ForestryForestry inin ZhanjiangZhanjiang PrefecturePrefecture Prof.Prof. XieXie YaojianYaojian ChinaChina EucalyptEucalypt ResearchResearch CentreCentre ChineseChinese AcademyAcademy ofof ForestryForestry HeadlinesHeadlines 1.1. BasicBasic introductionintroduction ofof ZhanjiangZhanjiang forestryforestry andand forestryforestry industryindustry 2.2. EucalyptusEucalyptus plantationplantation practicepractice inin ZhanjiangZhanjiang 3.3. BriefBrief introductionintroduction ofof LeizhouLeizhou ForestryForestry BureauBureau Zhanjiang, Guangdong Total area: 12471 square kilometers Population: 607.29 million Typical picture of Zhanjiang eucalyptus sugarcane 1.Basic1.Basic introductionintroduction ofof ZhanjiangZhanjiang forestryforestry andand forestryforestry industryindustry GeographyGeography andand climateclimate GeographyGeography position:position: 109109ºº31'31'-- 110110ºº55'55' E,E, 2020ºº12'12'-- 2121ºº35'35' N.N. AnnualAnnual precipitation:precipitation: 14171417--1802mm1802mm AnnualAnnual AverageAverage temperature:temperature: 22.822.8--23.523.5ººCC AnnualAnnual sunshinesunshine hours:hours: 1817.71817.7--2106.02106.0 AccumulatedAccumulated temperaturetemperature (>10(>10ººC):C): 8335.18335.1ººCC NorthernNorthern tropicaltropical oror southernsouthern subsub--tropicaltropical climateclimate BasicBasic DataData ofof ZhanjiangZhanjiang ForestryForestry Area of forestry land: 304,716 ha Forest coverage: 23.4% Area of eucalyptus: 169,611.1 ha euclyptus Area of casuarina: casuarina pine 22,188 ha mangrove Area of pine: 25,848.5 ha other Area of mangrove: 7,716 ha Area of other trees: 46,919 ha Mangrove forest BasicBasic DataData ofof ZhanjiangZhanjiang ForestryForestry OwnershipOwnership CollectivesCollectives andand farmers:farmers: 236,013236,013 haha LeizhouLeizhou ForestryForestry township and farmers Bureau:Bureau: 47,18747,187 haha Leizhou Forestry ZhanjiangZhanjiang FarmsFarms Bureau Zhanjiang Bureau:Bureau: 21,51521,515 haha Farmers Bureau StandingStanding volumevolume TotalTotal standingstanding volume:volume: 11,657,54511,657,545 mm3 StandingStanding volumevolume ofof eucalyptus:eucalyptus: 6,923,7196,923,719 eucalyptus m3 caruarina m pine casuarinacasuarina;;1,193,8661,193,866 others mm3 Pine:Pine: 1,607,6741,607,674 mm3 Others:1,110,933Others:1,110,933 mm3 ImportantImportant seedlingseedling productionproduction basebase 300300 nurseries,nurseries, 1010 havehave aa productionproduction ofof 10,00010,000 cuttingscuttings perper yearyear TotalTotal production:production: 380,000,000380,000,000 cuttingscuttings ofof eucalyptuseucalyptus perper yearyear sellingselling toto Guangdong,Guangdong, GuangxiGuangxi,, HainanHainan.. Farmer’s nursery ForestryForestry AdministrationAdministration 11 prefectureprefecture levellevel forestryforestry bureaubureau 88 countycounty levellevel forestryforestry bureaubureau 7373 forestforest stationstation (township)(township) 66 forestforest policepolice subsub--bureaubureau 44 forestryforestry policepolice stationstation TotalTotal staff:staff: 12001200 KeyKey InstitutionsInstitutions ofof ForestryForestry ChinaChina EucalyptEucalypt ResearchResearch CentreCentre // SouthSouth ChinaChina ExperimentExperiment Nursery,Nursery, CAFCAF ForestryForestry Department,Department, GuangdongGuangdong OceanOcean UniversityUniversity TheThe ForestryForestry InstituteInstitute ofof LeizhouLeizhou ForestryForestry BureauBureau ZhanjiangZhanjiang MangroveMangrove ReservationReservation BureauBureau ZhanjiangZhanjiang ForestryForestry InstituteInstitute ExportationExportation ofof woodchipswoodchips (eucalyptus)(eucalyptus) yearyear Volume (ADT) yearyear Volume (ADT) 19911991 186,000186,000 19981998 352,000352,000 19921992 121,000121,000 19991999 380,000380,000 19931993 302,000302,000 20002000 405,000405,000 19941994 426,000426,000 20012001 385,000385,000 19951995 527,000527,000 20022002 507,000507,000 19961996 410,000410,000 20032003 447,000447,000 19971997 503,000503,000 20042004 478,000478,000 WoodWood processingprocessing enterprisesenterprises WoodchipsWoodchips mills:mills: 2626 MDFMDF mills:mills: 33 VeneerVeneer mills:mills: 5252 OtherOther smallsmall processingprocessing mills:mills: 474474 VolumeVolume consumedconsumed inin processing:processing: 603,652603,652 mm3 EucalyptusEucalyptus wood:wood: 550,686550,686 mm3 PinePine wood:wood: 6,6436,643 mm3 OtherOther wood:wood: 4,2334,233 mm3 26 woodchips mills 52 veneer mills 3 MDF mills Other small mills: 474 2.2. EucalyptusEucalyptus plantationplantation practicepractice inin ZhanjiangZhanjiang Old eucalyptus plantation with poor species & no tending E.urophylla clone (U6) plantation of 3 yrs at Zhanjiang 2.1 Eucalyptus Cultivation ☆ Site preparation: Tractor plough in flat areas, hole cultivate on steep slopes. ☆ Density: 1.5m×3.0m / 2.0m×3.0m (plain area), 2.0×2.5m (mountain) ☆ Base fertilizer: Compound fertilizer 250g + phosphates 250g per tree ☆ Additional fertilizer: Nitrogen fertilizer 100g + compound fertilizer 150g per tree from 1st yr to 3rd yr ☆ Tending: Clean up weeds and bushes in first 2 yrs Site preparation at plain area Site preparation at mountain area Base fertilizer Additional fertilizer Tending Yong plantation of E.urophylla clone in plain area FarmersFarmers’’ forest,forest, highhigh densitydensity 1 X 1.5 m,6660/ha 1 X 2 m,4995/ha 2.22.2 SeedlingsSeedlings andand cuttingscuttings propagationpropagation TissueTissue cultureculture——stepstep byby stepstep Initiation phrase Proliferation TissueTissue cultureculture——stepstep byby stepstep Plantlets transferring from bottles to open air soil pots TraditionalTraditional methodmethod ofof seedlingseedling productionproduction Cuttings collection Cuttings ready for inserting New inserting cuttings Cutting ready for planting TraditionalTraditional methodmethod ofof seedlingseedling productionproduction Watering Root curling problem South China Experiment Nursery (SCEN) Eucalyptus cuttings propagation in greenhouse SeedlingSeedling productionproduction usingusing modernmodern machinerymachinery Production line Tray separation machine Medium filling machine Tray cleaning machine SeedlingSeedling productionproduction usingusing modernmodern machinerymachinery Cuttings inserting to trays Transportation in SCAN Cuttings in shading house ready made cuttings New tray with light medium, straight roots Plastic bag with soil medium, curling cutting roots 2.32.3 GrowthGrowth ¾¾ atat LeizhouLeizhou ForestryForestry BureauBureau inin ZhanjiangZhanjiang,, thethe averageaverage MAIMAI ofof plantationplantation (35,000(35,000 ha)ha) isis aboutabout 22m22m3/ha/yr./ha/yr. ¾¾MAIMAI ofof thethe bestbest plantationplantation inin ZhanjiangZhanjiang isis 4545 mm3/ha/yr./ha/yr. Height curve 20 15 soil A 10 soil B height(m) 5 0 1yr 2yr 3yr 4yr 5yr 6yr 7yr Diameter curve 16 14 12 10 soil A 8 soil B 6 diameter(cm) 4 2 0 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5 yr6 yr7 MAI curve 35 30 25 20 soil A 15 soil B 10 MAI(m3/a.hm2) 5 0 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5 yr6 yr7 MAI increasing from 1960,s to 2004 at Leizhou Forestry Bureau (from Mo Xiaoyong ) 25 22.5 20.19 20 17 15 MAI (m3/ha.yr) 10 7.05 5.1 5 4.17 3 0 60's 70's 80's 90's 1999 2002 2004 E.Urophylla clone in Zhanjiang ( MAI=38 m3 / ha·yr ) ABL12(W5) in Zhanjiang (MAI=35 m3 / ha·yr ) 10-month-old coppice of first generation (7m) 2.4 Manual harvesting 2.4 Economic benefit analysis of eucalyptus plantation Cost & income calculation(according to woodchips price in 2004 ) items Amount & price Money Rotation period 5 years Standing volume 10 m3 / mu Wood production 7.5 m3 / mu Fresh weight of wood 9 ton、300 yuan / ton 2700 yuan / mu Cost Establishment cost Site preparation,fertilization,seedling 350 yuan / mu Harvesting cost 70 yuan / m3 525 yuan / mu Land rent fee 30 yuan / mu.yr 150 yuan / mu Interest of invest 3% of establishment cost 52.5 yuan / mu Sub-total 1077.5 yuan / mu Tax and Forest fee 10% of sales income 270 yuan / mu fee Increment tax cancelled Native tax cancelled Protection fee 5 yuan / m3 37.5 yuan / mu Quarantine fee 0.5% of sales income 13.5 yuan / mu Sub-total 321 yuan / mu Total income 2700 yuan / mu Total cost 1398.5 yuan / mu Total benefit 1301.5 yuan / mu Annual benefit 260.3 yuan / mu·year 3.3. LeizhouLeizhou ForestryForestry BureauBureau EstablishedEstablished sincesince 1954,1954, statestate ownershipownership ConsistConsist ofof 99 forestforest farms,farms, 11 institute,institute, 11 MDFMDF millmill andand 11 company.company. TotalTotal staff:staff: 2800,2800, includingincluding 480480 scientificscientific staffstaff TotalTotal area:area: 50,00050,000 ha,ha, forestryforestry land:land: 42,00042,000 haha 90%90% ofof forestryforestry landland are:are: eucalyptuseucalyptus plantationplantation ItIt isis called:called: ““kingdomkingdom ofof eucalyptuseucalyptus inin ChinaChina”” TotalTotal standingstanding volume:volume: 1,910,0001,910,000 mm3,, annualannual incrementincrement volume:volume: 611,00611,00 mm3 Thank you! 谢谢! 2004年资源清查数据表明,雷州林业局桉树人工林面积已 达3.0万hm2,总蓄积量192万m3,年总生长量61万m3。桉树无性系 速生丰产林年平均生长量达到22.5 m3 /hm2 .a。 桉树营林技术整体水平已达到国内领先地位。.
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