H5N1 HPAI outbreak Redgrave Park, Suffolk, Nov 2007 Ian Brown, Richard Irvine, Ruth Manvell, Bhudipa Choudhury, Marek Slomka, Uta Hesterberg, Vanessa Ceeraz, Bill Cox & Jill Banks VLA-Weybridge 1 Redgrave Park: HPNAI H5N1 Free-range, mixed poultry species premises Five groups of 1,000 turkeys aged 16-weeks 410 geese (12 w.o) & 1,188 ducks (6 w.o) House 5 initially affected, then House 4 Rapidly escalating mortality & morbidity Large lake adjacent to site Redgrave Park: House 5 Daily Turkey Mortality 90 80 11/11/07 70 PVS visit 60 50 Report & restrictions 40 12/11/07 30 20 Samples at VLA 10 0 Confirmed H5 RRT-PCR +ve 05/11/07 06/11/07 07/11/07 08/11/07 09/11/07 10/11/07 11/11/07 12/11/07 Date PVS PME on-farm: multifocal pancreatic haemorrhages 2 Redgrave Park: Site layout & disposition of poultry 1.7% 5% Lake 54% 98.5% 3 4 Environmental samples associated with five turkey sheds H5 RRT PCR positive results indicated, followed by virus isolation in eggs in parenthesis Red figures in table emphasise H5 positives. Inside turkey sheds Outside turkey sheds (all faeces) Faeces Feathers Shed 1 0/5 0/2 0/10 Shed 2 0/5 0/2 0/10 Shed 3 0/5 0/2 0/10 Shed 4 2/5 (1/2) 2/2 (2/2) 0/10 Shed 5 7/7 (5/7) 3/3 (1/1) 7/13 (3/11) TOTAL 9/27 (6/9) 5/11 (3/3) 7/53 (3/11) Conclusion: Sheds 4 and 5 contained H5 +ve faeces & feathers inside. Pen surrounding Shed 5 contained H5 +ve faeces. 5 Environmental samples associated with domestic ducks H5 RRT PCR positive results indicated: Faeces Feathers Duck field 0/2 0/1 Duck shed (inside) 0/5 0/1 Duck shed (directly 0/1 - outside) TOTAL 0/8 0/2 Conclusion: None of the tested environmental samples associated with the duck field/shed were H5 positive. 6 AIWBS 12 November 2007 – 04 January 2008 Control Area Found Dead Hunter Shot Live Trapped Faecal Sampling Total No Zone 45 6 104 413 568 PZ 3 - - 680 683 SZ 8 - - 86 94 RZ 26 - - 149 175 Total 82 6 104 1328 1520 PZ: Protection Zone Control areas overlapped the counties SZ: Surveillance Zone of Norfolk and Suffolk in East Anglia. RZ: Restricted Zone No HPNAI H5N1 detected in wild birds. Faecal samples from two Wigeon, one crow and one Canada goose only were M gene RRT-PCR positive. 7 Avian Influenza Ian Brown & Richard Irvine VLA-Weybridge, UK Wild Bird Surveillance HPNAI H5N1 Incident Abbotsbury, Dorset, Jan-Feb 2008 8 Abbotsbury, Dorset 9 WeBS core count sections for the Fleet and Wey The location of Abbotsbury Swannery is indicated by a red dot. 10 WeBS: Fleet and Wey average monthly counts of total water birds Chesil Fleet - 14,000 Chickerell Hive Point to Ferry Bridge Chesil Fleet - 12,000 Moonfleet to Chickerell Hive Point Chesil Fleet - Reeds 10,000 End to Rodden Hive Chesil Fleet - Rodden Hive to 8,000 Moonfleet Lodmoor 6,000 Portland Harbour (North) 4,000 Portland Harbour (South) 2,000 Radipole Lake Chesil Fleet 0 combined Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 11 WeBS: Fleet and Wey average monthly counts of Mute swans 1,200 Chesil Fleet - Chickerell Hive Point to Ferry Bridge Chesil Fleet - Moonfleet 1,000 to Chickerell Hive Point Chesil Fleet - Reeds End 800 to Rodden Hive Chesil Fleet - Rodden 600 Hive to Moonfleet Lodmoor 400 Radipole Lake 200 Chesil Fleet combined 0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 12 WeBS Counts (Dec 2007) and birds tested Species* Total % Total No. Positive No. Negative Total tested Mute swan† 766 6.7% 10 28 38 Canada goose 98 0.9% 1 0 1 Brent goose 1810 15.7% 0 1 1 Wigeon 1382 12.0% 0 0 0 Mallard‡ 867 7.5% 0 7 7 Pochard 838 7.3% 0 0 0 Tufted duck 327 2.8% 0 0 0 Teal 324 2.8% 0 1 1 Guillemot n/k - 0 11 11 Coot 2026 17.6% 0 3 3 Waders** 291 2.5% 0 0 0 Black-headed Gull 738 6.4% 0 3 3 Herring Gull 483 4.2% 0 1 1 Great Black-backed Gull 893 7.8% 0 1 1 Total 10,843 94.3% 11 56 67 (71%) Dec 2007 WeBS Total 11,494 Total no. birds tested 95 Species*: A total of 24 different bird species were tested in Dorset. Mute swan†: In addition a further 7 unidentifable swans were tested giving a total of 35 Cynus spp tested. Mallard‡: One Shelduck, one Snipe and two further unidentifable ducks were also tested. n/k: Not known Waders**: This count comprises Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Dunlin, Redshank and Turnstone. 13 Abbotsbury Swannery layout http://www.abbotsburytourism.co.uk/swannery/mapage.htm 14 Mute swan deaths recorded at Abbotsbury Swannery, 2005-2007 35 30 d 25 20 15 10 Number ofNumber deaths recorde 5 0 January Febuary March April May June July August Sept October Nov Dec Month 2005 2006 2007 Defra (2008) 15 Abbotsbury Swannery: Jan/Feb 2008 07/01/08: Three wild Mute swan carcases (Cygnus olor) collected from Abbotsbury Swannery, Dorset. ‘Found’ 27/12/07; 31/12/07; 04/01/08 Various ages and clinical presentations 10/01/08: all three Mute swans confirmed HPNAI H5N1 positive Routine ‘found dead’ AIWBS. No indication of rising mortality in population. In total 10 Mute swans and 1 Canada Goose confirmed HPNAI H5N1 positive. 16 Positive birds: Descriptive summary Date Collected Species Age Sex Presentation A R F Ring ID Other information Not from Abbotsbury. Ringed 07-Jan-08 Mute Swan Adult ? Leg injury, lethargic - PTS Y Y in Swannery 05/05/07 07-Jan-08 Mute Swan Adult M Dead - scavenged at nest site Y Y Hatched Abbotsbury 2006 07-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile M Emaciated - PTS Y Y Hatched Abbotsbury 2007 11-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile ? Found dead Y Y Hatched Abbotsbury 2007 14-Jan-08 Mute Swan Adult M Severe torticollis and ataxia Y Y Hatched Abbotsbury 2005 21-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile M Found dead Y Y Abbotsbury cygnet 2007 24-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile F 'Sick' and underweight - died Y Y Abbotsbury cygnet 2007 28-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile F Emaciated - PTS Y Y Abbotsbury cygnet 2007 28-Jan-08 Mute Swan Juvenile M Emaciated - PTS Y Y Ringed Abbotsbury 13/10/07 Radipole cygnet 12/08/1995. Since 2002, leaves the lake 29-Jan-08 Mute Swan Adult F Moribund - PTS YY end of Sept, returning the following January. 2008 first sighting on 26/01/08. 25-Feb-08 Canada Goose Adult ? Found 'sick' - PTS YN - PTS: Euthanased humanely on welfare grounds A: Found at Abbotsbury 10 Mute swans R: Found at Radipole Lake reserve F: Found along The Fleet 1 Canada goose 17 AIWBS Summary in Dorset 07 January – 18 March 2008 WBCA WBMA Outside WBMA Total No. birds collected 66 30 20 116 No. birds sampled 50 28 17 95 No. birds not sampled 16 2 3 21 Mean no. collected daily 1.7 0.8 0.5 2.9 WBCA: Wild Bird Control Area WBMA: Wild Bird Monitoring Area 38 Mute swans tested (40% Outside WBMA: Rest of Dorset county total birds examined) 10 pos & 10 neg WBCA 10 WBMA (all neg) 8 Outside WBMA (all neg) 18 Distribution and AIV results for wild bird carcases found near The Fleet, 27 December 2007 – 24 January 2008 19 Distribution and AIV results for wild bird carcases found along The Fleet to 18 March 2008 20 Abbotsbury Swannery: Epidemiology Demographics: 20,000 750 resident Mute swans at Abbotsbury 18,000 16,000 14,000 Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) 2001/2 to 12,000 10,000 2006/7 records a mean population of 8,000 6,000 ~15,500 wild waterfowl along The Fleet 4,000 2,000 and Wey 0 Apr-02 Apr-03 Apr-04 Apr-05 Apr-06 Apr-07 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Aug-01 Aug-02 Aug-03 Aug-04 Aug-05 Aug-06 Peak population November to January Weymouth harbour has two RSPB reserves, Radipole Lake and Lodmoor 18/01/08: Sampled 60 healthy Mute swans M/H5 gene PCR negative. 22/01/08: 56 Mallard and 44 Coot faecal samples collected – M/H5 gene PCR negative. 21 Domestic poultry implications Low poultry population density Low duck & goose density WBCA 230 premises 75% premises outdoor 40% premises keep waterfowl 211 premises <50 birds WBMA 54 premises 28 premises >50 birds No evidence of spread to domestic poultry 22 A/turkey/Turkey/1/2005 A/grey heron/Romania/1266/2005 A/swan/Azerbaijan/107-K3-2/2006 A/swan/Austria/216/2006 H5H5 HA HA phylogeny phylogeny A/chicken/Nigeria/SO493/2006 A/duck/Egypt/2253/3/2006 A/whooper swan/Mongolia/3/2005 A/chicken/Sudan/2115-12/2006 A/turkey/Ivory Coast/4372/2/2006 A/chicken/Nigeria/641/2006 A/chicken/Burkina Faso/5346-14/2006 A/turkey/England/250/2007 A/Goose/Hungary/2823/2/07 A/swan/Romania/1212/2005 A/turkey/France/06222/2006 A/whooper swan/Scotland/1430/2006 A/chicken/Nigeria/BA211/2006 A/cygnus olor/Croatia/1/2005 A/swan/Bavaria/6/2006 A/chicken/Azerbaijan/107-K7-2/2006 2.2 A/duck/Novosibirsk/56/05 A/Brown-Headed gull/Qinghai/3/05 A/Cygnus cygnus/Iran/754/2006 A/swan/Azerbaijan/107/K2-2/2006 2 A/chicken/Moscow/2/2007 A/chicken/Afghanistan/1573-47/2006 A/grebe/Tyva/Tyv06/1/2006 A/common goldeneye/Mongolia/12/2006 A/goose/Turkey/21-Bismil-3/2007 A/chicken/Bangladesh/362/2007 A/cygnus olor/Germany-1349/2007 A/chicken/Kuwait/Av689-14a/2007 A/turkey/Czech Rep10309/2007 Aturkey/England/2614/07 A/Turkey/Poland/35/07 A/swan/Czech Rep/10609/2007 A/swan/England/121-913/08 A/chicken/Romania/AV2999-01/07 A/chicken/Guangdong/174/2004 A/chicken/Korea/ES/2003 A/chicken/Yamaguchi/7/2004 A/chicken/Yunnan/447/2005 A/duck/Guangxi/13/2004 A/chicken/Yunnan/115/2004 A/chicken/Yunnan/374/2004 A/chicken/Hong Kong/YU324/2003 A/chicken/Indonesia/7/2003 A/chicken/Indonesia/11/2003 A/Indonesia/CDC595/2006 A/Indonesia/CDC940/2006 2.1 A/duck/China/E319-2/2003 A/pheasant/Shantou/44/2004 A/duck/Hunan/5806/2003 A/duck/Hunan/114/05 A/chicken/Thailand/NP172/2006 A/chicken/Nongkhai/NIAH400802/2007 A/Q-parrot/England/1219-05 A/duck/Fujian/1734/05 2.3 A/duck/Laos/3295/2006 A/common magpie/Hong Kong/645/2006 A/chicken/Malaysia/935/2006 A/chicken/Hong Kong/FY157/2003 A/egret/Hong Kong/757.2/2003 A/black headed
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