^ Hightstown Gazette. ^ 99th Y E A R -N U M B E R 15 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1947 PRICE-FIVE CENTS Laborer Is Killed, Cranbury Caretaker Township School Doors Swing Open Lull in Weekend Miss Ruth Becker Two Are Wounded Takes Own Life Next Wednesday for 890 Students; Disturbances As Returning to Duty In Farm Argument With Shotgun Biast Several Changes in Teaching Staff Police Get Respite W ith U. S. Navy An argument over tlie affections of a Addison Mount, 69 year old care­ The doors of three East Windsor For the first time in more than a Miss Ruth Becker of 128 South street migrant laborer's 15-year-old daughter taker at Brainerd Cemetery, Cranbury Township school buildings on Stockton Supervising Principal month local police officials experienced will rejiort for active duty with the on a farm at ElKsdale Saturday night for 26 years, ended his life by shooting street will swing open next Wednesday a comparatively quiet week end in U,S. Navy Nursing Corps Tuesday at brought death to a 17-year-old worker himself with a shotgun in his home on morning at 9 a.m. to welcome more quelling disturbances caused by tran­ St. Albans Hospital, Long Island, N.Y. and wounds to two others. Cranbury Station road. than 890 pupils. sient laborers and crop pickers. Miss Becker has resigned her position State police listed the dead youth as The body was discovered by his J. Harvey Shue, supervising prin­ Only ten cases came before the dock­ as Director of Education and Assistant W ilton Turner of Palmetto, Fla., and nephew Leon Mount of Trenton Mon­ cipal, said records show there will be et and the majority dealt with over- Principal of the Mercer Hospital School the wounded as Ernestine Spicer, 22 day morning who was called after 429 students in the lower elementary zealous celebrators who drank too of Nursing. Trenton, to return to active and Lloyd Kelly, 40, father of Marjorie neighbors were unable to locate Mr. school, 170 in the upper elementary and much. duty with the Navy. Walker, 15, over whom the incident is Mount. State police said a shotgun 290 in the high school. Thirty day terms in the Mercer A graduate of Hightstown High said to have happened. All w’ere em­ was found near the body and estab­ Several changes have been announ­ County workhouse were handed out to School 193(); St. Francis Hospital ployed on the farm of Mount Hutchin­ lished the time of death between Sat­ ced in the teaching staff and the new­ the Jackson boys, John and Abner of School of Nursing, Trenton, class of son. urday night and Monday. Coroner comers include Mrs. Renay Sabagh of Miami, Florida who were arrested Sat­ 1939, Miss Becker is the recipient of Sought as the slayer is Henry Rich­ Robert H. Jamison of New Brunswick Princeton, Mrs. Lisetta Heintz of St. urday after warrants were issued for B.S. in Nursing Education from St. ards, 24, who has been living with his made the examination and issued a Louis, Mo., Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson their arrest a week ago, police said. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., class sister, ^^rs. Anna Warthem of R.D. 1, burial permit. of Trenton and Mrs. Frances J. Adam­ The Jacksons were scheduled to ap­ of 1942. Yardville. A search is also on for Ja­ Authorities said Mr. Mount left a son of Cranbury. pear before Recorder P’ranklin K. Hampton ten days ago and were re­ son Rlake, companion o f Richards, who note which declared he hated to do it, English Instructor Named but his health was poor and this was leased on $15 bond. Failing to appear is wanted by police asa material wit­ Mrs. Sabagh will instruct English the best way out. Following an inves­ cost them the $15 and police w’ere or­ ness. They both left the scene in and social studies in the high school. tigation Trooper George Bannister of dered to arrest them. Richard’s car. The auto was found She comes with four years of teaching the local barracks said that Mount had Coming before the court they were abandoned Sunday in a field between experience including junior work in at first attempted to take his life by penalized $25 and costs for their part Allentown and Ellisdale. junior and senior high schools in New cutting his throat with a razor, but in a fight two weeks ago on Railroad Corporal E. 0 . Netterman of the Brunswick and Turlock, Calif. A grad­ had failed. avenue. They were also assessed $10 state police said Richards and Rlake uate of Polytechnic H.S., Long Beach, Funeral services were held Wednes­ for breaking a window in a state police went to the Hutchinson farm Satur­ Calif., Mrs. Sabagh is an alumnus of day afternoon at 2 o’clock from the vehicle. However, they could not come day nght where Blake u’as going to University of California. Hcyer Funeral Home, 202 Stockton J. Harvey Shue up with the money and both were sent visit Kelly’s daughter. A fter an argu­ The art department will be headed by street. The Rev. David B. Watermul- to jail. ment with Kelly the pair left. Mrs. Heintz who is a graduate of der of First Presbyterian Church offi­ A second appearance in court by A short time later the two returned Washington University of St. Louis, ciated. Interment was in Brainerd Willie Shaw of Dayton within two and Blake renewed the argument. Mo. She succeeds Miss Elaine Ahvard Cemetery. He was born in Cranbury VFW Schedules Public weeks for being drunk cost him $5 and Richards a few moments later went to who has accepted a similar post at and was a life long resident. costs. He was arrested on Mercer his car and got a 12-gauge shotgun Camden. Mr. Mount is survived by six neph­ street under the influence of alcohol. and suddenly opened fire into a crowd Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Adamson Ceremony In Memory After a reprimand from the Judge, ews and two nieces. of workers which had gathered. will teach in the third and first grades Willie said he had sworn off drinking. Turner, who was sitting in a chair of the lower elementary school. The Of Hightstown’s Dead Ambrose Bracey, c /o Frank Danser near the worker’s shack, was struck in former is a graduate of Newburgh Free Farm, Cranbury, found sleeping in a the chest and ran to a nearby fence ABC Upholds Borough .Academy, Newburgh, N.Y. and New car not his own on Stockton street was where he collapsed. Miss Spicer ran Platz State College, N.Y. Mrs. Adam­ The local V F W will conduct a public expensive as he doled out $5 and costs. around the building and was wounded On Denial of Appeal son was educated at Michigan State ceremony on Sunday, September 14 at Drinking too much and giving police a by shots which went through the build­ Normal, Isilanti, Mich. — ....... 3 p.ni. in Memorial Park to honor the bad time cost William Wilkinson of ing and struck her in the hip. Kelly Report to High School memory of the 17 Higlitstown men who North Main street $10 and costs. was shot when he went around the side made the supreme sacrifice in W orld For License Transfer Students of grades six to 12 inclusive Drinking from a bottle on Railroad o f the house. Three children tliat were W ar II in the service of their commu avenue after he was warned not to Mite Ruth Becker will report to their home rooms in the sleeping in a bed in the shack escaped nity, state and nation. As a part of cost John Bennett of Philadelphia, Pa. high school building at 9 o'clock and Miss Becker was on the faculty of St. injury when shots went through the in a decision handed down Friday, these imblic services, the Post will in­ $2 and costs. then assemble in the auditorium for a Francis Hospital School of Nursing in building over and under the bed. the Alcoholic Beverage Control Depart state these men posthumously into hon A fight with his wife, Willie Bill 1942, serving as director of education Miss Spicer was removed to St met upheld the Borough Council in the short program. , orary membership in the V'eterans of Jolly, came high for William Jolley of The program will include devotionM and assistant principal. In October, Ilasftilal, Tjcaton ***in tkc. Al­ denial of the application o f the Trio Foreign Wars. 160 Railroad avenue as he turned over 1943 she enlisted in the Navy Nursing lentown First Aid Squad ambulance TJofporaHon for TfanSfCT T5t tR cscTcfsgy, TTTtrodttctk>« ■of the. .B oa^ A’ Vi'A'T jiennanr'wTn ^ $5 tn -riw rerrtrrit?r. en­ of Education, remarks by William A, Uorps' ami servH'iihm Jfin.'T ' while Kelly was treated for back plenary retail consumpHpn license from gaged in a scuffle with his spouse and Mitchell, board president, announce­ dedicated to the memory of the men. several hospitals throughout the U.S. wounds by an Allentown physician. 118 Mercer street to 118-122 Mercer hit her with a stick. ments and greetings by Paul D. Har­ Hightstown’s honored war dead of iluring the war she taught nursing street. Creating a disturbance in Cope­ Police conducted a search Saturday World War IT includes: John F. Camp­ courses to the WAVES at Hunter Col­ The Borough refused the application ing, high school principal and remarks land’s saloon in Dawes court cost Rob­ night and Sunday for Richards and bell, Ernest J.
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