NEW MINERAL NAMES Falkmanite Paul Raulonn ewn Or,on Onlrew: Falkmanit, ein neues Bleispiessglanzerz, und sein Vorkommen, besonders in Boliden und Grube Biiyerland N. Jahrb. Min, Beil-Bd.75, Abt. A (1939),315-350, 2 figs.,4pls. N,luB: In honor of Oscar Falkman, General director of the Bolidens Gruvaktiebolag. E C"uurcor Pnoprnrros: A sulfantimonide of lead, probably PbsSbzSe.Analysis (by Th. Berggren) [on sample contaminated with bournonite (10%), arsenopyrite (l-5%), jamesonite,covellite, etc, (3/)lPb 5297, Sb 22.48,Bi 116, Cu 1.52, S 19.32,Se 042, As 1 00, Fe 0 50, Ag 0.002, Au 0.001, Insol 0 56; total 99.93. Cnvsrallocnapurcar- Pnopnnrrns: Monoclinic. Habit tabular to (102) or acicular along b-axis,or i,vith lenticular cross section due to strong development of (101) and (102). Forms (001),(106), (102), (101), (302), (100). Psvsrcal Pnoprnrrns: Color, metallic gray-black toward lead gray. Streak black, when rubbed down light reddish to light brown. Cleavage (010), sometimes distinct, breaks to fine needleor fiber-like masses)along the 6-axis.Hd. 2+. G.6.24. MBtalr,ocneputcal Pnopnnrrls: Very similar to jamesonite and boulangerite. Cleavage distinct in sections nearly parallel to the b-axis, polish very good, color galena u'hite, anisotropism distinct. Deep red inner reflection. Etch: positive with HNOI, ef- fervescences with slow blackening. Negative with HCl, KCN, FeC[, HgClz, KOI].. Twinning rare. OccunnlNcn: Found as fibrous aggregates at Biiyerland Mine, Biiyerland, near Waldsassen, Upper Palatinate, Germany; with galena, jarnesonite, bournonite, geo- clonite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, blende, pyrrhotite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, valleriite in a quartz gangue. Also at Boliden, Srveden, with numerous other minerals, chiefly bourno- nite, galena, danaite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, bismuth, gudmundite and jameso- nite; Minas Ceraes,Brazil, with pyrite in quartz; Sala, Sweden, with galenaand pyrite. Drscussron: Difiers from boulangerite (given as Pbz aSb:Sss)in cornposition, crystal- lography and density. Slight but appreciable differences are shown by the r-ray powder diagrams and by their metallographical properties. W. F. Fosnac Falkmanite J. E Hrr,r.un: Uber den Falkmanit: Zeits. Krist,.,ll?heft"2,138-142 (1939). CnvsrqlLocnaprucal Pnopnnrrps: Monoclinic. Acicular tabular, parallel to 6. a : 21.%A; 6: 8 10A; r : 14 51A. F : 79" lo' . a i bi c : 3.o77 | | i 1.7gl. w. F. li. Calcio-gadolinite Tosnro Naxar: On calcio-gadolinite, a new variety of gadolinite found in'I'adati Vil- lage, Nagano Prefecture BuIl. Chem.Soc. fapan,I3, No. 9, 591 594 (1938). Cuolrrcar, Pnoptnrrns: A gadolinite rich in calcium, Be2(Fe", Fe"') ()Ce, Ca)2 Sir(O, OH)ro. Analysis CaO 11.91; MgO 0.14; MnO 0.84; FeO 11.24; BeO 10.73; AlrO: 1.68; FerO37.65; CeiO: 4.69;La,Yzoz 24 47 [mean atomic weight about 130]; ThOz 0 80; SiOz23.89; UsOs0.10;H:O- 0.14;HzO* 2.05;sum 100j4%. Pnvstcar. Pnopnntrns: Color black, streak greenishgray. G.:4.5. Weakly radioactive. Pleochroism strong, Z (dark brown))Y (light yellow):X (light brown) a:7765, t3:1.771,t:1.787. 312 NEW MINERAL NAMES 313 OccunnnNcn: Found massive or in rough prisms in a pegmatite, associated with al- lanite, zircon, fergusonite, etc., at Tadati Village, 12 km. N.N.E. of Naegi, Japan W. F, F. dr At 7,6, €, montmorillonite et 9t "fr 6, e, sepiolite Alumodeveillite Hydromagniolite Hydrosyalite N. E. Ernnuov: On the classification of some magnesium silicates and their alumo- analogues.Compt. Rend. (Dohlad.y)Akod. Sci.,I/.R.,S.,S.,24,287-289 (1939). Variousratiosof AlzOg:SiOg:H:OandofMgO:SiO2:HrOaregivena, F,^f,6,edesigna- tions. The undefined terms alumodeveillite, hydromagniolite and hydrosyalite also appear to be new. w. F. F. Simpsonite IMeta-simpsonite] H. Bowlnv: ite (sp. nov.) from Tabba Tabba,Western Australia. Jotu. Roy. Soc.W.Australia 25, L. E. R. Tevr.on:X-ray of simpsonite.I bid., 93-97, 3 figs. NeuB: In honor of Dr Simpson,Government Mineralogist oI WesternAus- tralia. CnBurcl.r-Pnopnprrns : Belie bea of lime and alumina, 2HrO CaO' 'crystals) SAlrOs.4TarOs. Analysis (on partia (D. G. Murray): TarO6 72.J1, NbrOs0.33, SnOz 2.00, FeO 0.16, MnO CaO3 40, Fe2Os0 14,Al,Or 16.75,KzO 0 24, Na2OI 16,PbO 0.42,F 0.21,HrO+ - 0.20.SiO, 1.78. Sum 100.53.Another analysis (J. N. A. Grace) and three ses are also given. Unattacked by HCI or HzSOr but readily decomposed usion wit ic alkalies, alkaline carbonates and potassium bisulfate. LRYSTALLOGRAPHICAL Habit tabular or short Prismatic. X-ray examination xagonal symmetry w :a.5A,a:6.24. Puvsrcar- .qNo Pnopnnuns: Colorless. G. with its alteration product) .592-6.05. Uniaxial, ve.n:2.06, nd as incomplete and partially a d crystals in quartz biotite pegmatite, near tantalite workings at Tabba Tabba, n Australia Phosphorriisslerite Arsenriisslerite O. M. Fnrponrcg ANDJ. RosrrscH: Phosphorrdsslerite (MgHPOr'7HzO) als Mineral aus dem Stiiblbau zu Schellgaden.Zenlrolb. Mineral. Geol. Paleon-, Abt. A, Nr. 5, 142- 155 (1939), 11 figs. Nalm: From its isomorphous relationship to rdsslerite. Cnnurcer- Pnopnnrrns: Hydrous acid phosphate of magnesium, MgHPOa'7H2O. Analysis (J. Robitsch): MgO 16.28, PzOs 2807, HzO (acid) 3.65, HzO (crystallization) 50.86,Insol.0.08; Sum 9E.94. Easily soluble in dilute HCI or HNO3. Readily attacked by water. In closed tube readily yields much water and turns white. Upon long exposure to air gradually turns white. B. B. on platinum wire, gives no flame and Ieaves a mass very difhcultly soluble in dilute HCI. 314 TEII M Cnvstar,r,ocnapHrcar, Pnopnnrrns: Monoclinic, prismatic. o:b:c:0.M55:1:02602. B : 94o56' Forms : 1)(010), a (100), I (1 10), r (011), q (120), w (1ll), t (l4O), o (T11) Habit equidimensional or short prismatic, rarely tabular; often in twinlike intergrowths. AIso skeletal crystals, drusy crusts and kidney or hyalite-like {orms. Pnvsrcar, aNo Oprtcar, Pnopnnrrns: Colorless to yellow or honey brown. G:1.725. }id:2+. Cleavagenone. l-racture conchoidal. Biaxial, negative 2V:36"70' q:l 477, B:1.485, 7:1.48,6. Plane of the optic axes almostparallelto a (100)and normalto lr (010) X:a, Y :b, Z Ac:6.5". OccunnnNcn: Found as a secondary formation as crusts on, and as individual crystals, in accumulated muds in old mine stopes in the Stiiblbau works at Schellgaden, Germany. The arsenicanalogue, rdsslerite, is referred to as arsenrijsslerite. w. F. F. Communication The remark in A. L Howland's paper on "Specuiarite-alunite mineralization at Hickeys Pond, Newfoundland" (this Journal, vol 25, p 42,1940) that "elsei,vhere [other than at Goldfield, Nevadal, however, alunite is not associated u'ith sulphide minerals, other than pyrite" reminds me that cinnabar is associated with alunite in the rhyolites east of Beatty in western Nevada, rvhere the rhyolites have been silicified and alunitized in belts hundreds of yards long and as much as 200 feet wide.1 Auolprr KNopl' rKnopf,Adolph,SomecinnabardepositsinwesternNevada:U S.GeolSuraey,Bull. 620,64-68 (1915). Errata The following corrections should be made in article by T. T. Quirke and W. C. Lacy, v o1.24, 705-7 24 (t9 39). Page 713, error in calculation, for i of 80" calculated value should be 42o47',instead of +2"43';inconsequencethefigureinthenextcolumnshouldbe -2"47' inplace of -2"43'. The same recurs in the Table of Computations page 718, for 80" r,r should be 33o29', in place of 33"36'. r"-r,r should read 5o59', in place of 5o52', and 1 should be 9o18'in place of 9o07', and r,1f/ should.rcad+2"47', in place of 42o43'. On page 722 a typographical error makes difference between observation and theory for i 70" read -0"07'instead of - 1o07'. In Table 2 on page 96 (February issue), substitute "NaF" for "Acid NaF" in the first column preceding Li F..
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