Bloodstained ritual of the night monster blood Continue Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise stated. Author crowbarzero / June 20, 2019 Guide as I fill the enemy drops in the game. Other Bloodied: Ritual Night Guides: Enemy Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3 Drop 4 Drop 4 Shard Morte - - - - - - - - - - - Seama - Writhing Limb 12% - Halite 5% Cerulean Splash 3% Cannon Morte SP Rounds x3 10% Cannon Scrap 12% HP Rounds x3 Flame 3% Elms 4% Cannon 2% Aello Tomato 8% - Lemon 4% Monster Bird Tear 8% Gail Crawler 4% Ghost Ectoplasma 10% - Ether 6% Alkahest 12% Challenge Ghost Dallahammer Sea Urchin 8% Bronze 12% Dallahammer Helm 3% Iron 8% Head Flail 4% Giant Rat a Cheese 12% Rat Tail 10% - Rat Teeth 4% Challenge Rat 4% Bone Mort - Melting Bones 15% Stone Mask 4% Melting Skull 5% Bone Throw 4% Bat - Small Webbing 15% - Bat Fang 5% Challenge Bat 3% Giremund - Houndskin 10% Ulfberht Sword 1% Demon Dog Fang 5% Challenge Gieremund 4% Blood Grinder Scale Armour 4% Iron 10% Spiral Sword 2% Steel 5% Heretic Grinder 4% Sabnock Long Sword 8% Leo Mane 12% Obsidian 5% Steel 8% Sword Expertise 4% Moco Weed Moco Oil 12% Cotton 8% Fei Leaf 6% Moko Leek 12% Flytrap 4% Toad Eye Toad 8% - Toad Heart 2% Release Toad 3% Plume Plume Plum Pork 12% - Pork Cutlet 1% - Challenge Plume Parma 4% Barbatos HP Rounds x3 12% Terrible Rag 12% 12% AP Rounds x5 Cannabis 5% True Arrow 4% Carabosse Faerie Medicine 8% Fairy Dust 10% Fairy Elixir 4% - Familiar: Carabosse 4% Simian Ring 10% Monster Blood 10% - Monster Fur 3% Challenge Simian 3% Zagan Beast Beef 8% Monster Horn 12% Rennet 15% Beast Milk 8% Alchemical Bounty 2% Poltergeist Alkahest 10% Oak 10% - - - Welcome Company 4% Ordog - - Curry Powder 3% - Acid Jet 4% Gargula Stonetau 10% Gargulya Stone 10% - Obidian 8% Peter Ray 4% Killer Barber - Barber - Sharp Razor 10% Rhava Berl 4% - Dagger Expertise 4% Demon - Sinister Fan 10% - Evil Heart 4% Increase INT 5% Buer - Leonin Pelt 10% Cocoa 2% Monster Fang 5% Challenge Buer 4% BonNya - - Cat Ears 6% - Riga Storama 5% Skif Klesch Mithridates 10% Grotesque Shell 6% Yad 5% Vespein Stinger 3% Insect Challenge 4% Dallahhammer Head Dallahhammer Helm 5% - - - - Familiar: Dallahammer Chapter 2% Buer Armor Iron Breastplate 8% Steel 8% - Ruby 5% Challenge Buer 5% Wolfman Wool 12% Sinister Pelt 12% Wolf Hood 6% Lycan Claw 8% Beast Keeper 5% Thunder Elementary - - - - - Emerald 5% Resistance Thunder 4% Shipping Mort - Iron 8% - Oak 4% Firearms Examination 5% Dantaline - Strange Skin 8% - Tom Scrap 6% Familiar: Dantalion 4% Rul'sha Lemon 8% - Flame Whip 4% Ruby 5% Sacred Shadow 4% Decarabia - Strong Leather 8% - - - - - - Circle Ripper 5% Shovel Armor Shovel 6% Steel 10% Ex Shovel Armor 3% Sapphire 5% Challenge Shovel Armor 4% Malediction Stonethaw10% - Harpe 3% - Resistance Petrification 2% Celaeno Strawberry 10% Thunderbird Plume 8% G-Bone Steak 5% Monster Bird Hair 6% Teps Oceus 4% Outsider Bone Floating 12% Silver 10% Steel Chest Plate 4% Sinister Skull 5% Director Shield Shield Puppy - Sinister Fang 8% - Damascus 5% Resistance Strike 5% Lily - Lily Ears 8% - Lily Tail 5% Bannimorphoses 4% Assassin Assassin West 5% Strong Rag 8% Assassin's Ring 3% - Flying Dagger 4% Dragon Dragon Egg 5% Dragon Scale 8% - Dragon's 5% Dragon Fury 5 % Kunekune - Platinum 15% - - - Resistance Curse 12% Poisonous Toad Mithridates 8% Toad Heart 8% Yad 4% Evil Eye 5% Resistance Poison 3% Sidche - Vespine Stinger 8% Stinger 4% Faerie Wing 5% Healing 4% Bomber Morte Gunpowder 10% - - - - Car Blast 4% Imitation - Grotesque Shell 8% - Damascus 5% Money Power 4% Light Elementary - Obsidian 10% - Diamond 0.5% Resistance Light 4% Ocypete Apple 8% Monster Bird Tear 15% G-Bone Steak 5% Flight Feather 5% Optimizer 4% Cyhyraeth - Evil Rag 8% Cursed Ring 4% Tears of the Witch 5% Death Cry 4% Chairman Mimike - Walnut 8% - Remains of the chair 5% Challenge Chair 5% Leraje Gunpowder 10% Sinister Rag 12% Toradar 4% - Chaser Arrow 4% Bloodbringer - Silver 8% - Fragment Sword 5% Familiar : Bloodbringer 4% Lance Armor Partizan 8% Silver 12% - Damascus 8% Spear Examination 4% Tamaco-Death Silver Tiara 8% Strawberry 12% Smoothie 4% Tears of the queen 5% Upbeat Heat 4% Tricoute Buer - - - - - - Familiar: Buer 4% Gamigin Woolhorse 10% Hell Hohorse Hoof 8% Unicorn Ring 2% Hell Manhorsee 5% Kick Expertise 4% Titania - Faerie Dust 8% Tape 4% Vespine Wing 5% Increase MND 4% Axe Outsider Platinum 5% Damascus 12% Berdich 4% Mitril 10% Throwing axe 4% Scylla Clam 8% Water Blood 10% - Resistance Slash 4% Forneus - - Forneus Filet 8% - Va Ischa 4% Deeseama Aquatic Filet 8% Water Blood 8% - Slimy Leather 4% Aqua Stream 10% - Water Jump - Toad Heart 10% - Toad Webbing 5% Call Water Leaper 4% Glashtyn - Water Horse Hoof 10% Ayamur Water 4% Water Horse Mane 5% Amphibian Speed 5% Seeker - Demon Eye 10% - - - Eye Detective 4% Archdemona Demon Fan 10% - Demon Heart 4% Demon Tail 12% Words of Wisdom 5% Amy - Alkahest x2 12% - Ectoplasma 10% Lethargy 5% Alcoker Wool 10% - Silk 5% - Silk Increase CON 4% Vul'sha Flame Whip 10% - Ambrosia 6% - Tees Reiff 4% Living Fossil - - Crystal 8% Dragon Bone 5% Resistance Traction 5% Rocky Demon Fang 8% - Silk 5% - Resistance Strike 5% Dark Elementary Diamond 4% - Dark Matter 1 % - Resistance Darkness 4% Lamashtu queen tears 6% - Beast Killer 4% Tail queen 10% Whip Examination Macaron Cat Ears 8% - Demon Pelt 4% - Toxic Storm 5% Blood Error - Grotesque Shell 10% Yad Kukri 4% Inhuman Carapas 5% Red Memory 4% Fire Elementary Ruby 12% - Bixbite 4% - Resistance Fire 4% Volcano Morte Demon Bone 10% - Flame Mail 4$ - Flame 4% Hellhound - - - Demon Claw 5% - Challenge Hellhound 4% Zepar Platinum 10% - Areadbhar 10% 4% - Throw spear 4% Deathtrap Mahogany 8% - Cypress 4% - Augment LCK 4% Gusion Red Bean 8% - Demon Pelt 6% - Pocket 4% Gaap Demon Wing 10% - Demon Horn 5% - Increase 4% Haagenti Fly 12% - Bullish Plume 6% Flying Beef 1% Petra Breath 5% Kamikaze Silk 8% - Dojigiri 4% - Tornado Slicer 5% Ninja Ninja Ninja Garb 6% - Crimsonite 4% Eastern Fabric 10% Shuriken 4% giant Moco Moco Leek x4 10% - Fell Leaf 8% Moco Oil x4 12% Flytrap 5% Giant Bat Demon Fang 12% - Demon Wing 10% - Calling Bat 5% Giant Toad Demon Eye 12% - Demon Heart 10% - Issue toad 5% Giant Cannon Gunpowder x5 10% - Cypress 5% - Flame Cannon 5% Giant Mort - - - - - - - - - Giant Bur - - - Cashmere 5% - Familiar : Buer 5% Chariot Buer - - - - - - Firearms Examination 4% Marbas Lion Lord Mane 5% - - - Fiend Fang 8% Drain 5% Silver Wolfman Fiend Pelt 5% - - - - - - - Fiend Fang 8% Feral Claws 5% Abyssal Guardian Dragon Heart 5% Dragon Egg x2 10% - Dragon's Wrath 8% Void Ray 6% Harrier - - - - - Accelerator 100% Ice Elemental Diamond 6% - Alexandrit 2% Sapphire 12% Resistance Ice 4% Tracer Fiend Eye 5% - - - - - - Challenge Tracer 4% Gusion Cannon - - Cypress Weapon Examination 4% G Axe Outsider Skull 5% - Orichalcum 2% - Axe Strike 4% Demon Lord - - - Fiend Heart 2% - Fald Ciu 5% Eight bit zombies - - - - - - - - Call 8-bit zombie 4% Eight Bit Ghost - - - - - - - - - - - 8-Bit Fire Ball 4% Eight Bit Overlord - - 8-Bit Nightmare 8% - 8-Bit 4% Fire Carpenter - - Imbrued Bones 12% - Chisel Barrage 15% Revenant - - Imbrued Skull 12% - Ruins Of 12% Milionaire's Bane - - Imbrued Fang 12% - Jackpot 12% Wepar - Thrashing Tentacle 100% Sangetsu - Nothing Craftwork - Craftwork 100% Andrealfus - Double Jump 100% Glutton Train - Hammer Knuckle 100% Valjak - Inferno Breath 100% Goebel -Nothing Batin - Reflector Ray 100% Alphred - Nothing Bloodless - Blood Steal 100% Orobas - Invert 100% Doppelganger - Shadow Tracer 100% Sangetsu - (Nothing noted, but you get it after the fight). Valefar - Golden Bullet 100% Gremory - Measuring Shift 100% Dominic - Nothing Bael - Nothing Orlok Dracule - Stagnant 100% IGA - Insatiable 100% Game: Bloody Ritual Night Bloodied Ritual Night Harrier No.097 - Location, Shard On this page, we will send all the information about Harrier : Bloody Ritual of the Night (RotN) No. Below includes stats of the enemy demon, resist, shard, drop point, place caviar, and more. If you want to see all the enemy demons in this game, check out this link : Bloodied RotN All Enemies and Bosses list. Harrier Stats: Bloodied Ritual of the Night (RotN) Demon No.097 Man is constantly searching for one faster than himself. In the description of the game. This monster is a non-combat enemy, and is at the beginning of an obstacle course that starts when the player crosses the rope gate. This enemy will not fight the player, but with the player of the race in the course, located left down the part of Den Of Behemoths. To bite this demon, the player must knock him through the course to reach the gate in front of him. This can be done with different tactics like Ray Shard and Aegis Armor to bypass certain obstacles and increase coverage. Harrier Harrier's stats Chart Stats Review Demon Number : 097.Level : 40HP : 290EXP : 216 Resistance Chart Slash-25Strike20Thrust-25Fire-25Ice-25Thunder0Light0Dark0Poison0Curse0Stone100 Harrier Nerrest Location Enemy can be found in 1 place (s). Harrier Shard and Drop Item : Bloodied Ritual of the Night (RotN) Demons No.097 Harrier ShardDrop RateAccelerator100.00% Shard Effect : Move Faster. Type : Manipulative. Harrier Get Item and Drop Rate Drop PointDrop Rate--.-%--.-%%--.-%--.-% Source: Copyright 2019. Developed by ArtPlay, Inc. / Published 505 games, S.p.A. All rights reserved. Bloodied Night Ritual is a trademark of ArtPlay, Inc. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Its licensees are otherwise not approved and are not responsible for the work or content on this site. The official website. Note : All images on this page are copyrighted. We argue that this is qualified as fair use of materials in accordance with United States copyright law.
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