T / \ BAcK THE JOIN UP WITH STt'DEN'l 'iBE COUNCIL! THE CORSAI BUCCANEER! PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY VICTORIA JUNIOR COLLEGE PRESS CLUB VOLUME 2 VICTORIA, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, . OCTOBER 13, 1937 NUMBER a Librarian Attends Levy Presentation District M e e t The Candid Camera Catches - - To Junior College At EI Campo Viewed at Assemb Miss Anne Elkowitz Elected Historical Replicas Donated Vice President Of To V. J. C. By Local Organization Merchants Mr. J. R. Levy, in behalf of Miss Anne Elkowitz attended A. and S. Levy, Inc., presented the meeting of the Association of Victoria Junior College and St, Librarians for Scholastic District Joseph's High School with replicas 23 in El Campo on Oct. 2nd. One of the guest speakers at the meet- ing was Mrs. Dorothy Cotton Left to Right: No, look again! AH! HA! Three of our college with this photo, because you are I BULLETIN: The entire stu- Joumeay, Field Worker for the See you aren't seeing things? It beauties. Lucy and the three seeing correctly. The name of dent body and school officials of Texas State Library and Histori- is really one of our college fresh- Dots. this rare- picture is "LOVE IN Victoria Jcnhr College take this cal Commission. men. Don't think something is wrong BLOOM." means of oherill,~ our sincere Two meetings are held annual- , thanks to A. and S. Levy for the ly by this organization, one in the N.Y.A. Funds Pamona College Greer Heads Staff valuable contributions of copl fall and the other in'May. At this Help Students Is C hoi ceo f Of V. J. C. Annual of the Constitution and of the meeting, Miss Elkowitz was elect- Declaration of Independence given Tom l\icCord to VJC last week. We are indeed ed vice-president to fill the va- Fifteen VJC students are being Louise Greer, President of the grateful. cancy caused by the resignation helped through Victoria Junior Sfudent Council, called a special , Porter S. Garner. of Miss Ruby McCord of Cuero. College by N. Y. A. .funds sup- meeting of the Student Council I The program was as follows: plied by the Federal Govern- Tom McCord, VJC ex-student for the purpose of selecting an President of Oollege, W~lcome Address--Mr. J. D. ment this term. Each s~udent and one of the editors (If the COR- editor for the Junior College An- Louise Greer, Moore, Principal, El Campo High receives $10 for his services. SAIR last year, recently enrolled nual, "THE BUCCANEER," Mon- President of Student Body, at Pamona College at Claremont, School. I . day. Louise was selected by Why a School Library?-Mr. E. • These ~tudents have been placed California, following a week of 1 the members of the council to act of the shrine Of the Constitution H P tto State Supervisor Dis- I m the library where they work campus social events to acquaint : t a n, 'at such tasks as mending, binding, as editor-in-chief. Tuesday morning, October 5. t 23 the new students with college life. rIC • Iozi db' b k Victor Probst made a fin~ciall Mr. William Offer accepted this t Library Organization- cata ogmg an num ermg 00 . s, Tom enjoyed the week-end re- Coun y I . lati f b k d h report of the barn party given valuable addition for Junior Col- Mrs. Dorothy Journeay, Field ClI"C~ation 0 00 s an ot er treat at Camp Baldy. located by the council for Junior College lege and Brother Frank Ritz Worker, ~~xas Library and His- routme work. near Claremont, and returned to and senior High School. I for' St. Joseph's. Each spoke torical Commission. Others help out With mimeo- the campus for class parties, din- Charters used by other college briefly. The Need for Library Service in graphing, writing publicity, as- ners, and dance. st~dent councils have been re- Mr. Frank Crain gave an in- Rural Schools--Mr. I. T. Taylor, sisting the registrar with grades This year finds Pamona cele- i ceived by Dorothy Belle Carsner, spiring address on the Constitu .. County Superintendent, Jackson and attendance, and assisting in- brating its fiftieth anniversary secretary and treasurer of the, tion ~_---''--- _ whid~ wiH reacl , g~la peaz Oe- Cuun!,1, Edna. structor.s.. tv Ictor~a Junior College Student The program- opened with a se.. Selling the Library to School 0 tober 14, Founders' DAY,with a Council, ~nd ~rom these charters lection by the High School Band large campus affair. Officials--Mr. Zimmerman, Sup- Leah Elkowitz ~he council Will select one to use and invocation was given by VJC srur's rts watch with inter- ;r:;::~dent of Schools, Cuero, in our college. Rabbi S. J. Schwab. Joins U. T. Clubs est ex-students who have enroll- o Mr. Levy, vice-president of the Selling the Library to the Pub- ed in other institutions, lic-Mr. Paul Holcomb, Editor, Leah Elkowitz, graduate of ----0'---- Felger Organizes widely known South Texas con- El Campo News, El Campo, Tex- Victoria Junior College in 1935, Choral Singers cern, made the presentation af- Assembly Hears ter the assembly had finished as. is now enrolled in the University singing "America." Our Relation to the Texas Li- of Texas and has recently been Musical Numbers Students of Victoria College in- brary Association-Miss Henrietta elected to membership in the terested in choral singing met Benediction by Rev. Thomas Forge, Librarian, EI Campo High Curtain Club of that institution. Leland Adams and the Patti with Mr. Clarence Felger, sponsor Coleman closed the ceremonies, School. "First Lady" will be the initial Welder High School Quartet en- and elected the following stu- ----0'---_ Dewey's Decimal Classification play to be produced by the club. tertained the Junior College stu-'I dents as officers for the coming Victoria Smashes System in the High School-Miss New members of this club for dents and faculty with musical year: Anne Elkowitz, Librarian, Vic- the period of one year are called selections Wednesday. Dorothy Belle Carsner, presi- Cuero and Mayne. "probationary ." Mr. Adams is employed by Mr. dent; Bill Forbese, vice-president; toria Junior College. Cotton Gathright, Victoria, Miss Elkowitz was also elected Rubin Frels, owner of the Uptown Evelyn Carpenter, secretary; Ber- Shelf-listing and Simplified second stringer, won hero honors to membership in the Glee Club. Theater. The High School quar- nice Keller, librarian; and Victor cataloging-Miss Mona Lee Ellis, Friday night by scoring two Librarian, Wharton High School. The Glee Club has organized tet included Jean Calhoun, Bea- Probst, reporter. touchdowns after catching passes Periodicals for Reference with and will present their first con- atrice Ragnow, and Patti Lee This organization meets every from Darter, capable Stingaree the Aid of Reader's Guide-Miss cert October 2. Fitzpatrick. Tuesday and Friday at 10:20. back. The rally engineered by L. Eichert, Assistant High School the Victoria squad late in the Librarian, El Campo. third quarter piled up thrills and o Swings! See-Saws!! Hay!!! scores, much to the amazement of every spectator in the stands. Ex-"VJC-ers" Seek for those who did not care to The score at the half was identl- Varied Careers dance Punch was served through- cal with the 1936 score at the out the evening. same period of the game. Highlights of the evening in- After the third Cuero touch. What different ambitions and cluded an Amateur Contest, a down in the early part of the third professionns are represented by Community Singing, and a Hog period, the over-confident Gob. ex-VJC students here! Calling Contest. The Amateur bJers were bewildered by the sur. Some Df the more illustrious contest was open to all who wish- prise attack of a Darter-Gath'. ones are going to colleges and ed to participate. Grace Leggett right touchdown combination universities. The Uni¥ersity of and Florence McClosky were re- which proceeded to. mark up 13 Texas has this year enrolled: cipients of the first prize for their points before a screaming crowd Charles Henry, Floyd Lander, and vocal rendition of School Days. bers included in the Community of about 3,000. During the fourth John Garrison. Victoria Junior College Student Harvest Moon, The Merry Go- period Darter and Crain, with Seldon ·Broughton is continu- Council members staged the first Round Broke Down, Old Maroon Singing. Geraldine Fly and Billy the aid of age old "statue of lib. ing his studies at Sam Houston of a series of novel parties to be Bonnet, Hail, Hail, the Gang's Frobese won the Hog Calling con- erty" play, started a terrific drive State Teachers College, Hunts- held during the '37-'38 scholastic All Here, and She'll Be Comin' test, but insisted on presenting into Gobbler soil, which termin- ville; and C. E. Boyd is attending term last Thursday night. Round the Mountain, were num- the prize, a miniatura red trough ated across the Cuero goal line Southwest Texas Sta~ Teachers Guests assembled at 7:30 in the to Victor Probst, a member of for the winning score. The final College, San Marcos. Smith-Fischer Hall, which was reading on the scoreboard was Another Graduate of VJC is decorated to resemble an old- the Student Council. An unusu- Victoria 1 9; Cuero 18. ' Dorothy Schneider, who is work· time barn. Guests wore dresses al ability to play the French harp Allen Sloan, Stingaree right ing in the office of the Victoria to fit the occasion, girlll in calieo was djsco\'ered in Dean Hardt end, turned in a smashing game " Hospital.
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