NEWSLETTER Parish of St George Hanover Square St George’s Church Grosvenor Chapel November 2017 — February 2018: issue 38 Inside this issue The Rector writes 2 Mayfair Organ Concerts 3 Services at St George’s 4 A new Verger 6 Services at Grosvenor Chapel 7 Bishop Edward Holland 8 Prisons Mission 9 Giles Pilgrim Morris 11 St George’s School 13 Handel Messiah 14 HPPEC 15 Contact details 16 terest once wedding couples real- St George’s Undercroft: a new floor is laid. ise they can book a one-stop wed- ding day at St George’s, incorpo- bservant readers of this Yes, work on converting the St rating both the marriage and re- thrice-yearly publication George’s undercroft from a stor- ception? may have noticed that it age area to something integral to Meanwhile life in the Parish con- O varies capriciously in ex- the life of the parish finally began tinues in all its long-established tent between 12 and 16 pages. in August and, all being well, will Indeed on one occasion it even be complete by early next sum- diversity. extended to a massive 20 pages. mer. Meanwhile we are learning St George’s Richards, Fowkes & Co Behind the scenes, Murphy – if how to cope with just one loo and organ is now five years old and he’ll forgive me - ensures that the occasional jack-hammer- this anniversary is marked by a submitted copy inevitably falls induced earth tremors. recital by David Goode on 4th No- somewhere between the magazine vember. editor’s nemesis: the four-page The long-term consequences of multiple. Which is why I am im- operating on two floors instead of It is all of six years ago that we moderately grateful when a verbal one are beginning to emerge. One introduced the Food Coupon contribution comes conveniently of them is the renewed interest Scheme for the homeless in part- linked to a picture or two. The being shown in St George’s as a nership with the Cabmen’s Shelter pictures accompanying the Prisons musician-friendly venue by a num- in Hanover Square. Some 150 or so Mission piece in this issue are an ber of A-list ensembles and choirs. coupons, each now valued at eloquent case in point. They come (St Sepulchre’s nota bene.) Anoth- £2.30, are dispensed weekly from courtesy of The Koestler Trust by er is the possibility of being able the Vestry. way of the 2017 Prisons Week to host exhibitions of visual art. booklet. And behind the scenes we now It is particularly pleasing to be finally boast an online operational able to welcome a contribution to Pictures can of course hunt on diary with the capacity to record this issue of the Newsletter from their own. I had initially thought activity on both floors. Is it too St George’s School. The to make this an undercroft-free fanciful to see diary entries for Headteacher, Judith Standing, has edition but the picture that heads weddings in late 2018 and 2019 as promised future contributions. We this page suggested otherwise. an early warning of a surge of in- look forward to them. The Rector writes . Laity. In addition to the 14 voting congregation, and sometime members of the Commission, the Churchwarden of St Margaret, Prime Minister’s and Archbishop’s Lothbury. The Rector there appointments secretaries act in an (Jeremy Crossley) and I planned to advisory capacity. take Tom out for a pub lunch to try and cheer him up early in July, I have to say that I was given every and when we arrived were told he opportunity to be involved in what had died in his home and discov- was a very wide and open consul- ered a few days later. He wanted tation process in the spring and no funeral, but Jeremy and I were summer – invited by email and fol- asked to inter his ashes recently in low-up emails to attend meetings. the Columbarium at St Mary’s, Unfortunately I couldn’t make any Bourne Street with a representa- of them, although there were sev- tive of the Parish Clerks and the eral dates on offer. And so the Prayer Book Society in attendance. process appears to have been May Tom rest in God’s peace. transparent. Indeed you might have offered your own thoughts, In July we also bade a sad farewell as comments and suggestions were to Giles Pilgrim Morris, one of the invited from all. I did however many notable musicians who en- lease pray for all involved in send in a few thoughts, and some hance our worship Sunday by Sun- choosing a new Bishop. The others I am not publishing, as well day. An Appreciation of Giles ap- Diocese is in the process of as the names of 2 possible candi- pears on Page 11. P searching for a new Bishop of dates for consideration. London and there has so far been Christmas Services one meeting of the Crown Nomina- 1. The strength of the Diocese of tions Commission – with two more London relies more on its clergy The Parish Carol Service (the tra- scheduled in November. Every Dio- than its bishops and senior leader- ditional Nine Lessons and Carols) cese has a Vacancy in See Commit- ship. I’m often amazed and fre- is to take place this year on Sun- tee which meets only as required. quently impressed by the quality day 17th December at 6.00pm fol- The membership in London compris- and general talent of the parish lowed by refreshments. Again this es: clergy who rather outshine the top is a wonderful service to prepare brass. We need as good a bishop as for Christmas and a good occasion The Area and other Suffragan we can find as the Diocesan – but to invite friends along. We always bishops (6 seats) also need to avoid getting a bad invite people from local hotels and one. In fact avoiding a bad ap- embassies and shops and business- The Dean of St Paul’s (or, if un- pointment is rather more im- es, as this is a wonderful celebra- able to serve, a member of the portant I think! tion for the whole community. In Chapter not already a member addition I also invite members of of the Committee) (1 seat) 2. It would be good to find a real various organisations to which I am Two Archdeacons (to represent pastor. Chaplain (The Royal Society of St the archdeacons in the Diocese) George, the Gastronomes, the (2 seats) 3. Please don’t ignore the Ecu- Royal Society of Musicians, and The proctors elected by the Dio- menical dimension of the appoint- others) who are most welcome. cese to the Lower House of Con- ment. The Diocese has rather vocation of the General Synod lacked leadership in this area, alt- Christmas Eve will be very busy (currently 11 seats) hough locally many good things this year as it falls on a Sunday. are going on. The members of the House of Laity of the General Synod Sung Eucharist for the Fourth We hope and pray that over the Sunday in Advent at 11am as nor- elected by the Diocese coming months we are blessed (currently 11 seats) mal. with good news that a suitable The Chairmen of the House of person has been chosen to serve us We shall once again have a service Clergy and of the House of Laity as Bishop. for families and children on of the Diocesan Synod (2 seats) Christmas Eve at 4.30pm: Solemn Elected membership: 4 clerical We welcome onto the team of ver- Sung Eucharist of the Vigil of and 12 lay (total: 16 seats) gers Richard Buck who joins us Christmas, with half choir, which having finished his term leading will include the singing of chil- Up to 4 nominations by the Bish- the Students’ Union at the Royal op’s Council dren’s carols around the crib. The Academy of Music and who has sermon will be short and geared been working alongside Seamus This committee draws up a towards children, and the style of O’Hare. Richard has written a few worship relaxed, although still ‘statement of needs’ for the Dio- introductory words which appear cese and from its number elects 6 with a normal sung setting of the on page 6. Mass. representatives to serve on the Crown Nominations Commission. Sadly we have lost Dr Thomas I would encourage as many as are The membership of that body in- Miskell, a member of the Parochi- cludes people from the Diocese and able to come to the main celebra- al Church Council, a Parish Clerk, tion of the Nativity of Our Lord, the National church: the Archbish- devoted member of the Prayer ops of Canterbury and York, and 3 which is the glorious 11.00am Sung Book Society, and until his recent Eucharist on Christmas Day. elected members of the both the decline a regular member of the General Synod’s House of Clergy and Please do invite your family and 2 visitors to join you for this, or to the Christmas Eve service if you find Christmas Day impracticable. Saturday 4 November There are daily prayers in St George’s Church, Hanover Square church, Monday – Thursday at 12.10pm. The Midday Office is 6pm-7pm said on most days except when the Eucharist is celebrated on Fridays and Saints Days. Please join us if DAVID GOODE you are in the area. plays the fifth anniversary recital on the Requiem for departed loved ones will be celebrated on Friday 19th Richards, Fowkes & Co organ, opus 18 January at 13.10pm.
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