FRIDAY • FRIDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper ------------------~---------------------- Volwne---------------------------------------- LXII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MARCH 9, 19-------------------------------------62 Number 38 Dave Guard's Quartet Scheduled For Concert -----· By STEVE SMITH Dave Guard•s Whiskeyhill Singers will be featured at the Othello To Play Sarurday night concert of Springs weekend, Dance Set Presi­ dent Steve Galef said today. Wednesday Nite The new quartet was fom1ed by._____________ _ Guard a few months after his split Judy Henske was recruited from Thru Saturday with t.he Kingston Trio of which an Oklahoma City coffee house; he was leader. The Whlskeyhlll she had just begun to make a name Four performances of WilHam Singers have been touring north­ in folk singing and was at first re­ Shakespeare's "Othello" will be eastern schools for the last few luctant to join the group. She per­ staged next week by members of the months, and, according to Gale!, forms with t.he six string guitar, Tt'Oubadour Theater. have been met with sellout audJ­ banjo, tambourine, and autoharp in The t.wo and a half hour play will ences. addition lo singing. She is a 23 year­ run nighUy Wednesday through Sat.­ The singing of Guard, who Is a old brunette. UJ'day in the Troubadour Theater at leadlng exponent of genuine folk the edge of the campus. Curtain music, is In line with the Dance Debut on Feb. 1 lime for each performance is 8:15 Board's experiment in bringing folk p.m. The Wbiskeyhill Singers made music to W&L, said Galef. their debut on Feb. 1 oi this year. A 25-membcr cast led by Lexing­ If the Springs folk music week­ ton High School junior Lisa Tracy They plan to publish their first. al­ end goes over, a Folk Music Festi­ bum in about a month. The quartet as Desdemona and Washington and val may be held here next October. Lee senior Robert Allen as Othello spent a great deal of time working will pnti.icipnte in the play under Talented Group together be£ore they stepped onto the direction of Or. Cecil D. Jones, Guard picked the other members the stage. Jr, assistant professor o{ fine arts. of the quartet wiili the object or Commenting on his group, Guard Both leading nctors ore Troubadour forming a group which shared his said, "Our music is designed for no Theater veterans. own ideas about folk music. The particular age group or segment Ot.her principal actors include stu­ first to join h.lm was twenty-five oC the populnt.ion. We hope every­ dents John Dunnell as lago, Steve year-old Cyrus Faryar, si.nger-gui­ one likes it, but we're not going to Colvin as Cassio, Tim Morton as Larist-banjoist. adapt lt to usit any fad or a1m for Roderigo and Miss Josephine Un­ Foryar was a M!hoolmate of Guard any 'market' in particular. ger, a member or the faculty of in Honolulu, although he was born The leader stresses the point of neighboring Southem Seminary, as in Teheran, Iran, of Persian-English good music, for it his belief that a EmHia. parents. Guard tracked him to a perfom1er can neither underesti­ The principal actors for the trag. Phoenix coffee house to recruit him. mate the American public, nor lec­ edy have been preparing for over Nexl, Guard signed Victor Baciga­ ture to it, and that the public, in two monU1s, according to Dr. Jones. lupi, 37 years of age. Bacigalupi is the long run, will never fully accept Dave Guard (far left) and rus Whiskeyhill Singers Nightly rehearsals with the full cost a Stanford graduate who studied so-ealled "commercial music" from have been underway for five weeks. music on a Ford Fellowship Foun­ top artists. A six-foot extension has been dat.ion scholarsb.ip at San Francis­ co State. He is a bassist, but is also He also called his singers "a new Doenges Answers Tuesday Editorial buJit on the front of the regular and different sound," and "exciUng." Troudabour Theater stage lor act­ proficient on the guitar and gitarron ors' use during soliloquies and two­ (Mexican bass). Guard hooked him The quartet will perform from character scenes. Stage coloring has with the promise of making him 8 to 10 o'clock on Saturday night IFC President Says Fraternities been kept neutral to enhance the 32 singer in the new group. of Springs, April 1-4. Italian Renaissance costumes on or­ der !rom a New York costume house. Part of the "Othello" cos­ ROTC Seniors Learn Branches; Only Get What They Ask For tumes are designed !rom sketches by Robert Edmond Jones, a leading To t.he Editor: represent the majority or our fra­ pressure to have Dick Fletcher t.heatrlcal designer. Thirty-One Seeking Deferments Last year, t.he l .F.C. wns called ternities. The IFC was created speak to the compulsory IFC pledge "One of the most difficult prob­ lems in producing a Shakespearean Washington and Lee's 55 seniors in Army ROTC have received their the "Inert Fraternity Council" and neither to pass down the opinions assembly. Also, the "watered-down" branch assignments Cor their tour of active duty. All will serve two years. this week it was called a ''do-noth­ of the admjnistration nor to pass Help Week proposals and t.he Help tragedy is that of speaking verse and a·ecrcaUng of strong and pas­ Of th.e seniors, 31 have asked for deferment of their active duty In ing" organization. I, for one, would mandate and shove them down the Week Committee were o.f the IFC's order to go on to graduate study. According to Major A. J . Moller of the not say that these accusations are throats of the fralerniUes. The own inlt.ialive and fortunately, the sionate human emotions so that ilicy nre believable for the audience," Dr. ROTC department, it is Ukely that only those seniors going on to study unfounded but 1 certainly would say strength of the lFC stems from the proposals were watered down medicine, law, or psychology wiU get their deferments. lhcy are unfair and illusionary. They fact thnl its policies are the poli­ enough to cause three houses to Jones said. B~low is a llsL of the seniors and their branch assignments. Active duty abandon "H ell Week" altogether al "Beyond our work with the prin­ hnve turned the I.F.C . into a scape­ cies o£ lhe fraternities and as such begsns on the date listed. The rest of the seniors who have not asked for goat as an organization that is weak, must receive fraternity supporL lhe time and several others to do the cipal actors, we encounter the prob­ lem of integrating the work of a deferments should get their orders for acUve duty within the month. inert, and fumbling in 01e eyes of The facully and the universily same since lhen. No "Help Week" many students, faculty, and the ad­ was ever so mild or so constructive. cast of 25 so that they all are striv­ Name Branch Active Duty Begins administration nrc above 01c IFC, ing for a common goal throughout ministration. This is far from the needless to say in absolute power, The IFC also passed legislation over Rick Anderson Intelligence true picture o{ the Council. the pledge-training period, which the play," ilie director said. Jim Austin Judge Advocate Corps and it is tl1e IFC officers which real­ Reservations for performances of I look at the IFC as an organiza­ i:r.e this more Lhnn anyone else. was an area nevea· before covered Barrie Bank Infantry by Ute IFC. I fajl to sec wilh such "Ot.hello" may be made by calling John Boyle Infantry 5 Nov. tion created to function as a repre­ However, in no case this year or results as lhese U1at the IFC is al­ HO 3-2181, etx. 273, betw~n 2-5 Wayne Bradshaw Artillery sentative body of t.he fraternity men in past years hos there been a pro­ on our cnmpus. In this capacity, the toget.hcr weak in its action. p.m. or 6-8 p.m. any day starting Perry Brannen Army Security posal made Cr·om ilie IFC adminis­ tonight. Ordnance IFC discusses topics which it. and tration or from a paJ>licula.r IFC On lht' other hand, I will agree Eddle Brown Its officers deem important, and con­ Tt·oup publicity dlreetor Andy Worth Brown Field Artillery 3 Apr. '63 commlltee in which U1e IFC's of­ with the Tuesday Edition lliat fra­ Leonard says that any freshman or Randy Butler Artillery sequenUy estnblh;h and maintain ficers did not feel lhe proposals to tcr·nities should lake more interest wphomores interested In working on Air ~fense Artillery 30 Aug. a set of policies related to ilicse top­ be a.nylhlng short or tile best and in lhe IFC's problems. The IFC is Dave Calloway the Theatre business staff should re­ Medical Service Ics. All policies adopted b:, the IFC most constructive policy for the hampo•red by apathetic and indif­ Bob Carroll port to lhe Theai.J·e lonighl at 7:30 Field Artillery 19 Sept. Council, nnd consequently nll 18 ferent members. I think a prime Dan CWtwood p.m. Paul Clemenceau Signal Corps fraternities. The IFC is not an oli­ example of iliis can be taken from Tony Council Medical Service gm·chy as some lhin~s on this cam­ Utis past meeting where certnln Fischer To Give Allen Curran Artillery pus, rather, it is n democratic or­ membcn.
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