CBC TWITTER DIRECTORY Adrienne Arsenault Booth Savage The National Mr. D @AdrieArsenault @CBCTheNational @BoothSavage @MrD_on_CBC Ali Hassan Brenda Irving Laugh Out Loud CBC Sports Host @StandUpAli @LOLCBC @BrendaCBCSports @CBCSports Alisha Newton Brent Bambury Heartland Day 6, CBC Radio @AlijNewton @HeartlandOnCBC @NotRexMurphy @CBCDay6 Allan Hawco Dr. Brian Goldman Republic Of Doyle White Coat, Black Art, CBC Radio @AllanHawco @RepublicofDoyle @NightShiftMD @CBCWhiteCoat Amanda Lang Lang and O’Leary & The National As It Happens, CBC Radio @AmandaLang_CBC @LangandOleary Amber Marshall Cara Gee Heartland Strange Empire @Amber_Marshall @HeartlandOnCBC @CaraGeeeee @Strange_Empire Andrea Roth Carole MacNeil Ascension CBC News Now @andrearoth888 #Ascension @CaroleMacNeil @CBCNews Anna Maria Tremonti Catherine O’Hara The Current, CBC Radio Schitt’s Creek @TheCurrentCBC @SchittsCreek Anne-Marie Mediwake Cathy Jones CBC News Toronto This Hour Has 22 Minutes @AnneMarieCBC @CBCNews @22_Minutes Arlene Dickinson Chris Howden Dragons’ Den Living Out Loud @ArleneDickinson @CBCDragon @CBCLiving Aunjanue Ellis Book of Negroes Chris Hyndman @BookofNegroes Steven and Chris @StevenAndChris Ben Heppner Saturday Afternoon at the Opera Dan Levy Backstage with Ben Heppner on CBC Radio 2 Schitt’s Creek @BenHeppner @CBCR2Opera @DanJLevy @SchittsCreek Bob McDonald Darrin Rose Quirks & Quarks, CBC Radio Mr. D @CBCQuirks @DarrinRose @MrD_on_CBC Bob McKeown David Chilton The Fifth Estate Dragons’ Den @CBCMcKeown @CBCFifth @Wealthy_Barber @CBCDragon Bobby Kerr David Common This Hour Has 22 Minutes World Report, CBC Radio @MrBobKerr @22_Minutes @DavidCommon @CBCNews Last Updated August 25, 2014 CBC TWITTER DIRECTORY Diana Swain Helene Joy CBC News Murdoch Mysteries @SwainDiana @CBCNews @Helene_Joy @CBCMurdoch Dianne Buckner Ian Hanomansing Dragons’ Den CBC News Now, The National @DianneBuckner @CBCDragon @CBCIan @CBCNews Dwight Drummond Isabelle Beaupre CBC News Toronto Mr. D @DwightDrummond @CBCNews @IsabelleBeaupre @MrD_on_CBC Eleanor Wachtel Jason Hopley Writers & Company, Wachtel on the Arts on IDEAS, CBC Radio You and Me @EleanorWachtel @CBCIdeas @KIDSCBC Erica Johnson Marketplace Canada’s Smartest Person, As It Happens @CBCErica @CBCMarketplace @IAmJeDouglas @CanadasSmartest @CBCAsItHappens Eugene Levy Jessi Cruickshank Schitt’s Creek Canada’s Smartest Person @RealEugeneLevy @SchittsCreek @Jessi @CanadasSmartest Evan Solomon Jian Ghomeshi The House, Power & Politics Q, CBC Radio @EvanSolomonCBC @PnPCBC @JianGhomeshi @CBCRadioQ Georgina Reilly Jim Brown Murdoch Mysteries The 180, CBC Radio @GeorginaReilly @CBCMurdoch @CBC180 Gerry Dee Jill Dempsey Mr. D Metro Morning, CBC Radio @GerryDee @MrD_on_CBC @CBCJillDempsey @MetroMorning Gillian Deacon Jim Treliving Here and Now, CBC Radio Dragon’s Den @GillDeacon @CBCHereandNow @JTreliving @CBCDragon Gillian Findlay Jonathan Goldstein The Fifth Estate Wiretap @J_Goldstein @CBCRadio George Stroumboulopoulos Jonny Harris The Strombo Show, CBC Radio Murdoch Mysteries @Strombo @CBCRadio @JollyHarris @CBCMurdoch Graham Wardle Jonathan Torrens Heartland Mr. D @Graham714 @HeartlandOnCBC @TorrensJonathan @MrD_on_CBC Grant Lawrence Julie Nesrallah CBC Radio 3 Tempo, CBC Music @GrantLawrence @CBCRadio3 @CarmenBound @CBCTempo @CBCMusic Heather Hiscox CBC News Network (Morning) @CBCHH @CBCNews CBC TWITTER DIRECTORY Kim Brunhuber Marthe Bernard The National Saturday Republic of Doyle @KimBrunhuber @CBCTheNational @MartheBernard @RepublicofDoyle Krystin Pellerin Marivel Taruc Republic of Doyle CBC News Toronto @KrystinPellerin @RepublicofDoyle @MTaruc @OurTorontoCBC Lana Gay Mary Ito CBC Radio 3 CBC Radio One Toronto, Fresh Air @LanaGay @CBCRadio3 @CBCFreshAir Lauren Hammersley Mary Hynes Mr. D Tapestry, CBC Radio @lehammer @MrD_on_CBC @CBCTapestry Laurie Brown Matt Galloway The Signal, CBC Music Metro Morning, CBC Radio @CBCTheSignal @MattGallowayCBC @MetroMorning Liam Cyr Melissa Farman Mr. D Strange Empire @LiamGFCyr @MrD_on_CBC @MelissaFarman @Strange_Empire Lynda Boyd Michael Wekerle Republic of Doyle Dragons’ Den @LyndaBoyd2 @RepublicofDoyle @MWekerle @CBCDragon Lyriq Bent Michael Enright Book of Negroes CBC Sunday Edition @LyriqBent @BookofNegroes @EnrightCBC @CBCSunday Maggie Gyllenhaal Michelle Creber The Honourable Woman Strange Empire @MyGyllenhaal #HonourableWoman @MichelleCreber @Strange_Empire Marcia Young Michelle Morgan World This Weekend, CBC Radio Heartland @MarciaYoungCBC @CBCRadio @MichelleMorgan_ @HeartlandOnCBC Mark Critch Mike Wise This Hour Has 22 Minutes CBC News Toronto @MarkCritch @22_Minutes @WiseM @CBCNews Mark Kelley Nana Aba Duncan The Fifth Estate CBC Radio 2 @CBCMarkKelley @CBCFifth @NanaAba @CBCRadio2 Mark O’Brien Nil Koksal Republic of Doyle CBC News Toronto @MarkOBrienNL @RepublicofDoyle @NilKoksalCBC @CBCNews Mark Little Nora Young Mr. D Spark, CBC Radio @MarkMarkLittle @MrD_on_CBC @Nora3000 @SparkCBC CBC TWITTER DIRECTORY Paolo Pietropaolo Shelagh Rogers In Concert, CBC Radio The Next Chapter, CBC Radio One @Paolopp @CBCR2InConcert @RogersShelagh @CBCBooks Pat Kelly Sid Bobb This is That, CBC Radio Kids' Canada, Kids' CBC @ThePatKelly @CBCThisIsThat @KIDSCBC Patty Sullivan Sook-Yin Lee Kids' CBC DNTO, CBC Radio @PattySullivan @KIDSCBC @SookYinLee @TeamDNTO Paul Kennedy Steve Patterson Ideas, CBC Radio The Debators, CBC Radio @CBCIdeas @patterballs @CBCDebaters Peter Mansbridge Steven Sabados Chief Correspondent, CBC News Steven and Chris Anchor, The National @StevenandChris @PeterMansbridge @CBCTheNational Stuart McLean Peter Oldring Vinyl Cafe, CBC Radio This is That, CBC Radio @CBCRadio @PeterOldring @CBCThisIsThat Suhana Meharchand Reshmi Nair CBC News Now, CBC News Network CBC News Network @CBCSuhana @CBCNews @ReshmiNair @CBCNews Suresh John Rich Terfry Mr. D CBC Radio 2 Drive @RealSureshJohn @MrD_on_CBC @Buck65 @CBCR2Drive Susan Kent Rick Mercer This Hour Has 22 Minutes The Rick Mercer Report @SusanKent @22_Minutes @RickMercer Susan Ormiston Robert Fisher CBC News CBC Radio One @OrmistonOnline @CBCNews @RobertFisherCBC @CBCRadio Talia Schlanger Scott Russell CBC Radio 2 Weekend Morning CBC Sports Weekend @TaliaSchlanger @CBCRadio2 @SportsWkndScott @CBCSports Tattiawna Jones Scott Regehr Strange Empire CBC Sports @TattiawnaJones @Strange_Empire @ScottRegehr @CBCSports Terry Chen Sean McGinley Strange Empire Republic of Doyle @theterrychen @Strange_Empire @RepublicofDoyle Shailyn Dixon Terry O’Reilly Book of Negroes @BookofNegroes Shaun Majumder Tim Tamashiro This Hour Has 22 Minutes Tonic, CBC Music @ShaunMajumder @22_Minutes @TimTamashiro @CBCR2Tonic CBC TWITTER DIRECTORY Tom Harrington Marketplace @CBCTom @CBCMarketplace Tom Allen Shift, CBC Radio 2 @CBCR2Shift Tom Power Deep Roots, Radio 2 Morning @TomPowerCBC @CBCR2Morning Tricia Helfer Ascension @TruTriciaHelfer #Ascension Vikram Vij Dragons’ Den @Vijs_Restaurant @CBCDragon Wes Williams Mr. D @MaestroFreshWes @MrD_on_CBC Yannick Bisson Murdoch Mysteries @Yannick_Bisson @CBCMurdoch.
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