MSC CORRESPONDENC E I I IIII II IIII V III VIII VIII VIII VII I 11111 III I III I ~r1 80082103 Biolo2ical assessment Lot 2 RP 904899, 28 Jacaranda Dr, Parklands REFERENCE BAMM 04073 August 200 4 Jaeger-Moran ENVIRONMENTAL 15 Whitecross Rd Bli Bli Q. 4561 Office : (07) 5448 4547 Fax : (07 ) 5448 5327 Email : jaeger1 @serv.net.au BANIlVI-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parkland s PROJECT DETAILS Project Director Ann Moran Senior Botanist & Environmental Scientist Project Team Ann Moran Senior Botanist & Environmental Scientist Bryan Grant Environmental Scientist Erin Moran Environmental Scientist & Mapping Tracy Moran Administration & Edito r Report Authors Ann Moran Senior Botanist & Environmental Scientist COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE Jaeger-Moran Environmental, its agents or employees, expressly disclaim any and all liability for representations, expressed or implied, contained in, or omissions from, this report or any of the written or oral communications transmitted to the client or any third party . Acceptance of this document denotes acceptance of these terms All information contained in this document is provided in strict commercial confidence . It shall not be disclosed to any third party without the express written consent of Jaeger-Moran Environmental Pty. Ltd. Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD 2 i BAMNI-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parklands EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I Background Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD has been commissioned by Reid Family to provide a I Biological Assessment of Lot 2, RP 904899, approx 5 .2 ha with the street address 28 Jacaranda Drive, Parklands. The assessment of the sites ecological and biological values is incorporated in the methodology of the recently developed Biodiversity Assessment and Mapping Methodology I (BAMM) (Environmental Protection Agency October 2002) . Main Findings 1 . The site vegetation best fits Regional Ecosystem 12 .12 .15 . This Regional Ecosystem is described as a mixed tall open forest with Eucalyptus microcorys, Lophostemon confertus, Corymbaa intermedia, E. propinqua and occasional rainforest species . The site geology consists of Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks The Conservation Status is "Not Of Concern" under the Vegetation Management Act 1999 . 2. The subject site is within the Maroochy Vegetation Unit C8 : Parklands - Bli Bli . This vegetation unit contains a Coastal Eucalypt mix and has a local conservation status of `No Concern at Present'. The small, degraded riparian zone contains some rainforest characteristics, and over time has the potential to develop into a vine forest of gullies on metasediments. 3. No flora or fauna species listed as Endangered, Vulnerable or Rare under the Nature ' Conservation (wildlife) Regulation 1994 or the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 were detected during the site survey. 4. Field surveys (confirmed species detection) for the study area recorded a total 148 flora species, consisting of .- (125) Indigenous species of flora and (23) Weed species of flora. 5. The Biological Assessment and Mapping Methodology indicate that the survey site is of Local Biodiversity Significance. I D Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD 3 BAMM-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parklands TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................5 1 1 SITE LOCATION 5 1 2 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION 6 13 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS 7 131 Field Survey 7 132 Desktop Survey (BAMM) 7 2.0 FIELD ECOLOGICAL ASSESS MENT...........................................8 21 FLORA VALUES 8 211 Regional Ecosystems 8 212 Ecosystem Structure 9 213 Vegetation Condition 10 214 EVR Species 1 1 22 FAUNA VALUES 12 221 Habitat Condition 12 222 Movement Corridors 12 223 EVR Species 1 3 3.0 DESKTOP ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT (BAMM) .................1 4 3 1 BAMM CRITERION 14 32 BAMM EVALUATION 1 6 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................1 7 5.0 REFERENCES ........... .......................................................................... 18 APPENDIX 1 : SIGNIFICANCE TABLE .................... .............................. 1 9 APPENDIX 2 : PLANT SPECIES LIST .... ....................... ..........................20 APPENDIX 3 : VEGETATION MAP .................................................. ......24 APPENDIX 4 : FAUNA CONNECTIVITY MAP ........................... ..........26 APPENDIX 5: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS .................................................. .. 28 Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD 4 BAMM-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parkland s 1 .0 INTRODUCTION 1 .1 SITE LOCATION The site Lot 2 RP904899 is situated between Nambour - Connection Road and Jacaranda Drive Nambour. The street address of the subject site is 28 Jacaranda Drive Parklands . Easting 0496848 Northing 7058027 Latitud e 26°34'54"S Longitude 152°58'06" E N Jaeger-Moran En vironmental PTY LTD 5 BAMM-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parklands 1.2 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION The subject land covers an area of approximately 5 2 hectares in size . The site is approximately one third cleared, with the cleared portion of the block, located in the eastern portion of the site along the Nambour-Connection road and a small clearing in the south-western portion of the block abutting Jacaranda Drive. The site vegetation located in the western portion of the site . This vegetation is consistent with Regional Ecosystem 12.12.15, which is described as mixed tall open forest with Eucalyptus microcorys, Lophostemon confertus, Corymbia antermedaa, E propinqua and occasional rainforest species on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks . The Conservation Status is "Not Of Concern" under the Vegetation Management Act 1999. The vegetation remnant is in moderate vegetative condition. Weed control has been undertaken on the site and most of the more prevalent weeds are under control . However there are still scattered weeds throughout the site . These weeds are present throughout the community, but are predominantly concentrated on the edges of the vegetation remnant. A small ephemeral stream flows through the property from the south to the west . This stream is a tributary for the Caboolture Creek, which eventually flows to the Maroochy River. Presently this creek flows into the downstream neighbours dam . The stream on site contains many weed species including Mist Flower and Salvinia emanating from neighbouring properties. Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD 6 ' 7 BAMM-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parklands I 1.3 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT METHOD S 1.3.1 Field Survey LI The field survey consisted of a site inspection conducted on the 30th August 2004, to assess the ecological and biological condition of the subject site . The field survey consists of a flora species audit, community structure, vegetation classification, Endangered, Vulnerable or Rare (EVR) flora search, and examines the sites potential habitat for fauna. Both flora and fauna issues were addressed during the site survey with specific information also forming part of the desktop survey. The field survey provided a visual assessment of the site and verification of site characteristics. I I 1.3.2 Desktop Survey (BAMM) Li The desktop survey uses the field survey information in collaboration with ecological information available in Geographic Information System (GIS), such as Regional Ecosystem data, Endangered, Vulnerable or Rare (EVR) species and surrounding influences . This information is then assessed against the Biodiversity Assessment and Mapping Methodology (BAMM) criteria produced by the Environmental Protection Agency (version 3 .3, October 2002) . k The BAMM has been prepared to provide a consistent approach for assessing biodiversity values in Queensland. The BAMM uses seven diagnostic and four supplementary criteria (only the seven diagnostic criteria have been used in this report, the four supplementary are for an `Expert Panel') to determine the relative significance of a remn ant vegetation area. The -result of this BAMM criterion identifies remnant vegetation areas that are of biodiversity significance at State, Regional and Local scales Appendix 1 shows the table used to assess the signific ance rating. u Li h LI Jaeger-Moran Environmental PTY LTD BAMM-04073 Jacaranda Open Forest, Parklands 2.0 FIELD ECOLOGICAL ASSESS MENT The field survey consisted of a site inspection conducted on the 30th August 2004, to assess the ecological and biological condition of the subject site. The aim of the field survey was to identify the Regional Ecosystem, search for any Endangered, Vulnerable and Rare (EVR) flora species, and assess the overall ecological and fauna habitat condition of the survey site . 2.1 FLORA VALUE S 2.1.1 Regional Ecosystems The Regional Ecosystem classification is used by the Environmental Protection Agency as the primary basis for describing and planning the conservation of biodiversity in the state. Remnant Regional Ecosystems (i.e. the extent remaining since European clearing) have been mapped by the Queensland Herbarium, and their conservation status is determined on the basis of their remaining extent, together with their condition and the presence of threatening processes . The three defined classes of conservation status for Regional Ecosystems are Endangered, Of Concern and No Concern at Presents . The site vegetation best fits Regional Ecosystem 12 .12.15, which was located in the Western portion of the property (see Appendix 3) . This Regional Ecosystem was in moderate ecological condition with weed disturbances present throughout
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