BIHAREAN BIOLOGIST 6 (1): pp.51-54 ©Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania, 2012 Article No.: 121105 http://biozoojournals.3x.ro/bihbiol/index.html A short review of the family Leucospidae (Hym.: Chalcidoidea) in Iran Hosseinali LOTFALIZADEH1,* and Negar FAKHRZADEH2 1. Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research of East-Azarbaijan, Tabriz, Iran. 2. Department of Plant Protection, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. * Corresponding author, H. Lotfalizadeh, E-mail: [email protected] Received: 29. October 2011 / Accepted: 07. March 2012 / Available online: 15. March 2012 / Printed: June 2012 Abstract. The family Leucospidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) is reviewed in the Iranian fauna. Four leucospid species of the genus Leucospis Fabricius (L. bifasciata Klug, L. biguetina Jurine, L. dorsigera Fabricius and L. gigas Fabricius) are listed from Iran with some new distributional records. Distribution of these species is mapped. Two colours forms of L. gigas are discussed based on Iranian material. Key words: Leucospidae, Chalcidoidea, new records, fauna, distribution. Introduction Materials and Methods The superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), is one of the These notes result from occasional studies of specimens recently col- lected from different parts of Iran by the senior author using Malaise largest group of insect natural enemies. The family Leu- trap and sweeping on different plants. The specimens of the HMIM cospidae includes the largest insects among Chalcidoidea (Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum, Tehran, Iran) were also examined and are a distinct family with having a characteristic mor- and this has resulted in remarks being included. phology. Their longitudinally folded fore wings (Fig. 2) and Baur & Amiet (2000), Bouček (1959, 1974), Nikolskaya (1960), curved upward ovipositor (Fig. 4) are characteristic within Pagliano (1998) were used for identification of Leucospidae. Studied Hymenoptera. Most leucospids mimic species of wasps or materials are deposited in the HMIM. Leucospid species in this bees (Bouček 1974) and are relatively uncommon. These study are listed alphabetically. wasps with yellow vespid-like patterns may be confused with aculeates. Leucospids are known from all continents Results but is particularly well represented in the Neotropical region (53 species). It is probably a reflection of taxonomic activity In this study two species groups were determined in the ge- rather than the actual distribution and extent of the fauna. nus Leucospis (dorsigera and gigas groups). This genus is rep- This family includes four genera: Leucospis Fabricius, Mi- resented in Iran with four species listed here, but of this crapion Kriechbaumer, Neleucospis Bouček and Polistomorpha number only two have hitherto been regarded as Iranian Westwood, from which only Leucospis is known from the fauna (Noyes 2010). Their geographical distribution was Palaearctic region (Bouček 1974, Schmid-Egger 2010). mapped in Iran (Fig. 5). Bouček (1974) treated 130 species known worldwide in The morphological characters of the family include: hav- the four genera, giving keys, hosts, and distributions for all ing robust body, swollen and toothed hind femur (Fig. 3), species. He has discussed the characters of species-groups in arched hind tibiae (Fig. 1), short second gastral tergum each zoogeographical region and considered three species- (shorter than first tergum), narrowly elongate tegula groups for the Palaearctic region. Baur & Amiet (2000) (reaches the pronotum), long postmarginal vein (much treated the Swiss species presenting a key to the European longer than stigmal vein and slightly longer than marginal species. Argaman (1990) described several new genera most vein) (Grissell & Schauff 1990, Bouček 1974). of them being later synonymized by Darling (1996). In total 61% of known species are distributed in the Old World. Systematic account Of the 125 known species, host records have been re- 1. Leucospis bifasciata Klug, 1814 (Fig. 1) ported only for 25% of species. These wasps are larval ecto- Leucospis gibba Klug, 1814; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 146. parasites of aculeate Hymenoptera, especially solitary bees and Eumenidae, Sphecidae (Grissell & Schauff 1990), Ich- Material examined: East-Azarbaijan (=Azarbaijan-e- neumonidae (Hesami et al. 2005) and Megachilidae (Schmid- Sharghi), Khosro-shahr, 1346 m, N 37º 58' 28" & E 46º 02' 55", Egger 2010). Based on the Universal Chalcidoidea Database 7 & 20.viii.2009, H. Lotfalizadeh, 2♀♀. Same data, 4.vii.2009, (Noyes 2010) only two species have been reported from Iran, H. Lotfalizadeh, 1♂. while this specious genus includes 125 species in the world Diagnosis: Leucospis bifasciata is like to L. dorsigera with hav- and 15 species in the Palaearctic region (Noyes 2010). ing long and subhorizontal ovipositor, narrow gap between Considering importance of the parasitic wasps of the su- hind femur teeth. But with relatively shorter ovipositor, nar- perfamily Chalcidoidea as biocontrol agents of different in- row ovipositorial furrow and mostly yellow scutellum can sect groups and our little knowledge on their fauna in Iran be distinguished. (Lotfalizadeh 2008, 2010), this study was conducted. The Bouček (1959) reported this species from Iran (Albors purpose of this study was the clarify of the species composi- Mountains) and this study extends its distribution in Iran. It tion and distribution of the family Leucospidae in Iran. belongs in the dorsigera-group (with seven species in the Palaearctic region). Leucospis bifasciata is widely distributed in Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe and Middle East countries (Noyes 2010). 52 Lotfalizadeh, H. & Fakhrzadeh, N. Figures 1-4. Female Leucospidae of Iran, habitus in lateral view: (1) Leucospis bifasciata; (2) Leucospis dorsigera; (3) Leucospis gigas (Yellow form); (4) same species (Red form). Figure 5. Distribution map of Leucospidae known from in Iran. Its biology is little known and only two apid species large triangular basal tooth and relatively short ovipositor [Anthidiellum strigatum (Panzer) and Anthidium strigatum (not reaches basal gastral tergite). (Panzer)] have been recorded as host of this species (Bouček No specimen of this species was examined but it was re- 1959). corded from south-eastern Iran (Bouček 1974). It is known in the Palaearctic region from Europe, Middle East and North 2. Leucospis biguetina Jurine, 1807 Africa (Noyes 2010). This species belongs to the dorsigera- Leucospis parvicauda Mocsáry, 1879; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 147. group. Leucospis biguetina is a parasitoid of two hymenopter- Diagnosis: This species has two pronotal carinae, bidentated ous families Apidae (Baur & Amiet 2000, Le Goff 1997) and dorsellum, coarsely sculptured and flatted hind femura with Sphecidae (Le Goff 1997). A short review of the family Leucospidae (Hym.: Chalcidoidea) in Iran 53 3. Leucospis dorsigera Fabricius, 1775 (Fig. 2) Diagnosis: Leucospis gigas is characterized by strongly Coelogaster passaviensis Schrank, 1782; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page 408. produced clypeus, by elongate basal flagellar segments of Leucospis algirica Walker, 1862; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 143. antenna in female and bidentate dorsellum and by short Leucospis assimilis Westwood, 1834; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 143. Leucospis coelogaster Hochenwarth, 1785; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page basal tooth of hind femura (shorter than the second). 408. The gigas-group was discussed and divided in several Leucospis dispar Fabricius, 1804; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page 408. subgroups by Bouček (1974). This group is widely distrib- Leucospis dubia Schrank, 1802; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 142. Leucospis fuesslini Hagenbach, 1822; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: page 142. uted in the Mediterranean area. Leucospis gigas is widely dis- Leucospis intermedia Spinola, 1808; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: pages 142, 144. tributed in the Nearctic, North Africa, the whole of Europe Leucospis lepida Chevrier, 1872; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page 408. and Central Asia (Noyes 2010) and was reported from Iran Leucospis ligustica Nees, 1834; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: pages 142-145. Leucospis scutellata Spinola, 1838; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page 409. by Peck (1963). It is known as a parasitoid of Apidae Leucospis sicelis Westwood, 1834; Synonymy by Dalla Torre, 1898: page 409. (Hym.) (Noyes 2010). Leucospis spinolae Westwood, 1834; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: pages 142-145. In the studied specimens, there are two forms; orange Leucospis turkestanica Radoszkowski, 1886; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: pages 143,144-145. and yellow forms which both exist in European fauna Leucospis vicina Fonscolombe, 1840; Synonymy by Bouček 1974: pages 143, 144. (Bouček 1974). Orange form was observed on specimens of Sistan-Baluchestan Province (southeast of Iran). While Material examined: East-Azarbaijan, Khosro-shahr, 1346 m, specimens from Gholestan and Fars provinces (respectively N 37º 58' 28" & E 46º 02' 55", viii.2010, H. Lotfalizadeh, 1♀. from northeast to south of Iran) are yellow form. Bouček Khorasan-Shomali, Bojnord, 15.viii.1967, (HMIM), Ayat, 1♀. (1974) believes they are separated geographically and orange Qazvin, Juladak, N 36º 21' 53" and E 50º 32' 11", 14.vi.2007, B. form is restricted to southern part of its distribution area in Gharali, 1 ♂. the Palaearctic region with relatively arid conditions (such as Diagnosis: It differs from other Leucospis species with Iran). But this study showed two forms are found
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