TheThe HistHistoryory ooff CompComputeruter ScieSciencence BBy:y: SSaarahrah OOpppeperr BeBeffoorree 11990000 . PPeeopoplele hadhad bebeenen ususiningg memecchanhanicicaall dedevvicesices toto aaidid calculaticalculationon foforr thothoususaandndss ofof yyeearsars . EExamplesxamples . thethe abacuabacuss proprobablybably exexistedisted inin BabyloniaBabylonia (p(presentresent-da-dayy IraIraq)q) ababoutout 30003000 BB.C.E.C.E . AncientAncient GGreeksreeks developedevelopedd somesome ververyy sophsophiiststiicatcateded aanalognalog comcomputputers.ers. PePeooppllee ooff EaEarrllyy CSCS . JohnJohn NapieNapierr-- iinnvvenentteded NNaapiepierr's's rroodsds (s(soometmetimesimes calledcalled "N"Napapier'ier'ss bboneoness")") inin 16161010 ttoo simplifsimplifyy tthehe ttaskask ofof mumultiplicltiplicaattionion . BlaBlaiisese PPasascal-cal- inin 11646411 builtbuilt aa mechamechanicnicaall adaddingding machinemachine . GoGotttftfririeedd WWilheilhellmm LLeibneibniiz-z- aadvdvooccaatteded useuse ofof tthehe bbinainarryy sysystestemm foforr ddoingoing calccalculaulatiotionsns . CChharlarleess BaBabbbbagage-e- wwoorrkedked onon ttwwoo memecchahanicnicaall ddevicevices:es: tthhee DDififfeferreencncee EnEnginegine andand ththee AnAnalyalytticicaall EEngngiinnee (a(a precursprecursoorr ofof tthehe modmodernern digitdigitalal ccoompumputeterr)) MoMorree PePeoopplele FFrroomm EaEarrlyly YeYeaarsrs . JoJosesepphh-M-Maaririee JaJaccqquuaardrd-- iinnvevenntetedd aa lolooomm ththaatt cocouulldd wweeaaveve cocompmplilicacatetedd ppaattteternrnss ddeescriscribbeedd bbyy hhoolleess iinn ppuunnchcheedd cacardrdss . WWiilllliiaamm StaStannlleeyy JJeevovonns-s- bbuuililtt aa mmaachchiinnee iinn 11886699 toto sosollveve lologgiicc pprorobblleemsms . HHeermarmann HHoollllereriitthh-- iinnvvenentteedd tthhee momoddeerrnn ppuunnchcheedd ccaardrd foforr uusese iinn aa mmaachchiinnee hhee ddeesisiggnneedd toto hheellpp tatabbuulalatete ththee 11889900 cceennsusus.s. TopTop RRigight-ht- NNaapierpier . TopTop LeLeft-ft- JacJacququarard’sd’s loloomom . BottoBottom-m- PPaassccaal’sl’s eelectronlectronicic aaddddinging mmacachhininee 11990000--11993399:: ThThee RiseRise OfOf MaMatthheemmaattiiccss . Some special-purpose calculculatilating machines were builtlt . Examplesles: . 1919- E. O. Carississan designed and had builtilt a marveloulous mechanicaicall devicice for factoring inintegers and testinging them for primality . Leonardo Torres y Quevedo (1852-1936) built some eleclectromechanicaicall calculculatlatinging deviceices, inincluding one that played simple chess endgames MaMatthheemamaticticss ((ccoonntt..)) . 19281928-- DavidDavid HilberHilbertt addaddressedressed thethe InterInternationanationall CongrCongressess ofof MatheMathematicianmaticianss.. HeHe poposseedd ththreeree questionquestions:s: (1(1)) IIss mathmathemaematiticcss completcomplete;e; i.ei.e.. cancan everyevery matmathemahematicticaall statestatementment bebe eiteitherher pproverovedd oror disprovdisproved?ed? (2)(2) IsIs mmathemathematicsatics coconsinsiststent,ent, thatthat isis,, isis itit trtrueue tthathat statemstatementsents suchsuch aass "0"0 == 1"1" ccaannotnnot bebe pprovedroved byby validvalid metmethods?hods? (3)(3) IsIs mmathemathematicsatics deciddecidable,able, tthathat is,is, isis ttherheree aa mmechanicalechanical mmethodethod thatthat cancan bebe appappllieiedd toto anyany matmathemahematicticaall asserassertiontion anandd (at(at leastleast iinn principle)principle) wilwilll eventueventuallallyy telltell whethwhetherer ththatat asassertionsertion isis trutruee oror not?not? . 19311931-- KurtKurt GödelGödel aanswerensweredd HiHilblbert'sert's firsfirstt twotwo ququestionsestions . 19361936-- AlanAlan TuringTuring providedprovided aa sosolluutitioonn toto HiHilbelbert'srt's thirthirdd questionquestion byby coconstrunstructictinngg aa fformormalal momodeldel ofof aa compcomputeruter ---- thethe TuringTuring macmachinehine ---- anandd showingshowing thatthat therethere werewere probproblemslems suchsuch aa mmachineachine couldcould nonott solvesolve 11940940’’s:s: TThhee FiFirrstst EElleectroctronicnic DigitalDigital CCoompumputerter . The calclculationions requireired for ballillistics during Worldld War II spurred the developlopment of the general-pl-purpose electronic digitalital computer . 1944- Howard H. Aikiken builtilt the Mark I electromechanical computer, witith the assistaistance of IBM . Mililitaryitary cocode-breaking also led to computationall proprojjects . The Britisitish built a computinging devicice, the Colossus, to assist withith code-breakinging . 1939- John Vincent Atanasoff and Clilifford Berry designed and builtilt an electronic computer for solvlvining systems of linlinear equationions . John Willilliamiam MMauchlyly withith J. Presper Eckert, Jr. designed and builtilt the ENIAC, a general-purpose electlectronicic ccomputer originally intended for artillerillery calclculationions MoMorree AbAboouutt EEaarlyrly CoCommpps…s… . ENIAC was buililt at the Moore Schooll at the Universityity of Pennsyllvania, and was fininisished inin 1946 . Konrad Zuse builtlt the first operatiional, general-pl-purpose, program- controlllled calcullator, the Z3, inin 1941 . In 1945, Vannevar Bush publilished a surprisininglyly prescieient articiclle inin the Atlalanticic Monthlyly about the ways ininformation processining would affect the socieiety of the future. (Another copy of the Bush articiclele appears here.) . Maurice Wilklkes buililt the EDSAC, sometiimes callelled the first stored-program digitall computer. The invention of the transistor inin 1947 by John Bardeen, Walterlter Brattainin, and Wilillialiam Shockleley transformed the computer and made possible the microprocessor revolution 11995500’s’s . Grace Murray Hopper - ininvented the notioion of a compileler iin 1951 . Earlier, inin 1947, Hopper found the firsirst computer "bug" -- a reall one -- a moth that had gotten ininto the Harvard Mark II . John Backus developed the firsirst FORTRAN compileiler iin Aprill 1957 . LISP, a llisist-processining language for artificificiaiall intelintelliligence programming, was ininvented by John McCarthy about 1958 . Jack Kilblby and Robert Noyce ininvented the inintegrated circircuitit iin 1959 . GerGermanman militarymilitary uusseded thethe EEnigmnigmaa mmachineachine duriduringng WorldWorld WWaarr IIII forfor commcommunicationunication theythey thougthoughtht toto bebe secresecrett . TThehe largelarge-scale-scale decrdecryptionyption ooff EniEniggmama trtrafficaffic atat BletBletcchhlleeyy PPaarkrk waswas aann impoimportanrtantt factofactorr ththatat concontributtributeded toto AlliAllieedd victorvictoryy inin WWWWIIII 11995500’s’s . Edsger Diijjkstra ininvented an efficieient algorithm for shortest paths inin graphs . He also iinvented an effiicienient alglgorithm for the minimumimum spannining tree . In a famous paper that appeared in the joujournall Mind in 1950, Alalan Turing inintroduced the Turing Test, one of the firirst efforts in the fieieldld of artificificiaiall intelintelliligence. He proposed a defiinition of "thinkining" or "consciiousness" usining a game: a tester would have to deciide, on the basisis of written conversatioion, whether the entiity iin the next room responding to the tester's queriesies was a human or a computer. If thisis disistiinctiion could not be made, then iit couldld bebe fairly saidid that the computer was "thinkinkiing" 11996600’s’s . In the 1960's, computer scienience came into its own as a disciplineine . The term was coined by George Forsythe, a numerical analyst . The first computer science department was formed at Purdue University iin 1962. The first person to receive a Ph. D. from a computer science department was Richichard Wexelbllblat, at the University of Pennsyllvania,ia, inin December 1965 . Operating systems saw majorjor advances . Fred Brooks at IBM designed System/360, a llinine of different computers wiith the same architecture and iinstruction set, from small machine to top-of-the-lineine. Edsger Dijkstrajkstra atat Eindhoven desiigned the THE multipiprogramming system . At the end of the decade, ARPAnet, a precursor to today''s Internet, began to be constructed . Many new programming languages were invented, such as BASIC . Provinging correctness of programs using formall methodmethods also began to be more important iin this decade . Douglalas C. Englebart iinvents the computer mouse in 1968 . Ted Hoff and Federico Faggin at Intell designed the fiirst microprocessor inin 1969-1971 11997700’s’s . Unixix, a very ininflluentiall operatiing system, was developed at Bell Laboratories by Ken Thompson and Dennis Rititchieie . Brian Kernighighan and Rititchieie together developed C, an iinflluentiaiall programming lalanguage. Other new programmiing llanguages, such as Pascall (inveinvented by Nikikllaus Wirth) and Ada (developed by a team leled by Jean Ichbiaiah), arose . The supercomputer- Seymour Cray desigigned the CRAY-1, which was firsirst shipipped inin March 1976 . It could perform 160 millllionion operations iin a second. The Cray XMP came out in 1982 . There were alslso major advances inin alglgorithms and computatioionall complexity 11998800’s’s . TThehe perperssoonalnal comcomputerputer-- StevStevee WWoozniakzniak anandd SteveSteve JobJobs,s, founfoundersders ofof AppleApple ComComputeputerr . TThehe firstfirst ccoompumputerter vviirrusesuses araree developedevelopedd inin 19198181 . InIn 11981,981, thethe ffiirrstst trtrulyuly successfulsuccessful portaportableble comcomputerputer waswas mamarketerketed,d,
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