E . m I00% silk Pi Kappa Alpha official Mundi '" genuine leather wallet necktie by Ben Silver'" with embossed fratern ity name . #20-9100 $47.95 #20-9061 $24.95 - Corduroy adjustable cap with Khaki adjustable cap, low profile, with Athletic heather pique knit polo with embroidered front design embroidered front design embroidered greek letter design. #20-4061 $16.95 #20-4062 $16.95 sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2217 $31.95 Howard Miller '" solid marble alarm clock- stands 5" x 5.5" x I" #20-9607 $49.95 Athletic heather and navy ringer t-shirt­ Pi Kappa Alpha golf balls and tees- sizes: L, XL, (XXL add $2) special value! #20-9720 sleeve of 3 balls $7.50 #20-2101 $14.95 regular retail up to $80 #20-9721 box of IS balls $29.95 #20-9725 bag of 25 tees $2.50 SIDELD&DWIOMJ FEATURES LAMBDA ALPHA CHAPTER CHARTERED AT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-RIVERSIDE 5 ANNOUNCING THE 2000 INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER HOUSE WORK DAY 6 Pl KAPPA ALPHA PRESENTS THE 1999-2000 SPORTS REVIEW 8 FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: AN INTERVIEW WITH THOMAS L. HARKEN 22 2000 CHAPTER PRESIDENTS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE HONORS MARVIN AND NANCY DENNIS 32 PIKE ALUMNI MAKJNG HEADLINES 36 WHY I PLEDGED: MARVIN D. DENNIS 47 DEPARTMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 UPDATE 4 CHAPTERNOTES 18 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NEWS 25 INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NEWS & NOTES 33 ALUMNI NOTES 37 NEWSOFBYGONE DAYS 41 TELL US WHAT'S NEW 46 RUSH RECOMMENDATION 47 CHAPTER ETERNAL 48 Above: Jason Preeo (Pacific, Kappa Nu '97) is one of th e stars on the Un iversity of the Pacific golf team. Not only an excellent golfer, Preeo was named the UOP Scholar/A thlete of th e Year for 1999. On the cover: Jake Voskuh l (Conn ecticut, Iota Chi '96) started at centerfor th e 1999 national champion UCo nn. Voskuhl is the Huskies all-time leader in career starts, and leads the 2000 team in rebounds, blocked shots and field goal percentage. VOLUME 111 1 NUMBER 1 / SPRING 2000 From the President's- Desk s Pi Kappa Iph a enter this new century, the year 2000 kicked off with the Marvin & ancy Denni s C hapter Pre ident Leader hip Con­ fe rence and Rush ummit. This educati onal confe re nce, open o nl y to SIDELD& chapter pre idents and ru sh chairmen, is the hi ghest level program our Fraternity offer . It i un ique in the G reek world. This year's program, held at the tate ly Peabody Hotel in Memphi , Tenne see, wa another great ucces . onference facu lty, al umni volunteers and undergraduate came to­ gether from across orth Ameri ca to focus on leader hip, cholar hip, DWIOND ervice and integrity. It is precisely th ese aspects offratemity that should OF PI KAPPA ALPHA define us, and distingui sh frate rnities from other campus and a lumni o rgani zation . Thomas J. Handler Publ1 slz ed by At this conference, a large committee compo ed of intern ati onal of- (JIIinois, Beta Eta '74) Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity fi cer , fo rmer officers, professional staff, undergraduates, and alumni 8347 West Range Cove Memphis, Tennessee 38125 met to engage in a strategic pl anning retreat. The obj ecti ves were to: I) focus our vision; 2) 9o1n48-1868 formulate a mi s ion statement; 3) devise a three-year strategic plan; and, 4) formulate a long range plan. igni fica nt progres was made on a ll fro nts; volunteers, professional taff and Steven S. Vincent upreme Coun cil members will continue to work on open issues, refin e our thought , and pre ent Editor th e results at or before the Fraternity's A tl anta Convention, held A ugust 9- 13, 2000. Although no plan ha been officiall y adapted at this time, a number of area of concentra­ Barbara E. Perkins Managing Editor ti on emerged which may comprise the thrust of our short-term trategic pl an. Heather L. Huffman I. C ha pter Ad vising: A sure that every Pi Kappa Alpha chapter will have an acti ve, ac­ Etlitoria/ Assista nt credited chapter advisor by January I, 2003. Timothy P. Brady 2 . Technology : Establish and expand an on-line website to provide expanded ervices and Kri s Downing programs, and launch the fi rst on-line training program by January I, 2002. Jay Langhammer 3 . Recruitment: Determine the attributes of the members we seek, the nature of the pros­ Contributors pect pool whi ch exists, and then develop a pl an to target tho e we wi h to recruit. Gwen DeShazo Heather L. Huffman 4 . Public Rela tio ns: Be the leader in creating an aggressive and comprehensive mes age Carol A. Patton about the value of Greek organi zati ons. Proofreading 5. P ersonal a nd Lead er ship Development: Create and implement " state of the art" per­ Sandra H. Newsom sonal, leadership and chapter development program . Circulation 6 . H ousing: Develop a housin g plan to ensure that our chapter houses are safe, secure, and highly competitive. Raymond L. Orians Execwive Vice President The ultimate objective to be achi eved in the e a reas is to en ure that Pi Ka ppa Alpha re­ mains hi ghl y competiti ve while providing a product that is meaningfu l and respons ive to the 1998-2000 Supreme Council needs of our market. We hope to provide the best possible fraternity experi ence and share our foc u on leadership, scholarship, and integri ty. Further, by recruiting the highest caliber new Thomas J. Handler members, our chapters will have the ta lent pool neces ary to produce the leader , offi cer and Pre idem member who can benefit fr om our educati onal programs. · Wa llace G. Long Ill We are moving fo rward into this century with great optimism. We are committed to fo rn1U­ Vice President Jating a plan for the next I 00 years to continue th e momentum establi hed in th e Ia t 25 year D. Ma rk Anderson Vice President H. King Buttermore Ill Vi ce President Howard E. Goldstein Vt ce President ~ - ~ Tyl er R. Greif Thom•d. Hq Undergradua1e Vice President internati onal President, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Matt MacVey Undergraduate Vice President Allen W. Groves Legal Co unsel Update MEMBER COLLEGEFRATEANITY EDITOAS ASSOCIATION SHIELD & DIAMOND (ISS 8750-7536) 15 an cdu.:at10nal Journal On Ja nuary 3 1, - Wi l on erved Epsil on Omega Chapter a pubh)hed by the Pt Kappa Alpha Fnucmlt), 83-17 Wnt Ranac Co\ c. \ lcmpht>, T'J qwnc-rly In Autumn.\\ mtcr, pnng and Summer E.ch 2000, D ru Wil so r. pl edg e educator, a lumn i c ha irma n, ri k mt'mbcrr«:ct\C3acopyorthcSh,c/d&Dta'no"J endcorrr,pondcncc to the S.Jmc adJrc \lanujcnpb ilrc '"'tied. but the publisher..., 111 not (Ea I Cen tral, Ep i­ awareness chairn1an, ru h chairman and vice :~d=:~~:·~~!drr~~~~!irb;~~\~~~r~·,\C:~~~~h:~.~~~~5~~J lon Om ega '96) pres ident. On campu , he wa a fo ur-year new add~ . Undc:rgn~dwtc cop •e~ nrem111 ltd to p:m:nts'home addres unu l m~ changcmflergn.dwuon Copyngtu2000byP• KappaAiph;a j o in ed the Memoria l a rsi ty le tte r winne r in footba ll . He i a n Fnlltmtty All nghh re..cncd Pcnod•cals postage pa1d 111 Memphts. Tcnnesl>C'Cand add111on.JI ma1hng offices Headquarter taff a Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of Am erica, POSTMA STER: Smd•lklrn~ ch:Ul~to SHI E LO & DIAMOND, 8347 \\c.-.t Range Co\ c. \lcmph1s, TN 38125 a chapte r con ultant. a nd wa na med East Centra l Uni ver ity' He g raduated with a Out tanding e\ Greek Fratern ity In itiate in Visit Pi Kappa Alpha On Line bache lor o f c ie nce 1996. He wi ll travel parts of the Great Lake , http://www.pka.com degree in public rel a­ Dixie and Delta regions. tion , with a minor in Dru Wilson PRI TED bu ine admini tra­ (Etts t Central, ti on. Epsilon Omega '96) 4 PRING 2000 EXPANSION Lambda Alpha Chapter Chartered at California-Riverside by Kris Downing (California-Riverside, Lambda Alpha '00) \ A /hen Russ Piggott (Oregon V V State, Beta Nu '95) , the first president of the California­ Riverside colony, transferred from Oregon State University, he was parting not only from hi s school, but also from Beta u Chapter where he had pledged and been initiated. So it was with great interest that he, along with friend Dan Bornn, learned Pi Kappa Alpha international offic­ ers were at the UC-Riverside campus to start a colony. At the Golden West Regional Leader­ ship Conference in 1998, Piggott Director of Expansion Ryan Flickinger, Regional President John M. Silberstein, International President met with international officers Tom Handler and Director of Housing Clint Bartman sit at the center of newly chartered Lambda Alpha. Ted Rowe (Western Ontario, Iota Omega '94) and Clint E. Bartman (fllin ois All UCR Greeks were a mazed that the dent Tom Handler (Illin ois, Beta Eta '73) wa State, Kappa Alpha '94) and decided to join the colony had doubl ~ d in size in less than three the keynote peaker, offering words of support colony at UC-Riverside. Upon completion of weeks following 1998 fall ru sh. 1999 spring to the new brothers of Lambda Alpha. Hi per­ the expansion project, the newly pinned found­ and fall mshes further increased the size of the sonal chall enge to remain the best fraternity on ing fathers began to work on building the newly colony, and spring 2000 rush was well on campus wi ll not soon be forgotten.
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