the candida sked tes f C a or t AL he N stal Platform ir Po s R ead the r vote ir answers to help you cast you 28 The Postal Record November 2015 hough the 2016 presidential To help you and the entire NALC assess the election is a year away, it’s im- presidential contenders, NALC mailed ques- possible to turn on the TV news tionnaires focused on postal issues to all of the or read a newspaper without be- major candidates in August. In a cover letter ing told of the horserace among accompanying the questionnaires, President candidates for both parties’ Rolando said, “We are asking that all candidates Tnominations. There seems to be more campaign for president who seek the endorsement of the coverage than ever, yet there’s little focus on the NALC provide us with detailed responses to this issues important to working people and to letter questionnaire so that our members can have a carriers in particular. full picture of each candidate.” “You’ll never hear a candidate in a debate or in Additionally, “Completion of this candidate a commercial say where they stand on the Postal questionnaire does not guarantee an endorse- Service and federal workers,” NALC President ment by the NALC; the responses will be used Fredric Rolando said, “but that information is vi- to guide NALC’s campaign activities, as well as tal to the pay, benefits and jobs of our members. our decisions about possible endorsement in We will need to work with the next president, both parties’ primary elections and in the 2016 and now is the time to start thinking about who general election.” that should be.” The union’s Government Affairs Department Guided by a variety of factors, the NALC presi- made follow-up contacts with each campaign dent and Executive Council will consider wheth- to confirm that the questionnaires had been er and when to make an endorsement among the received. Three candidates have answered the various presidential candidates. These factors questionnaire in full: Hillary Clinton, Martin include the results of our Postal Record reader O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. Their answers poll (see the postcard inserted in this issue), appear on the following pages (presented in the findings of a scientific opinion poll of NALC alphabetical order). Three candidates responded members, and the conclusions of the Executive that they would not be answering the questions: Council after a discussion of the quality of the Jeb Bush, Lincoln Chafee and John Kasich. Their candidates’ responses to our questionnaire and responses are printed at the end of this layout. of their electability, experience and relationship The campaigns of Ben Carson, Chris Christie, with the union. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, Lindsey As has been the standard practice for NALC, the Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, George endorsement will be based on issues affecting our Pataki, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, jobs and our benefits and not on social or political Donald Trump and Jim Webb have not responded issues that, while important, can be divisive to so far. If any these candidates or future candi- many Americans, including our members. dates respond in the weeks and months to come, “Letter carriers perfectly reflect the political their responses may be printed in a future issue diversity of America,” President Rolando said. of The Postal Record and/or posted to the NALC “We come from all backgrounds, and we hold the website. whole range of political views, from the populist “As we have decided in the past,” President left to the Tea Party right. I see the diversity of Rolando said, “we will not endorse any candi- opinion within our ranks wherever I travel, and date who fails to respond to our questionnaire I respect it. But the endorsement must be made or whose answers do not address letter carrier based on the jobs, pay and benefits of letter issues in a satisfactory manner.” carriers. Voters will make up their own minds All NALC members are urged to complete and on what’s most important when they vote, but return the enclosed postcard indicating which NALC’s endorsement must be based on what is candidate best represents the interests of letter best for letter carrier issues.” carriers and their families. November 2015 The Postal Record 29 Hillary Rodham Clinton Martin O’Malley Bernie Sanders Responses from the candidates 1. Please specifically state your goals in running for office. What are your priorities? three fundamental factors that have driven affordable, ensuring America is no longer Hillary Rodham Clinton stagnant pay over recent decades. First, the the only developed nation without paid leave, 1. Americans have come back from tough deck is stacked against ordinary Americans, and ensuring that workers are provided with economic times. Our economy and our with an increasing share of income going to fair schedules, fair wages and overtime pay. country are in much better shape because the top. We need to ensure workers share in That’s how we will create a full employment families did whatever it took to make it rising productivity, raise the minimum wage, economy with a tight labor market that drives work. Americans are starting to think about and make our tax code more progressive by rising pay for workers, gives every worker the future again. But we can all see that the closing loopholes that benefit hedge fund pathways to good jobs, and ensures every- deck is still stacked for those at the top. managers, CEOs, and corporations that shift day Americans share in the rewards of their I’m running for President because everyday jobs overseas, while cutting taxes for the work. I will put forward detailed proposals on Americans and their families need a cham- middle class. We also need to defend the each of these fronts in the coming months. pion and I want to be that champion. I want Federal Reserve against attempts to remove And through all of this, we need to to make being middle class mean something employment from its mandate. Second, we strengthen the ability of unions to organize again. I’m going to take on four big fights need to make investments that drive job and collectively bargain. Workers exercis- in this campaign: (1) building an economy creation, productivity, and growth. That ing their right to organize and bargain for for tomorrow, instead of yesterday; (2) includes investments in infrastructure that higher wages and better conditions built the strengthening our families and communities; will put Americans back to work, investments great American middle class. When more (3) fixing our broken political system; and in education to unlock the potential of every workers were in unions, more workers were (4) protecting our country. American, and investments in basic research in the middle class and their wages went up. While all of these fights are essential, to provide a solid foundation for the future. And economists have said that the decline the defining economic challenge of our And finally, we need to make it much easier in union density is a key factor in the rise time is raising incomes for hard-working for every American to join and advance in the in income inequality. When workers have a Americans. I believe we need to address the labor force by making quality child care more voice on the job, we are all better off. These are the better choices we should be readiness, and increase college Martin O’Malley making as a nation, to build an economy that completion rates by 25 percentage 1. Our nation faces big challenges—from works for everyone and a democracy where points within 10 years. an economy that is severely out of balance, everyone’s voice is heard. 8) End childhood hunger in America by to a changing climate, to a criminal justice With these priorities in mind, I have 2020. system in need of reform. With 15 years developed 15 goals that will serve as a 9) Reform our criminal justice system of executive experience, I have a record of guide, day in and day out, for an O’Malley to save and redeem lives. getting things done in the face of immense Administration. 10) Cut deaths from gun violence— challenges. They are as follows: homicides, suicides, and accidents— Right now, the most important thing we need 1) Increase American families’ median in half by 2025. to get done as a country is to restore the truth of net worth by $25,000 in 10 years. 11) Reduce deaths from drug overdoses the American dream: the idea that, when people 2) Generate 100% of American by 25 percent by 2020. work hard, they should be able to get ahead. I’ve electricity with renewable energy by 12) Reduce infant mortality by 10 percent never backed down from that fight. I fought to 2050. by 2020. turn around a great American city crippled by 3) Cut the unemployment rate among 13) Require banks to separate drugs and violence. I fought to bring Maryland young people in half within 3 years. commercial and speculative banking through the Great Recession even stronger 4) Reach full employment for American within 5 years. than it was before. And, I’ve brought people veterans by 2020. 14) Restore America’s competition and together to make better choices, grounded in 5) Put 11 million New Americans on antitrust laws, directing the Justice our progressive principles—to improve public the pathway to citizenship through Department to take action within one schools, make college more affordable, raise comprehensive immigration reform. year in office.
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