Printed by dl9pf Jul 24, 17 13:10 changes_chinook_3.0.0_dab_3.99.3.txt Page 1/64 added projects : meta−altera at revision 4364dbfcb600da82ecdfc4797f112d187e40f1c3 meta−boundary at revision d44ee8f58d841cf13fbe63dab271344e2b9ba6db meta−freescale at revision fa774ad7fb797957601a8c9fee45af453fea34b7 meta−freescale−3rdparty at revision 1879485e63ce369292c89b5902ff6df13509090b meta−freescale−distro at revision cd5c7a2539f40004f74126e9fdf08254fd9a6390 meta−renesas−rcar−gen3 at revision 4fa88fc2e452dd1ca5992cb605b3cd1823ee5316 meta−updater at revision 45c155a67d3532ad32342fc512e8bf6341ab9e5d removed projects : meta−amb at revision ef3495bb8d6543709f6d1f7b657cb894d32c1757 meta−fsl−arm at revision e2254e7b2ded0c2b66b1226f879b3a6d52037b2d meta−fsl−arm−extra at revision e95f4ae61fdaf6452d6dfa9cb59dbdf9cdf73c99 meta−rcar at revision e15ae276da312d71e016e2b30d2414b4c02ecbf8 changed projects : meta−agl changed from fb57dd647f577b5df40380c6f3996443bbe0cf8b to refs/tags/dab/3.99.3 [−] fb57dd6 Apply bluetooth/smack patches also to rpi kernel [−] 5dbfea7 dra7xx−evm: Fix issue with bluetooth pairing [−] fc9db17 Add entry for official pi touchscreen over DSI port [−] b674ca4 Ensure the codename is in OVERRIDES [−] 5c82102 meta−oic: Hotfix to support aarch64 for DragonBoard−410c [−] 0723edd linux−raspberrypi: add ENABLE_CMA options to kernel command line [−] 0a42053 50_local.conf.inc: Enable CMA within the raspberrypi3 template [−] 7b1d649 rpi−config: add configurable CMA low and high water marks [−] d81c329 Set defaultbranch to chinook in gitreview [+] 4307ed5 Update poky−agl.conf for 3.99.3 [+] c98f908 tests: templates/qemux86−64: KVM updates [+] 2acf164 Only apply CVE−2017−1000364 to 4.8 kernel − 4.4 needs different patchset [+] 29f14a1 Fix: can−bus not applied at kernel configuration [+] ef59830 tests: templates/qemux86−64: enable QEMU audio driver [+] 86c6c25 image−vm: Allow for xz compressed vmdk images [+] 726da22 meta−agl−bsp/meta−intel: make new 4.8 .bbappend [+] d630d90 tests: templates/qemux86−64: add MACHINE name to rootfs filename [+] 8146379 tests: templates/qemux86−64: add (empty) DTB [+] fa250dc qemux86−64: root using root=PARTUUID [+] 2516499 Add low−level−can−generator as devtool in SDK [+] 590eb98 agl−devel: auto−add drivers for vmdk images [+] e3f0129 qemux86−64: add hwtest environment [+] 04b54de af−main: add RDEPENDS on bash [+] 8b23708 Update freescale layer names, add nitrogen inc file [+] 59bdc8c backport open−vm−tools recipe [+] 944d506 Possibility to copy wgt without installing them [+] 351cd31 Fix weston failed [+] dbaf564 systemd: remove timesystemd feature [+] f98e42d systemd−udev: ensure convention for naming udev rules [+] 8f792e4 af−binder: Fix const issue in afb−auth.h [+] e6aef67 netboot: fix dependency loop for qemu build [+] 2dcf3bb test templates: m3ulcb−nogfx: use core−image−minimal [+] 0de328c Add ath9k_htc driver to rcar−gen3 for demos [+] b439a3d Integration of low−level−can−service apps [+] 6cbdc4b Fix i.MX6 (usb) [+] 78db756 Disable rpi3 tests as they are broken right now with the kernel Image [+] ad07b43 Upgrade framework and binder [+] ed6c7b9 Add systemd synchronization script [+] c80a038 af−main: Allow service to run by default [+] 8163781 Handle error during run−agl−postinsts [+] b2f32e7 Executing /bin/bash explicitly [+] 97d5e55 framework: update DAB for RC3 [+] f53472b af−main: make sockets.target accessible by group [+] 52bba29 Framework: Leverage agl−devel and set PV [+] 8ef673e Add gst−record argument to weston option [+] 0c48402 Fix for image format dependencies during parsing [+] 04001fc Fix i.MX6 [+] 99e6be9 m3ulcb−nogfx: add test templates for LAVA job and environment [+] c42f34f af−binder: Fix error report (really) [+] 1a1cae6 db410c kernel fixed CVE−2017−1000364 upstream thus remove our patches [+] c8d6044 weston−init: set udev rule to display group for gst−record feature. [+] ed8a31d raspberrypi3−64: test: add LAVA env and job template [+] 74d0ccd Fix rpi−sdimg after IMAGE_FSTYPE being enforced in poky−agl.conf [+] af694da Enable OTA updates using inc from meta−updater [+] 377b4d8 Fix for CVE−2017−1000366 in glibc [+] 17fb0f4 Backport fix for CVE−2017−1000364 to linux−yocto−4.8 [+] 79c117d Fix CVE−2017−1000364 by backporting the patches for gen3 [+] 4220a13 Fix CVE−2017−1000364 for dragonboard−410c by backporting the patches from upstream kernel v4.9 [+] e542468 Fix CVE−2017−1000364 by backporting the patches for rpi3 [+] 50e1176 afw: Fix error report [+] a7bbf55 af−main: moves reload of service [+] 0dca647 Enforce same IMAGE_FSTYPES across all boards for AGL [+] 60709af Add CAN drivers by default to AGL boards [+] 82b5fcf af−main: report error status in afm−install [+] 091ef1a Bump DISTRO_VERSION for DD rc2 [+] 7d2b5bd Add .gitreview for dab [+] 31deb53 af−main: ensure socket activation [+] 65f8170 af−main: Fix service and their socket activation [+] e46f5db agl_raspberrypi*.inc: Set KERNEL_IMAGETYPE to Image [+] 2116982 meta−agl−netboot: increase IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE [+] a2953a1 support MACHINE=raspberrypi3−64 [+] 838146c Remove sdcard_image−rpi−gdp.bbclass [+] 077caaf Add hibernation image area [+] 8ae8c01 Set idle−time to 0 in weston.service. [+] 95b850f systemd: remove automounting [+] 4c8a4dd lightmediascanner: change scan path [+] f34a027 raspberrypi2: change GPU_MEM to 255 [+] 11a6af7 Add hibernation image area [+] 4b93238 Framework: fix and upgrade [+] f500359 README.renesas−gen3: add uboot env to setup ethernet [+] 8fd7f86 Fix for memory corruption during hibernate [+] 4af95fe Enable SOTA for supported architectures [+] 15b3dd2 enabling https for wget in busybox [+] 0412024 Framework: Fix and upgrade [+] 72e4d6c tcf−agent: kill with USR2 in systemd stop Monday July 24, 2017 1/64 Printed by dl9pf Jul 24, 17 13:10 changes_chinook_3.0.0_dab_3.99.3.txt Page 2/64 [+] 0ea9f9f agl−login−manager,agl−desktop−config: Move layer to meta−agl [+] 5a63eef Add support for cflags for pi0/1 [+] ab98f7c rygel: disable user systemd service [+] 0b8a33d libmicrohttp: update to version 0.9.55 [+] cb0de9c lightmediascanner: remove udev workaround [+] 79fe06d Add override for DISTRO_CODENAME [+] 3bc8101 Add u−boot Hibernation code for porter board. [+] a14e289 Add kernel Hibernation code for porter board. [+] 5b5a54b Add s3ctl Hibernation code for porter board. [+] 65abb1f Add gles Hibernation code for porter board. [+] 77e55a2 agl−image−weston: fix weston regression [+] 509048c pulseaudio: fix service/socket unit installation [+] 7657ce6 Security−manager: update of global user name [+] 74973b9 A fix is in upstream now. The mirror @ sources.openembedded.org was checked and has a copy of the ta rball. [+] e68fd87 Add hotfix for sg3−utils SRC_URI not available [+] 9883a20 Add support H.264 Encoder proprietary Library for R−Car Gen3 [+] 310012e Bump version for DARING DAB rc1 [+] f40999a appfw:fix dep in af−binder−dev on af−binder−tools [+] 43aaed6 run−agl−postinsts: run before systemd−user−sessions [+] 4bb0f58 Fix typo in cyclone5 configuration template [+] e8054e0 pulseaudio: enable ofono hfp backend [+] 8f73d08 meta−rcar−3 setup: Improve error message [+] 4b9d3c5 Update Renesas gen3 setup script for BSP 2.19. [+] 8ec229f Allows specific features for agl−devel [+] b9bd517 lightmediascanner: add −D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 to CFLAGS [+] 3564e1d Make /usr/local compatible with SOTA [+] 99a568b agl−audio−plugin: Fix Pulseaudio version [+] efbf8d9 af−binder: changes the packaging [+] f2cbb76 dragonboard−410c: install 96boards−tools for resizing partition [+] 6ca247d Run weston with dedicated ’display’ user and group [+] 7c227f3 Fix build of mozjs, gpm and libatasmart due to SECURITY_%FLAGS [+] a569352 Add machine templates for the beaglebone [+] a54f7f5 libmicrohttpd: upgrade to 0.9.54 [+] 0c195f1 linux−renesas: Applies Smack patch for bluetooth [+] 4755ea3 Fix Readme.weston−ini−conf Readme [+] 744f963 Upgrade af−binder [+] 272689b web−runtime: add missing runtime dependencies [+] 379f0a1 dra7xx: Fix build error with mozjs and libatasmart [+] bccdc57 x86_64−tune: fix KVM qemu options [+] 35e565f Switch to medium compiler [+] e8aff1a Enforce unified tunings across all target boards of AGL [+] 1f42bdf sdcard: rpi−sdimg: fix mcopy issue with boot.scr [+] 68386e6 raspberrypi3: change GPU_MEM to 255 [+] a1c76d6 Enable lava test−run on vayu board [+] ea0a1f9 agl−postints: remove unneeded Glob [+] 71d255f Enable test−run on porterboard [+] d9a02b9 Remove sota−related includes from meta−agl−bsp [+] ae8716e Remove sota from agl−ci−change−features [+] bc5c606 Enforce uImage as KERNEL_IMAGETYPE for rpi [+] 349a5fe meta−agl−bsp/meta−raspberrypi: Upgrade to v12.0.3 [+] 5450a1b change default screen transform to 270 [+] deec51b rtl−sdr: remove −I/usr/include from pkg−config [+] 50e118a dragonboard−410c: linux: update to kernel 4.9 [+] 3759dc5 Change require to include to unbreak builds without ag−sota feature [+] cfdfe1d Temporary fix for the agl−sota feature [+] c46e117 poky−agl: exempt qtwebengine from security flags [+] 8807f8e Switch to meta−updater [+] 61bf680 Revert "Switch to meta−updater" − waiting for main commit to be updated. [+] 521815f Switch to meta−updater [+] 2058488 lightmediascanner: delete the remove rule [+] 5c71ba5 bluez5: add interface access for MediaPlayer application [+] 11d1133 meta−agl−bsp/meta−qcom: Fix kernel config fragment about smack [+] 055289b systemd: rename udev rule to conform with convention [+] 0e42453 af−main: Improve environment setting [+] dc2cbc9 meta−agl−bsp/meta−ti: Fix kernel config fragment about smack [+] 683e2f5 lightmediascanner: rename udev rule to conform with
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