Fulbrighter The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational CHECK OUT and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State SPRING 2006 WHAT’S NEW: "Global Campuses Through Interna- • International Education; tional Exchange" Summit in DC Government and University Leaders Strengthen Focus on International Education at DC (page 1) Summit By Manuel Mendoza • Seminars The presidents of over 120 (page 4) American universities gathered Secretaries Rice and Spellings in Washington, D.C. from Janu- convened the Summit to initi- • Arts in the ary 5-6 to participate in the ate a dialogue on the need for Land of U.S. University Presidents Sum- the U.S. government to work Arabia mit on International Education collaboratively with the non- (page 7) hosted by Secretary of State governmental sector on the Condoleezza Rice and Secre- future of U.S. higher education • Dateline tary of Education Margaret in a global arena. The Summit Spellings. The Summit, at- also presented U.S. President Darfur by tended by university presidents George W. Bush with the op- Rawya Rageh from each of the 50 states, portunity to announce his Na- (page 7) Puerto Rico, and the District tional Security Language Initia- of Columbia, and organized by tive – a collaborative effort • Road Trip the State Department’s Bureau between government and edu- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State Across the US of Educational and Cultural cation to further strengthen Website by Moh’d Affairs, aimed to engage lead- national security and prosper- Bamarhool ers of U.S. higher education in ity in the 21st century through Secretary Rice compared the a renewed partnership to education, especially in devel- present context and imperative (page 8) strengthen international educa- oping foreign language skills. to strengthen international tion. education to the scientific ini- Continued on page 3 ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE: AMIDEAST/ 2 HQ Update Graduating Soon? Fulbright on 3 the Web We had a wonderful time getting quests will only be considered original academic program for to know many of you who at- for exceptional students who which you were given your Ful- Student 4 tended the Departing Student have been offered employment bright grant, or to begin a sec- Updates Workshop in March. We hope directly related to their field of ond, higher degree program, you that the workshop has prepared study for a period of up to must also submit a request to you for your journey home. twelve months. You must sub- your AMIDEAST advisor at least Academic Training mit a letter from your prospec- six weeks in advance. You Please remember that if you tive employer, one from your should submit a letter written by want to request permission for academic advisor, and one writ- you, a letter from your academic Academic Training, you must ten by you. advisor, and a letter from the submit a request to your Requesting Transfer university office responsible for AMIDEAST advisor at least six If you need to request a transfer issuing DS-2019 documents. weeks before you complete your of your DS-2019 sponsorship to Remember that you will still have degree. Academic Training re- your university to complete the to fulfill your two-year home (Continued on Page 2) PAGE 2 Happenings at Headquarters cat with the help of Educa- tional Advisor Batool Baqer. International Affairs from The Back in DC, AMIDEAST/HQ George Washington University Fulbright staff worked dili- with a minor in religion. gently throughout the fall and winter researching universities Caroline Valentino joined AM- and applying over 120 new IDEAST in January 2006 as nominees to academic pro- the Program Assistant for grams around the country. countries of Egypt, Gaza, West Bank, and Tunisia, as well as AMIDEAST/HQ also added Conflict Resolution Program several new faces to the Ful- grantees. She graduated with bright department. recognition from George Ma- son University with a B.A. in Aseel Elborno joined AM- Government and International IDEAST in October 2005 as Politics. She has a strong inter- the Program Assistant for the est in Middle Eastern and countries of Bahrain, Oman, North African cultural and Yemen, and Jordan. Prior to Departing Student Workshop religious affairs and hopes one Program Officer Mara working for AMIDEAST, she Fulbright Grantees with day to continue her studies in Kronenfeld held a post- was the President and Founder Ambassador Kattouf , President this concentration. nomination orientation in No- of the Middle East and North of AMIDEAST vember for 12 Lebanese nomi- Africa Students Association at nees (7 principal and 5 alter- North Carolina State Univer- nate) at the AMIDEAST/Beirut sity, and interned with the office with the help of AM- American-Arab Anti- IDEAST/Beirut Coordinator of Discrimination Committee. Education and Scholarship Ms. Elborno is fluent in Eng- Programs Hala Kaadi. She also lish and Arabic and holds a visited the U.S. Embassy in B.A. in Political Science. Manama to conduct a post- nomination orientation for 15 Manuel Mendoza also joined principal and 4 alternate Bah- AMIDEAST in Octor 2005 as raini Fulbright nominees with Program Assistant. He assists the help of Educational Advi- in the program supervision and sor Samar F. Hasan. While in administration of grantees from the Gulf region, Mara also had Lebanon, Morocco, and Tuni- the opportunity to conduct a sia. He is also involved in post-nomination orientation for alumni development activi- 22 Omani Fulbright nominees ties. Manuel has a B.A. in at the U.S. Embassy in Mus- Graduating Soon? (Continued From Page 1) residency require- AMIDEAST advisor for more ment at the end of information on these requests. your studies. Please refer to your navy Best of luck on all you do! blue Fulbright hand- book or ask your FULBRIGHTER PAGE 3 Summit Continued from page 1 and Labor, Barry Lowenkron, out- achievement in their own countries, tiative have thus far not matched lined this initiative over the course than they did just a generation ago those in science from forty years of the Summit. Realizing that deficits and other countries are aggressively ago. Goals of international educa- in foreign language learning and competing to attract international tion include attracting foreign stu- teaching negatively affect U.S. na- students to their shores,” assessed dents to the U.S.; encouraging more tional security, diplomacy, law en- Under Secretary Hughes. The inter- Americans to receive education forcement, intelligence communities national exchange industry has much abroad; developing coherent inter- and cultural understanding, the NSLI more parity than several decades national strategies at U.S. colleges has three broad goals: ago when the U.S. was among the and universities; strengthening non- 1) Expand the number of Americans best of a few select countries to traditional language acquisition; and mastering critical need languages and pursue competitive university stud- better facilitating for exchange visa start at a younger age; ies. and regulatory processes. “We 2) Increase the number of advanced- The wide representation of partici- need universities to open their level speakers of foreign languages, pants, hosts, sponsors, and partners doors to people from around the with an emphasis on critical need at the Summit proved to be a micro- world. We need universities to send languages; and cosm of the diversity that many their students around the world. So 3) Increase the number of foreign agreed is necessary in international through that exchange and contact, language teachers and the resources education. It also suggested the we can learn more about each for them. multi-dimensional facet of interna- other…if we're engaged only in a Summit participant, Gordon Gee, tional education. Effective commu- monologue, we will not get very far. Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, nication and greater cultural aware- If we get to know each other better, called international education, “both ness affect countless industries in an it will be a dialogue,” commented our greatest challenge and our increasingly globalizing world. “You Secretary Rice in the opening ses- greatest opportunity.” Part of the can't live in the world today, and sion of the Summit. challenge for the United States to you can't do business in the world Part of the commitment to meeting expand its role in international edu- today, unless you are a global citi- that challenge is the National Secu- cation is keeping up with the ex- zen,” said President Margaret Lee of rity Language Initiative (NSLI) put change opportunities in other coun- Oakton Community College in Illi- forth by President Bush. tries that have arisen in recent dec- nois. “We do live in a world that is Assistant Secretary of State for Edu- ades. “Today, hundreds of thou- so small now that the 'community' is cational and Cultural Affairs, Dina sands of international students have the people on the planet.” Powell, and Assistant Secretary of many more opportunities to study http://www.exchanges.state.gov/ State for Democracy, Human Rights, at home, at centers of academic universitysummit/ Fulbright-Related Resources on the Web Check these out! The Fulbright Association social and cultural discussion forum for Fulbright- As the membership organization of ers new and old. Subscribe by sending an email to: Fulbright alumni and supporters, [email protected]. the Fulbright Association is com- mitted to fostering international awareness and understanding. Visit www.fulbrightalumni.org. The Fulbright listserv The unofficial e-mail list serves two purposes for Fulbrighters from all over the world: to link new grant- ees and their peers already in the United States and to serve as a Miami Seminar 06 the world, including the Middle The second seminar I attended PAGE 4 Seminars for East and North Africa, were was the Miami Florida Enrich- invited.
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