E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2017 No. 85 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Brand, to serve as the Associate Attor- Ever since, this Republican Congress called to order by the President pro ney General. has been working to get our economy tempore (Mr. HATCH). Rachel Brand’s impressive back- moving again and spur job creation. f ground includes experience clerking for Rather than bury our economy in an Supreme Court Justice Anthony Ken- avalanche of redtape, like the last ad- PRAYER nedy, and she has already been con- ministration, it is time for a new direc- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- firmed by the Senate twice before. She tion on regulations—smarter and pro- fered the following prayer: is ‘‘extraordinarily talented,’’ as Chair- growth. Already, we have taken action Let us pray. man GRASSLEY noted at her hearing, to kick-start those efforts, like passing God and God alone, we praise You and ‘‘dedicated to the full and even- important legislation to provide relief that You give power to the weak, and handed enforcement of our laws.’’ from Obama-era midnight regulations. to those who have no might You in- Ms. Brand also has the support of a Rather than make our Tax Code crease their strength. Increase the bipartisan group of former senior offi- more complex like the last administra- stamina of our lawmakers when their cials at the Justice Department, in- tion, we think it is time for a new di- hearts are overwhelmed by challenges. cluding Jamie Gorelick and Seth Wax- rection on taxes—simpler and pro-jobs. May they look to You, the fountain man, who, in a recent letter on her be- Passing tax reform legislation would of every blessing, to enable them to half, cited her ‘‘stellar reputation for mark a major achievement in bringing solve our national problems with wis- . integrity, legal skills, and respect us closer to that goal. This Republican dom and faithfulness. May they not be for the law.’’ Congress and this administration made As they pointed out, Ms. Brand’s ex- afraid or dismayed, always placing it a priority from the very start. Over tensive private and public sector expe- their trust in You. Lord, inspire them the years, many of our Democratic rience would serve her well as the As- to remember that Your plans stand friends have also expressed the view sociate Attorney General. They also that we need tax reform. firm, as Your purposes prevail through noted she would be a ‘‘trusted leader in For years, it has been clear that we all generations. Instruct them in the the Department.’’ I look forward to ad- should help American workers by re- way they should go as You give them vancing her nomination later this forming our outdated and convoluted Your peace. morning. We pray in Your great Name. Amen. tax system, which currently discour- f f ages investment here in America and TAX REFORM deters companies from growing, cre- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on ating jobs, and increasing wages. The President pro tempore led the another matter, as I outlined last For years, it has been clear that we Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: week, during the Obama years, the should remove a huge drag on job cre- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the American people struggled with an ation by reforming our overly complex United States of America, and to the Repub- economy that failed to meet its poten- and punitive tax system, which cur- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tial. It had the slowest recovery since rently undercuts employers that want indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. World War II, the middle class losing to expand with new investments, jobs, f its historic status as the majority in wages, and employee benefits. our country, too many out of a job and For years, it has been clear we should RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY make taxes simpler and lower for both LEADER looking for work, too many giving up after years of fruitless searching, too businesses and individuals; that we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. many fortunate just to have a pay- should strive for a tax code that works PAUL). The majority leader is recog- check but not one large enough to keep for American families and for Amer- nized. pace with ever-rising health costs and ican businesses, rather than working f energy bills. This is the Obama legacy against them. This year, we finally on the economy. have the perfect opportunity to achieve NOMINATION OF RACHEL BRAND Over 8 long years of failed leftwing that goal. Rather than engage in blind Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- policies on everything from regulations opposition for its own sake on yet an- terday the Senate voted to confirm Jef- to taxes, a Democratic administration other issue, I hope Democrats will in- frey Rosen as the Deputy Secretary of put on a virtual clinic in how not to stead take the kind of constructive ap- Transportation. In a couple of hours, get an economy moving again. No won- proach we saw the last time our coun- we will take a cloture vote to advance der the American people opted for a try enacted comprehensive tax reform. another well-qualified nominee, Rachel pro-growth direction in November. Back then, both parties recognized the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2973 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:09 May 18, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17MY6.000 S17MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 17, 2017 need to address the burden and growing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under mittees, and Mr. Comey should testify complexity of our Tax Code, and they the previous order, the time until 12 before those committees in public. In- came together to actually do some- noon will be equally divided in the deed, providing the Congress the tapes thing about it. Republicans and Demo- usual form. and memos may be the only way for crats worked side by side and across RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER this administration to credibly make a the aisle to move that tax legislation. The Democratic leader is recognized. case to a justifiably skeptical Amer- ican public about its version of the It was a big win for both parties, for THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS FOR SENATOR TILLIS Ronald Reagan and the Republicans, story reported by the New York Times. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I just The President says what Comey said for Tip O’Neill and the Democrats. heard that our friend and colleague Now it is once again time we do was wrong. Prove it. It is easy to prove from North Carolina has collapsed dur- it, as long as there are tapes or tran- something about the issue, and I would ing a race in DC and is receiving med- hope our Democratic colleagues will scripts of what happened. If the Presi- ical attention. Until we hear further dent is right, he will have no problem once again work on a bipartisan basis news, our hearts will be in our mouths, toward that end. This has been a grow- releasing memos, tapes, or transcripts hoping for the best. Our thoughts and that corroborate his story. But if he ing problem for a number of years now. prayers, as a Senate family, are with The American people deserve a tax sys- fails to release them, the American the junior Senator from North Carolina public will justifiably tend to side with tem that allows them to keep more of and his family. their hard-earned money, that empow- Mr. Comey, not what the President had RUSSIA INVESTIGATION ers them to invest in their futures, and to say, particularly in light of so much actually makes it easier to succeed Mr. President, on a different subject, backtracking, backsliding, and factual rather than harder. the events of the last 2 weeks have fabrication in this White House. We have to get this accomplished be- shaken my confidence in this adminis- Finally, the events of this past week cause Americans have waited long tration’s competence and credibility. only heighten the need for a special enough for an economy that finally There has been revelation after revela- prosecutor who is truly independent to lives up to its potential and finally al- tion, allegation after allegation of mis- run the Department of Justice’s inves- lows them to realize theirs as well. conduct on the part of the President tigation into potential collusion be- I appreciate the House under Speaker and his team. In the past 2 days, it has tween the Trump campaign and Russia. reached new heights. The American people must have faith RYAN’s leadership for the role it is playing in these efforts. That work The President, according to reports in the integrity and impartiality of continues now with a Ways and Means in the Washington Post and the New this investigation. We have learned, if Committee hearing dedicated to tax re- York Times, may have divulged classi- the reporting is accurate, that the President is willing to directly inter- form tomorrow and more to follow in fied information to a known adversary fere with an active investigation. coming days.
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