Executive Principal: Sir J A Townsley BA (Hons) NPQH Chair of the Board: Mr D Morgan First Aid Policy Designated Teacher: Principal Reviewed by: Governors Policy Committee Date: July 2015 Fountain Street, Morley, Leeds LS27 0PD T 0113 253 2952 F 0113 253 1483 E [email protected] W www.morley.leeds.sch.uk First Aid Policy Document Status Izabella Atraszkiewicz Date of Policy Creation Apr 2015 Author Consultant Director Date of Policy adoption by 15/07/15 Responsibility Policy Committee Policy Committee Date of Policy adoption by Responsibility Board of Governors Board of Governors Date of Policy Implementation Responsibility Academy Principal by Academy Principal Author Policy Amendments As required Responsibility Name/Title/Department Date of next Policy Review 3 yearly Responsibility All/as above 1. AIMS 1.1. The Aim of this policy is to set out the roles and responsibilities for the management of First Aid within The GORSE Academies Trust and its Academies. 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. TGAT Trust Board 2.1.1. The TGAT Trust Board is responsible for the health and safety of all TGAT employees and anyone else on the premises. 2.1.2. This includes responsibility in all TGAT academies for the Principal and teachers, non-teaching staff, students, and visitors (including contractors). 2.1.3. The TGAT Trust Board are responsible, under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA), for making sure that all TGAT academies have a Health and Safety Policy. This includes arrangements for first-aid, based on a risk assessment of each academy including: • numbers of first-aiders/appointed persons; TGAT First Aid Policy • numbers and locations of first-aid containers; • arrangements for off-site activities/trips; • out of school hours arrangements eg lettings, parents evenings. 2.1.4. The TGAT Trust Board will make sure that their insurance arrangements provide full cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their employment. 2.1.5. In the event of a claim alleging negligence by a member of the school staff, action is likely to be taken against the TGAT rather than the employee. TGAT will make sure that insurance arrangements provide full cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their employment. 2.1.6. The Education (School Premises) Regulations 1996 require every school to have a suitable room that can be used for medical or dental treatment when required, and for the care of students during school hours. The area, which must contain a washbasin and be reasonably near to a WC, need not be used solely for medical purposes, but it should be appropriate for that purpose and readily available for use when needed. Schools should consider using this room for first-aid. TGAT will provide suitable and sufficient accommodation for first-aid according to the assessment of first-aid needs identified. 2.2. Local Governing Body (LGB) 2.2.1. The LGB has responsibility for developing a first-aid policy within the academy. 2.2.2. This should be based on a suitable and sufficient risk assessment overseen by the Principal. 2.2.3. The day to day functions of managing health and safety are delegated to the Principal. 2.2.4. The LGB should regularly review the school's first-aid needs (at least annually), and particularly after any changes, to ensure the provision is adequate. 2.2.5. It is the responsibility of the LGB to make sure that the statutory requirements for provision of first-aiders are met, that appropriate training is provided and that correct procedures are followed. 2.3. The Principal 2.3.1. The Principal will work with the LGB to develop a first-aid policy for meeting the academy’s first-aid needs, taking student age range, student specific health needs, and disabilities into account, based on a full risk assessment of the college site and off-site activities. 2.3.2. The Principal will oversee a full risk assessment of first-aid needs at the college. This will include staff, students and visitors in context of the full college site, all levels of all college buildings, and off-site activities. TGAT First Aid Policy 2.3.3. The Principal will put the governing body's policy into practice and develop detailed procedures, including identifying, monitoring and reviewing. 2.3.4. In an emergency, the Principal will have procedures for contacting the student’s parent/guardian/named contact as soon as possible. All serious or significant incidents will be reported to the parents by sending a letter home with the child, or by telephoning the parents. 2.3.5. The Principal will ensure that all accidents are recorded (appendix 1) and that accident statistics will be analysed to indicate the most common injuries, times, locations and activities at a particular college location; this analysis will be used as part of risk assessment, high lighting areas to concentrate on and tailor first-aid provision to. These records must be kept for a minimum of 3 years. 2.3.6. The Principal will make sure that both students and parents are aware of the academy’s health and safety policy, including arrangements for first-aid. 2.3.7. The Principal will arrange adequate and appropriate training and guidance for staff who volunteer to be first-aiders and appointed persons. 2.3.8. The Principal must be satisfied that any training has given staff sufficient understanding, confidence and expertise. 2.3.9. The Principal will ensure that there are enough trained staff to meet the statutory requirements and assessed needs (appendix 6), allowing for staff on annual/sick leave or off-site. This will be a consideration of the Principal when authorising off site visits on the Evolve system. 2.3.10. The Principal is not obliged to ensure first-aid is provided for anyone other than their own staff, but the Principal does have health and safety responsibilities towards non-employees. 2.3.11. The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) guidance recommends that organisations, such as schools, which provide a service for others should include them in their risk assessments and provide for them. In the light of these legal responsibilities for those in their care, the Principal will consider carefully the likely risks to students and visitors, and make allowance for them when deciding on the numbers of first-aid personnel. 2.3.12. The Principal will provide adequate and appropriate equipment (appendix 2), facilities and qualified first-aid personnel for the college site. 2.3.13. The Principal will provide adequate and appropriate equipment (appendix 3), facilities and qualified first-aid personnel for off-site activities. 2.3.14. The Principal will provide adequate and appropriate equipment (appendix 4), facilities and qualified first-aid personnel for approved vehicle travel e.g. minibus. 2.3.15. The Principal will ensure availability of suitable and sufficient accommodation for first-aid according to the assessment of first-aid needs identified. 2.3.16. Where first-aid is provided for staff and students, the Principal will ensure that: • provision for employees does not fall below the required standard; TGAT First Aid Policy • provision for students and others complies with other relevant legislation and guidance. 2.3.17. The Principal will ensure that, where minimum numbers of trained first-aiders are set, these will be monitored to ensure that these standards are being met. 2.3.18. The Principal will ensure that appointed persons have emergency first-aid training/refresher training, as appropriate. These courses do not require HSE approval. The training should cover the following topics: • what to do in an emergency; • cardiopulmonary resuscitation; • first-aid for the unconscious casualty; • first-aid for the wounded or bleeding. 2.3.19. The Principal will ensure that parents/carers are informed of any accident or medical emergency, whether first-aid is administered or not. 2.3.20. The Principal will ensure that the appointed persons emergency first-aid training will help an appointed person cope with an emergency and improve their competence and confidence. 2.3.21. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 require the Principal to oversee a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their employees at work, and others who may be affected by their undertaking, to identify what measures they need to take to prevent or control these risks. 2.3.22. The Principal will inform all staff (including those with reading and language difficulties) of the first-aid arrangements. This will include: • the location of equipment, facilities and first-aid personnel; • the procedures for monitoring and reviewing the school's first-aid needs; • how to contact a first-aider; • the procedures for an isolated area e.g. sports field. 2.3.23. The Principal will ensure that first-aid notices with clear and easily understood information is displayed in staff/common rooms staff and students informed. The notices will be displayed in a prominent place, one in each academy building. 2.3.24. The Principal will work with any on-site building contractor and direct staff accordingly for short term hazards relating to building or maintenance work. 2.3.25. The Principal will include first-aid information in induction programmes to ensure that new staff and students are told about the first-aid arrangements. 2.3.26. The Principal will include first-aid information in the staff handbook. TGAT First Aid Policy 2.4. Teachers and other College staff 2.4.1. Teachers' conditions of employment do not include giving first-aid, although any member of staff may volunteer to undertake these tasks.
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