TIMES ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD NEWS l VOLfMK 16, NO, SCOTCH FLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J. THURSDAY, DiCUHMHKK 18, l >75 15 CENTS A COPY SPFHL sss oolWins Accrediiauun Renewal Concerned Citizens Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, a prestigeous private accrediting agency, has renewed accreditation of Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School. May Threaten New The renesval was made on the basis of a written report, and not gel, principal of Scotch Plains- upon a visit to the school. This Fanwood High School. Dr. Riegel Plains Tennis Courts fall, evaluators from the state said the request specified infer- Department of Education visited mation on effect of budget cuts, the school for a day, and sub- home economics program and li- Mayor Griffen Irked, Says Action sequently issued a report stating brary needs. that the evaluating team was Dr. Reigh Carpenter, Super- Students Ask May Delay Consideration Of vithholding approval until next intendent of Schools here, has Grant For Tennis Courts spring, when another visit would repeatedly expressed his concern More Heat In be scheduled. An April 26, 1976 over the state team report. Car- Obviously very irritated, Mayor Robert Griffin announced visit has now been set. The state penter, while noting the "most Classrooms Tuesday night that actions taken by Concerned Citizens, a report listed 21 areas of "con- creditable expertise" of the eval- flood-problem-oriented group here, may delay and may even negate Superintendent of Schools, Dr, entirely the consideration of a state-level Green Acres grant for four cern" which have, in turn, uating team, questioned their Reigh W. Carpenter, replied this caused considerable concern failure to point out the positive new tennis courts at Kramer Manor Park. Scotch Plains joined week to a petition forwarded to many other New Jersey communities in submitting applications for within the Scotch Plains-Fan- aspects of the high school - the him by the staff of the Scotch wood community. outstanding programs and course development projects in parks and public areas, under a new Green Plains-Fanwood High School, Acres program which provided matching funds for such un- Middle States evaluators visit offerings, and the quality of in- complaining about temperatures dertakings. Scotch Plains sought 5120,000 for four additional tennis schools every ten years, and con- struction. Carpenter said it is in the building. In a one page courts, and other Improvements - $60,000 of which would have sider renewal of accreditation at most unfortunate that the com- memo, dated December 12, 1975, come from Green Acres, while the other $60,000 would come from a mid-point between visits, every- munity interpretation of the re- Dr. Carpenter indicated to the township funds. _ five years. In contrast, state port reflects concern out of staff that it is his desire to main- The application, sent to tne time, all tne other communities evaluators visit once every five proportion with the severity of tain temperatures of 65 degrees Green Acres group early this may have gotten their Green years. The state team used the the problem and results in an in all schools in an attempt to month, required an environmen- Acres grants. It is entirely written report prepared by school impression on the part of the reduce fuel costs this year. Car- tal impact study, which was pre- possible that the funds may have administraors as one basis for its public that little of worth is being penter stated, "It is certainly pared by the Township engineer run out," Griffin said. judgement, but interviews with done at the high school. unfortunate that we have had to in conjunction with the township Underlying the arguments teachers and students and per- Dr. Riegel sees the "con- economize in the use of utilities. Environmental Committee. De- about flood impact has been a sonal observations were addi- cerns" listed in the state report a Every effort has been made to spite the fact that this study was suggestion that those concerned tional bases. guidance toward helping the consider alternatives j order to n submitted, the Committee of with flooding feel that no town- The Middle States renewal in- school improve. The school has meet our deficit of $315,000. It concerned Citizens wrote to Treji- ship funds- should Be "difcCiecT cluded a request for another "lost ground" in the past five has been the superintendent's to'n 'autnonties "fin their own, toward recreation until flood report by May of 1977, des-years, Riegel said, but only in position that such efforts should without the knowledge of town- problems are cleared up. Griffin cribing changes and develop- comparison with itself, Riegel be made for economy so that the ship officials, asking that con- said on Tuesday that the town- ments which may occur by that called the school "still one of the need to reduce staff during the sideration of the grant be held up ship has already approved a time, according to Dr. Terry Rie- finest schools in the state." school year would not have to be until further environmental im- multi-million dollar capital plan considered to meet this deficit." pact studies could be made. for flood control over the next six Board Of Ed Will Study Projections for the deficit on This week, the township re- years. For instance, 5700,000 is gas, oil, and fuel ran as high as ceived an announcement that planned for Green Brook pro- Future School Closings 520,000 and an additional S49, consideration will be delayed. grams in 1977, $900,000 will be 000 for electricity. spent for detention basins in The Board of Education plans to authorize the school su- The state is now asking for ap- The Superintendent did ac- proval by the State Environmen- 1976, and $30,000 more for en- perintendent to prepare a study on the long-range impact of pro- knowledge that despite relatively gineering services to review all jected enrollment declines and related possibilities of future school tal Commission and for another unseasonable weather, and his Environmental Impact statement. piping into detention basins. In closings. Dr. Reigh Carpenter will be asked to complete such a directive to keep temperatures at The Concerned Citizens claim addition, Scotch Plains selected study by June 30. During the Board agenda-setting session last 65, some classrooms in the high in their letter to the state, that . flood control as its focus in ap- Thursday, the Board members discussed approaches to such a school have fallen below that they want runoff from tennis plications for HUD funds now av- study, particularly the possibility of utilizing a volunteer citizens' level. Carpenter stated that build- courts into the stream measured ailable to Union County com- committee for gathering of required information. Several years ago, ing and grounds supervisor, Ger- and determination made that munities, with the local eommun-. a citizens' committee prepared an extensive study on population ald Huffman, has been notified plans and specifications will not ity asking for $90,000 for flood trends. —_____=___ _.—_— that thii is a top priority job, and increase the flood problems. relief. pone a vote and/or introduction work is being done to remedy the Carpenter acknowledged the Griffin said Council feels this has Charles Doyle, an activist with of a new philosophy until they situation. The problem appears need for such a study, but he already been adequately demon- Concerned Citizens, took issue have heard public input from to- to be that some of the ther- cited difficulties with manpower. strated. "We tried to measure with criticisms of the group. night's meeting, Robbie Mason, mostats in the school are out of He will outline for the board his runoff, it couldn't even be mea- "Our position is - and we've Henry Schwiering, and Darrell calibration and parts to the views on what would be required sured," Griffin said. There are been after it for a few years • that Brownawell favored an immed- heating system need to be re- to undertake such a study and already four tennis courts at we feel flooding should be the iate vote on the philosophy sug- placed. Reportedly the major possibilities of meeting a June Kramer Manor. The new four top priority, not recreation." He gested by the citizens' commit- problem is in the new "pod" ad- deadline. would provide eight at the site. criticized Councilwoman Ann tee, which was made up of Carpenter noted that he is also ditions to the school. Wodjenski for favoring recrea- broad-based representation of Griffin said the delay could be facing a mandated "mammoth" Coffman is also attempting tion projects, claiming she prom- the citizenry, from names sug- four to six months. "By that study of all districts school fa- other possible solutions including ised in campaign time that she gested by all board members. cilities and population trends, to reducing the velocity of air ex- was favorable to flood relief. The three felt the philosophy be turned over to state authori- change at the discharge grills; "You say we knocked down formulated by the citizens* group ties by July of 1978. ^reducing the velocity of the main heating directive only lowers the something," Doyle said, insist- was a fair representation of com- Thomas Fallen, a board mem- blower in the roof top unit; re- temperature two degrees below ing that what he seeks is re- munity views. ber, asked for a clear de- ducing the fresh air intake from last year's recommended level. It direction of funds from recreation termination of goals and objec- In the view of board member 25 - 10%. was also revealed that many of to flood control.
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