LOTING........- CLOSE AS "POPULAR BABY" CONTEST DRAWS INCREASED ENTRIES 1$ Support Your I Favorite Baby THENE KPOST 1----.In Contest . Venerable Dean Retires Today 457 ARE VALUE OF ENROLLED CONTOURS Upward Trend Noticed AT SCHOOL ARE SHOWN As Race Aids Business Record Number Heavy Rains 3 P. M. Signed Up For Early In They Seek "The Most Popular" Crown LEADERS 3 P. M. Summer Session Week Proof Summer school at the University The value of strip-cropping to BUNCHED of Delaware this year is being con- the farmers in the Christiana water ­ ducted with a record enrollment of shed demonstration area of the Soil P . M. 457 students, according to the an- Conserva tion Service was proved by AT START nouncement made by PrOl'. W . A. the recent heavy rainfall, according Wilkinson, director of the session. to Allan McCellan, conservationist, The 1938 group, which includes who made a detai.Jed survey during OF CONTEST 59 out-of-state teacher s, is the larg- and immediately following Monday's est since the summer school started precipitation. in 1917. A total of 394 a ttended Six inches of r ainfall, according Subscriptions last year. to the gauge at the local water pla nt, Local Students Attend were recorded between seven o'clock And Merchants' Local students and teachers a ttend- Sunday evening and four o'clock ing the session are: Raymond Bey- M o nd ~ ~ afternoon. Coupons Aid e rlein, J a ne Black, J osephine Bla ke, A VI Sit t~ each of the farms w~ e r e Harvey C. Bounds, Jr., Lillian K . strlp-.croPP1l1g has. been put 1I1tO Can(lidates Brown, Willard Crater, J ohn J . p:-actlce s ho~ e d ~hl s method to be Daly, Carleton E. Douglass, Jr., Wil- highly effectIve 111 con trolling the "They're oll'!" liam Douglass, Arthur B. Eastman, rU!~ O ff and consequent loss of top- That sounds like the first race at William Gillespie, J ennie Hoffman, sO ~hi s was in con trast w ith ~:~a ~h:·est~·~ r ~ f ~ ~~ o :.~ i:~~~~ra n~~ ~ls~~I; :r, M~~I~:;';" ~:Stc h~~,° 'i~b e~t countless other farms where. large interesti ng. and thrilling race. Pilnick, William K. ~i c h a rd so n , Sara ~~~~~ _ ;;,,:e ;:~~~'~~d a~od c~I~: r ~n t~~~ It was the fi rst lap and counting F. Steele, Harold TI.ffany, J eanette of.. valuable topsoil were washed ~~~~ t e~~~t~~~. N ;;~: r~. ~~~~ ~~p~~~ ~~~r~~~h ~o~h;:t~~ S L . Wharton down the .slopes to collect in the fi rst count, as r epresented by the Mr. and Mrs. Willtinson are enter- lower portIOns of the fi eld. "Honor Roll" is set forth in this tain ing at a reception this afternoon Deep Gullying Noted FRANK SKILLl\fAN, JR. Si x_ m o n~~~Rd~U~~!I~~f MI'. and CO~~~~'~ a Ca pel seemed to "favor for members of the school's faculty Fields of check-row corn, which Year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry T . Capel, R. F. D. No.3, the foo ti.l1g" and 'went into com- a t their home on Sou th College Ave- had received their last cultivation Frank Skillma n, of 129 E. Main S t. Newar k. mand at the star t," closcly fo llowed nue. The purpose of the affair is to up and down the slope, w ere the acquaI nt members of the regular ones to be damaged most severcly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;"\ ~~., ~~~~~ n~ki~~:~, il~ ~~~ ~~~~ teach1l1g sta ff with. those who have Deep gullyi ng between the rows and ENTRIES IN POST POPULAR BABY CONTEST Mavromatis, in that order, with the been assigned pOS itIO ns for the sum- across the rows was a common sight other entries bunched at their heels. P hot o by Rumer WINIFRED JOSEPHINE ROBINSON, Ph. D., on the highly erodible land to be Below are li sted the first entries in The Newark The contestants are tightly group- On TU::d;~s~tuI~o~:';;:.da nd Mrs. sf~~t~~ . in this area, Mr. McClellan Post's "Dollars to You" Popular Baby contest. This ed at the start and the difference be­ D.ean of the 'Vomen's CoUege, University of Delaware tween them cannot be measured by -----,----------- --- ----- --- Pierre S. duPont w ill entertain "A trip to some of the farms where list bnly includes those children entered up until "le ngths," but ra ther "heads" and ISTINE IS ~~~1: ~~~at~n~t i.~~~~oo :~n;.~~~~ s. at ~:it ~~~~:n~h~a~~::n ~~t ~ ~~ti~f~ Wednesday P. IV1. The next counting of votes will take "noses." This means, of course, that . M. BRINSER Members of the teaching staff for crops by this method," Mr. Mc- place at 8 P. M., Friday, July 1st. Help your favorite : ~~~d~;;~: can start today without the summer are: Dr. Augustus H. Clellan said. child! Ask your merchant for "Baby Coupons." Each Why not enter your baby right SPEAKER ~:~~ z:! ~~C;~~O ;i:teE~~~;:~So ~~~ f a;!ti~~-~ ~O~ioi;i~ g i~a na;. tu~I~~ s~~·~;! coupon is worth 500 votes. This list is alphabetical. ~: ~e a:: a;d~d s~7:;u~~ ~~e 1~,~ cc~: M. HONORED ~:;~~~ o !~~y: di~~ C!~ ~ ~~:~;~::~ ~~~:I:i~!~~:~~::~ o~~:~~l~~Fd~i daUg~~ e~~~~:.Na~dAt~~~ J ~~nR~~~~~~~ i7e~~0~~~ un:::s!~::;~:~:~!,:;:~:~~~:ib:~ Former School Du Pont Official ander Barkley, associate professor crops between these strips actually St, votes was most interesting. Hun- of history; Miss Bulah Bedell, Com- se~ve as dams to retain the rainfall SANDRA MARIE CAPEL-6 months old, daugh- dreds of merchants' "Baby C<Jupons" M. Head Here Is Addresses Lions munity School, St. Louis, Missouri; and topsoil." , tel' of Mr. and Mrs, Henry T. Capel, Lumbrook, R, F. D. came in to the ballot boxes at John A. Bishop, instructor in chem- Some of the farms, where results Rhodes Drug Store and campaign Feted At M~di4 Here Tuesday istry; Norman S. Burdett. instructor ot contour strip-cropping are to be No.3, Newark. headquarters in the offices ot the in geography, Smith College, North- seen, are on Claude P. Hearn's WILLIAM C. CHALMERS, JR.-9 months old, son Post. dO t Ira S. Br1l1ser, who retired FrI- Referring to chemistry as the hampton, Mass.; Robert G. Caldwell, Blue Hen Farm, and establishments lhi;~.r O~~n f~e~h m:~ day as supervising principal of "handmaiden of .m e d! c in e,". Dr. pa.rt-time in~tru1!tor in s?CiOIO~ ; belonging to Clarence S. Foster, Dr. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Chalmers, 79 W. Delaware Ave, .i d t Ne ther PrOVidence, Pa., schools, a Charles M. A. St1l1e, vice preSident MI SS H. LOUlse Cottrell, vlce-prm- Felix L agasse', Ralph R. Rothwell, LORETTA JEAN DUNN-16 months old, daugh- BABY CONTEST IJ!(Ia stu en s were position he has filled for four year s, of the K I. du ~ o nt de Nemours cipal of Stockton School, East and Frank Hulnal, all near Newark. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dunn, 60 N. Chapel St. HONOR ROLL i the w as lauded by scho?1 di:ectors .and C o mp a ~y, Inc.,. 111 cha.rge of :e- Orange, N. J .; Dr. Cyrus L . D~y , ON ld d h f Below Is the standing of the ~s compr sed f others at a testimom al dmner give n search 111 m'gal1l c chemlstr!, deliv- aSSOCiated professor of Engli~h; MISS 4 H CLUB MARION C. LEMM -3 years 0 , aug tel' 0 ftrst TEN babies In The Newark Y\ male members. 0 in his honor at the Media Inn, Med- ered an enlighten1l1g and highly 111- Anna J anney DeArmond, 1I1struc- _ Mr. and Mrs, McKinley Lemmon, 117 E. Cleveland Ave. Post Popular Baby Contest as a staff r o u ~ ~111~ ia Pa., last Thursd ay night. teresting di scourse on "Chemistry in tor in English, W. C. D.; Carleton E. RAYMOND FRANCIS LONG-4 years old,' son of result of the counting of votes '. The o \'l g l~ a 'Mr Brinser recently accepted the Medicine" before the w eekly meet- Douglass, superintendent of Newark MEMBERS Tuesday evening, June 28t11. As ' mnslsted of MI SS :ntment as superintendent of ing of the Lions Club of Newark at schools; Miss Alice Edwards, form- . Mr, and Mrs. Howard F. Long, 155 E. Main St. announced $350.000 wiJI be dis­ e(. ~ ltlli~g h a m , Wash- a Pb~ .1 h I of the city of Sun- the local country cl ub Tuesday eve- erly dean of home economics, Rhode JOHN G. MA VROMATIS-2 years old, son of Dr. tributed among the winners. We hutaU('.: 1li$ Myrtle V. ~u IC;C oO;rior to his term in ning. Island Sta te College, and executive and Mrs. A. J. Mavromatis, 35 W, Delaware Ave. wlU show hereafter the twlce­ ,;: ~r~~~s, ;ow h as- N~~~ ~ r ~~ o vid e nc e, he w as super- Dr. Stine ~as presented by LoUIS se cr ~ta ry of A~ e ric an Home Eco- AT CAMP GERALDINE PHILLIPS-1 year old, foster- weekly count. ,'~: y e ea~ e:~~ intendent of New ark schools and was Staats, a bus1l1ess sta ff assista nt for nomlCS ASSOCi ation. 1 Sandra Marie Capel Mis mar;ied aSnd liv- also connected w ith public schools t we n ty-t ~v o years a nd a member .of Other Faculty Members daughter of Mrs, John W.
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