Palestine (3a3ette publisbeb by Hutboritç No. 615 THURSDAY, 30TH JULY, 1936 805 CONTENTS Page ORDINANCES CONFIRMED Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 26, 27, 29, 30, 33 and 34 of 1936 - GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointment of Honorary Vice-Consul for Czechoslovakia at Haifa - - 808 ־ - ־ Appointments, etc. - - • - 808 ־ • - Amendment of General Regulations - - 809 ־ Graduate Nurses - - - - - 809 Revision of Time Table of Palestine Railways . - - - 810 Sale of Contents of Undeliverable and Unclaimed Postal Packets and Parcels - 810 ־ Doctor's Licence cancelled - - - - 810 Tenders and Adjudication of Contract - - - - 810 Citation Order - - - - - 811 Notice of the Haifa Execution Office in respect of Foreclosure of Mortgage - 811 Bankruptcy ______ 811 EETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - 812 !REGISTRATION OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES, PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - - 812 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement JVo. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Certificate under the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1935, regarding the widening of a Public Road at Acre - - - - 735 Authorizations under the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated ־ Territories) Order, 1927, authorising certain Aircraft to fly over Palestine 735 Treaty of Peace (Covenant of the League of Nations) Order, 1936 - - 737 Companies (Winding-tip) (Amendment) Rules, 1936, under the Companies Ordinance, 1929 - - - - - - 739 Order under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, appointing a Special Commissioner for the purpose of the Regulations in respect of the oil and timber areas, and of all oil, fuel and timber stores within the Municipal Area of Jerusalem - 740 Notice under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, approving a certain Private Bonded Warehouse 74! Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, 1933, terminating the appointment of certain Immigration Officers - 74! Stock imported by Sea (Removal for Slaughter in Quarantine) (Amendment) Rules (No. 2), 1936, under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926 - - 743 (Continued) PRICE 30 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page Road Transport (Amendment) Rules, 1936, under the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929 743 Notice under the Police Ordinance, 1926, appointing a Superior Police Officer of the Hebron Division - - - - - 744 Notice of Change in Permit granted for Publication of a Newspaper, under the Press ־ ־ Ordinance, 1933 - - 745 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, notifying the date on which the Ordinance shall come into operation - 745 Order No. 49 of 1936, under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, regarding the Limits of the Hebron Town Planning Area - - _ 745 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, provisionally approving certain Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Areas of Jerusalem, ־ - - - - Haifa and Tel Aviv - 747 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, approving certain Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Areas of Jerusalem, Haifa and ־ - - Nathanya - 764 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. BEGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS, PATENTS AND DESIGNS 55 30th July, 1936 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 807 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. I. The Secretary of• State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of the following Ordinances :— of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to make provision for Government 29־ .No Railways". No. 30 of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for railways other than railways owned by the Government of Palestine". J. HATHORN HALL 21st July, 1936. Chief Secretary. (E/61/82) II. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his powrer of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 26 of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to amend the Magistrates' Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1935". S. MOODY 24th July, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (J/265/35) III. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 27 of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the constitution of certain Courts for the trial of certain offences". S. MOODY 23rd July, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (J/114/36) IV. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise bis power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 33 of 1936, entitled "An Ordinance to amend the Magistrates' Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1935." S. MOODY 24th July, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (J/l 27/36) 808 Y. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 34 of 1930, entitled "An Ordinance to amend the law respect• ing Local Councils". S, MOODY 24th July, 1936. Acting Chief Secretary. (G/96/36) APPOINTMENT OF CONSUL. NoTlŒ The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that M. ZIKMUND GLASEL has been appointed by the Czechoslovak Government to be Honorary Vice-Consul for Czechoslovakia at Haifa, and that he has been recognised provisionally by His Excellency in that capacity pending the issue of His Majesty's Exequatur. By His Excellency's Command. ־ J. HATHORN HALL 20th July, 1936. Chief Secretary. (N/95/31) APPOINTMENTS, ETC. | TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. ACTING APPOINTMENTS. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that: — The High Commissioner has appointed: — MR. L. K. POPE, M.B.E., Port Manager, Jaffa, The acting appointment of MR. A. K. BARRY, Grade K, Department of Customs, Excise Drawback and Claims Officer, Grade H, De­ ­act as Assistant Collector partment of Customs, Excise and Trade, pub '־ and Trade, to of Customs, Jaffa, with effect from the 1st lished in Palestine Gazette No. 595 of the 21st July, 1936, until further order, while con­ May, 1936, ceased with effect from the 18th tinuing to hold his position of Port Mana­ July, 1936. ger, Jaffa. The acting appointment of MR. C. F. MR. N. I. MINDEL, Assistant Commissioner for READING, O.B.E., Settlement Officer, Grade G, Migration, Grade H, Department of Mi­ Department of Lands and Surveys, published gration, to act as Deputy Commissioner in Palestine Gazette No. 598 of the 28th May, for Migration, Grade F, Avith effect from 1936, ceased with effect from the 22nd July, the 15th July, 1936, until further order. 1936. MR. S. MOODY, O.B.E., Assistant Chief Sec­ retary, Grade D, Secretariat, to act as Chief Secretary, from the 23rd to the 26th LEAVE. July, 1936, inclusive. MR. M. NUROCK, O.B.E., Assistant Secretary, The High Commissioner has approved the Grade F, Secretariat, to act as Assistant leave of the following officers: — Chief Secretary, from the 23rd to the 26th MR. I. A. ABBADY, Secretariat, 21.7.36—4.12.36 July, 1936, inclusive. ABDUL LATIF EFF. TIBAWI, Assistant District MOHAMMAD EFF. SIDKY, Department of Inspector, Grade S.3, Department of Edu­ Agriculture and Fisheries, 21.7.36—19.8.36 cation, to act as District Inspector, South­ ern District, from the 23rd July, 1936, to MR. ATALLAH MANTOURA, District the 2nd September, 1936, inclusive. Administration, Jerusalem MR. J. A. O'CONNOR, Settlement Officer, Grade District, 22.7.36—1.9.36 G, Department of Lands and Surveys, to MR. J. DAWSON SHEPHERD, O.B.E., act as Assistant District Commissioner, Department of Development, Northern District (Tulkarm), with effect 23.7.36—2.9.36 from the 22nd July, 1936, until further order, while continuing to hold his posi­ MUSTAFA EFF. DABBAGH, Department tion of Settlement Officer. of Education, 23.7.36—2.9.36 30th July, 1936 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 809 CORRIGENDUM Slip No. 3 of 14-5-1935, is hereby cancelled and the following substituted therefor: — The period of vacation leave of MR. H. J. MILLER, Superintendent, Grade H, Depart• ment of Lands and Surveys, published on 118. (i) An officer who is absent from Pales• page 747 of Palestine Gazette No. 610 of the tine without permission shall be liable to sum• 2nd July, 1936, as "24.6.36—7.11.36" should mary dismissal. read "23.6.36—6.11.36". (ii) An officer who is absent from duty GENERAL REGULATIONS without permission but remains in Palestine shall be liable to summary dismissal or to dis• AMENDMENT SLIP No. 20 OF 27-7-1936. ciplinary proceedings under the Colonial Regulations, at the discretion of the High Commissioner. Regulation No. 118, as issued in Amendment NOTICE The undermentioned nurses have completed a three years' course of training and success• fully passed the final examination in nursing prescribed by Government regulations, and their names have been entered in the Government register of graduate nurses on the dates shown against their names, in virtue whereof they are entitled to all the rights and priv• ileges of graduate nurses in Palestine. Date of Government Name of Nurse. Name of Training School. Registration. Sara Keshishian C. M. S. Hospital, Jaffa 20-7-35 Victoria Bedrossian C. M. S. Hospital, Jaffa 20-7-35 Laurence Anbar Mitry 0. M. S. Hospital, Gaza 20-7-35 Edibeh S. Y. Khoury E. M. M. S. Hospital, Nazareth 20-7-35 Nehama Raubein (Reovaney) Scots' Mission Hospital, Tiberias 21-10-35 Nehama Biberman Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Bathsheva Berkowitz Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Sara Goldfarb Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Atia Turkey itz Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Zila Yungerman Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Miriam Katznelsohn Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Rachel Luftglas Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Sara Zvetovah Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Lea Zeller Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem • 2-8-35 Lea Rappoport Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem 2-8-35 Kamly Mousa English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem 12-12-35 Simcha Mizrahi English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem 12-12-35 Miriam Dossik English Mission Hosp.
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