GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH MURSHIDABAD P.O.- Berhampore, Dist. Murshidabad IIl r,irr t)\4P,/ .' )\)(rtl)t,/A// Pt N-742101 Lmail. ld : cmohnrurshidabad(a)11marl.corr Memo No. CM-MSD/9986 ORDER Dated, Berha mpor e, the 3t / 72 I 2019. ln pursuancL' of Order No. 274(2) - HS(MS)lHFlOlMS|S 1112011 Dated 21.08.2019 from thc Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal, Dept. of Health & F.W. and NIT ttio. CM/MSD/Dev/8051 l)ated 21/101 2019 of the undersigned, Zone wise etender was invited for Cleaning and l-lousel<eeping Services for different hospitals in Murshidabad district for 3 (thrr:e) years, renewable at the end of each year of satisfactory perf orrrtance by bidder. After opening of the technical and financial bids, the zone wise bidcler has been selected as mentioned below in column no.?-. After completion of thc formalities, worl< orders are being issued to the selected bidders. l-hr: contract period shall r:ommence from the date of notification of award of contract for this tendr:r. Total statutory monthly emolument payable @ rate of nrinimum wages as per Labour Department and otht:rs for, ESI Contributiort, FPF, EDLI, llonus and other charges for management fees including consumables will be paid by the authority as mentioned in column no 7. Daily wages of labour will bt: r.hanged from tinrr: to time as ller order of Labour Comrnission, West Bengal. Hospital wise sanctionerj strength for depioyment oi rnan power for Cleaning and Housel<eeping Services for different zone mentioned in column no. li. All the selected bidders will start their work by arranging sanctioned number of manpower w.e.f. oL / 0L / 2020 to 3L / 72 / 2o20. SI Narne of Name of thr-. Name of the Numher of wtanagement The responsible No. the selected Zone Hospital where Man power fees Authority for bidder Cleaning and to be payment l-l ousel<eep ing engaged Services to be p rovid ed 1 2 3 1, M/s. Santi (A Zone) i.e. 2f+1 Superintendent, Jangipur SD E n te rp rise, jangipur SD (SLrperr, isor') Jangipur St) Hospita I Bolpur, l-lospita l, l8 Hospita I l(alil<apur, Sagardighi RH, Sagardighi RH 03 Chief Medical P.O.+P.S.- Anupnagar RH, Anupnagar RH Officer of Hea lth, Bolpur, Rajnagar RH, Rajnagar RH o% Murshidabad. Dist.- Mahesail RH, Mahesail RH o% Birbhum, Arjunpur PHC Pin. No. undcr Faral<l<a Arjunpur PHC 7312A4 BPHC, under Faral<ka M u rsl-r id a bad. BPHC Command (C Zone) i.e. Superintende nt, Lalbagh St) o% La I bagh SD Secu rity La I bagh SD Hos pita I f-lospital, H ospita I Se rvi ce, Krishnapur RH, Krishnapur RH o% Chief Med ica I 806, Lake J iaga nj RH, Jiaganj RH o2 Off icer of Town, AzimganjPHC Azimganj PHC Hea lth, Block-A, 01 under Jiaganj Rh, under Jiagani Rh M urshida bad. l(o ll<ata - Murshidabad, 700089 Palsanda PHC Palsanda PHC under Nabagram under Nabagram BPHC, BPHC Murshidabad. Cornmand (t Zone) i.e. Beldanga RH o2 Chief Medical of Secu rity Belda nga RH, Saktipur RH Officer Saktipur RH, RH Health, Sc rvice, Amtala Amtala RH, M u rshida bad. 806, Lake Baharan PHC Baharan PHC Town, under under Block-A, Ha riha rpa ra Hariharpara Koll<ata- uPrlc, I]PHC, M urshida bad. /00089 Murshidabad. All the zone wise successful bidders are requested to submit the monthly bill zone wise in two separate sheets/ bill format i.e. Sub-Divisional Hospital bill will be submitted to the office of the Supcrinte.nrjent of the differerrt zones and other part of bill of BPHC/RH/PHC shall be submitted to the Account Sectlon of thc officc of t he under different zone. 'The above agerrcies shall abide the terrns and conditions as laid down in G.O. No.274(2) - HS(MS)/HF/O/MS/S-1112011 Dared 21.08.2019, and the NIT for Cleaning and Housel<eeping services zone wise under Murshidabad district vide this office earlier NIT No. CM/MSD/Dev/8051 Dated 2uL0120t9. The above agencies shoLrld start the Cleaning and Housekeeping Services on & from O1/OL/202O failing which the order rnay ber treated as cancelled. The agencies may be terminated at any time during its existenge on the grgund of inferior quality of work, short quantity, irrcgtrlarities or non-working of any or rnore of the prescribed in thc'NlT. Order will be valid & renewed as' to satisfactory pe r[o rm a nce. rvrursniaaifu\-\I{' Memo no CM/MSD lDevl9986l1\a6) Dated, Berhampore,the 31,f L2|2OL9. - Copy f orwarded for informatiort and necessary action to: 1. I lre Director of Health Se-rvices, West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, Kolkata-g1. 2. Ihe loint Secretary, to the Govt. of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, Kolkata. 3. Thc Jt. Director of Health Services (Hospital Administration), West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, Koll<ata 91. 4. Ihe Dy. Director of Health Services (HospitalAdministration), West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, Ko I kata-9 1. 5. The Shabadhipati, Murshidabad Zilla Parisad. 6. The District Magistratr:, MLrrshidabad. 1. The Additional District Magistrate (LR/ Health), Murshidabad. 8. Ihe OC Health, Murshidabad. 9. Mr. Sourav Ghosh, lT Co ordinator, Swasthya Bhavan- with a request to display the attached matter in wbhealth.gov.in website for notice publication. 10. lhe District lnformation's Officer, N.l.C., Office of the District Collectorate, Murslridabad with a rcquest to upload/display the attached notification in the district website lv,.ryw.mursiridabad.nrr.r,,. 11 I he Dy. Chief Medical Officer of Health llllllltlDMCAOlZtO, Murshidabad. 12. The SDO, Lalbagh/ Jangiptrr/Sadar, Murshidabad. 1.1. The ACMOH, Sadar/t albagh/Jangipur, Murshidabad. 14. The Superintendent, Lalbagh SD Hospital, Jangipur SD Hospital, Murshidabad. 15. The Treasury Officer, Berhampore Treasury-l-/Lalbagh/Jangipur, Murshidabad. 16. The Block Medical Officer of Health, Sagardighi RH/ Farakka BPHC/Anupnagar RH/Rajnagar RH/ Mahesail ttH/ Krishnapur RH/.liaganj RH/ Nabagram BPHC/Beldanga RH/ Saktipur RH/ Amtala RH/ Hariharpara BPHC, Murshidabad 17. The Accounts Officer of this office. I8 The Administrative Officer l/ll, Olo the CMOH, Murshidabad. 19. The Dealing Assistant of this file, CMOH office, Msd. 20. The PA to CMOH, Murshidabad. 21. The Head Clerl<, O/o the CMOH, Murshidabad" 22. Mls. Santi Enterprise, Bolpur, l(alil<apur, P.O.+P.S.- Bolpur, Dist.- Birbhum. 23. Mls. Command Security Service,B06, Lal<e To\,^rn, Block-A, l(olkata- 700089, Pin. No.- 131204. Murshidabad.
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