mac@-6rlofiro'lscm oalocllo fir<Tr|d.gSs 30.10.2019 ocl aqrlsl qJlo@coaoEnps@losr oglom)atmc,JrittaDl6d O.l CAlo oqddl (C1,ed,ooo.,@d : _ o..O.Tot.$ (relorl.o rl|.to@n) ("Ot) coc$a ofla(Droea osm])clcru,kd o.ar<)eJls ttS,lo co'loconreo (nO) a6nttu)eltrro'lrog oa..m1a1s sercrru,xD clad eOCmla:cn cualXj qcorn 2016 og6ilas q<ontr OIC6!(r) 2o1S o&oj('E 2019 oJ(6)('d 2019 oq<nrpi 31 ooo cns"glleJcolollg&€ G'o(')cf|I 31 o.Joo msSpeLcaolor.lglgp o.nuoilagos .r.tClrO'lop;eis o!<oocotoo errrpcococ; goiloc{ oJlaocco@6dBs8 ngcocto<u,l cnco5ncruo oll<adlaola<m .l$a oralocococ: Ic'Ed oq.Jdd6,l(ml, (6ntl) u"U,o Qgcr:tnroro," rnsrJbc@n',,.1cD. ojlca(3gosao (6nl) cDtDotrfi\lo | | crgel a-qd6nb. o.roloemrnojiagg nrrll)o)laeos oiknocotoanrgE eiclag@cac: (mt) o.tgggencJlroE truocoj{;ge o,sqD6m eero (m!) cnc$a cnlco;cea o6m:)qJ1otoroer @Bt3cro('D' 6,or€e6.)6g gnro"ggollmcnd aJgeocrcrtd (U)s!or5m rrilcJoiei|s. "!6tot$"dl GrOoodi€.motkD' adlqrrrllogrm o.roc<o1 rgauo/lrrio.g5lga6rec : oikarjlaolecac: {nrt) gg<o- o.rclooolcrrnojlcn" rnso.rdl o:Jtaolccoc? (nrr) raetlloofi sRJa' o<nragci oaolmrri orocn6Tumlje I st Estimate No Name of Work Panchayath Amount Remarks in Lakhs I rurnual malntenance of Anthikkad L.I.Scheme for the year 2016-17 Anthikad 1.10 Work completed . _.r.esr 2 rrrqrrrrErrdulc (Jr rarucnal L.l.Scheme for the year 2}l6-t7 Chazhur 1.60 Work com?leted . s-u.uqr rrr<urrre!r.rnce oI valaungal L.l.Scheme for the year 2016-17 Chazhur 0.80 Work Annrrrl *^i^r^----- ,a ggmpleted 4 qrrls or Aznlmavu L.l.Scheme for rhe year 2016-17 Thanniam o.42 Work complered Annual maintenance of Etrumuna L.I.Scheme for the year 2016-17 Cherpu 1.07 Work Annual mainrcnAnm;?-"'--- complered 6 Kolothumkadavu L.l.Scheme for the Chazhur ----.-_-----.-.-yeat 2016-t7 0.56 Work Annrro l * --:---::- completed 7 ^:-.^--, drrsc or"- Hootharakkal L.r.Dcneme tor the year 2}l6-t7 Cherpu Work Annrrrl .:,-..,..,,.u comnlFtp/l .._-..--. --:- rce ort nortanchira- I Kannan_chfua L.l.Scheme for rhe year 20t6-17 Thanniam 1.60 Work h ..."^,j*,_r|lc er,vlrnlKkad lQlnplered 9 ; l-:_:^ L.r.bcneme tor the year 2Ol7-tR Anthikad r.68 Work Annual completed 10 maintenance of paruchal L.l.)cneme for the year 2Ol?-tR Chazhur 2.94 Work iur.,ruar comnlPap,-l 11 uratnrenance of Valavingal LJ.Jcneme tor the year 2O17-1A Chazhur 4.44 Work Annrrel ...-..l...,arrLrno;-+--^- -- ,r sslnplered ur nznlmar .l 72 : I ^_:' Lr.)cneme lor the year 2Ol7_lB Thanniam 0.14 Work complered I? runual malntenance of Etrumuna L.l.Dcneme tor the year 2017- l R Cherpu l.t)5 Work Annrral comnlFra,J _ _-^._*, .r.qr.rrsuautg-^;-.^l (JI t4 Kolothumkadavu L.I.Scheme for the Chazhur year 201 7- l8 Work complered IJ ffnuai matntenance of pootharakkal L.r.)cneme tor the year 2ol7_lR Cherpu 1.47 Work n n r r e r comnlprc.l ..__-__.^ --lliIIlF-=----.:._.....,rdrllr ur r noftanchlfa_ 16 Kannanchira L.LScheme for the year Thanniam 2017-18 o.99 Work r,rooo completed '17 Ketret works for rhe year 20lg_ l9 - AnthrRad LI Scheme Anthikad 5.00 Work rlooo complered 18 Kelrel works for the year 20lg-19 - Parucnal u scheme Chazhur 2.00 Work pol;^r,.,^-r.- Floo/ .._..:. ,,vr^J r- -gqnpleted l9 __,__ rur rne year zulu-lg - I nortanchira LI Scheme Thanniam 1.00 Work completed Flood ZU work, f* ;;;;oEI - Kolothumkadavu-Relief Ll Scharn. Chazhur 1.00 Work .rutru Kellef works for comDleted the year 20lg_19 Thanniam, 'Azhimavu & Valavinoai ir c^u-_^- Chazhur 5.00 Work complered 22 ":"-u:,"u,r:l works for rhe year 2018-19 jo_?rla laki(at U scheme Cherpu 3.00 Work complered ZJ 'tJvt.t neuer works tbr the year 20lg-19 Cherpu 5.00 Work K v, vdrr(rus ponds completed :-*..,..,.6 in chazhur 24 ranciayath Chazhur s.26 Work H Tendered. :,-...,..5 v. vdrrous ponds in paralam ZJ rancnayath Paralam 6s9 Work H Tendered. vr vdrrarus Ponds ln Thanniam 26 vanchavath;*",'"'6 Thanniam 3.13 Work Tendered. v, vdr rous ponds in Cherpu vanciavath;_*.,.".6 Cherpu 3.66 Work Tendered. ur v.rf 28 rous ponds in Avinissery vancnayath;_":,-1",6 Avinissery 5.37 Work Tendered. )o ffilr-y"rkr to the canai of Valavingal Lr bcneme Chazhur 10.00 Agreemenr executed 30 to the canal of Enumuna ;"3:i'#:'*, Cherpu 20.00 nepalr works Work started ?1 to the canal of Anthikad LI DCneme Anthikad 20.00 Agreement exqcuted Flood Relief works for the year 2018_ l9 Steps are 32 - K€construction of Kallumkadalu sluice Thanniam being taken ln I nanniam panchayath 25"00 for issuing rvruror __--:o-..,..rrno,r,^--r_illiiFli----- TS ,, . lrqJr !r De lemes under- flantha _ Agreem€nr Keralam Improvements to l,oovachlkulam in Avintsserv Avinissery 9.50 executed Panchavath cjylu l.(e e_r works tor the year 20lg_ig Work 34 - va.taungal LI . is in Scheme Reconstruction Chazhur ot vatavingal pump 15.00 Progress H House 50% Lxtens lon of Anthikad Lift Irrigarion work completed scheme ro Wards 3,4 &S of Anthikad turrhikad 43.00 Qrama Panchavath r i------ vvrrJrr^-lillll-l?il:- uLrruu er ^rznupplllRkara Lift Thanniam 395.00 36 lrrgarion Scheme in Thanniam 260/o work vanchaayath, Thrissur District completed PM 2017-18 - neno*tion *ort 16tfr!- slurce Work ofThottanchira LI Scheme in t nrrssur District Thanniam 44.96 completed Laying of pipe line from main kole chal Work can be 38 up to rhe leading chal of pootharakkal Cherpu 13.6s taken up on LI Scheme next dry Ll^-l.L r---i season rqr ru r<r^ tmprovemenB 39 .! ^Eralam. to Work varanat(ulam in panchavath Cherpu o.70 Cherpu complered nanma K€ralam - 40 Improvemens to Work Choran Kulam in paralam panchayath Paralam 1.50 completed Haritha Keralam - 41 Improvemenrs to Work 9!1mba Kole in paralam panchayath Paralam 1.20 completed rvur\t-.l - rfo\/lqrng ostnDution lines for Steps are extension of Anthikad Uft Irrigation 42 being taken Scheme to Wards 3, 4 & 5 of Anthikad Anrhikad 44.00 for issuing _Pa!chayath TS Kenovarjon of tanks and ponds under Agreemenr 43 Haritha Keralm - Improvimenrs ro Avinissery 13.00 executed Chomakulam in Ayinissery panchayath Renovadon of tank and ponds under Steps are 44 Haritia Keralm - Improvemen$ being ro Avinissery 1-65 taken Kakkani in Avinissery panchayath for issuing IJ Renovation of tanks and ponds under Steps are 45 Hantha Keralm - Improvemenrs to Chaahur 23.OO being taken IGllekulam in Chazhur panchayath for issuing TS .reyqrr- wer-r(). ro me Dund ot the leading Anthikad 19.11 Work 46 chat of Anrhikad Lift lrrigation Schemj Tendered. No response .ur.!uar malnrenance of Anthikkad Work L.I.Scheme for rhe year 2019-20 Anthikad 2.91 .luruar Tendered. 48 matntenance of paruchal L.l.Scheme for the year 2019-20 Chazhur 1.79 Work Tendered. maintenance 49 I f1r3l of Valavingal I L.t.lcneme tor rhe year 2079-20 Chazhur 1.54 lWork .A-n!i^l L,.rgqr -:-.- lTendered. 50 -.lrc1|rrs.r.tuce OI AZnlmaVU L,l.Scheme for the year 2019_20 Thanniam 0.83 Work Teqdered. .Ah-r'^l _r..gg. -:- 51 -.u<rlr.rgrlauce or l,cumuna L.l.Scheme for rhe year 2019-zo Cherpu 1.10 Work Annual mai"to-o-l-J fendered. s2 Kolothumkadaw Ll.Scheme for the Chazhur year 2Ot9-20 0.20 Work Teqdered. {.uqqr 53 Mrcurlclrance Ol poothafakkal L.l.Scheme for the year 2019-20 Cherpu 0.64 Work AnnuaI mai"to..^--]ffiIl TeDdered. 54 nun"r'i." I1n il. JJi,-"ri.'f;; Hl'!):lJ; Thanniam '| 20,9-2A r? Work nH Tenderprl rr rrdrrula[eralam _ )5 Construction of salt water extrusion AS obtained Steps sluice in.ward l3 at palappeny beach Valappad 30.00 arc arappa thodu in Valappad panchayath being taken for issuins TS MI Class II Harithakeralam - AS obtained Construction of salt warer exffusion Steps are Natdka 25.00 sluice in Angandi thodu of ward 9 in being taken Nattika Panchayath for issuing TS Revamping of LlS-lmprovements to the Work south branch canal of Valavingal completed L.I.Scheme Chazhur 20.8S MPLA,DS 2A16-2017 - Sri. C.N. Work Jayadevan -Chennam Lift lrrigation 5U completed Project in Ward No 1 I of Paralam Grama Panchayath. Paralam 7.00 )v Repair works to rhe NRVs of Anthikad Work Lift Irrigadon Scheme- Thrissur District. Anthikad 0.23 completed 8€,ry:- o(tuar(t oodlmr6 dn(!fi!flDc ll t Jo{crolcDlos a.!d rJoeb ol6)(d 6ocr6a(rrc6loio oJoo@lg8 aocoj 6nJer6.!s]6oeJlo sco',laBlo New Pruposal in Nattika constituercy Name of Work and head Panchayath Remarks Renovation work to Chennangarakulam in Estimate 1 Cherpu Panchayath-Renovation of tanl6 Cherpu under and ponds under Harithakeralam DreDaration Estimate Renovation works to Valiyakulam in under z Thanniam Thanniam Panchayath - MI Prioriry PreParation Estimate Renovation work to Edaparamban kulam Nanika under in Chazhur panchayath-Ml Prioriry Dreparation Estimate Extension of nonh branch canal of .t Nattika under valavingal LI Scheme - MI Prioriry Dreparation Renovation work to Peruvanam kundukulam in Cherpu Panchayath Estimate ) Cherpu -Renovation of tanla and ponds under under Harithakeralam preparation Renovation works to Thiruwllakavu Temple pond in Cherpu Panchayath Estimate 6 Cherpu -Renovation of tanks and ponds under under Harithakeralam preDaration Flood damages - Side protection works to Puthenthodu from NH 17 East Tippusulthan 7 Nattika road near Regency club in Nattika Estimate panchayath prepared M,l.CIass II-CONSTRUCTION OF SAIT WATER EXTRUSION SLUICE ACROSS 8 Nattika PUTHEN THODU lN WARD NO:VII OF E:stimate NATTIKA PANCHAYATH prepared Construction of salt water extrusion sluice 9 at Kadaletta arappa in ward no: I of Valappad Esrimate Valappad panchayath- MI Class II orepared Construction of salt water extrusion sluice 10 in Chemmappully rhodu in ward no: Wll of Natdka Estimate Nanika panchayarh-MI Class ll prepared Flood damagesJmprovements to Estimate ll Nattika Vallamuchira in Nattika Panchayath prepared Construction
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