SPORT Tuesday 28 August 2018 PAGE | 17 PAGE | 18 No Bolt, no cry for Federer looks to Coe after Su’s end decade-long 9.92 sprint drought No hurdle for Samba in gold rush Abderrahman Samba of ARMSTRONG VAS InI javelinjava elinn throw,thrroow, Qatar celebrates after THE PENINSULA AhmedAhhmem d MaMMagourgoouur ffin-ini - winning the men’s 400m ishedisi heed sixthssixtxth byb hurdles during the 2018 DOHA: Qatar won a gold andd clearingclleariing a ddis-iss- Asian Games at the GBK silver in athletics yesterday at thee tancetat ncn e of Main Stadium in Jakarta, Asian Games with Abderrahmann Indonesia, yesterday. Samba sprinting to the finish too 78778.23m.2. 2 3m3 m clinch the 400 metres gold whilee wwhwhileh ill e Yassir Salem Mubarak clinched thee MMoMohamadohhaamam d KaKKaidaida silver in the Steeplechase. fiffinishednishhed sseveneven pplaceslalacces After yesterday’s one gold andd behindbebehhiinndd him.hiimm. silver, Qatar now has three goldd InI highhigh jump,jummp, HamdiHamddi AlA AmeenAmmeeeenn and equal number of silver whilee leapedleeaapeded toto a distancedid sttana cec ofof 2.24m2.2.2244m too also picking up one bronze in thee comeccoomem fifth.fiffthh. continental championship. IInn ththee otothertheher atathleticsthlh eticcs eevevents,veenttss, Samba (22), broke the Gamess JamalJammaal HairanHHaairrana andandn AbubakerAbubaker record in the men’s 400m hurdless Haidar,HHaaiiddara , bothbobothth qualifiedquaualiifiedd forforo today’stoday’ss when he finished his run in 47.666 finalffinanal ofo tthehhee 800m800m wiwwiththt a ttimingiminng ofo seconds. Dharun Ayyasamy off 1:47.451:1:4747.445 andaannd 1:48.251:1:4848.2.25 respectively.reresps ece tit vveelyly. India was a distant second with a In Karate,Karaatte,e, QatarQaataarr werewerre notnon t so time of 48.96 while Japanesee luckyluluckcky aass QassimQassisim GhavidelGhhavavidell lostloost inn athlete Takatoshi Abe finishedd thetthhe Men’sMMeen’n’s 75kg775kkg pre-quarter-finalsprpree--qquuara tet r-r ffiinanallss third. goingggooining downdoownwn toto Pakistan’sPPaakkiisttann’ss SaadiSaaaadidi MEDAL TABLE (TOP 20) “I’ve had an awesome racee AbbasAAbbbbaas 6-1.66-11. RANK COUNTRY G S B TOTAL today! I’m very happy that I havee In SquashSquq asa h teamteeaamm event,evev nt, QatarQQaattaar 1 China 86 62 43 191 achieved a gold medal andd registeredrregiistterred ccontrastingoontrraastiingng wwinsinns inin tthehhee 2 Japan 43 36 57 136 clearing an Asian Games record.. PoolPPool B matches.matches. IInn tthehhee ffirstirrst mmatchatatchh 3 South Korea 28 36 42 106 It doesn’t beat my personal timee theytthey defeateddefeaeatet d ThailandThhaiailaandd 3-03-0 andannd 4 Indonesia 22 15 27 64 but it is still considered a greatt thentht en defeateddeffeaeated IndonesiaInndodonen sia byby a 5 Iran 17 15 15 47 time under 48 secs. I’m proud too marginmmarggiinn ofof twottwo gamesggammees to one.one. raise the Qatari flag high on thee Meanwhile,MMeeannwhhililee, QQataraattar wwillili l fefeatureeaturu e 6 Chinese Taipei 12 12 17 41 podium. I would like to dedicatee inn Friday’sFriidadayy’s HandballHHanddbaball final,finall, asa theytheh y 7 DPR Korea 12 6 7 25 this gold medal to H H the Amirr defeatedddeefefeaatedd SouthSooutht 27-20277-20 inin yester-yeester- 8 Thailand 9 10 33 52 and the people of Qatar, and I willl day’sdad yy’’s semi-final.sesemmi-ffinnala . 9 India 8 13 20 41 do my best to add to thiss ElsewhereElseewwherre today,totoday,y QatarQatara willwill 10 Kazakhstan 7 8 28 43 achievement in the comingg taketake onon thethhe challengechhala leengge of JapanJappan inin 11 Uzbekistan 6 13 12 31 events,” said Samba after winningg thethhe VolleyballVVoolleyyball quarter-finals.quarter-fini als.s 12 Bahrain 6 3 3 12 the event. Meanwhile,MMeeaannwhile,e India’sInI dia’s NeerajNeeraj 13 Hong Kong 3 11 15 29 “It’s a good feeling you know.. ChopraChopprraa smashedsmam shed thethee fieldfieeld toto claimclaim Actually these are big competi-- thethe men’smmeen’n s jajavelinvelin gogoldldd aatt ththee AsAsianian 14 Malaysia 3 8 6 17 tions, the Asian Games, the Asiann GamesGamees onon MondayMonday by postingpostiing hishis 15 United Arab Emirates 3 6 3 12 Championship. I think I workedd personalperssoonnalal bestbeest whichwhich waswaw s nearlynen arly 16 Singapore 3 4 10 17 hard this season to be in this placee sixsix metresmem trt es clearclear ofof hishihis closestclc oosest 17 Qatar 3 3 1 7 and I won gold medal,” he added.. competitor.competittorr. 18 Mongolia 3 2 5 10 “Also this competition makess ThThee lolong-hairedngg-hhaireed 2020-year-old-year-old 19 Philippines 3 0 12 15 me prepare for next year in thee enteredentered thethe competitioncomppetition in JakartaJakarta 20 Vietnam 2 11 13 26 world championship and 20200 havinghaving postedposted thethe season’sseasson’s bestbest Tokyo Olympics,” Samba said afterr throwthrow by an AsianAsian when he hurledhurledd winning the 400m race. 87.43878 .443 metresmetres at the DiamondDiamond Earlier, Qatar’s Yassir Salemm LeagueLeL agueu legleg inin DohaDoD ha inin May.MaM y. Mubarak won the silver medal inn TheThe CommonwealthCoommonwealth GamesGames the steeplechase with a timing off championchampion threwthrew eveneven furtherfurthher at eight minutes 28.21 seconds. Thee thethe GeloraGelora Bung KarnoKarnr o StStadium,adiui m,m men’s 3000m steeplechase goldd clearingclearing a distancedistance ofof 88.0688.066 went to Iranian Hossein Keyhani,, metres.metres. ChinChina’sa’s LiLiuu Qizhen ppostedosted who broke the Games record forr a personalpersonal bbestest of 82.22m82.22m for the the event by clocking eightt silver.silver. Pakistan’sPakistan’s ArArshadshad NadeemNadeem minutes 22.79 seconds while the took bronze. bronze medal went to Japanese Chopra began with a modest Kazuya Shiojiri. 83.46 and after fouling his second Qatar assured of medal Qatar’s Hashim Mohamed attempt, registered his best effort came fifth finishing the race in of the night on his third. eight minutes 35.40 seconds. In men’s high jump, China’s in beach volleyball The rest of the medals for Qatar Wang Yu leapt 2.30 metres to claim at the 2018 Games have come from the gold ahead of South Korea’s Abdalelah Haroun’s gold in 400m, Woo Sang-hyeok whose season’s ARMSTRONG VAS In the first set, Rachmawan- Ashraf Saifi’s gold in hammer throw, best of 2.28 fetched him the silver. THE PENINSULA Ashfiya defeated Ramadhan- Tosin Ogunode’s silver in the 100m Syrian Majd Eddin Ghzal and Yudistira Pribadi 21-13. race, Fares Hassouna’s silver in Japan’s Naoto Tobe both cleared DOHA: Qatar are assured of a In the second set, Rach- weightlifting (94kg), and Hammad 2.24 to claim a bronze apiece. medal in Beach Volleyball when mawan-Ashfiya defeated their Al Marri’s bronze medal in shooting, It was Syria’s first medal at the the Al Annabi pair of Ahmed compatriots 21-19. double Trap. ongoing Games. Tijan and Cherif Younousse take Rachmawan, accompanied on Indonesian pair of Ade Candra by Ashfiya, Ramadhan and Gold medallist Abderrahman Samba of Rachmawan and Mohammad Pribadi, said after the match Qatar on the podium with silver medallist Ashfiya in the final at the that the team would compete Dharun Ayyasamy of India (left). Jakabaring Sport City Beach in the finals was not a team of Volleyball Court in Palembang two individuals, but a team of today. the Indonesian nation. Qatar’s Ahmed and Cherif Rachmawan added that cruised to the final showdown they would strive to win the with an unbeaten record after gold medal, while the other squeezing China’s Goa and Li out team would strive to win the while host pair Rachmawan and bronze. Ashfiya followed to join the “So, hopefully we’ll get one champion contest after elimi- gold and one bronze,” he said. nating their compatriots Gilang Speaking about Team 1’s Ramadhan and Danangsyah strategy to face the Qatari pair Yudistira Pribadi. in the final, Rachmawan said Facing the world 10th ranked they would give their best for the Ahmed and Cherif, China’s Goa country. and Li did caused some troubles “We’ll be all-out because we but finally conceded in a narrow have the support of the Indo- Qatar’s Yaser Bagharab competes in the final of the 0-2 (18-21, 24-26). nesian people,” he said, while men’s 3000m steeplechase athletics event during Rachmawan and Ashfiya adding that he had met the Qatari the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta on August 27, 2018. won the match in straight sets. players once previously. TUESDAY 28 AUGUST 2018 SPORT 17 No Bolt, no cry for Coe after Su’s 9.92 sprint AFP at the 2016 Rio Olympics, took swim star Sun Yang’s part- nised there are gaps in their saying to me what on earth are bronze, underlining Coe’s confi- nership with Australian own coaching structures and we going to be doing after JAKARTA: Su Bingtian’s Asian dence in the future of Asian Denis Cotterell has helped said ‘hey, let’s bring that talent Muhammad Ali? But actually, Games gold in the 100 metres sprinting. turn him into a to the table’. Floyd Mayweather, Hagler, Hearns came as little surprise to many, “You could argue Japan and world-beater. “It’s a pragmatic come along. including athletics boss Sebastian China are two of the most “If you look at the approach. There’s been a “Do they suddenly replace Coe, long an admirer of the pint- improved athletics nations over Chinese federation, greater clarity around Muhammad Ali? No. Should we sized Chinese sprinter. the last six or seven years,” the they’ve been quite the importance of suddenly expect these athletes to The 28-year-old streaked to Briton said in an interview with global,” said Coe. coaching.” replace him? No,” he added.
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