~~.f_E_R.~(TY~ OF HAWAII LIBRARY . _______ .___......_ arianas %tietyj~~"''', Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b~ e2 Teno's address expected 'Political coercion' to focus on the economy the depleting government cof­ fers which resulted from the suit filed vs mayor sudden change in spending behavior of both tourists and By Ferdie de la Torre Jeanette H. Borja, Ramon SN. residents. Variety News Staff Borja, Herbert B. Hocog, Peter The present economic predica­ THE SUPERIOR Court has is­ Taitano, Patrick A. Tudela, Edwin ment of the CNMI may also be sued a temporary restraining or­ M. Cabrera, Mary Ann A. described through empty hotel der stopping Tinian Mayor Fran­ Mendiola, and Isabel M. San rooms, shopping centers and cisco M. Borja from terminating Nicolas. restaurants 18 employees because of their The petitioners, through coun­ This caused a mass displace­ political affiliation. sel John M. Chambers, said more ment of businesses in the is­ "This order is granted due to than 20 employees of the Tinian Pedro P. Tenorio lands which exceeded 1,700 in the irreparable injury to the peti­ Mayor's Office were coerced by number last year. Existing es­ tioners by depriving them of their Borja to either support his fa­ By Aldwin R. Fajardo tablishments plunged by 47 livelihood through political coer­ vored candidates or risk being Variety News Staff percent or a difference of 1,754 cion," said the TRO signed Tues­ Francisco M. Borja terminated from their position. GIVEN what appears to be the last year, while new invest­ day by Judge Juan T. Lizama:- These employees, according to most depressing economic con­ ments pale in comparison with Lizama ordered Borja to ap­ Chambers, were handed termina­ di ti on that hit the Northern the previous year's figure pear in court this Wednesday to The 18 employees of Tinian tion letters last March 31 and told Marianas in 20 years, Gov. posted from 922 to 877. argue the petitioners' claim. Mayor'sOfficehavesoughtTRO, their position would be terminated Pedro P. Tenorio might have The Department of Com- , Loren Sutton, legal counsel for preliminary and permanent in­ on June I. .J had a hard time preparing his merce reported that overall in- ~­ Mayor Borja, in a telephone in­ Chambers said these employ­ junction against Borja for alleg­ e piece for today's State of the_ vestments dropped by 39 per- ~ terview said it was premature to ees held ungraded positions which edly terminating them illegally. r Commonwealth Address. cent to 2,854 last year, regis- fJ · make any comment at this time The petitioners were Dolores · fall into the category of people iJ In an interview yesterday, the tering a deficit of at least 1,799 :1 because he just received the court protected by the CNMI statute. 1 SN Antiller, Teresa P. Koyoshi, 1 governor could only speak of compared with the previous f: While arguments have been documents. Gilbert Basa, Steven S. Mendiola, 13 how the CNMI had been badly -year's tally. f1 Sutton, however, assured that Peter B. Manglona, Tito M. made that ungraded positions at affected by the Asian economic The records were based only ij the mayor will comply with the Manglona, Velma M. Manglona, the Mayor's Office are not ac­ crisis, clearly outlined ih the on the official number of busi- corded the protection of the stat- TRO issued by Judge Lizama until Carmen San Nicolas, Donovan dwindling visitor arrivals and Continued on page 23 the matter is resolved. SN. Borja, Edward SN. Borja, Continued on page 23 Mandatory health insurance for workers OK with HANMI By Haldee V. Eugenio ers to enroll their employees in Variety News Staff health insurance. "GOOD HEALTH is wealth." The HANMI president, how­ With these words, the Hotel ever, said the organization - Association of the Northern through its legal counsel - is Mariana Islands (HANMI) ex­ looking at certain percentage pressed suppo1t f011he bill which ratio as to how much the em­ seeks mandatory health insur­ ployer and the employee should ance coverage for all workers in be paying for premium and this the CNMI. will be included in HANMI's Ron Sablan, HANMI presi­ comments on Senate Bill I 1- dent, said a number of hotels 34. provide health insurance cover­ Authored by Sen. Juan P. age to their employees but there Tenorio, the bill allows workers are still some businesses who to acquire pre-paid health care are yet to see the importance of plans amid the spiraling costs of insurance coverage. comprehensive medical care. "The intent of the bill is good. It is also considered to make Both employes and employees private sector jobs more attrac­ have certain responsibility for tive to resident workers, and good health ... We agree with thus lessen the business the bill," said Sablan. community's deper:idence on FIGHT AGAINST DRUGS. Sixth grade students from Dandan Elementary School graduated yesterday from He also urged other hotel own- the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program spearheaded by the Department of Public Safety. Continued on page 23 Photo by Marla C. Alonso Pay cut for executor sought By Ferdie de la Torre month for periods after Dec. 31, Senate approves amended CIP bill Variety News Staff 1998. By Zaldy Dandan Tinian 's airport, as well as Rota's projects. LARRY Hillblom's Charitable The court, however, authorized Variety News Staff health center, roads and airport But Senate Vice President Trust asked the Superior Court any party to file a motion after THE SENATE, in its first ses­ runway. Thomas P. Villagomez (R­ yesterday to reduce the $150,000 April 30 to modify the monthly sion since March, yesterday The administration-drafted CIP Saipan), Sens. Juan P. Tenorio monthly compensation for compensation, said Lawlor in confirmed eight nominees to bill,H.B.11-408,waspassedonly (R-Saipan) and David M. Cing Hillblom 's estate executor Bank Donnici's motion. government boards and passed after lengthy, at times heated, dis­ (D-Tinian) expressed concern of Saipan to $50,000. The Trust believes that, through 20 bills, including legislation cussion on an arnendment offered that the amendment may again Paul A. Lawlor, counsel for May 31, 1999, the Hillblom rep­ that would appropriate $13.8 by Rota senators who wanted the result in a veto. Trust Chairman Peter J. Donnici, resentatives have been paid at least million worth of capital infra­ local legislative delegation and A similar provision passed said the court in its April 7 order $4,897,800 for their services structure projects for the im­ the mayor to have expenditure by the Senate in the first CIP continued the executor's compen­ which exceeds 1.35% of the gross provement and expansion of authority over the island's Continued on page 23 . sation at a rate of $150,000 per Continued on page 23 PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1999 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS~3 India shells hit schools Tinian senators urge Rota: By KATHY GANNON products of Pakistan's imagina­ ' I 1lon't pursue casino plan' ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) tion. - Pakistan's Kashmir govern­ Meanwhile the two countiies By Zaldy Dandan "We still need to improve the But Rota Mayor Benjamin T. ment ordered all schools along are forging ahead with peace talks, Variety News Staff airport, our roads, sewers and the Manglona said Tuesday that the THE CHAIR ofTinian's legisla­ rest of the island's infrastructure establishment of a casino on Rota the shell-ravaged border closed although neither side seems ready , I on Wednesday after a second to set dates for these negotiations. ' tivedelegation and a former mayor so the casino could get more visi­ is only one of several options be­ school was hit in as many days by While Pakistan says it is wait­ I of the island yesterday said they tors," he said. ing considered to improve the Indian shells. Three children were ing for India to decide when Paki­ will urge the leaders of Rota not "If Tinian' s infrastructure is island's economy. killed, said police. stan Foreign Minister Sartaj Aziz to pursue any plan that would lead already in place, then maybe Rota He said there is still no negotia­ On Tuesday IO high school stu­ should travel to India, New Delhi to establishment of a casino there. could consider having a casino of tion taking place between his of­ dents were killed when Indian said it is waiting for Pakistan to Sens. Joaquin G. Adriano (R) their own. But right now, if we all fice and interested investors. artillery shells pounded border vil­ decide the dates. and Herman M. Manglona (R), in help Tinian 's casino then the rest The mayor, like Sen. Edward lages in the Neelum Valley. The conundrum over setting separate interviews, said Tinian 's of the CNMI, including Rota, will U. Maratita (R), said it is the On Wednesday a primary dates is indicative of the diffi­ hotel casino should be given the receive a percentage of the rev­ people of Rota who will have to school in Nar, some 260 kilome­ culty Pakistan and India-com­ chance to "grow" first. enues," Manglona said. decide whether to legalize casino Manglona, a former two-term Sen. David M. Cing (D-Tinian), gambling there. ters ( 150 miles) south of batants in three previous wars - Joaquin G. Adriano Herman M. Manglona Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pa­ haveincommunicatingwitheach mayor, said he will introduce a in an earlier interview, said he Maratita, whochairsRota's leg­ ! kistan-ruled Kashmir, was struck other. local resolution urging the people "I'm aware that Rota needs both Tinian and Rota," Manglona will appeal to the leaders of Rota islative delegation, denied Tues­ by several shells, according to Meanwhile Pakistan continues f and leaders of Rota to reconsider sources of revenues especially said.
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