MAY JUNE 2014 PP5239/02/2013 (031905) Tradition, Fellowship Rule at President's Ball Solartech - Summer Campaign - Newspaper Ad - Berita RSC Trim size : 209mm (W) x 273mm (H) | Bleed size : 215mm (W) x 279mm (H) SERIOUSLY HOT WATER SUMMER is all about quality. That's why we invest in ensuring all our products comply with Australian and European Technical Standards. Product by Contact : (603) 6157 4888 | Fax : (603) 6156 8988 www.solartech.com.my CONTENTS MESSAGES SPORTS 4 From the editor's desk 22 Dancesport 5 President's Message 27 Golf 7 VIce President's Message 31 Hockey 8 From the General Manager's desk 33 Darts CLUB EVENTS OBITUARY 9 President's Ball 37 Eddie Chan 13 Vaisakhi Night 38 Mike Krishnan 17 Photo Gallery - Life Member Night 20 Photo Gallery - Introduction Night 24 Computer system 35 Staff Party PATRON DISCIPLINARY BOARD (DB) HRH The Sultan Of Selangor MR. ANAND PONNUDURAI CHAIRMAN GENERAL COMMITTEE MR. TONY TC MR. ANDREW BRYAN PERERA ELECTED MEMBER PRESIDENT & FINANCE CHAIRMAN MR. AVTAR SINGH MR. R. NADESWARAN ELECTED MEMBER VICE PRESIDENT & CHAIRMAN OF KIARA MR. ALEX ABRAHAM MR. KHONG CHEE SENG APPOINTED MEMBER SPORTS CHAIRMAN MR. RINGO LOW MR. KHONG CHEE SENG APPOINTED MEMBER F&B AND ENTERTAINMENT (KIARA) MR. RAMJAN DIN HONORARY INTERNAL AUDIT (HIA) MEMBERSHIP MR. K. CHANDRAN DR. RANJIT SINGH MALHI HIA - ELECTED HOUSE & SECURITY (KIARA) DATO AMARJIT SINGH DEO MR. RICHARD LOH HIA - APPOINTED F&B AND ENTERTAINMENT (DATARAN) MR. SHANMUGAM.R EDITORIAL COMMITTEE HUMAN RESOURCES & STAFF WELFARE MR. RAJAN MOSES DATUK S. SUBRAYAN CHAIRMAN INSTITUTIONAL LIAISON MR. THERRY THIVANANTHAN MR. V.MURUGESU ROYAL SELANGOR CLUB Editorial Services & Layout by: Jalan Raja P.O. Box 10137, 50704, Kuala Lumpur. RACING AHEAD COMMUNICATIONS Tel: 603-2692 7166 Fax: 603-2693 4724 Printed by: RK SUCCESS TRADING, Kiara Sports Annexe, Jalan Bukit Kiara, No.20, Jalan 9/155, Bukit Jalil Integrated Park, Off Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur. 58200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-2093 2277 e: [email protected] Disclaimer: The views expressed in Berita RSC are the authors‘ own and do not necessarily www.rscweb.org.my reflect those of the Royal Selangor Club. From the editor's desk t's been just over two years since I and the Dataran premise. This is another became editor of Berita RSC and I sign that profits are being put to good egali- Imust say that it has been a singular tarian use and our valuable Kiara premise pleasure to have served with two Presi- is managed quietly, but surely by the Vice dents – previously Ronald Quay and now President. Andrew Bryan Perera. What a lucky bunch we are to be blessed Coincidentially and by some historic with two Club premises when other key spending, moved to foster profitability, accident, the three of us come from the same social Clubs in KL have only one each!!! goaded some to share equally with ALL great school – the Victoria Institution. members benefits the Club receives from Sports sections are regular and meaty suppliers, and established a Tender Board And the similarity does not end there. We contributors to the Berita RSC and it is a to never allow "deals under the table" to all share the same passion for transparency, pleasure to have been on the receiving end prevail. accountability and good governance at the as editor. Club which we have grown to love over the It is good to see a comprehensive list of years. The fact that they are a key element of the new and the usual contenders standing for Club and are working with its leadership to office. Towards this end, the two leaders, one enhance transparency and accountability after another, set in motion processes that is commendable. Members appear to have taken a strong would ensure the Club’s long-term sustain- stance in recent elections to popularly vote ability. It was therefore no mean feat when the in leaders prepared to sacrifice their time, RSC was recognised and became receipient talent and sometimes even money and This past year particularly, Bryan and last year of the renowned IOC award for fos- influence for the good of the Club. Vice President (Citizen) Nadeswaran, have tering “Sport as a School of Life” in Malaysia. taken us on a journey that has definitely They will vote wisely for sure. raised the Club’s reputation, transparency While food and beverage services have and accountability by several notches. improved vastly, in my opinion prices still I have always enjoyed being a member of remain high, for a social Club where eating this great Club for over two decades and also Their actions, conviction and that of and drinking is a core activity and revenue acting as the Editor of Berita RSC. their like-minded GC and various com- earner. The incoming leadership must do mittees has sustained the Club’s image as something about this. My sincere hope is that members have a reputable, financially sustainable, trans- found the magazine useful and a pleasant parent and service-filled second home for Talking about the upcoming AGM, the read as well. all members. election and the incoming leadership, it is my humble observation that the initial The production of the Berita on a regular We have been free recently from financial winds of change first blew into the Club basis certainly would not have been possible upheavels, thanks to rigorous Tender Board about three years ago when Ronnie Quay if not for the kind and great assistance of rules and regulations, prudent fiscal man- was elected President. Apparently the Editorial Committee member cum pho- agement and tight policing of processes and majority of the Club membership was happy tographer Terry Thiva and dedicated RSC practices to plug any financial leakage. with what he and his GC did, they gave him staffer, Mr Kannes. a second term. Under Bryan, Nadeswaran and the GC’s Best wishes and happy clubbing to all. stewardship, the Club’s profitability is now Now the winds of change this past year, assured - therefore by extension, its future. under Bryan and Nadeswaran, have gained Rajan Moses (please see the President’s message for greater force and momentum and have Editor financial details). transformed into a hurricane. Berita RSC Clearly, the renovation and upgrading I say this because these gentlemen have works are very visible at the Kiara Annex launched a crusade against unnecessary 4 president's message Milestones, tasks completed and financial resilience Dear Fellow Members, will be pleased to note that for the financial year ended 31st December, 2013, the Club It’s that time of the year when the Club’s achieved a net surplus of RM1,144,403, after Annual General Meeting will be held (on deducting the charge for depreciation and 29th of June, 2014) and it will only be fitting taxation as compared to RM348,607 for the that I share with you the way I saw the Club previous financial year ended 31st Decem- achieve its milestones under my steward- ber, 2012. It is imperative for members to be ship in my first term as President. mindful that sufficient surpluses ought to be renewals and facelifts. achieved annually, to enable future General At the start of my tenure as President, Committees the ability and opportunity to I am also pleased to report that the ambi- I prioritized the need for several bold and plough back the same for capital enhance- ence and various facilities at both Dataran new initiatives to elevate the Club to even ment of the Club’s assets. and Kiara have been greatly enhanced. higher levels. Accordingly, the work agenda These upgrades have resulted in better for the next twelve months was aligned to The House at the AGM held on 15th men’s changing room & shower facilities, three objectives. First, to increase revenue December, 2013 emphasized the need to new lockers in the ladies wash rooms, the air streams through new initiatives. This enhance the capability and integrity of the conditioning systems at the Multi-Purpose included the creation of value added food entire financial and operating systems of Hall, re-varnished tables at the Pavilion and beverage promotions, improved qual- the Club. I am glad to report that the systems Terrace, resurfaced roads at Kiara, repaired ity menus and service levels at affordable have been procured and commissioned and roofs at Dataran, new carpets at the Ball- prices. Second, to enforce stringent controls currently the F&B operating systems have room, Cocktail Lounge, President’s Room on the procurement of goods and services gone life. It is envisaged that membership, and the stairway leading to the Ballroom, to enable the Club to benefit from competi- event & sports management systems shall the three renovated Squash Courts at Data- tive pricing. Third, to effectively manage the be operational shortly. ran, the complete upholstering of the seats Club’s expenditure through prudent fiscal at the Cocktail Lounge. policies to ensure financial sustainability. The Club’s earlier decision to manage its kitchen in-house, as opposed to outsourc- In Kiara, the aged cricket nets have been As a starting point, all General Commit- ing has continued to drive the Club’s food replaced and the façade fronting the field tee (“GC”) Members executed a Code of Eth- revenues significantly. With regular food have been repainted. I am indeed grateful ics wherein we pledged to uphold the princi- promotions and new menus, the beverage to Dr. Ranjit Singh Malhi, the Chairman of ples of good governance, financial integrity, sales for the twelve months period ending House & Security for rendering his time & accountability and transparency in manag- 31st December, 2013 was RM2,474,030 as commitment in overseeing a large part of ing the Club’s affairs.
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