21_001.qxd 27-07-2006 20:59 Pagina 1 FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE FOR BASKETBALL JULY EVERYWHERE ENTHUSIASTS / AUGUST 2006 ASSIST21 WORLD ONE GAME CONGRESS ONE GLOBE 2006 ONE GOAL ;4 21_003_004_editorial 27-07-2006 23:15 Pagina 3 EDITORIAL “WE MAKE SURE BASKETBALL IS CHALLENGING, EXCITING, AND FASCINATING FOR EVERYONE” Welcome to the 21st edition of the FIBA Assist Magazine. On the occasion of the 2006 FIBA World Congress in Japan this special edition will not concentrate on the usual content of the magazine, but guide you on a journey through FIBA’s objectives and activities. This journey will bring you all over the globe, through a variety of countries, pictures and stories, which, however, can not fully catch – in 80 pages only - the intensity and the rhythm of our growing sport and by which we all live on a day by day basis. This journey started on the courts in India- napolis in 2002. Serbia and Montenegro won the Championship back there on the sacred US soil, but two years later it was Ar- gentina that mesmerized the world by win- ning Olympic Gold in 2004. In 2006 in Japan, even more teams can aspire to end up on the podium while the specialised press ex- pects a renewed and motivated US team, with players proud to wear the uniforms of their national team. The uncertainty has ne- ver been higher and only the court will tell us where the game goes. Off the courts, our journey brought us physically in 2002 from Munich, Germany, where we have been facing serious – and still unresolved - tax issues, to Geneva, Switzerland. This was a considerable tur- ning-point for FIBA as we also split ope- rations with FIBA Europe, which remai- ned in Munich and became an autono- mous organization as all other Zones in accordance with our Statutes. This was also the time, in 2003, when the FIBA Central Board adopted, after one year of work, its strategic plan and score- cards. Many of the activities that are cap- tured in this magazine – and the magazine itself - are a direct consequence of this process. FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE | 21 2006 | PAGE 3 21_003_004_editorial 27-07-2006 23:15 Pagina 4 EDITORIAL All five FIBA Zones were renamed and a at all levels, but the approved FIBA harmo- products such as textiles, souvenirs and new FIBA brand identity was launched nized calendar provides for a minimum su- sports equipment may be ordered online on at the beginning of 2003 . This new iden- stainable framework for most activities. fiba.com. The opening allowed us not only tity includes the FIBA World and FIBA to enlarge our business portfolio but helped Zone logos, colour schemes and type fa- In the meantime “Basketball for Young us to further promote the FIBA brand. ces, in an integrated worldwide concept, Players” (published in 2000), an important which is unique in the international spor- reference for young coaches, has been At the end of 2005, FIBA distributed the Na- ting movement and led FIBA to the laun- translated throughout the years in six lan- tional Federations Manual late last year ch of a new web page, followed shortly guages; Olympic Solidarity Courses were and presented it at all Zone General As- by all FIBA Zones. held all over the world and important mo- semblies in 2006. The Manual is a complete nies were invested in them; FIBA and NBA and comprehensive collection of informa- To react to unfavourable market condi- jointly started Basketball Without Borders tion to assist each National Federation in tions, FIBA created its own TV, Marketing camps, which developed considerably sin- their everyday operations. and Events department at that same pe- ce 2001, reaching today 4 continents, over riod, pooling together the marketing and te- 80 national federations and 250 kids every Our journey brings us to 2006 and here to levision rights to all major official competi- summer. Japan and, later in September, to Brazil. On tions at world and continental level. The re- this long journey one can not forget the im- sults over the first cycle are promising and In the winter of 2004, FIBA’s Media Guide portance of our women basketball, a sec- almost 25 million USD were generated and was launched on-line. Very useful, the me- tion of our sport that is exciting, but chal- returned to the FIBA Zones. This new focus dia guide contains information and contact lenging when it comes to make it succes- of activity pushed the respective FIBA de- details for FIBA National Federations and sful worldwide. partments to attend almost all of the events FIBA National Federations Clubs. An im- around the globe and to create explanatory portant Media Directory is also available. Finally, this journey would have been hope- manuals in 2003, to be distributed to poten- less without the commitment of all the FIBA tial sponsors, TV channels and, most im- In the fall of 2004, the decision about the family and of the FIBA staff in Geneva and portantly, to Local Organizing Committees host country for 2010 World Championship in the Zones. They, you, deserve most of that wish to bid for a FIBA event. was taken in Kuala Lumpur. Turkey, one of the credit. the fastest growing basketball countries, But as Indianapolis showed, the level of won by one vote over France the right to I hope this issue of FIBA Assist will give our game was growing and new teams host FIBA’s premier event with the comple- you a glimpse of our vision and mission as were reaching top rankings. Therefore, te cooperation of national authorities. we try to make basketball challenging, ex- the FIBA family was mature to expand the citing and fascinating for everyone. We ha- World Championship for Men from 16 In May 2005, several important regulations ve our problems and new ones will come teams in 2002 to 24 teams today in Japan came into force such as the Regulations along as in any business or family. Also, de- and we owe our appreciation to the Japa- governing League Organisations, the Regu- mand for better conditions, for better rules, nese Federation for accepting this chal- lations governing Players’ Agents and the for better facilities and for more revenues lenge. Regulations governing FIBA Approved Coa- is growing, and this must be reconciled ches. The relationship between leagues, with responsible activities and choices. As a recognition to the increased popularity, clubs and national federations remains a basketball was introduced in the 2006 Com- constant challenge of our pyramidal system But basketball is a team sport and as such, monwealth Games in Melbourne Australia; and the regulations aim at a reasonable through a strong spirit of partnership FISU, following FIBA’s advice, modified its working relationship among all stakehol- between all our National Federations, Zo- basketball competition system to make it ders. Agents are to the eyes of many a ne- nes, Sponsors, Partners and Friends in ge- more attractive and useful to the FIBA fa- cessary evil, but there is no doubt that they neral, and through innovative programmes mily; and FIBA introduced a more regular perform a precise and positive role in the and activities, FIBA is paving its way world competition calendar for the young- eyes of players and teams. FIBA’s role is to towards a strong and sustainable journey sters, focusing on U18 and U16 categories. ensure that there are no abuses and that in the future. standard code of conducts and ethics ap- At the same time, as basketball was one of ply to this environment. Finally, we need re- We are basketball. the few sports not providing national teams sponsible and competent coaches, in parti- with the “second chance” opportunity to cular for our younger generations of qualify for the Olympic Games, FIBA esta- players. The approved regulations will al- blished the Pre Olympic Qualifying Tourna- low us to create a database of all coaches ment for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. This worldwide and later on to include quality first edition will be a test to attract attention requirements for obtaining the license. to our sport shortly before the Olympics to the benefit of FIBA. Summer 2005 saw the launch of the FIBA on-line store, the first ever merchandising Certainly some work remains to be done as program and e-business of the Internatio- Patrick Baumann the competition calendar is overcrowded nal Basketball Federation. A wide range of FIBA Secretary General PAGE 4 | 21 2006 | FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE 05 table of contents.qxd 27-07-2006 23:16 Pagina 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL “We Make Sure Basketball Is Challenging, Exciting, and Fascinating For Everyone” 3 Vision, Strategy and activities A New Identity 6 SCORECARDS Our Objectives 8 competitions A Growing Success 15 NATIONAL FEDERATIONS MANUAL Global Tool for Local Improvements 19 FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE is a publication of FIBA OLYMPiC SOLIDARITY PROGRAMS International Basketball Federation The Large Family 20 51 – 53, Avenue Louis Casaï CH-1216 Cointrin/Geneva Switzerland BASKETBALL WITHOUT BORDERS Tel. +41-22-545.0000, Fax +41-22-545.0099 www.fiba.com / e-mail: [email protected] Friendship, Fundamentals and Education 24 IN COLLABORATION WITH Giganti-BT&M, Cantelli commercial activities Editore, Italy On and Off The Court 30 PARTNER WABC (World Association of Basketball Coaches), Dusan Ivkovic President branding ASlogan Becomes Reality 33 FIBA.COM Editor-in-Chief The Power of Internet 36 Giorgio Gandolfi PUBLICATIONS Print Is Still Important 40 Editorial Office: Cantelli Editore, V. Saliceto 22/E, 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO), FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE Italy, Tel. +39-051-6328811, For Improving at Every Level 43 Fax +39-051 6328815 E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Italy.
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