Case 2:65-cv-00396-MHH Document 1 Filed 10/27/14 Page 1 of 55 FILED 2014 Oct-27 AM 09:02 SOUTHERN DIVISI~ DOCKET U.S. DISTRICT COURT 65 J'-t" n~ N.D. OF ALABAMA • Stanley Pottinger TITLE OF CAS£ jj~~i· ~itJL~E¥ce A~:O:~EYci:e;;;on&~ ~g~3~ngtorFJ,l'Pr~intiff: Oscar W.Adams.Jr•• LINDA STOUT, b; her father and next I see ace. -pagh . friend, Blevin Stout. Plaintiff, :::ce1Yd~A\'irl' 'J'l ,tft· . T~ermaR·~Ama ~~, Jack Greenbet UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by Nichola~ deB.Katzenbach, Attorney Ceneral of the United States, Plaintiff-Intervenor­ : 10 Columbt:s Si"rc1e, New Yor.k.~ ,~~4;'.//UH'''''___ 10019. VB. , ~-L."''''&Yei:",U.S.Atty; , -&._~.",.,.Asst.U.s.Atty- 1 A.L8tt1more Gaston , Fred D.Gray -Gray,Seay & Langf ]l!fFERSON COUN'lY BOARD OF EDUCATION; DR,l';ERMrT JOHNSON, !ll~~~ter Ave.,Montgomery,AI~ as Superintendent of the Jefferson County Board of Education, 'Jifor"fJiJendan!: Maurice Billliop . f '3 ,i , C.R.BOT1~NFIElD, as President of the Jefferson County Board Bishop & 1;Jitrlton~c.·"· ~ /' " of Education, GEORGE ROGERS, as Vice-President of the 327 Frank Nelson Bldg., B'ham,. County Board of Education. ROBERT l. ELLIS, JR., O.G.GRESHAM, J. Howard McEniry - McEniry, and MRS. ROBERT GWIN as members of the Jefferson County Board McEniry & MeEniry, 1720 4th! of Education, and their successors in office No •• Bessemer, Ala. 3502.0 fOl Pleasant Gn!ve & M1dfiel~ Basis ofru;tion: Proceeding for preliminary and permanent i Robert Vance (for Vestl enjoining defendants from continuing their policy of discrimip:atin~ against plaintiff by operating a compulsory biracial school John W. Williams. 815 M~~sey Jliry trial claimed by system in Jefferson County, Bldg., B'h"m' 35203 for: 19 Bd. Pl..AINTIFF'$ ACCOUN"'t RBCa'VEO DlsauRSED DATE June .. Cash-oscar W.A.j~.s,.J~ 15' 00 JUNE 8 Cr. 1024U 1968 i Feb. 27 ,'Ck-Adams & Burg 5 00 , ii '''eb. ~9 I rer 102},11 5 I.00 " . ! Aug. 13 !Ck-Adams ,Burg & ".1•• + 5100 • I Aug.lS I Cr 102411 5 00 ] 1969 Mar. 11 ;Ck.-Adaas,Bura & . Baker- 5 00 , :ar. 12 ;Jr 100969 I ! ICk.-Adams,Burg .. , July 1 ;Ck -Gray,Seay,Langfor. Baker- 5100 • Pryor ------ I' 250 ~O Cr 100869 0 " 1 ,Paid Registry 250 5 7 " I&kp~ys¥,~e!y.~ngfgral 00 . Cr 51 c: 8 5 I I ~ 0 _________A_a_s_T_R_AC_T_O_F_cos_TS-,____,l I,? ~j 5.00 ~99.~71i:1.~~T~O~wiH~O~M~O~U~·~~F,nilv~AM~0UH~~T~~·I---,~-~---.----:~~~;C~~'~~;t1_~~.ir~~~.-~---,~-.---~J£( .~ 31-Ck. Adams ,Burg Baker 1>. I (" Receipt Notice of appeal U' #95460 Aug • .5 Cr 100869 5•• ("ct.1 Ck ..'1c~niry ~ ': Hc"niry Pla:l.ntiff's cost bill from bd-er<gf 7/22/'71 "!otice of Apneal $2,111.40 ..ill.! ,',~o~ nt #11j40 5 00 Aug.31 Cash -McEniry, McEniry &McEniry ~~.'.~ ~J .• 100869 10 Receipt 11009 It:">:.~ 1 ",...,..~r.17_T':.:-"JAff~~O'j'1ty Nol:i<;:e of. cross App&a.lot) 5.00. ~:;)t .0:,' Apoeal s..m:. 1 Cr. 100869 )..,,;1 5 Case 2:65-cv-00396-MHH Document 1 Filed 10/27/14 Page 2 of 55 DATE tvILINGS-PROCEEOINGS ,.1(12.:L~ - '-------­ "~~--------~~-~-~-.-'------~_ -------'-:-,---~-_.L:...-- I rune 4 I Complaint filed. Motion of plaintiff for preliminary injunction filed. .. 4 SunmtOl'lS and complaint issued· del. to Marshal for service on defendants. with copy of motion for preliminary injunction attached _ .. 14,1 Notice to defendants that plaintiff will take the deposition of Dr .Kermit I Johnson, Su,.t.of EdUcation of Jefferson County, Ala•• on June 21, 1965 at 1:30 P.M•• at Room 409 Federal Bldg•• Birmingham, Ala•• before Carmen . Zegarelli, court reporter filed (notice addressed to Hon,George Rogers). I .. 16'" SUlIIlIIons am complaint with motion for preliminary injunction attached, retu~ned, executed on all defendants except Robert L.Ellis,Jr. and C.G.Gresham, on , June 8, 196.5 • Robert L.El1is,Jr, and C,G.Gresham served on June 14, 1965 I. and filed· (case to be submitted for final injunction) I , " 22 On trial betore the Hon. Seybourn H. Lynne, without a jury/- introCiuction 01 I plaintiff's testimony - Order to be entered requiring Plan to be filed by ! June 30, 1965 with 10 days thereafter allowed for exceptions, and hearing : on exceptions set for July 21, 1965, at 10: 00 0' clock, A.M.- Ans'"e;: of deff'1dontsJ fi.led- .. 2<.'" Memorandum Opinion of the Honorable Seybourn H,Lynne filed and entered -(;Op~es mailied .. 24. Injunction and order in confol'lllity with the memorandum opinion of the court i attolrneys contemporaneously filed hereWith, restraining and enjoining the defendants, Jefferson County Board of Bducation, the present members of said Board, GJorge C.Rogers, C.R.Bottenfield, Robert L,Ellis,]r., O.G,Gresham, and Mrs.ROber! Gwin, and Dt.Kermit Johnson, Superintendent of Jefferson County Schools, and th ir agents, servants, employees, successors in office and those in concert wi h them Who shall receive notice of this order, from requiring segregation 0 the races in any school under their supervision, from and after such time as ay be necessary to ",ake arrangem.. nts for admission of children to such schoo,1s on a racially non-discriminatory basis with all deliberate speed, as required by the Supreme Court in Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka, 349, U.S.294, 4nd further ordering that said persons submit to this court not later than Juqe 30, . 1965, a plan under which the said defendants propose to make an immediate \start in the desegregation of the schools of the Jeff~rson County public school Isystem, which plan shall effectively provide for the carrying into effect not 1at~r than the beginning of the schOOl year commencing September, 1965, and ther.. aft~r, of e Alabama Pupil Placement Law as to all school grades without racial discr;linatio including the admission of new pupils entering the first grade, or coming into 1~ ~~__~_~ county for the first time, on a non-racial basis, and further orderin that, on or before the date of the filing thereof, a copy of said plan be serve by defendants in the manner pX"ovided by the Federal Rules of Civil PX"ocedure~ by mail or otherWise, upon the attorneys for plaintiff in this action, and t~at.~~ objections to said proposed plan which plaintiff may decide to make, be ftlea I and served upon the attorneys for defendants on oX" before July 12, 1965, »earing ; on such objections as may be filed will be heard before this court in Bir_ingham, . Alabama, at 10:00 A.M., on July 21, 1965, filed and entered (Lynne) - copies .' 1 mailed attorneys of record I' .. 30 Plan submitted by the Jefferson County Board of Education for desegregation of the Jefferson County School System, pursuant to the Order of the I United States District Court, dated June 24, 1965, filed- ' y 9 ~ Objections of plaintiff to defendants' Plan for Desegregation, filed - copy I served by counsel ­ . 12 " Motion of Fnited States "f America to intervene as a plaintIff in this caus , and Notice thereon, wtth Certificate of Nicholas deB. Katzenbach,~tt0rney General, and Objections to Plan for Desegregation attached the~eto, filed - 121 ORDER based on Motion of United States of America to intervene and riOt!ce of Motion granting the Application of the Attorney General for leave to intervene in this cause, filed and entered (l.ynne) ­ (cont,to next page) FPI-t.K--zd-i4-ZOM--aOfO • Case 2:65-cv-00396-MHH Document 1 Filed 10/27/14 Page 3 of 55 D, C, llOA Rev. Civil Docket Continuation PROCEEDINGS Date Orde DATE ,Judgment 1 ATTORNEYS OF RECORD Oscar W. Adams, Jr. - Gray, Seay & Langford ADAMS, BAKER &. CLEMON :-ils;:;;? Dexter Avenue Suite 1600 - 2121 Building Montgomery, Ala. 46104 2121 Eightth Avenue, North Birmingham, Alabmma 35203 NonnA" (lltac1tki...... Jack Greenberg, Drew Days & Mel Leventhal NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE &. EDUCATIONAL FUND Ten Columbus Circle - Suite 2030 New York, New York 10019 I))nald B. Sweeney, Jr. Wayman G. Sherrer RIVES & PETERSON United States Attorney 1700 Fin~~cial Center 200 - Federal Courthouse Birmingham, AL 35203 Birmingham, Alabama 35203 328-8141 for Midfield City Schools ".& Frank M. Dunbaugh Horrewood City Schools . Deputy Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20530 IIbnna J. Chachkin 99 Hudson Street, 16th F1lr , Bishop -&-ear-~, Sweeney & Colvin New York, NY 10013, &' .~ Frank Nelson Building 212 219-1900 '. Birmingham, Alabama 35203 ) co counsel for plffs John F. DeBuys, Jr. 8/1/9~ (for William F. Murray, Jr. pl~-intv Alex W. Newton BURR &. forman iel/Ri Hare, Wynn, Newell &. Newton 3100 SouthTrust Tower 700 City Federal Building 420 N. 20th Street Birmingham, Alabama 35203 P.O. Box 830719 for petitioners, E. E. Raughley, et al Birmingham, AL 35283 (205) 251-3000 McEniry, McEniry & McEniry for: Pleasant Grove, Midfield 1720 Fourth Ave., N. Bessemer 35020 Vance, Thompson & Brown for: Vestavia Suite ~ 5-:/{) Fr allk nelson Building .J::IT fJ . Birmingham 35203 07,')43,.<'[: ~... ,Jobn w wj J 1 jams I ,Ir fen Homewood 815 Massey Building"yt- fII ulg?lik0 _BBiixrmnUj~B~~~B~a~ffi~,--~3~5~2KQ~3 I 0/ I IX:>nald V. Watkins WATKINS CARTER & KNIGHT Samuel Fisher, Asst City Atty 1120 South Court Street 710 N. 20th Street 1':bntgorrery, AL 35104 Birmingham, AL 35203 262-2723 254-2369 for City at Sham as amicus co-counsel for plfts Case 2:65-cv-00396-MHH Document 1 Filed 10/27/14 Page 4 of 55 C.A.
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