-v::"'r"’' L.: . ^ ■ / , ' MONDAY. JONE 10,1949^ The Weilher * 4 0 t t W < L V S IHan^gtPf CiiMtlita Bffatt Average Daily Cirjculation \ Forecast of (| S. Weather Boreas For the Month of 5lay, 19t0 The Federsted-asrden Hubs of v f V w • ter Btrset. Other buses beading eral places: Thars was a ‘ wash­ Cloady with showers tqwllM Mias Marlon Olaon who rocantly r | g a f | V ~ V K f l l t l f l ware detoured from Pine out on Summit atreet od the weet completed her sophomore year at Connecticut la sponsoring s sum­ 6,401 and Wedwesdfiy; allghtly mer school of horticulture from ^ J rtreet oyer the same routs to the side that swept the dirt Into W’edaeoday. Simmons Ckllege, has returned, HALE'S SELF SERVE Member of the Aadit N O FIGHTS from Annapolis, Md., where 'she Juna 12 to 14 at Connecticut Col-- swamp land. This waa rpAUsd . The Original InNew EngUnd! attended the June week festivities. lege. New London. The Club will Flood Street *' this morning by towm Bureau et Circulations hold !U monthly meeting June 2.1, Manche$ler-^A City of Village Charm She la the datightcr of Mr. and Automobiles, that -attempted . to •There wrsa so much water In the TONIGHT Mrs. John i. Olaon of Jackson at •’Gardens on Parade," the New York Worid’a Fair. go through fh'ond the water enter­ Union pond today Uiat the large ( TWELVE P A G E S ) PRICE THREE CEN'HI sU«et. Underpass on Center St. ing the dooce gnd after a few had pipe line that caratM water from AND HEALTH MARKET (ClassUled AdverttsinB on rags It) M.ANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1910 met with this condition they too, the pond to thq-power station on VOL. LIX., NO. 215 PtranM of tho rain today Miss Irens Johnson of I f South '^_Ker c Ready Ctrcls of King’s So Deep Buses Had to detoured. j North Main s tfM t waa filled and rtenghtera will hold Its annual Main atreet has returned from the Red Men’s A. C. fltrht Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., The lawn around ' 4he Jewish a leak In orfc of the connections meeting, tomorrow afternoon at Be Rerouted. TUESDAY SPECIALS program Mhednled for where she has completed her Synagogue, which was graded on resulted bfwa tor being spouted 20 the Cryetal Lake cottage of Mrs. Saturday, was washed out in sev- feet in/tne air. junior year. She graduated from Soon after the rain started Isst Double Green Stamps Givin With Cash Sales the Bnnce Comer Arena C. E. 'Wllabn. Mrs. F. A. Nlckereon Manchester High School In 1938. will be In charge of devotions s ^ has been postponed one evening a pool formed at the rail­ All Day Tuesday. the hoateases Will he Mrs. C. B. Center Hose No. 3 of the South way underpass on Center atreet. week. Loomis, Mrs. Esthsr Ouyer, Mrs. Manchester - Fire Department Hale ’s Qttkmy Nellie Stevcnson.XMrs. Marjorie There Is always s poo^ after it rain Germans Reach Vicinity of Marne Riyer elects officera for She cnmiing year r*" - — on this atreet, but last evening the Tilton and Mra Hssel Merder. tonight. 2 j ^ v c s Membera are reminded to return BreUd ____ I Tc^ I water formed much faster than S a le! Regular 29c their rainy day boxes, \also that The members of the High achool usual. It was-BO deep that buses Hals’s QoaUty maw About Town they will be welcome to^ome in band returned from their trip to owned by the Connecticut Com­ the forenoon, providing their own ths World’s Fair on Sunday morh^ pany and by the Inter-state lines Rpport Italian Troops in Fraiu-r box lunches. Ing at 2:00 o’clock, tired but hap­ Hot Weather Fabrics Rindless Bacon u. 17c, G O P Leaders ' MtM Elinor Toimf of 0*rden py, and reported having a most did not attempt to go^ through. Cross Lower Seine; ; 36” Printed Dotted Swiss ‘ 0«M Medal ’ . amaw Roosevelt Speech irtrMt »nd Mis* G^rtnido Rltcble A party of local young peoJ>)r enjoyable time with no untoward The buses going west were de­ of Summit iitrrct lrft'S«tiirdiiy for K ■ 16" Pritited Dimities - yAOlSOT who were boating on lAke Pocoto^. happenings to mar the trip. toured through New atreet to the 21'i Lb. Bag Urge a Bigger i Virifirla Beach, Va., and will apend 1 pang, Kaal‘ Hampton, yesterday, Park *treet bridge, aemsa ' the , ' 39” Flock Dot Voiles Flour $1,00 their vacatlort at the Princeaa were able to help two pereone In Center Hoas Company No. 2 bridge onto Walnut atreet and le Motel. the lake who were unable to swim ShefBsM or Van Camp’* War Tax Bill will hold Its annual meeting to- then north on Pine atreet to Cen- Is Given Approval Victory Seen and who otherwise would have night at 8 o'clock at the head- Mr. tad Mm. W. H Roblnaon of drowned. The reaeuem deelre their ‘ 19c yd. Cans quartern. 48 Detmont atreet are attending names withheld. Milk the gradtiatlng exerclaoa at Went Ba rool In thesa shoar fabricii. Beautiful floral piiUamB In jMichener Declares It PUBLIC SETBACK Isvrsi — — Point Cadet John R. Wilbraham. Mrs. Anna Dart, noble grand of I Sunset Rebekah tiodge will dec- ^ bII color rornMnatlens. In Wire Messages Should Re Doiiblefl; o f Harttord, one o f the Bradualea, Sunset Rebekah Le>dge, and M m .' nrata graves of deceased membera TOMORROW NIGHT 3-Lb. Can American Aid la a brother o f Mra. Ilohiiiaon. In the East cemetery tomorrow .19” Washable Plain With Ruth Waddell, vice grand, and ^Ighlaml Park Commoiilty flnh Shortening 1 F. p. R. lo Ask Fifty evening at 7:30, Membera having aeveral other# of the membera, at> RefraalunestB! All Citizens of Italy, Tex., tended the exercises at "Falr- flowers are requested to leave Will Reenforce Declara­ Million for Refugees. 8 Cash Prixes! Denounce Action of Ducc Nazi Advance on French \1ew," the Odd Fellows home In them at Mra. Fmma Dowd’s, 27 “Hi-Lo” Crepe Foree Hot Weather tion for Material Sup­ Alllec Gives W ar Re|iorl Policeman Geta Falne Groton, yesterday. Maple street. %dml*iilnn ....................... 25c. Washington. June 11. — Alarm on Own Garage j Dep^ot Square A ragiilar 89c fabric. Ail rayon with a shantung Italy, Tex., June 11.— OT) — Capital Developing In- Pkgs. port for Allies with House leaders drove the $1,004,- In (joiMinons; Points lo waava. ^ s iit lfu l pastel shades in copen blue, roae, aqua, Cereal 21c This Texas toam—population Hoss No 1 of the Manchester malae and white. , _ 000,000 defense ,tsx bill toward Answer of Great De­ East Providence, R. I., Juno tp Great Encircling. Market Are department will bold Its regu­ (for Iced Tea) Request to Congress about 1,800—wanta the world II.—(4’)--8pcclal Officer Bcr- P n s OaUvary: Phone 162«! lar monthly meeting tonight at to know that Its residents arc paa*age today to the accompani­ mocracy Across Atlan­ ton Morrill, who runs a garage Move; Right Wing on Solodo Tea Bags For $.'50,000,000 for not in sympathy with the war beadquartem. Main and Hilliard ment of Republican cries that it here, except for the occasional Coast Consists of Shoulder street. Foreman Raymond Cole­ 39c yd. 67c Relief of R:efugecs. course on which the Italy of was not big enough. tic; C^lls Action of a^ignmenta he gets as relief Fried Clams Pkg. of 100 Bags Benito Mussolini embarked. man- said thle atternoon that a patrolman, waa cruising his I^nibChogSjJJt 31c ’’This bill is but a mere drop in Mussolini Dastardly; Tanks 'and Motoriged drill would be held at If the Fresh D«ily! A. R. Wilkie Immediately after Mussolini’s beat In a scout car last night the bucket.” declared Rep. Mlchen- .weather cleared and If not only Beerh-Nut, Maxwall House. White H oh v or Premier Washington, June 11.— entrance Into the war, citizens ShonMcr er (R-Mlch). "Personally, I would Roosevelt Vitally In- when a radio call from head­ Columns Which .Now: the meeting will ha held. Direct From Ipswich. 16 Walker St. Tel. 8.165 (Your Choice) , h (AP^)-^Reporting its - tele- of Italy, Texas, assembled In a quarters broke In and ordered Porit_Cho£ajJ^ 25c mass meeting and authorized have liked to have seen the amount Control Lower Seint 39” White Sharkskin - graph isires “ swamped^Vwith of the bill doubled," added Rep. s|»ircs Free lVo|ilcs. him to rush to a garage' on The Past Chtafa* Daughters of Plate Dinners .. ..10c Coffee the following communication to Lamb Patties, Tha fabric for. all types o f dreaaea, akirta. Jackets, evening me.ssagds approving Presi­ Allen (R-Ill). Pawtucket avenue. "Somebody Helen Davidson .U>dge will meet Orders To Take Out-: ireBBOB and Jackets, and aportawear. Large Slae Bottle Bacon President Roosevelt; Is breaking In," the announcer Berlin, June 11.— (AP)- 4 f o r ............. Pasteur'"ed Milk There were less vocal objections Lombn. June 11.— (A P )— 25c with Mm. Shermim Duffy of.B.’l dent Roosevelt’s speech of "On this day, Italy, through from Republicans to the Parlia­ declared. (Slightly Seasoned.) Fairflelb atreet tomorrow evening. P in t s ............................ 25c The German Army h u t«id last night, the White House Its premier declared war mentary procedure adopted to pre? President Roosevelt’s assur­ With French Fries ....40c Ginger Ale 3 for 23c Morrill rushed to the address, ed the M sm e river st o o s i announced today he would re­ against France and England.
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