19050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 9, 2001 pass the Senate joint resolution, S.J. ing member of the Committee on House Strategic Petroleum Reserve, as Res. 19. Administration. amended. The question was taken; and (two- I urge my colleagues to support this The Clerk read as follows: thirds having voted in favor thereof) resolution and urge its adoption. H. RES. 250 the rules were suspended and the Sen- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas the United States is engaged in ate joint resolution was passed. my time. military activity as a result of the terrorist A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield attacks of September 11, 2001; the table. myself such time as I may consume Whereas such acts continue to pose an un- usual and extraordinary threat to the na- f simply to concur with the chairman and urge support for this resolution. tional security and foreign policy of the GENERAL LEAVE Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I join with the United States, including the security of im- portant energy supplies; Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Chairman in urging adoption of Senate Con- Whereas our Nation imports more than mous consent that all Members may current Resolution 67. half of the crude oil it consumes from other have 5 legislative days within which to This is a housekeeping measure allowing nations; revise and extend their remarks and in- the Chairman of the Senate Rules and Admin- Whereas Congress found in the Energy Pol- clude extraneous material on the sub- istration Committee to designate another icy and Conservation Act that the storage of ject of the Senate joint resolution just member of that panel to serve on the Joint substantial quantities of petroleum products passed, S.J. Res. 19. Committee on Printing in his place during the will diminish the vulnerability of the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there 107th Congress. States to the effects of a severe energy sup- ply interruption, and provide limited protec- objection to the request of the gen- By statute, the Senate membership of the tion from the short-term consequences of tleman from Ohio? Joint Committee on Printing consists of the interruptions in supplies of petroleum prod- There was no objection. Chairman and four members of the Committee ucts; f on Rules and Administration. In order for the Whereas a severe energy supply interrup- Senate to depart from that statutory scheme, tion would have an adverse impact upon PERMITTING CHAIRMAN OF COM- the House must concur, hence this concurrent American consumers and the economy; MITTEE ON RULES AND ADMIN- resolution. Whereas the Strategic Petroleum Reserve ISTRATION OF THE SENATE TO Anticipating adoption of this measure, the has an authorized capacity of 1,000,000,000 DESIGNATE ANOTHER MEMBER barrels of crude oil, a current storage capac- Senate has adopted a simple resolution elect- ity of 700,000,000 barrels of crude oil, and ap- OF COMMITTEE TO SERVE ON ing its members of the Joint Committee for the JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING proximately 545,000,000 barrels of crude oil 107th Congress. If we clear this resolution, the currently in storage; and IN PLACE OF CHAIRMAN Joint Committee on Printing can organize and Whereas marginal wells in the United Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- proceed to its business. I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote. States provide an important base of domes- pend the rules and concur in the Sen- Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield tic crude oil production, make an important ate concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. back the balance of my time. contribution to our workforce and economy, 67) permitting the Chairman of the Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield back are particularly sensitive to price fluctua- tions, and are difficult and costly to reopen: Committee on Rules and Administra- the balance of my time. Now, therefore, be it tion of the Senate to designate another The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Resolved, That the House of Representa- member of the Committee to serve on question is on the motion offered by tives urges the Secretary of Energy to in- the Joint Committee on Printing in the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. NEY) crease the capacity of the Strategic Petro- place of the Chairman. that the House suspend the rules and leum Reserve to 1,000,000,000 barrels of crude The Clerk read as follows: concur in the Senate concurrent reso- oil, to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its capacity as soon as practicable, and to S. CON. RES. 67 lution, S. Con. Res. 67. The question was taken; and (two- consider purchasing from marginal wells Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- that would otherwise cease production, con- resentatives concurring), That effective for the thirds having voted in favor thereof) sistent with current law. One Hundred Seventh Congress, the Chair- the rules were suspended and the Sen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- man of the Committee on Rules and Admin- ate concurrent resolution was agreed istration of the Senate may designate an- to. ant to the rule, the gentleman from other member of the Committee to serve on A motion to reconsider was laid on Texas (Mr. BARTON) and the gentleman the Joint Committee on Printing in place of the table. from Maine (Mr. BALDACCI) each will the Chairman. control 20 minutes. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The Chair recognizes the gentleman ant to the rule, the gentleman from PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON from Texas (Mr. BARTON). Ohio (Mr. NEY) and the gentleman from ENERGY AND COMMERCE TO GENERAL LEAVE New York (Mr. SERRANO) each will con- FILE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, trol 20 minutes. ON H.R. 3016, ANTITERRORISM I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- The Chair recognizes the gentleman AND EFFECTIVE DEATH PEN- bers may have 5 legislative days within Ohio (Mr. NEY). ALTY AMENDMENTS which to revise and extend their re- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, marks and to include extraneous mate- such time as I may consume. I ask unanimous consent that the Com- rial on the resolution, H. Res. 250, as Mr. Speaker, Senate Concurrent Res- mittee on Energy and Commerce be al- amended. olution 67 permits the chairman of the lowed to file a supplemental report on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Senate’s Committee on Rules and Ad- the bill H.R. 3016. objection to the request of the gen- ministration to designate another The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tleman from Texas? member of the committee to serve on objection to the request of the gen- There was no objection. the Joint Committee on Printing in tleman from Texas? Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, place of the chairman. There was no objection. I yield myself such time as I may con- This is a very simple measure. I want f sume. to thank my colleague, however, today, Mr. Speaker, today the House is the gentleman from New York (Mr. URGING SECRETARY OF ENERGY going to consider a very important res- SERRANO), who has been so gracious TO FILL STRATEGIC PETROLEUM olution dealing with our energy secu- and patient today in helping to bring RESERVE rity. This is a bipartisan effort; and I proposals to the floor that are impor- Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, would like to publicly thank the rank- tant to the operation of the House; and I move to suspend the rules and agree ing member of the subcommittee that I I want to also thank the gentleman to the resolution (H. Res. 250) urging chair, the gentleman from Virginia from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), our rank- the Secretary of Energy to fill the (Mr. BOUCHER), the full committee VerDate jul 14 2003 21:58 Apr 25, 2005 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H09OC1.000 H09OC1 October 9, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 19051 ranking member, the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, the resolution before us pleased the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Michigan (Mr. DINGELL), and of course indicates if we need to purchase oil we BARTON) has brought this forward and the full committee chairman, the gen- give preference to marginal wells or the committee has brought this for- tleman from Louisiana (Mr. TAUZIN), stripper wells, as they are called in the ward, especially today considering the for their excellent support on this reso- Southwest. These are wells that prices on the spot market. lution. produce less than 10 barrels a day. I support H. Res. 250, which urges the This is a nonbinding resolution, so it The last time we had an oil price col- Secretary to fill the Strategic Petro- does not require the Secretary of En- lapse several years ago, we lost be- leum Reserve. We worked very hard to ergy and the President of the United tween 500,000 and 1 million barrels of establish a heating oil reserve, which I States to move to fill the Strategic Pe- stripper well production that will never am pleased to report is at capacity. troleum Reserve; but it is my intent come back. But the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and my hope, and in working with the This resolution would encourage the does have additional capacity. administration officials the last sev- Secretary of Energy to give preference In the War Powers Resolution that eral weeks, that we will begin to do to marginal well purchases. It is au- we passed just a few weeks ago, we that. thorized by law that we purchase mar- found that acts of terrorism continue The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is ginal well domestic oil.
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