Jackson County’s newspaper since 1923 $1.00 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2019 Vol. 96 No. 5 MUST JACKSON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE READS M Banquet is Feb. 7 Swoope is speaker for event Special to the Floridan The Jackson County Cham- ber of Commerce provided the following biography on ban- quet speaker Gray Swoope: SPORTS A recognized leader in eco- nomic development, Gray Malone boys basketball Swoope has wins big in served both the public and pri- homecoming game vate sectors for more than three decades, most 1B recently as Flor- Swoope ida’s Secretary of Commerce. He LOCAL has held leadership roles for a variety of organizations, as well Forest Service to give trees as managed successful eco- nomic development entities. in communities impacted His management style is de- by Hurricane Michael scribed as focused and stead- fast when it comes to solving CONTRIBUTED PHOTO problems and winning com- 5A The Baptist College of Florida’s Jazz Band will be providing the dinner music for this year’s petitive projects. Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Swoope is also known for building highly effective teams noted for their ability to devise New chairman set to kick off his and implement strategic plans, and to get results. His expertise is international in scope, with ‘Reimagine Jackson’ theme for 2019 a proven track record of suc- cessfully conducting business BY DEBORAH BUCKHALTER Garling said the theme strikes a chord in abroad. dbuckhalter@jcfloridan.com a couple of ways. Swoope served in Governor It has been about 20 years since local Rick Scott’s administration STATE An expert on hurricane recovery will leaders embarked on an “Imagine Jack- (2011-15) as Florida’s Secretary be the guest speaker at the 2019 Jackson son” visioning process. It involved many of Commerce and President Farmers reeling after County Chamber of Commerce banquet public meetings and exploration of the and CEO of its principal eco- on Thursday, Feb. 7, as the organization input offered by many individuals who nomic development organiza- record rain in 2018 introduces its “Reimagine Jackson” theme identified various elements in the county tion,EnterpriseFlorida,Inc.Un- for 2019. that they felt needed attention, improve- der his leadership, Enterprise destroys crops The theme was chosen by incoming ment, or enhancement to further improve Florida completed a record Chamber Chairman Tyler Lipford. 9A Chamber Executive Director Tiffany See BANQUET, Page 11A See SWOOPE, Page 11A Agriculture INSIDE TODAY’S FLORIDAN MALONE HOMECOMING CLASSIFIEDS 10B PUZZLES 5B CRIME 10A LOCAL 3A OBITUARIES 11A OPINION 4A SPORTS 1B OBITUARIES JERRY E. HUSTED JACQUELYN M. LINCOLN DEBORAH BUCKHALTER/FLORIDAN DONNA G. WITHERS In this fi le photo from late 2018, Larry Ford (center with plaque) and his family accept local Farm City Week honors as Corn Farmer of the Year. Ford PAGE 11A recently took 3rd place for Florida in a national-corn yield competition. TODAY’S WEATHER Greenwood farmer takes High: 62 Low: 37 3rd for state in national corn yield contest Sunny Details, 2A Special to the Floridan that year in the No-Till/Strip- Till Irrigated division of the Larry Ford of Greenwood competition. MARK SKINNER/FLORIDAN FOLLOW US was Jackson County Corn Ford won with Pioneer(r) Farmer of the Year for 2018, P1870YHR brand corn, which ailey Calloway is crowned Malone Homecoming and this month took third yielded 240.661 bushels per queen by School Superintendent Larry Moore place for Florida in the Na- acre. on Friday night between the men’s and women’s tional Corn Growers Assoca- B tion’s Corn Yield Contest for See FARMER, Page 11A basketball games against Central High School Jaguars. www.facebook. @JCFloridanNews com/JCFLoridan TH ALL GAMES STARTAT This Newspaper JANUARY 16 •Chipola vs.pensaCola 5:30 &7:30 P.M. Is Printed On Recycled Newsprint Call 718-2311, or visit www.chipola.edu 2A N WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2019 WAKE-UP CALL JACKSON COUNTY FLORIDAN N www.jcfloridan.com 5-DAY WEATHER OUTLOOK Enterprise 61/3/377 Dothan ALABAMA 61/3/388 GEORGIA Donalsonville 62/38/38 Crestview Marianna 63/4/488 62/3/377 Tallahassee Pensacola FLORIDA 64/64/3636 61/4/455 Panama City RIVER READINGS 62/4/422 Chipola (Marianna) — Observed: 14.21’ — Flood Stage: 18’ Chipola (Altha) — Observed: 18.44’— Flood Stage: 22’ Apalachicola (Woodruff Dam) — Observed: 55.48’ — Flood Stage: 66’ Apalachicola (Blountstown) — Observed: 17.99’ — Flood Stage: 17’ Choctawhatchee (Caryville) — Observed: 9.48 — Flood Stage: 14’ NWS observed readings are latest available prior to press time. THE SUN & THE MOON MOON PHASES WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIFRIDDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY ! ! ! ! Last First New Full ! Sunrise..................6:38 a.m. 62 66 72 73 51 Sunset...................5:03 p.m. ! 37 ! 51 ! 53 ! 48 ! 27 Moonrise ...............2:04 p.m. Feb.12 Feb. 4 Jan. 21 Moonset ................2:47 a.m. Jan. 29 Sunny Mostly Sunny Cloudy Rain Partly Cloudy From the Archives: 1973 EDITED BY ANGIE COOK acook@jcfloridan.com Publisher — Valeria Roberts vroberts@jcfloridan.com A look back at local history as chronicled in the Jackson County Floridan. CONTACT US Telephone: 850-526-3614 Cabinet delays decision FAX: 850-482-4478 on academy site Email: editorial@jcfloridan.com The controversy over the site for a police Street Address: academy which has tied up construction of 4403 Constitution Lane the training center for four years cropped Marianna, FL 32448 up again Tuesday and the Cabinet sent the Office Hours: matter back for three more weeks of negotia- Weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tions. The Cabinet instructed its professional site The Jackson County Floridan (USPS selection committee and the General Ser- 271-840) is published each Wednes- vices Department to negotiate with boards day and Saturday. Jackson County that have proposed the top fi ve sites and subscribers should receive their return with fi gures on cost to the state at its mailed edition each Wednesday next meeting Feb. 6. and Saturday. If you did not receive Cabinet members questioned whether they your newspaper, contact customer could make a fi nal decision without offi cial service at 850-526-3614. Peri- declarations from the boards of county com- odical postage paid at Marianna, FL. missioners involved on whether the land for Postmaster please send change of the academy would be given and who would address to 4403 Constitution Lane, pay for installing utilities such as water and sewers. Marianna, FL 32448. The Legislature voted $1 million in 1969 to set up the academy to train 150 policemen, SUBSCRIPTION RATES sheriff’s deputies, highway patrolmen and Mail Delivery: 3 months, $20; other law enforcement offi cers a year. Com- 6 months, $40; 12 months, $78. munities immediately began competing to Electronic Edition: E-Edition is free have the facility. with a paid print subscription. A selection committee report presented to Get digital access with unlimited web the Cabinet Tuesday recommended its top and mobile web access to JCFloridan. choices: two sites in Gadsden County and com and our electronic replica edi- two sites in Leon County. tion for $6.00 per month. Requires A fi fth site, which the report did not mention, EZ Pay. All prices listed are subject to is in Jackson County. Florida sales tax (if applicable). Rep. Wayne Mixson, D-Marianna, and Bill Stanton,Jackson County Chamber of Com- ADVERTISING merce executive vice president, visited all Cabinet members Monday to lobby for their The advertiser agrees that the pub- site. T lisher shall not be liable for damages hey said county offi cials made a fi rm com- arising out of errors and advertise- mitment to give an old air base site, on which ments beyond the amount paid for utilities would be installed at no cost to the the space actually occupied by that state. —JACKSON COUNTY FLORIDAN, portion of the advertisements in WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17, 1973 which the error occurred, whether In Jackson County, seven practicing midwives — Chrystelle Smith and her such error is due to the negligence of Midwives in Jackson County daughter, Little Sallie Snell, from near Grand Ridge, Liza Christian near Bas- the publisher’s employees or other- delivered 78 babies last year com, Edna Pittman from the Jacob community, Flossie Russ near Campbell- wise, and there shall be not liability Resurgence in the art of midwifery is evident, even in the United States, ac- ton and Annie Mae Jackson near Marianna — delivered 78 babies last year. for non-insertion of any advertise- cording to health columnist, Dr. Lester L. Coleman, who says that 80 percent Three of the local midwives have facilities set up in their own homes for ment beyond the amount paid for of all children in the world are reportedly delivered by midwives. deliveries, but most deliver babies in the patient’s home. such advertisement. This newspaper In many areas of the world, midwives are used to replace the overburdened —JACKSON COUNTY FLORIDAN, will not knowingly accept or publish physicians in the community, and in other areas, midwives are used because WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17, 1973 illegal material of any kind. Adver- of fi nancial reasons. tising which expresses preference based on legally protected personal characteristics is not acceptable. Today in History Today is Wednesday, Jan. 16, Roald Amundsen of Norway HOW TO GETYOUR the 16th day of 2019. There are Thought for Today and his team had gotten there NEWS PUBLISHED 349 days left in the year. Thought for Today: “A fanatic is a man that does what he ahead of them. In 1935, fugitive gangster The Jackson County Floridan will thinks th’ Lord wud do if He knew th’ facts iv th’ case.” publish news of general interest free Today’s Highlight in History: Fred Barker and his mother, — From “Mr.
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