r Thursday, November 13, 1980 - Iowa City, Iowa 8 I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~/ French avant-garde music at UI GLOBAL STUDIES PRESENTS: 1 LA GROUPE de muslque ex· Br JudHh Or"" ; ' Arts/Entertainment Editor perlmentale was formed in 1969 by Redoln and Lucien Bertolina. It has One of the premier electronic· I Music promoted an extensive program of Zhores A. Medvedev ::J acoustic music groups of France, La concerts and seminars in the fields of Noted Russian Authority on Agriculture Groupe de musique experimentale de position: "Songes" by Jean-Claude sonic research and avant-garde music. Marseille, performs at the UI tonight Risset is music programmed into and Its current tour, sponsored by the as part of a month· long tour of 13 North generated by computer; Redolfi's French government, will take it to will spelk on American universities. "Birth and Agony of My Night Lamp" Brooklyn College, Harvard, I'j is musique concrete (non·musica:1 Dartmouth, the University of Mon· liThe U.S. Grain Embargo and I I" The performers include the group's sounds recorded and manipulated on treal, Wisconsin, lIIinols, North Texas I co-founder, Micbel Redolfi; members State, the California Institute of the Soviet Agriculture in 1980" Jaques Diennet, Frank Royon Ie Mee tape); "Soap Opera Soup" by Diennet and Ie Mee combines Ii ve electronic Arts and the University of California· and Georges Boeuf; and Jon Appleton, and theatrical elements. Boeuf and La Jolla. inventor of tbe Synclavier (the first Redolfi's "Whoops!" is for "homo- November 17, 1980 digital synthesizer available in parleur," a speaker system to be worn The performance is at 8 p.m. in Har· "", America ) and a teacher at Dartmouth I I College. by the performer, invented by the com· per Hall. There is no admission Room 100, Phillips Hall 8: 00 pm posers. The program also includes the charge. The concert is presented under The program features several premiere of a new work for Synclavier the auspices of the UI Electronic varieties of advanced electroruc com· by Appleton. Music Studio. I;, I ' " Iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... iiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" ~ , :'1Z Rather's run-in ~------~------~~--------~--~--------------------------------~--~ with cabbie RANDALL'S SPECIAL PURCHASE leaves questions 50" X 60" BV Plm Sheplrd AMANA 99" United Press International A WONDERFUL CHICAGO - Department of Consumer Public TOVOUR Vehicles hearing officer Chris Kelly said he' had HOME OR CARl A GIfT THAT some questions about the CBS newsman Dan SELECTION WILL LAST FOR Rather's complaint about a Chicago cab drjver. OF COLORS YEARS TO COMEI Rather told police Monday he had been kidnapped A FINELY CRAFTED 75% WOOL BLEND by a "madman" cabbie wbo refused to take him EFFE(TtVE WEC •• NOV. 12 THROUGH TUES ., NOV. 18 where he wanted to go. RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES RESERVED. Cabbie Gene Phillips told Chicago Sun·Times DEEP SMOKED columnist Mike Roy~o : " If Dan Rather says I kid· napped him , he's a fat·faced liar." Phillips said he could not find the address Rather SMOKED BOmSDlLOIN $ 59 gave him and the newsman became upset and testy. cMlfLE .TIC PHILLIPS stopped and got directions from police, PICIIIC HAMS ,m STEAl. 2 LB, LEGS.............. I. but when they pulled up in front of the house, Phillips said, Rather refused to pay unless Phillips produced COUNTRY STYLE hi!; chauffeur'S license. CIIICIEN . 'lJe The cabbie said he explained he had posted his IOliERBAi., S)09 chauffeur'S license as bond for a traffic violation - e (: LB . LB. a standard procedure in lllinois. When Rather still TURKEyS....... BREASTS... refused to pay, he said, he took off with Rather still in the cab. Rather, reached by telephone on the West Coast, said : "Believe me, I would have paid 50 times the fare U.S.D.A. CHOICE to get out of that cab. I never said I was being kid- '6 lB. 8. LARGER napped by a madman. I didn't know what was hap- pening. All I know is, I was terrified." BOlIlUSS Rather said Phillips initially showed no hostility, but that as he drove toward Rather's destination, he yr.S lUMP 10ll$T became " increasingly abusive," muttering obscenities. "HE KEPT SAYING 'this is a bad trip. This trip's C a downer:' At first, it was unclear if he was talking 4 to me or to the world at large ... When he passed the street I'd given him and started speeding; I begged $1'2 LB. TURBOT him to let me out and he said 'sit back - I'll tell you where you're going' .. Something just snapped in FILLET this guy." Phillips said standard procedure for handling / ~ · 159 deadbeats is to detain them in the Cab, find a police WILSON RECIPE READY officer and file a theft of service cha rge. IIIIFImBm S)6 7 KRAFT FRESH 6.( OZ. LB. So, Phillips - who said he didn 't recognized Rather as a celebrity - set off in search of a PORI ROASI.......... LB. ORANGE JUICE OSCAR MAYER 16 OZ, pdllceman. When pulled over, PhHlips was frisked and carted RATH HICKORV 3·5 LB. 5269 SUCED BACON ............ .. off to the police station, where Rather signed a com- BOHELESS ,IIAMS................. LB. Sl49 ' WHOLE OR SLICED 32 OZ. • S plaint charging him with disorderly conduct and il- WESTERN • legally detaining a passenger. 51 99 . ./ CLAUSSEN PICKLES", .. Mim SAUSAGE...... ......... LB. IN NEW YORK, Marsha Stein , CBS associate 8 PACK director of public information , said "the cabbie GENERIC 16 OZ. '12' 16 OZ. BOTTLES passed the street for Dan's stop and had become. ver· BOLOGNA ................. bally abusive in the cab. Dan told us the cab driver said he was going to take him for a long ride. It was BULK '22' ~149 then Dan began hollering out of the window for CHEESE CURDS .......... LB. .......... 7·UPDiet or Regular someone to call the police. , ~I. OLD MILWAUKEE $ 19 CROSS PLUS COUNTRY BEER $ 19 OEP . Regular or light· PLUS DEP. 12 Pack of 12 oz. Cans • PAW PAW GAl. '1" APPLE CIDER .... .... .... r&........... ~.I09 ~ 2 LB. , ALL GRINDS '46' SUNSHINE KRISPV 69~ GREEN GIANT PACK • ggc KEMP'S ROUND VI GAL. ' S)99 FOLGERIS COFFEE ...... .. SAL,..~ .......... CORN ON THE COB...... ICE CREAM ........... ~149 WELCH'S 20 OZ. 85~ ;rATO _ .................. GIAPE my., ..................I . LVNDEN fARM 2 POUND 20 OZ. MINCE OR PUMPKIN I 69C 69C KEEBLER 13 OZ. PECAN SANDIES 5) 09 BASH BRORS.... IIIUfQUEr JIB .......... .. ClOPS COOIB ........ iMEUR~~................... ~.I17 . aa r ] XTRA COUPON DAYS AT RANDALLS . Yes, We have the, 'GENERICS 1I 130Z. IOX "Plain L.beI" .nd "No-Brand" are two of the IDUla 25%' Off p/lral8l used to d.. cribe product. in the new I· shopping trend that"lWeeplng the country. III:E IBLVIES ! Super Valu meet. the need with I line of generic Cross Country product. to gillt vou In additional WIY to live monev .. ... much al 30% lor more) on tome ~ .:.::~ Ski Packages .... : ;:- (t' Items. Includes Skis. Boots, Poles '::---: - and Bindings II \' ,\ll l.\IlI' (Ol P()\ Sale Now through Nov. 22 SAVE 44· / I 20 oz. 80)( GRADE A EXTRA LARGE Z SWISS MISS lirlo° . BOXES 3 COCOA EGGS ISI'AIr~ • j 723 South Gilbert 351-8337 .
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