Copeia, 2005(3), pp. 461–469 Two New Species of Pseudoeurycea (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the Mountains of Northern Oaxaca, Mexico GABRIELA PARRA-OLEA,MARIO GARC´ıA-PAR´ıS,JAMES HANKEN, AND DAVID B. WAKE We describe two new species of salamanders of the genus Pseudoeurycea from mountains in the northern part of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Pseudoeurycea pa- penfussi, a large, muscular member of the P. gadovii group, occurs near the peaks (just below 3000 m) of the highest mountains of the Sierra de Jua´rez. It is related to P. smithi, a more southerly species, and possibly to P. aquatica, another species from Oaxaca. Pseudoeurycea obesa, a rotund member of the P. leprosa group, is known only from the type locality in the Sierra Mazateca at the northernmost extremity of Oaxaca. It is related to P. werleri and P. mystax, which are known from more southern parts of Oaxaca. These descriptions bring to 27 the number of species of salaman- ders known from Oaxaca. Most of these species are endemic to the state and are known only from regions that are undergoing rapid habitat modification and de- struction. Describimos dos especies nuevas de salamandras del ge´nero Pseudoeurycea de las montan˜as del norte del Estado de Oaxaca, Mexico. Pseudoeurycea papenfussi es una especie de gran taman˜o, de aspecto musculoso, incluida en el grupo de P. gadovii, que se encuentra cerca de las cumbres (justo por debajo de los 3000 m) de las montan˜as ma´s altas de la Sierra de Jua´rez. Esta´ relacionada con P. smithi, que se encuentra en regiones ma´s meridionales, y posiblemente con P. aquatica, tambie´n de Oaxaca. Pseudoeurycea obesa, es una especie rechoncha del grupo de P. leprosa, que u´nicamente se conoce la localidad tı´pica en la Sierra Mazateca del extremo noroccidental de Oaxaca. HE mountains of northern Oaxaca, includ- and Campbell, 2001). The first new taxon de- T ing the Sierra de Jua´rez, Sierra Aloapane- scribed here is another morphologically distinct ca, and Sierra Mazateca, contain one of the larg- species of this group. Although herpetologists est assemblages of plethodontid salamanders in have been aware of its existence for many years Mexico (Casas-Andreu et al., 1996). This fauna (see below), the species was never formally de- includes six genera: Bolitoglossa, Chiropterotriton, scribed because some of its most conspicuous Cryptotriton, Lineatriton, Pseudoeurycea, and Tho- morphological characters are also present, al- rius. Species diversity is especially high for Pseu- beit to a lesser extent, in two nearly sympatric doeurycea, which is represented by members of species, P. smithi and P. unguidentis. Indeed, mor- all four recognized species groups (e.g., Parra- phological analysis alone could not exclude the Olea, 2002; Canseco-Ma´rquez and Parra-Olea, possibility that these extreme features simply 2003; Parra-Olea et al., 2004). Indeed, one of represented aberrant specimens of named taxa. these, the P. juarezi species group, is endemic to Our recent field surveys yielded fresh samples the region. The large number of groups and from both the Sierra Aloapaneca and Sierra de endemic species in northern Oaxaca indicates Jua´rez, including the type locality of P. smithi, that this region has been an important center which were included in a molecular phyloge- for the diversification of plethodontid salaman- netic analysis of the genus Pseudoeurycea based ders. In this paper we enhance the known di- on DNA sequences of several mitochondrial versity of this region by the description of two genes (Parra-Olea, 2002). These data confirmed new species of Pseudoeurycea, one from the Si- the distinctiveness of the long-suspected new erra de Jua´rez, the other from the Sierra Ma- taxon from the Sierra de Jua´rez and its differ- zateca, and each representing a different spe- entiation from all other named forms. cies group (Fig. 1). We also briefly discuss the The P. leprosa group is morphologically di- conservation status of salamanders along these verse. It is represented in northern Oaxaca by two cordilleras. P. mystax and P. werleri (Wake et al., 1992), and The P. gadovii species group is represented in by the extremely derived form Lineatriton orchi- northern Oaxaca by P. cochranae and P. smithi, leucus (Brodie et al., 2002), which is nested with- and by the recently described P. aquatica (Wake in Pseudoeurycea (Parra-Olea and Wake, 2001; ᭧ 2005 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 462 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 3 Pseudoeurycea papenfussi, new species Muscular Salamander Salamandra Escaladora Figure 2A, B Holotype.—IBH 14198, an adult female, Mexico, Oaxaca, 52.3 km N of Guelatao along Mex. Hwy. 175, from the north slope of Cerro Pelo´n, (17Њ34.75ЈN, 96Њ30.59ЈW), 2800 m elevation, G. Parra-Olea, M. Garcı´a-Parı´s, and D. B. Wake, 9 October 1997. Paratypes.—All from Oaxaca, Mexico: MVZ 112198, 52 km NE of Guelatao along Mex. Hwy. 175, T. J. Papenfuss, 5 August 1974; MVZ 132865–67, 132871 and 132873, 48 km NE of Guelatao along Mex. Hwy. 175, 9100 ft elevation Fig. 1. Map depicting localities of two new species (ϭ 2774 m), T. J. Papenfuss, 12 August 1975; of Pseudoeurycea from northern Oaxaca, Mexico, plus MVZ 143809 and 143812–13, 52–54 km N (by localities of related species in Oaxaca and adjacent road) of Guelatao along Mex. Hwy. 175, N slope Veracruz. Several species are known only from their respective type localities (discussed in text). Cerro of Cerro Pelo´n, 2675 m elevation, J. F. Lynch, San Felipe, the type locality of P. smithi, is located im- November 1974; MVZ 146787, Mex. Hwy. 175, mediately north of Oaxaca City. Light shading de- 100 yd S of summit of Cerro Pelo´n, J. E. Cadle, notes low-elevation areas (Ͻ 1000 m). July 1977; MVZ 146793–94, San Pedro Yolox Rd., 1.2 mi S and 0.5–1.5 mi W of summit of Cerro Pelo´n, J. E. Cadle, 15 July 1977; MVZ Parra-Olea, 2002). During field surveys in the 147297, Cerro Pelo´n, 52 km NE of Guelatao Sierra Mazateca in 2002, we discovered yet an- along Mex. Hwy. 175, T. J. Papenfuss, 22 August other morphologically distinct species, which 1974; MVZ 167181, at and above Mex. Hwy 175, possesses marked diagnostic characters that are 51 km (by rd) N of Guelatao, 9250 ft elevation unique among Pseudoeurycea. These include its (ϭ 2819 m), J. F. Lynch, T. J. Papenfuss, and D. overall robust appearance, which superficially B. Wake, 1 December 1974; UIMNH 64073, 7.9– resembles that of certain species of the North 17.5 mi S of Vista Hermosa, M. J. Landy and E. American ambystomatid genus Ambystoma. Liner, 16 July 1975; UTA A–3580, 69 mi N of Oaxaca (17.58ЊN, 96.50ЊW), J. A. Campbell, 18 August 1971; KU 136516, 28.6 km S of Vista MATERIALS AND METHODS Hermosa, 2350 m elevation, J. A. Caldwell, 11 Species descriptions follow the standard for- June 1970; IBH 14199 and 14201, 0.5 km N of mat for Pseudoeurycea and include the same ba- El Mirador, Cerro Pelo´n, 2900 m elevation; IBH sic characters and measurements (Lynch and 14200, 1.6 km S of El Mirador, Cerro Pelo´n Wake, 1989). Larger measurements were taken (17Њ34.75ЈN, 96Њ30.59ЈW), 2870 m elevation, G. by using a dial caliper (to the nearest 0.1 mm); Parra-Olea, M. Garcı´a-Parı´s, R. Bello, and T. J. smaller measurements (e.g., feet, toes, several Papenfuss, 7 August 1999. IBH 14199–200 pro- head dimensions) and all tooth counts (anky- vided tissue for mtDNA analyses. losed teeth only) were made with the aid of a dissecting microscope. Standard length (SL) Diagnosis.—This is a plethodontid salamander equals the distance from the tip of the snout to of the genus Pseudoeurycea that is closely related the posterior end of the vent. Numbers of max- to P. smithi. It is a relatively large, robust species illary and vomerine teeth in each holotype are with long limbs, large hands and feet, and long provided separately for right and left sides; digits. Mean SL is 77 mm in eleven males (range these counts are summed for other individuals. 70–84.8) and 80.4 in ten females (72–89.4). The Gender was assessed externally by morphology species differs from all other bolitoglossine sal- of the cloacal glands: papillate (males) vs. la- amanders in its heavily muscularized form, mellate (females). Sexually mature males were which features greatly enlarged jaw muscles and readily recognized externally by the presence of well-developed, sharply defined superficial mus- a discrete mental gland. Adult females always culature. It differs further from two apparently lack a mental gland. Institutional abbreviations close relatives. It has relatively longer limbs and are as listed in Leviton et al. (1985). more teeth than P. smithi: combined fore- and PARRA-OLEA ET AL.—NEW PSEUDOEURYCEA FROM OAXACA 463 Fig. 2. (A) Holotype of Pseudoeurycea papenfussi in life: IBH 14198, an adult female from the north slope of Cerro Pelo´n, Sierra de Jua´rez, Oaxaca, Mexico. (B) Chin and throat of a live male Pseudoeurycea papenfussi (IBH 14199), showing the prominent mental gland. (C) Forest near the peak of Cerro Pelo´n, showing typical habitat of Pseudoeurycea papenfussi. (D) Road bank along Mexican Hwy. 175 at Cerro Pelo´n. Virtually all spec- imens of Pseudoeurycea papenfussi known from this region have been collected at night from rock surfaces such as this one. (E) Holotype of Pseudoeurycea obesa in life; IBH 14195, an adult male from Plan de Guadalupe, Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, Mexico.
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