- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN IDENTITY MOVEMENT _..&#39;- _&#39; &#39; &#39; _ _ _ _- &#39;. S8E.92_,-_ 3 n cmss/ &#39; sacm BIG . V _&#39;APR 2 s B -- I AIRTEL 2 Q flan - ;// ;;&#39;¢ Director,FBI - -h &#39;&#39; &#39; . " II. r _ All SACsLEGA&#39;I&#39;s~ - * -___i.-I : - __§T_IAN uovmmm- ~ - -WING wzzmzomsuMATTERS For theinformation recipients of Terrorist the Researchand. _ {G Analyticalshort, informative Center articlesTRAC!at FBIHQ a varietyonis producing of topicsa continuingrelating seriesFBI to ofL relatingterrorismthe to investigations. conceptofChristian The Identity following addresses hereafter information referredto- ultra asright Identity!, movementa relig ous the doctrine Unitedin Statesthat isa major today.Itfactor is recognized withinthe believedthat manythat of a thecompleteideas discussion espoused by Identityneeded isare understand offensive, to butit is the motivation_pfmovement. the Y Identity is an that combines :».f31l» -: &#39;.&#39;-:55".~k*1@:»:f- . <41-*1 . vs . .-&#39; The proponentsof Identity often quoteand provide ~_:>. racistexplanations slant,andBiblical theydiffer for passages; gnificantlys however,thgxinterpretations from lanationsthese a have"*1- " ofmore mainstreamreligions and religious organizations.The &#39;:;,&#39;. &#39; 1 in , oradvocates Identity of oftencite theBible to legitimize! ._.v-51 .£ 3 their antiblack and anti-Semiticbeliefs e - ~ _-92¢ . 1 _- -_~. _ _» 53%. &#39; ~&#39;.:&#39;92-&#39; ~ &#39; >1-=7§~":5? ,@- -...¢;~.1 Clarke -7.,-,..1&#39;-1 |11> . r~ .- ,1-A. Otto -".>; %_1-brk . l Q Revell &#39; - i/.*.:&#39;r3#"< ._.-92...,_;.j:3,:._, . ch Assistant Director F1513. ...$&#39;:{&#39;l-r. Z.§.&#39;Z&#39;".&#39;¢T_1- .2-.52 &#39;."Y{;&#39;>-y,-, ,, Y.-131%; --"1-bI*§>&#39;.¢ 1 -X _ " » . 1 71>;-<&#39; 1 - 92 =%%@ "ti 5.3§L-1 ."&#39;.&#39;.;.*-1.- &#39;; f:1;§Z;.. Uh. _.__ - Ijgf=5 . 5!.4, t, >. Qf|.C0llq.lLJQ|lC00Il.__&#39;92F&#39;A A .1 V _/ 1?. »-.. . - - ~e%as.»-.1, - lac........».__;,;j1 Ignt. - 76!_ sax cm NOTE a PAGE - 1.-.= I . &#39;. : . " - -u:- ,. 3&#39;3"-:Az92_ ¢-".;,.--&#39;3 Ynlnlngum éum__ M 001.!-lalnonl &#39; .._J IIIL Alli. i .1 A~$ telephone Rm.i :. ~:.--.:.92J;,_92.=.11 Dlvoclofl 80:! MAIL I ; ".-tam &#39;."92&#39;92.&#39;4:&#39;< .>._ &#39;1 13.,» &#39; n in t ._ ~. .,v.~,&#39; . _-, ,A______-_e*e_~~Ri¢&#39;at-W*- airesltonisaChristian I i Movementmums xi - ~. g~1ermr*&#39; ___; - n*"* e . 92._. .__;!bese beliefs,are the eneies Godof andnatural adversariesof the i25!Ihitefegnlully race,regardedtheas chosen unequalrace to of_God;whites._ blacks otherand&#39; - v nonwhites_are >-h-/&#39; _4 Its racismaside, theviews ofIdentity ofteh Bhrallelcht. traditional Biblical echolarship. I n a religious connotation,Y ~i"_&#39; **¥Itudyn Identity the is Bible akin extensivelto fundamental and em,&#39; in that e-proponentsof each " aedocuentf y for their beliefs Idenuse it asa literal ma infallible ;freactionary-,, A 5 than fundamentalism. Th ".">3.;":,&#39;.&#39;-i--7-l&#39;.Q if yere areno_ties betweenthe twogi1i,-_ - ,__92*~.. krnbspite somesimilarities&#39; . _are, there however, &#39; significantg, e;;@¢; differences. Foremostof these is racism;_ _1="--~ 1&#39;*~*1=****- v . ~..;4.~. .3»23;»:-I-,2 ; &#39;&#39; Identity concerns.the rise of whiteclzristian netions?it &#39;1 seeks discoverto a national as wellas aracial identityfor&#39;whitee < -&#39;..;VZ; Z¢* Christians by telling them who th T-?&#39;-5?, ey areand wherethey comefrom. V . , .1,-.4»: Many Identitybeliefs arerooted ain 19th century tishBr movement. _,-.;~,.;.17_&#39;f>"{§:&#39;».. British Israelism or An 1 I I - - _..>*;92-4&#39;-T; g 0- sraelism. Thisconcept claimsthat Anglo- . -L1-.s&#39;-E. Saxons and others are the descendants ofthe Bibl cal Israelites and that Englandis thetrue Israel.Under Identity,these concepts were_. .,-_uT:Q§,r=;~" changed viewto,thethat the United Statesis e true Israel.jg n =%e Furthermore, otherracist conceptsthat arebased uponBiblical ___,,,;,.,. interpretationsbeen haveadded to thoseBritish of Israelismby the ~-&#39;z.&#39;7Is.. 7" someadvocates factions Identity.f ofd &#39; Becausethese interpretationsare speculative -&#39;13-:»~;k;;i: }92 o I entity maybe moreracist than others, and n . &#39;. .,.,=;§~<; -. &#39; individualinterpretations the of same Biblical passagemay differ. &#39;*-=:1:l~»~:2 . ~""ff5i%*? U The fundamentalresource Identity-isof theBible. This Y docuent revealsto theadvocates Identity of spiritualthe originand_ _n= -.,:a.?» . .~:&#39;.-7;,-X:-,.-<54. physical historyof the white race,as wellas therules and- ,;,;::-;~;:,_. regulationsthat make life betteron earthand whichlead toeternal : -5: Y:-,:;_§~g&#39;.: life. TheBible alsois usedto search out God&#39;swords thoughtsand 1 ml-.: this."Truth"in orderto understand hidden is "The althoughand Truth." Accordingis obv it ous Identity tothose to God&#39;sof beliefs,.1_,/&#39;_&#39;; . ;¥; chosen race,the white race, itis notrecognizable all readers.to , . ,=_.,._ _ _v l M -|&#39;»J"!92_Z"3 -.&#39;a.§;»/&#39;1. v 3:.&#39;éT*~1§" Thereis no single document or setof documentswhich set _-;:-1?; ~. forth the beliefs of Identit * »~;=;sY=:;, y. Because interpretations of the Bible . -.,.,.92.~..»».-. can resultin a wide range viewpoints of arethere often conflicting , 1 interpretations withinthe Identit y movement. For example, some%,"F=- areIdent largely_antiblack. typublications almost are&#39; exclusivelyantiJewish&#39; whileothers a &#39;- .» :;92F,_f~»k_.;,_ 1 ,. &#39; - ~ . .. ,. .=~T&#39;=,-.311.-&#39;:.-~-»~-a of the whiteOne race aspectToof th Identity is its interpretation the origin.of s . e advocates Identof ty, the Bibleis a¥>e. .I..= . »192;1§=,92:;. historyfirst white theof l whiterace. Itis taughtthat Adam and Evewere the_.,&#39;&#39; /1j $2 _ peop e fromwhom allother whitepeople descended.God T - st; 1» - _.&#39;~j-;2.£78».1-1*. &#39; _ - -,.#~_&#39;.":;§X ,5- .. - 2 - &#39; 7 __ __ ;__-gee 9-T . V.. If =1 .&#39;_-.:_<.;w;*,, ,_ B- ?$%e% .. :.~&#39;_:!>._&#39;;<-3,,_ er? » ,,- :J:;;:-:. 2; 1.1 "- - 1: ,.:~1¢ ,ii,J -.-1"t --us-:12?-k»~L;92:~ . _ ,~&#39;*,..=:.&#39;_.<~,_».92-,».g . .5,;.e=1-_;&#39;~ &#39;*:,;<;;._ ,,4;,&#39;.- ieji ;<:*,:<,rs,;, :3»-»1., ».~=- -~ _, _,__ _ -__-______.____,_-.1»-92u=:==.unL92-erlllnlilk fr;-.12 " e - ~ :e. -3;?!-ii-§,$;f.&#39;~T£.=;:_.~~»»92-T,}_;-,,,..&#39; ¢ _- -_~._e,-_;i;_- A, v _ . 92 " ee &#39; _Z|?»&#39;.:~5-_._._l;ZI&#39;._1T.-we ._ --.e;;=&#39;-=§_Z;; V- ;.¢:*&#39;:f=_,-e,._--r»-~~~--_ >-xii e -.;__4::~_ =._-P-h.> -~ _>~. »1,... e-. _,~;@ii"._v>_;_ ~ ;,,=92;~_____¢-... p_ -._&#39;-"~;Li;<.~. _ _ -I ~?"*""-&#39;--._ . .- =§*%%=1?"¬&#39;:~§t%§§§.¥-_~__-_;;_-_L;.__&#39;:~;=_y;_L_.~s-.-*~#__eel. .~:».-&#39;.;;~_& ~<_=re.-5 -égs;..,.. &#39;~» &#39;*== -;_ >&#39; =._ ~ -_, »., ,.»l--.-~~» ¢==~»--I =*;+_;._ * U, "$"",_ ,,_ ::7;3;~92=,j&#39;-_= e,&#39;e~;=&#39;?.»~&#39;~:- ; _;_;.. _ -»- " . &#39; " _ _ __,___!___._-»-~ . - . 1 , _ A_-_~~»-~;/--ciI _&#39; it-&#39;&#39;--"4"..."-&#39;", - -&#39;.~i»i§=*~=&#39;-1t=&#39; . ~,-*~&#39;3>.-:*l=l- _-;=&#39;=&#39;-,=-&#39;==:,-..:.-..>-:-4;, -&#39;-7",? 1 . ~=-irriw. ,,, .::1~~=¢~ I "-F?--.._,*_"-~*--"__::_.__.,_ .. e--;~-9+._..- ~-f"#*"J, - - &#39;&#39; . , -. _ _ , . h_>I~< -"&#39;*~,-».;.1.&#39;»,mi,&#39;,&#39;E.-_=§;&#39;L.-.-;-__.-;l=,:;:311 ___,_ ,w,_&#39;_2z&.,_,.._§;Q_p _,»,__.1--,._..-.»-.,. §:»1~~-~~-=1 ._....-..?i----~~ "~*~ =&#39;_._..__.c- - :&#39;T:.é+.li5a&#39;j_&#39; - . &#39;. » . ~--.;_ "&#39; ,:.1, "&#39; """&#39;e=- -».a- y, . ».-,;1=»,&#39;1 ."7T*&#39;..&#39;-e,""&#39; ;r.;==@_~.e 1-i¢.t~;-2:u.=&#39;*;,:-=-=>=;;-_-_~.é-&#39;»~ . ;,_W»-T.|.._. 1._.. ,...._.{...._...-__-¢-.--_---~~-*--r&#39;*"-..:_.~.~_=+ _..,»_ e»; "&#39;;..--»_&#39;-»&#39;1, ~11- _-.. "3, ,,. ~5.1-&#39; .-5.~. _>;;"_"Z17~>-.» -_ .;____7;.: L &#39;.~~>E&#39;--__ _- " _¢5&#39;:~an ~f__1;; -r ~. :_:.._._._ ;;92&#39;- .- _ .-;_ _ ~ I. , .V . -J ix-M ,_~ , - &#39;~ - >- ~=~;~&#39;~"-* =»_». .,.. V.<x-1&#39;1-:1 _ =~_=._=;¢;»_i:--:__ , I.. =-. ,_ _ _, _.. * .. ,~~ .1 _ _ ~ - _ ~:&#39;¥f; -,{.=-_-FT-=».~ r Vs -e»... .~, &#39;;; »_: -t-~&#39;.;;;,_. fe}-9P_<_. _ -»,_ ~.. ~» ==&#39;~r~~.-.._.- _e» 3! - . < . _. ,_ »-.. »- .-3 __,;:;:;_,¬;é=;..,-~-.-_ 4- e = ._.; .::_ _ - sq-1- »=7... I-_-Kit! --._-¢&#39;~.. He: 92~"-"=-&#39;~&#39;":1-&#39;-1:_.:&#39;i":.-&#39;:*~"i&#39;E._ .___&#39;~_ . Av_ ~E&#39;ii. .->.:;?".-r &#39;I .5-92l&#39;»_1{.,___=_n_ *-. -. .._.,;;e_, ,,_ _. 7; ._ --.-"£--&#39;::..e_~:.,;,:{:1:-:."--1 _,_._._;_._ -_.. .L,..:~_~,» .. , »._.-_1&#39;-;»,. ..--.~ &#39;92 .. _ , " , 1 .:.:_ .-ii." ~,- "-*~*<-:--~ :&#39; -* _. "Mu~ 2-F»e -&#39;~ . _-c.&#39;.-_.g."~".~ M- qr":&#39;r<_;:,;{-_»"i; _.;&#39;{;.-;:--.;~,,;5.r, *r~.#"$~fii"35-""._~"?;&#39;_""&#39;» .--.,;=~:-.<;-,;~e;&#39;-&#39;~.;7,;;:~~-*7:.~ »---;r=.»1-.A1 »~~.rw-.~e&#39;~:--_<»-.=;_ __,;_;1,;_~;_rq&#39;;--&#39;~=..;:;~ ,_*-» 1?-;:,"_*7_}. " -.1 &#39; .1" ..:-0-{fttggf-;§:;_ I, Fr__! _ re-. _<.__:--nL... ;Q&#39;_§__; 3;; -= ~.-- -~. "&#39;e, aw, .. _.;._. __ &#39; Z 9- °?&#39;~¥I 5e-1%.-1; .-.95: I. wig" -~ > I > V ._ -~ it is believed, createdAdam "fromthe dustof theearth," andthen , created Eveto be his companion.Adan andEve wereplaced directly p V. -&#39; . ?92""vria v .into theGarden Eden of God. by Identity,therefore, theviews Garden . - -. :.&#39;$.*: as havingbeen anactual" site, the locat on -wherethe white race » .- .&#39;-7&#39;""&#39;5 » originated. us numerous geographicBiblical and linguistic - " _ &#39; _&#39;-~.=&#39;5J;é->4,-&#39;_.1<-.:1:;: references, Igzntiggplaces Garden the in&#39;CentralAsia.
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