This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu A8/Commen~ THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Tuesday, October 19, 1993 THE ONCINNATI ENQUIRER HARRY M. WHIPPLE President and Publisher IAWRENCE K. BFAUPRE Editor, Vice President JANET C. LF..ACH Managing Editor PETER W. BRONSON Associate Editor H. THEODORE BERGH Vice President, Finance GEORGE R. RIAlffi Vice President, Community Affairs A Gannett Newspaper DAVID L. HUNKE Vice President, Advertising WILLIAM R. JOHNSTON Vice President, Circulation MARKS. MIICOIAJCZYK Vice President, Production GERALD T. SILVERS Vice President, Marketing Services .Enough Aronoff Cincinnati afflicted by Riffe-itis, .names two buildings after senator Nobody has done more for Cincin- an incumbent politician has written a nati than Ohio Senate President Stan- check out of his own pocket through ley J. Aronoff. We're fans of Stan. But pure generosity. putting his name on two new state-fi- We don't question that Aronoff has nanced buildings is a little much. Cincinnati's best interests at heart. Aronoff says he didn't a~k for the He has been a dedicated patron of the honor. He called it a coinci- arts, and delivered funding dence. Local leaders seemed for both local buildings. to have simultaneously come Aronoff has probably sin- up with the same idea. So gle-handedly provided state the University of Cincinnati to build a good share will soon break ground on funding UC campus. His ef- the Aronoff Center for De- of the during the trying battle sign and Art, due to open in forts the new downtown 1996; and the Stanley J. to build center deserve the grat- Aronoff Center for the Arts arts itude of · all who recognize will open downtown in 1995. OK, so Cincinnati already Sen. Aronoff how important the project is the arts and has Pete Rose Way and the Ronald to revitalize is one of Reagan Highway. But naming build- downtown nightlife. Aronoff Cincinnati ever had in ings after politicians who are not only the best friends still living but still thriving in office is, the state legislature. well, tacky. He deserves recognition, and he is It has the ring of Riffe-itis - the getting it. Governor George Voino- mysterious affliction that has left the vich visited Cincinnati yesterday to whole state of Ohio blemished with dedicate the arts center on Walnut buildings bearing polished plaques en- Street and honor Aronoff. graved with the name of forever But let's not forget: That's taxpay- Speaker of the House Vern Riffe. er money that is being spent. Those Coming just as Cincinnati is going are public buildings, paid for mainly by begging in Columbus for a $360 mil- Joe Sixpack and Jane Chablis. Why lion wish list of public works projects should any politician be honored with that Aronoff must approve, it looks such a permanent public tribute for like the city is stroking the powerful returning some of Cincinnati's state Senate president's ego in hopes of a tax dollars for local spending? big payoff. his credit, Aronoff seemed a That's not all. Naming buildings To by the twin monu- after incumbents is free political ad- little embarrassed vertising that automatically boosts an ments of worship. incumbent' s name recognition with So are many local taxpayers. Put- public money. That sends the wrong ting Aronoff' s name on local buildings message. It gives the impression that was inaimropriate. Page 1 of 71 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Ohio GOP State Senate Fundraiser *This is annual big-money event for Ohio Republican State Senate campaign. *Republicans control State Senate by 20-13 margin. They have controlled the Senate since 1984. There are 17 Senate seats up in 1994, eight of which are held by Republicans. *Attached talking points include themes you've focused on the last couple of days. *Opening remarks refer to fact that Cincinnati was recently named as "America's most livable city," and the fact that the Cincinnati Bengals are the only NFL team with a worse record than the Redskins. Page 2 of 71 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu t • . , 'Jobs · ' bill' . ~'~ : c()ntains eVerythi11g. ·• .. but jobs I met Bob Dole when he was in Cincinnati for "construction" ($10 GCorge Mitchell (D-Maine), the Senate Majori- two weeks ago. Dole is revelling in his leader- million), school opera- . ty leader. At the time the stimulus package was ship of the "loyal opposition" to President Clin- tions ($26 million), and being developed, the Office of Management ton's "economic stimulus" bill. the rest ($66 million) for and Budget solicited city mayors, to "send in Despite the fact that the media is attempting "operation of Indian pro- their wish lists" for potential funding. to do to him symbolically what Los Angeles grams.'" ·And, like a pack of 5-year-olds competing police officers did to Rodney King physically, Over $150 million ~ to be the first in line to see Santa Oaus, they the Kansas senator and Senate Minority Leader goes to the Forest Ser- · did just that OMB reserves the right to approve is worth listening to if you really desire to vice for "maintenance, ·or disapprove individual projects, but the know the reasons behind the Republicans' suc- , 1 I . /. repairs, rehabilitation, nature of the wish lists is what irks Dole and cessful filibuster. Jerry ~t/ LI/?_)' and natural resource con- Senate Republicans. The legislation under contention is the Sullivan servation activities" •.· ··So, there's construction of a new fire station "Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act along with almost $28 in Kansas aty, Kansas Bicycle paths through of 1993." On the surface, the act appears harm- On the million for "recreation · cemeteries. Movie theater renovation or con- less, if not vague. If enacted, its provisions, for Record facility and trail con- struction projects in Arizona and Ohio. And 1 the most part, would expire for the fiscal year struction." Meanwhile, there's swimming pools (or, in Ointon-ese, ending I September 30, 1993. under the heading of "Energy Conservation," "cement ponds"), lots and Senate have Swim- \ The Department of Agriculture, for exam- no less than about $26 million will be spent ming pools, why shouldn't those people? Of ple, receives "additional amounts" to the tune "for the acquisition of alternative-fuel vehicles a>urse, the White House has its own pool as of hundreds of millions of dollars for "build- for the Federal fleet and for the conversion of well, but if the government was in the business ings and facilities," "salaries and expenses," existing vehicles in the Federal fleet to alterna- of giving everyone what government has, we tive ~- ''watershed and flood prevention operations," fuels." ·· · · ·. · ·would all require secret service protection the "rural housing insurance fund," "rural What are the common threads, running (from each other) and weld have to find a tele- development insurance," and "very low income through all of the budge items? The word "addi- -vision network to broadcast, for the public ; housing repair grants.:' r:: ..' .,, - 1 tional:" Every one of. th~ PfOgrams-a)teady ~even opr~IJlOSl !DUndane conversations : Tue District of.Columbia receives an addi- receives a sizeable slice of tax.dollars; while tbC .tin..rCading the. list, one is moved to immedi- tional $28 million "to provide for essential act carries the word "emergency" in its title, ately inquire as to whatever became of the func- jobs, public safety, health, and other municipal these are hardly emergency economic times tions of city government, and why oh why services in the face of its financial crisis." The compared with previous periods in our history. should federal counterparts be getting involved exact definition of "essential," or what consti- In case you're wondering what's been done with, among other things, beach parking tutes "public safety," is, of course, missing with the funds previously targeted for these garages in Florida and plant stress labs in Texas. from the legislation, implying that it is up to the areas, the answe; is frequently "nothing." For Dole's anger is warranted, as well as his Washington city elders to determine their example, the econC""iC stimulus contains $2.5 leadership efforts to guarantee that the minority meanings billion for additional "community development voice is heard. He's in keeping with the best The Interior Department has over $22 mil- grants." As of last week, th~re was $4 billion in spirit of preventing the oft-warned "tyranny of lion earmarked for a "Historic preservation funds still waiting lO be spent why, therefore, the majority." fund," and over $83 million designated simply is an additional $2.5 billion needed? Sullivan is a graduate student in political to "construction." Indian affairs receives over The answer to this question, which is also science and a staff columnist for The News $100 million, in addition to its original funding, the second common thread, comes from Record. Page 3 of 71 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BOB DOLE ID: 202 - 408- 51 17 NO V 04 ' 93 15: 39 No .008 P. 02 . / I / I I FINAL 11/4/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- lRIPAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1993 10:30 AM Lv. Capitol 10:50 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 10:55 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Citation II TAIL NO.: N 511 WS CO-OWNER: H.C. "Buck" Niehoff 513/621-3394 SEATS: 8 PILOT: Scott Durkee CO-PILOT: Gary Hebbard 513/321-7142 MANIFEST: Senator Dole auck Niehoff FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 18 mins CONTACT: Helene Apkee Cin-Air, Inc.
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