JOHN CENA VS BROCK LESNAR Winner - Brock Lesnar 5т. Finisher - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. BRIE BELLA VS STEPHANI MACMAHON Winner - Stephanie McMahon 5т. Finisher - Pedigree 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. CHRIS JERICHO VS BRAY WAYTT Winner - Bray Wyatt 5т. Finisher - Sister Abigail 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т JACK SWAGGER VS RUSEV Winner - Rusev 7т. DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS Winner - Seth Rollins 5т. Finisher - Удар с куфарчето 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. AJ LEE VS PAIGE Winner - Paige 5т. Finisher - PTO 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. ROMAN REIGNS VS RANDY ORTON Winner - Roman Reigns 5т. Finisher - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. THE MIZ VS DOLPH ZIGGLER Winner - Dolph Ziggler 5т. Finisher - Zig Zag 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Roman_Reigns21 WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar Победител - Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър - F5 3т. Winner By - Pinfal 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie Macmahon Победител - Stephanie McMahon 5т. Finisher - Pedigree 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt: Победител - Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър - Sister Abigail 3т. Winner By - Pinfall 1т. Flag Match Jack Swagger vs Rusev: Победител - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins Победител - Seth Rollins 5т. Финишър - Curb Stompp Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs Paige Победител -Paige 5т. Финишшър - PTO 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Победител - Roman Reigns 5т. Финишър - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Победител - Dolph Ziggler 5т. Финишър - Zig-Zag 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. 67 точки ДИСКВАЛИФИЦИРАН, ЗАЩОТО Е ЕДИТНАЛ ПРОГНОЗИТЕ СИ ДНЕС СЛЕД ТУРНИРА!!! alex_alex JOHN CENA VS BROCK LESNAR Победител - Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie Macmahon Победител - Brie Bella Finisher - Bella Buster Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt Победител – Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър – Sister Abigail 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Flag Match JACK SWAGGER VS RUSEV Победител - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS Победител - SETH ROLLINS 5т. Финишър - Peace of Mind Winner by - Pinfall 1т. AJ LEE VS PAIGE Победител - AJ Lee Финишър - Black Widow Winner by - Submission ROMAN REIGNS VS RANDY ORTON Победител - Roman Reigns 5т. Финишър - Spear 3т. Winner by - pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler Победител – Dolph Ziggler 5т. Финишър – Zig Zag 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. 50 точки CMPunk2803 WWE World Heavyweight Championship match: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar Winner - Brock Lesnar 5т. Finisher - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon Winner - Brie Bella Finisher - Yes lock Winner by - Submission Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt Winner - Bray Wyatt 5т. Finisher - Sister Abigail 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Flag match Jack Swagger vs Rusev Winner - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins Winner - Seth Rollins 5т. Finisher - Curb Stomp Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship match: AJ Lee vs Paige Winner - AJ Lee Finisher - Shinning wizard Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Winner - Roman Reigns 5т. Finisher - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship match: The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Победител – Dolph Ziggler 5т. Финишър – Zig Zag 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. 50 точки erik_owen JOHN CENA VS BROCK LESNAR Winner: My Client BROCKKK LLLESNARRR Conquered the title Разсмиване 5т. Win by: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: F5 3т. BRIE BELLA VS STEPHANIE MCMAHON Winner: Stephanie McMahon 5т. Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Pedigree 3т CHRIS JERICHO VS BRAY WAYTT Winner: Bray Wyatt 5т. Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Sister Abigail 3т. JACK SWAGGER VS RUSEV Winner: Rusev 7т. DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS Winner: Ambrose Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Dirty Deeds AJ LEE VS PAIGE Winner: AJ Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Roll-up ROMAN REIGNS VS RANDY ORTON Winner: Roman Reigns 5т. Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Spear 3т. THE MIZ VS DOLPH ZIGGLER Winner: The Miz Win By: Pinfall 1т. Finisher: Roll-up 46 точки TheAvatar WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs Brok Lesnar Победител - Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър - F5 3т. Winner By - Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie Macmahon Победител - Stephanie McMahon 5т. Finisher - Pedigree 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1. Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt: Победител - Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър - Sister Abigail 3т. Winner By - Pinfall 1т. Flag Match Jack Swagger vs Rusev: Победител - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins Победител - Dean Ambrose Финишър - Dirty Deeds Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs Paige Победител - AJ Lee Финишшър - Black Widow Winner by - Sumbission Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Победител - Roman Reigns 5т. Финишър - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Победител - The Miz Финишър - Skull Crushing Finale Winner by - Pinfall 1т. 45 точки rey mysterio_best Brock Lesnar vs John Cena Победител – Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър – F5 3т. Winner by : PIN 1т. BRIE BELLA VS STEPHANI MACMAHON Победител – Stephanie 5т. Финишър – Pedigree 3т. Winner by – PIN 1т. Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt Победител – Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър – Sister Abi***l 3т. Winner by – PIN 1т. Jack Swagger vs Rusev ( FLAG MATCH ) Победител – Rusev 7т. Финишър – Knockout Winner by – Capture The Russian Flag Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins ( Lumberjack Match ) Победител – Dean Ambrose Финишър – Curtstop Winner by – PIN 1т. Aj Lee vs PAige Победител – Aj Lee Финишър – Black Widow Winner by – submission Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Победител – Randy Orton Финишър – Rko + PuntKick Winner by – PIN 1т. The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Победител – dolph zigler 5т. Финишър – zig zag 3т. Winner by – PIN 1т. 45 точки StyleR JOHN CENA VS BROCK LESNAR Победител - Йохн Цена Финишър - А А Winner by - Пин 5т. BRIE BELLA VS STEPHANI MACMAHON Победител - Брие Белла Финишър - Йес Лоцк Winner by - Пин 1т. CHRIS JERICHO VS BRAY WAYTT Победител - Брау Вуатт 5т. Финишър - Систер Абигаил 3т. Winner by - Пин 1т. Flag Match JACK SWAGGER VS RUSEV Победител - Сашо 7т. Lumberjack Match DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS Победител - Деан Амбросе Финишър - Дирту Деедс Winner by - Пин 1т. AJ LEE VS PAIGE Победител - Паиге 5т. Финишър - Паиге Турнер 3т. Winner by - Пин 1т. ROMAN REIGNS VS RANDY ORTON Победител - Роман Реигнс 5т. Финишър - Спеар 3т. Winner by - Пинl 1т. THE MIZ VS DOLPH ZIGGLER Победител - Тхе Миз Финишър - Скулл Крусхинг Финале Winner by - Пин 1т. 42 точки PeoplePoweR WWE World Heavyweight Championship match: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar Winner - Brock Lesnar 5т. Finisher - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon Winner - Brie Bella Finisher - Yes lock Winner by - Submission Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt Winner - Bray Wyatt 5т. Finisher - Sister Abigail 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Flag match Jack Swagger vs Rusev Winner - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins Winner - Seth Rollins 5т. Finisher - Curb Stomp Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship match: AJ Lee vs Paige Winner - AJ Lee Finisher - Black widow Winner by - Submission Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Winner - Roman Reigns 5т. Finisher - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship match: The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Winner - The Miz Finisher - Skull-Crushing Finale Winner by - Pinfall 1т. 41 точки undertaker277 WWE World Heavyweight Championship match: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar Winner - Brock Lesnar 5т. Finisher - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs Stephanie McMahon Winner - Brie Bella Finisher - Yes lock Winner by - Submission Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt Winner - Chris Jericho Finisher -Codebreaker Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Flag match Jack Swagger vs Rusev Winner - RUSEV 7т. Lumberjack Match Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins Winner - Seth Rollins 5т. Finisher - Curb Stomp Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs Paige Победител - AJ Lee Финишшър - Black Widow Winner by - Sumbission Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton Winner - Roman Reigns 5т. Finisher - Spear 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship match: The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler Победител – Dolph Ziggler 5т. Финишър – Zig Zag 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. SummerSlam Kickoff pre-show match: RVD vs Cesaro Winner: RVD Finisher: Five star frog splash Winner by:Pinfall 41 точки Miz_Swagger_Fan JOHN CENA VS BROCK LESNAR Победител - Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър - F5 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. BRIE BELLA VS STEPHANI MACMAHON Победител - Stephani McMahon 5т. Финишър - Pedigree 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. CHRIS JERICHO VS BRAY WAYTT Победител - Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър - Sister Abi***l 3т. Winner by - Pinfall 1т. Flag Match JACK SWAGGER VS RUSEV Победител - Jack Swagger Lumberjack Match DEAN AMBROSE VS. SETH ROLLINS Победител - Dean Ambrose Финишър - Durty Deeps Winner by - Pinfall 1т. AJ LEE VS PAIGE Победител - AJ Lee Финишър - Black Widow Winner by - Submission ROMAN REIGNS VS RANDY ORTON Победител - Roman Reigns 5т. Финишър - Spear 3т. Winner by - pinfall 1т. THE MIZ VS DOLPH ZIGGLER Победител - The Miz Финишър - Roll up(превъртане) Winner by - pinfall 1т. 38 точки denkata398 WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar Победител – John Cena Финишър – AA - Attitude Adjustment Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon Победител – Brie Bella Финишър – "Yes!" Lock Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt Победител – Bray Wyatt 5т. Финишър – Sister Abigail 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Flag Match Jack Swagger vs. Rusev За Flag Match – Победител - Rusev 7т. Lumberjack Match Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins Победител – Dean Abrose Финишър – Dirty Deeds Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Divas Championship Match Divas Champion AJ Lee vs. Paige Победител – AJ Lee Финишър – Black Widow Winner by – Submission Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton Победител – Roman Reigns 5т. Финишър – Spear 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. Intercontinental Championship Match Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler Победител – Dolph Ziggler 5т. Финишър – Zig Zag 3т. Winner by – Pinfall 1т. 37 точки asen311 Brock Lesnar vs John Cena Победител – Brock Lesnar 5т. Финишър – F5 3т. Winner by : PIN 1т.
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