The \uf Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh-Founded in 1844 TWO DOLLAK8 FEE TEAR 109th Year-No. 32 PITTSBURGH, PÀM TltÛKSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1952 SINGLE COPT ITO CENTS Bishop Presides at Funeral Mass Negro Nuns to Teach Special Observance to Mark Of S. P. Barry, 'Outstanding Layman' In Parish in Sharon Sharon, |>a., Oct. 20 — Three Feast of Christ the King | A Solemn Requiem Mass Tues- members of the Oblate Sisters of day morning in St Peter's Church, Providence, the oldest of four Ne- McKeesport, where for years he gro religious congregations in the In observance of the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, had led the Holg Name Society United States, have arrived here Oct 26, Bishop John F. Dearden has directed that the Act and the Society of St. Vineent de to establish a convent, and eventu- of Consecration be recited publicly after each Mass in all Paul; burial in the cemetery at ally a school, in Christ the King St. Vincent's Archabbey, La trobe, Parish. They are the first mem- the churches of the diocese on that day, that the Blessed where for more than a quarter- bers of their community to be as- Sacrament be exposed in each church throughout the day, century he had led the summer signed to duties in Pennsylvania. following the last Mass, and that the observance close with retreats for lawmen; the^e mark- The Sisters will conduct relig- ed the close of the Career of ious instruction classes and will a procession of the Blessed Sacrament in each church, with Stephen P. Barry, who was, by open a kindergarten this fall. Later the men of parish taking an active part. The feast, of its unanimous agreement, the •'out- it is planned to start an elementary very nature, the Bishop points out, "must have a public standing layman" of the Pitts- school, beginning with the first burgh Diocese. Mr. Barry died in grade, and adding Another grade character," since it was established in recognition of the Pittsburgh Hospital on Saturday, yearly. dominion of Christ over all creatures. ; Oct. 18, at the age of 76. Bishop Presides Rev. C. M. Keane Bishop John F. Dearden pre- Forgiveness Needed sided at the Mass, of which Rev. Dies in Hospital; Leo A. McCrory, pastor of St. Peter's, was celebrant; the Arch- Burial Yesterd&y abbot of St. Vincent's, Rt. Rev. For Peace, Pope Says Denis Strittmatter, O.S.B., was Bishdp John F. Dearden was present in the sanctuary, and lat- celebrant of. Solemn Pontifical er conducted the committal serv- Vatican.. City, Oct. 16—Pope Pius XII has called on the Requiem Mass yesterday morning ice at the grave. Also present peoples of Europe to let bygones be bygones and practice in St. Pius' Church, McKeesport, were Very Rev. Harry Graham, justice and charity in their efforts to bring about unification. for Rev. Charles Martin Keane, O.P., of New York, national di- Otherwise, he said, these efforts may fail. % pastor there since 1951, who died rector erf ¡the Holy Name Society; Addressing members of the Pax Sunday in Mercy Hospital. Burial Msgr. Paul Curran, O.P., prefect Qhristi movement, the Pontiff re- to be held responsible one way or was in Calvary Cemetery] Pitts- apostolic of Kienow, China, a na- the other. burgh. • | \ tive of McKeesport; Rev. Thomas peatedly summoned Catholics to make a special contribution to- The Holy Father defined the Incapacitated by illness for B, Lappa n, former diocesan di- proper climate for the develop- nearlyl two years, Father Keane rector of the Society of St. Vincent STEPHEN P. BARRY ward bringing about a true Chris- tian union among states and peo- ment of European union as an "at- had been admitted to the hospital de Pfcul, and some 50 other dio- mosphere of4ruth, justice and love whom Mr. Barry had served 26 ples. He said that in a "cold war," for treatment a week before his cesan priests. A section of the Just as in war in general, innocent in Christ." Translated into con- death. The body was taken to his Church was ocupied by Sister«, years as retreat chairmanWaiw „ crete terms, he said, this mils for The subdeacon was Rev. Paul peoples have not only the right rectory on Monday, and was and the rest of the structure was but the duty of defending them- jttttice, mutual respect and trust translated to the church on Tues- crowded by those who had been Bassompierre, diocesan director of between peoples. the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, selves against political slavery and day afternoon, with Very Rev. associated with Mr. Barry in his economic ruin. Michael A. McGarey, pastor of St many activities. in which Mr. Barry had been a tireless worker; chaplains to the Pope Pius spoke at a special Greensburg PHests* Aloysius' Church, Wilmerding, Assistant priest to the Bishop at Bishop were Rev. Cajetan Sulli- audience in the Hall of Benedic- and dean of the district, officiating. the Mass was Rev. Paul M. Lack- van, C P., director of St. Paul's tions of St Peter's Basilica. The Conference • Members of the Holy Name So* ner, diocesan director of the Holy Retreat House, South Side, with Pax Christi -members had come -ciety of the parish mantained an Name Society, on the diocesan which Mr. Barry had been actively to Rome to hear his message, fol- The' fall conference of the all-night guard .of honor. board . of which j Mr./ Barry had associated, and Rev. Martin Ru- lowing their congress at Assist priests of the Diocese of Assisting at the Funeral Mass served since 1911 artd of which bicky, of Clairton, spiritual direc- Atmosphere Net Right Greensfnlrg will be held were Rev. Walter i Cj^Hara, pastor he was president in 1924 and tor of the McKeesport district unit The Pontiff recalled that for Thursday, Oct 30, at 2:3t P.M., of St. Cecilia's, Glassport, as as- 1925. The deacon of the Mass was of the Holy Name Society which at St. Emma's Retreat House, yeairs peoples and nations and en- live Point Road. sistant priest; Rev. Edward Du- Rev. Edmund Cuneo, O.S.B., dean Mr. Barry organized in 1911 and tire continents have been seeking / (Continued on Last Page) of St Vincent's College, and di- of which he had been president peace. "What would the Church rector of lay retreats there, with ever since. not give to procure it for them!" Honored for Work he exclaimed. Impressive Ceitemony at Cathedral Known and admired in McKees- But he added, the efforts Df port particularly for his care of To The Point statesmen cause him anguish be- MarkI • 1 s InvestiturI V e of ...Monsignor ! i the poor, through the Society of cause the proper atmosphere is BY THE EDITOR Sjjt. Vincent de Paul, Mr. Barry not yet present among the nations. was a diocesan figure by reason The eight priests of thé Pitts-, Farri, Msgr. Campbell and Msgr. Giant of Faith The demands for European burgh Diocese whose elevation by Fussenegger are diocesan con- of his work with the Holy Name unity, the Holy Father said, have, Steve Barry was a big man, big Society and in the lay retreat Pope Pius ; XII I to monsignoral suitors. in every way. Those powerful prompted statesmen ,to seek the rank was announced Sept. 6, were movement In 1947 the national realization of objectives which re- The other two new monsignori shoulders carried his large head office of the Holy Name Society invested lasi Sunday in the robes up high; he walked with a slow, quire a new manner of considering their new status entitles them to' are Papal Chamberlains, with the conferred upon him the Vercelli the relations between peoples. title Very Rev. Monsignor. They «olid gait that took him where he (Continued on Last Page) wear. The investiture ceremony, was going in disregard of all ob- The Holy Father declared it with Bishop John F. Dearden of- are Msgr. Quigley, who is diocesan stacles. He spoke slowly, too, often only natural that peoples should ficiating, took place in St Paul's superintendent of schools, and searching for the right word, but Archbishop of Boston nourish resentments, languish un- Cathedral in the presence of a con- Msgr. Joseph G. Findlan, secretary what he said was weighted with Edi|s Nurse Magazine der historical defeats and boast of gregation which filled thè edifice. for diocesan charities and chaplain sincerity. It seemed strange that a past victories. Me warned, how- Escorted into the cathedral in a at Eudes Institute. man so big could be so gentle; he ever, that such emotions contrib- procession of altar boys and clergy, Purple Garments Boston, Oct. 1&—'"The Catholic ute nothing to the common cause never spoke impatiently, much H the new monsignori knelt in the A Domestic Prelate's "choir" less angrily. Nurse, a magazine to be person- of peace among them. sanctuary, and then one by one garments (these worn while pres- ally edited and financed for two Misplaced Blame came before Bishop Dearden, ent at a religious >,function) are Of all that he did since com- years by Archbishop Richard J. ing to McKeesport 50 years ago He emphatically pointed out that seated on his throne, and receiv- similar to those of|a Bishop, in- Cushing of Boston, has made its historical faults must not be at- ed from him the garments, which (Continued on Last Page) the story will never be told, for appearance. The Archbishop is only the surface facts will ever be tributed to the present generation.
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