LEADER '%.• THE LEADING ANO MOST WIDELY CIKCVLATUWEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY TIETH YEAM—No, 3 Post Office, WestfleM, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1949 Publish** Polio Cases , WeMfieUT* United Campmgn DhUunud Manager* Ml Register for Piano Concert Here Firctimnof To Benefit CCH Methodist Church Thursday Adult School Building Fund Plans Anniversary Renui« in Enrollment May Virginia Ackerntaa, Q at Be Made Opening , Wertf ield Artirt, Mark. Churrh Founding in 1849$ M.kkoberg Night Oct. 10 To Play Ott. 26 U»U October Centennial Event* Wit* no new polio esses reported A total of 400 persons register- Under the sponsorship of the The 100th anniversary of Methodism in Westfleld will be «li> i WeBtfteld since Thursday, th* ered for the fall semester of the Senior Auxiliary to the board of brated in October by' the congregation of the First Mtthodiit Chunk. Lue appeared today to be on Weatfield Adult School in the cafe- manageri of the Children's Coun- Starting with a communion service Sunday at 11 a. m. and clsalMg ecline aft"' claiming 16 West- teria of Roosevelt Junior High try Home, Virginia Ackerman, with a relifioui motion picture on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 8 p. m., tM rfd and **>'* th"n 1'<m New School Monday night. During the concert pianist and teacher, will centennial celebration will feature many events of unusual inteiwt previous week another 400 peo- present a piano concert Oct. 26 at and' variety. Six gutBt sptakon \sum ti quarantine at Muhlen. ple had registered by mail, bring- "8:30 p. m. in Rooaevelt Junior Centennial Speaker are scheduled to be heard at •pe- JrVHwpiUl, Flainfleld, arc John ing the present registration for High School. dal services and meetings during fcja,, 26, of 514 Forest avenue, the month, and a comprehentlv* the fall semester to almost 800.. Proceeds from the concert will ho waa stricken Thursday and : historical pageant is being pr*> Adults may register on the open- j be used to equip the new addition pared. Plans for the anniversary |0ri« Nelson, 20, of 404 Treiwmt j ing night, which will be Monday, to the home. This new extension wnMi who was admitted laatj Oct, 10, for any course in which for polio care is 141 by 58 feet, observance hav* been under the ednesday afternoon. Their con-1 direction of the centennial commit- the enrollment is still open. lias two stories and 5...._4 beds. Hub. - liOM «ie listed as "fair." - ' tee, of which Raymond Powell il bard bath, whirlpool bath and ex- Oat of quarantine, but still bos- Couises with the heaviest en- the chairman, > tensive equipment for hot pack ied, are Kent Ditael, 8H, of rollment include China in Transi- At the communion service Bun- treatments are featured. B Embree crescent and Adelt tion, What's New in Medicine, and day Rev. Fred E. Miles, pastor, inekart, IB, of 641 Embr*» cre«- Personality Development for Wom- Funds from the concert will be will speak on the theme, "Lord •( qt Miia Kinchart ia expected en. Vacancies exiBt in the above used immediately for hot pack All." Sunday night there will i W eilcharged from Muhltnberg three courses, as enrollment is un- treatments, muscle re-education b« a Methodist Youth Fellowship inurrov. : limited. Due to unusual interest work, whirlpool bath treatments | centennial program starting with in the field of art, an additional and other services that help re- 1 Fo«ti grade pupila of Benja- a box supper in the social hail at class in Art for Beginners has store crippled limbs to physical rlin School, classmates of 6:15 p. tn, Rev. Mr. Mils* wJU been scheduled from 7:30-9. Ad-activity. , •., boy, returned to classes be the master of ceremonies an4 vanced Contract Bridge from 9- Tickets arc on sale at Vance's' attjy after a 10-dty polio Rev. H. Allen Cooper, pastor at 10:30 has been cancelled, together and Doerrer's flower shops, Jar- lartMIn*. No cases developed j 1 8taten Island's Kingiley Metho- with Let's Make Lampshades from vis Drug Store and Andrews' Shoe •oaf tkem during that period, dist Church, will lead songs an* (ft I* rtoktl JMaaa -1.. Coalrr mm Harry M. Bnwarr, «»atk NMr Ca-ChaJratcal Ckarlra A. 9-10:30. The second hour of Re- Repair Store. •aiaaiam Oaarral Ckalraum I »!#« A. Glllu, umi Tkrwlorr W. Vwln, Kartk BMc C»-CaalrMrM 1 rtcreation. Several other pcxitil P. rtrnaa, AaAaar* fillta' Vli».lkulriaaii. Ntaadlaai Maalrr I. pkarca, Mar. Illv. fresher Typing from 9-10 has been groups have been invited to.th* wi, mmrw. Mar. Ulv. Vll J»ka V, Crlllniara. Mar. Illv, till Cfcrattr M. Krllaaa, Mar. — changed to a course in Beginning lilaaclta, Mar. IHv. li nrraat If. K»irr, *«r. l»lv, ill, K»i In al.i.rn Kattari w. <aa affair, Among them arc yowaf; t Hold Sale Vllh Jwwak a. Parry Jr., Marr. Illv. II) Carltua II. Haaktr, Mcr. ulv. IV, Typing. English for Foreigner! people from Vincent Mtthoaatt will be offered from 9-10 if the Residents Protest Church, Nutley; Arlington Matho. interest is sufficient to make up a •••Hor <OHN w. umm dlst Church; South Orange M«HMV Books clasB. House Moving diat' Church and Kingaley Metho- Committee Opens Announce Team Captains For Other popular courwa include dist Church, Staton Island. ftkolanhip Fund Ballroom Dancing, General Church Senior High PTA At 8 p. m, Sunday there will IN Polio Campaign United Campaign Opening Oct. 20 History, Interior Decoration, Oil Council Holds Up a worship service in the church's T* Receive Proceeds Painting from Models and Hand Request For Permit sanctuary, led by Robert Grant, Weaving. Meeting Oct. 14 president of the local senior youth The College Woman's Club of Urges Contributions Men's Club Speaker Organization Ready The following courses are def- Following protests from resi- fellowship. The speaker will tw Ntfteld will hold a used book From Residents To Launch Drive initely closed: Woodworking from dents of Hyslip avenue that the Tea to Open New Dr. Herbert E. Richards Jr., as- leOct. 5, 6, 7 and 8 at 139 Cen- 7:30-9, Beginning Typing from 8- contemplated move of an old house sociate professor of Christian Criticism of Life at Diew Theotog. il nenue for the benefit of the H, Frank Pettit of 752 Falr- For $78,600 Quota 0, Oil Painting from Models from to the area would tend to lower School Year leal Seminary, Madison. Dr. Rich, ib ieholarghip fund, scres avenue, Union County chair- 7:30-10, while the remaining cours- valuations, Town Council Monday The Senior High School Parent- aids will take as his topic, "Jeru- Akout 60 members are particl- man for the 1949 Sister Kenny Team captains for Westfield'i es are still open. night passed over action on a re- Teacher Association Will hold its salem Comes to Westfleld," and itinf in the sale. Mrs. G. W. Foundation drive for funds to com- j 1949 United Campaign for six lo- quest from Walter W. Mooney, first meeting cf the new school will Include many stories about uoean, Mr>. Charles Fleming and bat polio, has announced plans for cal social agencies were announced owner of the residence for a mov- year Friday, Oct. 14 at 2:30 atthe beginnings of Mtthodism ia. n. George Rounds are in charge the Westfield campaign. last evening by Charles A, Doerr, ing permit. The home, previously picking op books before the I general chairman of the campaign. Boosters Elect owned by Councilman Harvey B. the aehool, it was announced to- this area. Special music will bt Volunteer workers, in Westfleld day. The meeting will be in the t. Mn. John Collins, Mrs. Ir- In the same statement, Mr. D6err Daycock is on Dorian road on the provided by a gills' double quin- are functioning under the general form of a tea for all parent* and In caaiidy, Mrs. C. E. Davidson revealed names of Westfleld busi- site of the new senior high school, tet from the WmtfltU IMkwUat directioi n off DonalDdd R. Bair*B r off teachers of the school. , . «1 Mn, J. Frank Culver will re- nessmen who will serve on theLewis President Mr. Mooney, in a letter to the Youth Fellowship. Adults, as w«N 636 Hyslip avenue, who has been ive the books at the. stbrt today campaign's buainesi committee and council, said that he would make Board members , appointed bjr as young people, will b« appointed Westfield chairman for also the appointment of Frank A. Eifmund P. Lewis of Harding alterations in.the atiuctura when Mrs. E. Milton Staub, priaident, at the t o'clock service. ' Sorting and pricing will be. cat' T*li* Ketcham as chairman of the audit- street was elected president of the it waa moved to the new location include: Mrs. E. J. Taucn, first -;Oit Wednesday there will ba tit*' «1 en Monday and Tuesday by "Allen W. Vlitt of 400 Topping Ing committee. Mr. Doerr stated Westfield School Boosters Associa- and that he thought if the resi- Vice president; Robert L. Foose, limit event in the church's centen- rs. 8. B. Tobey, Mrs. Glenn Wil- Hill road heads the insurance sub- that "the fine sense of community tion at'the annual meeting held dents understood this, they would school principal, second vice pres- nial prof ram — Family Church ir, Mn. H. L. gmith and Mi's. committee for Westfield. Juck J, responsibility evidenced by thFridae y • night\ in the Municipal have no objection. '.'•'"'.' ' ident ; "Mr*. H. A."- Sturgta, re- Night, which starts it 6:30 p.
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