www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, August 21, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, OctoberJune 2, 201716, 2020 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 42 22 PM: 40025701 Province In Bid To Keep Electricity Rates Stable, page 7 Coast Guard Gets New State-Of-The-Art Vessel, page 10 Brampton To Be A Super City ‘By-Design’, page 13 Canada Must Pivot To Indo-Pacific: O’Toole Conservative Leader Says Ties With India Should Be Priority; Wants Canada To Play Bigger World Role By Bala Menon hit out at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whom he blamed for the TORONTO: Conservative Par- dip in relations. ty Leader Erin O’Toole has called “There is tremendous poten- for a Canadian foreign policy tial to restore Canada-India trade pivot towards the Indo-Pacific re- ties and the close relationship we gion, considering the importance used to enjoy during the Conser- it has for Canada. ‘My vision vative time in government. We is that of a Canada as a country literally doubled trade during that deeply involved in the Indo-Pa- period and we all saw how Mr. cific, with more trade, diplomatic Trudeau’s disastrous State Visit and military ties with (countries to India was a setback to our re- in the region). lationship.” There was a weak- In response to a question from ening of strong person to person the Weekly Voice at a Conserva- relationships and in other areas tive Party Ethno-Cultural Press like exports of lentils, he said. Conference on Tuesday, O’Toole “We need to do more with In- said he had received great feed- dia, which is the world’s largest back from the diplomatic com- democracy, a Commonwealth Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole speaks at the press conference on Tuesday. munity ‘after my first speech in ally and we have this huge Indo- Parliament where I spoke about Canadian diaspora that will help sues have spilled over between dia’s Union Territory of Ladakh. ing some of our reliance on Chi- how Canada ought to be more in- us leverage our relationship with India and China during the past He said Canadian focus now na.’ In reply to a question from volved in the region.’ that country.” few months, with regard to Chi- needs to reorient towards India - another media house, O’Toole On India-Canada ties, O’Toole O’Toole noted how security is- nese territorial aggression in In- particularly as ‘we are rebalanc- Continued on page 2 New Measures Target Leaders, Community Rally Against Threat GTA In COVID-19 Battle To Toronto Mosque Stage 2 Restrictions Again; Focus On Congregate Care Settings TORONTO: An unnamed Canada. My thoughts are with mosque in Toronto received Canada’s Muslim community to- TORONTO: In consultation threats over Thanksgiving week- night.” with the Chief Medical Officer of end, and Muslim politicians are Premier Doug Ford tweeted: Health, the Public Health Mea- taking it up with Prime Minister “These threats to a Toronto sures Table, and local medical of- Justin Trudeau. mosque and the Muslim commu- ficers of health and other health The text of one of the threaten- nity are unacceptable and disgust- experts, the Ontario government ing messages is reproduced below ing. There is no place for hate and is introducing additional targeted [censored for distribution] and re- Islamophobia in Ontario. I stand public health measures in the Ot- leased by the National Council of with the Muslim community and tawa, Peel, and Toronto public Canadian Muslims: ask anyone with any information, health unit regions. These modi- “F*** ISLAM! We will murder please notify TPS.” fied Stage 2 restrictions will be every muzzie...! We have a right Continued on page 3 for a minimum of 28 days and to defend ourselves from the ter- reviewed on an ongoing basis. rorists! F****g Islam! The police Details were provided by Pre- will take our side. Islam will not mier Doug Ford, Christine Elliott, defeat us. We have the guns to do Deputy Premier and Minister of a Christchurch all over again in Health, Rod Phillips, Minister our office. We have...soldiers who of Finance, Dr. David Williams, Premier Ford details the new COVID-19 action plan. Pic: Ford/Twitter have experience as snipers. F**k Chief Medical Officer of Health, tions in Toronto, Ottawa and Peel congregate settings,” said On- ISLAM!” and Dr. Adalsteinn Brown, Di- Region. By taking action ahead tario’s Chief Medical Officer of On Tuesday, Trudeau ad- rector of the Institute for Health of the long weekend, we will Health, Dr. David Williams. “We dressed the threats that were sent Policy, Management, and Evalu- help contain the spread in these need to act quickly, and we need to the Toronto mosque. He said: ation and the Dalla Lana Chair of hotspots, protect the surrounding everyone to follow the public “Islamophobia and right-wing Public Health Policy at the Uni- communities, shield our seniors health guidelines if we are going extremism have no place in our versity of Toronto. and most vulnerable, and con- to stop the spread and contain the country or our communities. We “The health experts presented tain the second wave surge. At second wave.” must always stand united against the most recent health data which the same time, we are providing Effective October 10, these hate or intolerance of any kind.” identified some alarming public support to our small businesses in targeted measures are now being Conservative Leader Erin BROKER health trends that require imme- these hotspots.” implemented in Ottawa, Peel, and O’Toole called the messages “ap- BROKER diate attention and early action to “We are seeing the percent- Toronto as a result of their higher palling.” “I am appalled by reve- lations of threats against a down- keep people safe,” said Premier age of people testing positive for than average rates of transmis- REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE Ford. “That’s why we are mak- COVID-19 rising, hospitalization sion. Measures under a modified town Toronto mosque,” O’Toole ing the difficult, but necessary rates are growing, and commu- Stage 2 include: wrote. “Neo-Nazi cults and other decision to accept the health ad- nity outbreaks are entering our Reducing limits for all social hate groups that threaten violence vice, and impose further restric- nursing homes and vulnerable Continued on page 2 and intimidate have no place in Meet Your Soulmate Here! RishteyRishtey.com We oer a superior matchmaking experience for prospective brides and grooms to meet and communicate with each other by expanding the opportunities available to meet potential life partners and build fullling relationships, through our database of registered proles. Registering/entering your personal information is free. Contact for more information or registration: Shivani ---- [email protected] | www.rishteyrishtey.com A-2 | Friday, October 16, 2020 NATIONAL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF O’Toole Blasts China’s Oppressive Communism Bala Menon Continued from page 1 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS said he had often raised the issue Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) of having a principled position Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu in Canada’s relationship with the Harj Chaggar Communist Party in Beijing. “We Amitabh Saxena have no issue with China or the Chinese people, whether in main- Graphic Design Tamarind Tree land China or anywhere in the world but we have issues with an ACCOUNT MANAGERS ideology that suppresses liberty, Manu Ramachandran freedom of speech, freedom of Maha religion, one which does not re- spect the rule of law, WTA regu- Security Council, our ties have NORAD, of G7, of the Five Eyes on track again. We need a leader ONLINE MARKETING lations and on trade issues, the deteriorated with many countries, and we are in a good position to who will not be afraid to take MANAGER perpetration of internment and we have angered Japan, Aus- play a global role,” he said. tough decisions and who will not Amitabh Saxena oppression of minorities in west- tralia, New Zealand and we are O’Toole said over the coming be caring for his personal image ern China, its actions in the South having disputes with the United days, the Conservative Party will or for his friends.” LEGAL ADVISOR China Sea, these are all offshoots Kingdom and the United States. show Canadians its vision and He said the Conservatives are Dr. Keshav Agnihotri of the Communist ideology.” Trudeau has been a failure on the would work hard to win the trust inclusive and everyone has a ACCOUNTS He spoke out against anti-East world stage. We have our two Mi- and confidence of Canadians for home in the Conservative Party. Asha J Singhh Asian racism saying Chinese-Ca- chaels in Chinese prisons.” the next election. He pointed out “I want more new first and sec- nadians have come to Canada to “We have to strengthen NATO, that “After high school, I joined ond generation Canadians to see photographer flee the oppression in their coun- call for free movement of capi- the military and that deepened a Conservative staring back at Manohar Sagoo try. “Our issue should be with tal and people among the Com- my love for Canada. I served as them in the mirror each morning. Communism as an ideology.” monwealth countries, we have to a navigator on Sea King helicop- “We will be reaching out for Gross Circulation: 30,000 O’Toole also said he wanted push on Hong Kong...we are not ters and sailed with the Cana- more engagement. It’s 2020 and I CCNA Verified Circulation: Canada to play a larger role in the biggest country in the world, dian Navy out of Halifax, but I want our party to field candidates 29,997 world affairs.
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