....•............•........ Contributing Staff become an armchair railroad enthusiast when the sun is not guaranteed Joe McMillan .. .... ........... ........ .. Contributing Staff to be warm and out. To those of you who watch trains only in summer, Ken Meeker .......................•..... Contributing Staff dust off your camera and notebook, buy a supply of fresh film - trusty PeterJ. Replinger ..................•..... Contributing Staff Virgil C. Staff .........•.................. Contributing Staff old 616 size ceased production this past winter - and take to the F. Hoi Wagner, Jr. .........•..•..•..•..... Contributing Staff mountains. Your time is here. J. Harlen Wilson ..... .................. .. Contributing Staff One might actually" wonder if it really left, however, for neither snow nor rain have been felt much in this West of ours. Drought is somewhat of a new word for western railroading, but it has certainly become appropriate as the summer of 1977 approaches. Across San Francisco qx ©Contents Copyright 1977 Bay from here, for example, the Southern Pacific car washer previously ALL RIGHTS RESERVED used to wash Amtrak streamliners is shut off. Windows are washed by hand, with a bucket! Enthusiasts and some passengers -the new IN THIS MONTH'S PACIFIC NEWS throngs nocking to ride Amneet equipment don't know any other size SOU THERN PACIF IC IN WARTIM E ............... 6 - may not like the smaller windows on Amtrak's new cars. I'll bet the STEA MING WITH TH E 4449 ...................... 8 window washer does. HAWA II TO CA LIFORN IA TO WASH ING TON ... " 16 Elsewhere in this issue we've researched out a brief one-page article YES, TH ER E'S A DROUGHT IN CA LIFORN IA ..... 17 WESTERN LO COMO TIV E NEWS/OU T EAST ..... 18 to go with a pair of photographs brought back from a trip to the Pacific SANTA FE/SCR EAM ING EAG LE ....... ....... ... 19 Northwest by Tom Gray of the original Southern Pacific right-of-way WESTERN PAC IF IC/UN ION PAC IF IC ............ 20 north of Redding through the missing waters of Lake Shasta. As the AMTRAK/SOU THERN PAC IF IC ................. 22 water level lowered, boaters were previously inspecting the tunnels, a MUN I JO TTINGS/BART .................•...... 23 scene repeated over behind Oroville Dam, too, where the Western TH E CAM ER A CAR PHOTO SECTION .....•..... 24 Pacific was rerouted in recent years. Photographs of things popping out CP RA IL PLANS DOUB LE-TRACK ING ....•...... 28 of drying lakes are rapidly becoming too common. though we should at SHOR T STUFF ............. .................... 29 least appreciate the opportunity for a second look at what was NEWS PHOTOS ........... ...... ..... .......... 30 EXCURS IONS ....... ........................... 34 previously nooded. CLASS IF IED/BOOK REVIEWS .................. 35 Tunnels, bridges and miles of right-of-way are not all that the receding lake waters around the West are giving up. First there was that Porter-built 0-4-0Tthat surfaced in 'Idaho and has since been rebuilt by SUBSCRIPTIONS BY DIRECT MAIL In United States, Canada and Mexico: $10.00 for one the Union Pacific's Omaha Shops and is awaiting rains and the year, $18.00 for two years.Single copies $1.00. Foreign: landscaping of a park before it returns to the damsite and a place of $11.00 per year. Foreign - only - First Class and Air honor. After all, the relic helped build the dam. In California, the Mall rates are available upon a specific written request. railroad enthusiast fraternity awaits the inevitable exposure of a reported "railroad locomotive" that turned up in a Central Valley CHATHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY reservoir still under the lowering water level when the local sheriff Post Office Box 283, Burlingame, California 94010 USA searched for additional clues after the discovery of a body. The boiler of • one of the three-foot-gauge West Side Lumber Company's original rod ALL PHOTOGRAPHS (ONLY) ARE PAID FOR UPON PUBLICATION r PACIFIC NEWS is published monthly by Ihe Chatham Publishing engines is reported to have become exposed in a now-<lry High Sier a Company. 1012 Oak Grove Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010. reservoir where it was long ago hauled in for construction work. Facts, (415) 348-0331. Printed in the U.S.A. Second Class postage paid at Burlingame, California 94010. PACIFIC NEWS assumes no responsibility or underwater fantasy? If it doesn't rain a great deal this coming winter for the safe return of editorial or advertising material. Acceptable the answer to any submerged mystery will be all too plainly obvious on photographs are filed for potential future publication and are paid for upon use. Advertising rates are available on request for rate card. the bottom of parched reservoirs. -Karl R. Koenig • CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Post office does not regularly forward 2nd Class COVER: Lined up at the Birmingham, Alabama shops of the Southern Mail and PACIFIC NEWS will not replace copies not forwarded and destroyed by the post office - replacement copies, and post office Railway, ex-Southern Pacific 4449 is joined by Texas and Pacific 610 notification charges, will be billed. Please allow PA CIFIC NEWS at least and Southern's 722 and 4501: West 2, East 2. (J. J. Wheelihan) four weeks for any address changes to insure uninterrupted mail delivery. PACIFIC NEWS 3 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME I 1950 - 1964. Over 300 pages and 750 photos. First Edition - SOLD-OUT Second Edition - Available - Fall 1977, Price - $18.75, Pre-Publication - $17.50 eff. until 8/31/77 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME II 1940 - 1949. Over 200 pages and 400 photos. First Edition - Available - NOW, Price - $16.75 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME III 7th through 10th Streamliner Trains First Edition - Available - Fall 1977, Price - $16.75, Pre-pUblication - $15.50 eff until 9/31/77 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME IV 1st through 6th Streamliner Trains First Edition - Available - Winter 1977, Price - $16.75, Pre-Publication - $15.50 eff until 11/31/77 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME V Motor Cars - Complete. This volume will cover the complete Motor Car fleet of the Union Pacific including its subsidiaries from the early 1900's through the 1940's. First Edition - Available - Winter 1977, Price - $18.75, Pre-publication - $17.50 eff until 12/31/77 The passenger car series books all include equipment and painting & lettering diagrams, many photos of each car showing both sides, ends, exterior and interior details and trucks. All are Limited Edition books individually numbered. • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT CARS of the 1950's First Edition - Available - Summer 1977, Price - $10.95, Pre-Publication - $9.95 eff until 6/30/77 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT CARS of the 1940's First Edition - Available - Fall 1977, Price - $10.95, Pre-Publication - $9.95 eft until 8/31/77 • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT CARS of the 1930's First Edition - Available - Winter 1977, Price - $10.95, Pre-Publication - $9.95 eff until 10/31/77 The freight car series books all include equipment and painting & lettering diagrams, many photos of selected cars built and rebuilt during the period covered.
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