ANALYSIS TO REDUCE POTENTIAL DEAD STOCK OF MAINTENANCE REPAIR & OPERATION (MRO) INVENTORY IN PT BADAK NGL FINAL PROJECT By: MOHAMAD FAROUK RIZA 29116309 Master of Business Administration Program School of Business Management Institut Teknologi Bandung 2019 ANALYSIS TO REDUCE POTENTIAL DEAD STOCK OF MAINTENANCE REPAIR & OPERATION (MRO) INVENTORY IN PT BADAK NGL MOHAMAD FAROUK RIZA NIM: 29116309 Date of Passing Final Test ( 22 / 01 / 2019) Date of Graduation Ceremony ( 05 / 04 / 2019) Master’s Programme, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2018 Thesis Counsellor: Dr. Eng. Nur Budi Mulyono ST.MT ABSTRACT PT Badak NGL is a non-profit company to operate the Bontang LNG Plant in East Kalimantan, the main job is to liquify the natural feed gas to become the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). The whole assets of Bontang LNG Plant belong to Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Finance and PT Badak NGL runs with the given budget at actual cost. As the operator with at cost scheme, the efficiency and effectiveness of budget utilization is one of PT Badak NGL’s performance KPI, including the material Inventory stored in Warehouse. PT Badak NGL’s main inventory consists only the Maintenance Repair & Operation (MRO) material such as chemical and spare parts of equipment. The inventory performance indicator can be seen from the Inventory Value and its composition, Turnover Ratio and Service Level. According to the 2017 benchmarking result, Inventory performance of PT Badak NGL is below the average, especially on the Inventory Value aspect. Data taken from 2014 until 2018 shows that total Inventory Value of PT Badak NGL is around US$ 35 Million, but 73% of them is classified as the Potential Dead Stock (PDS); materials that more than 5 years stay in the warehouse. The Turnover Ratio from 2014-2018 is around 70% which means from 100% material come into the warehouse, only 70% come out (utilized) while the remaining 30% stays in the warehouse, and this happens every year and makes the contribution to the PDS. The Service Level itself is around 99% which is good because almost all material requested by the user can be fulfilled by the warehouse. This also indicates that the 27% material remain in the warehouse every year is not necessary to be used at that time. According to this condition, the business problem in this final project is “Inefficient MRO Inventory due to large PDS Materials over the years in PT Badak NGL. Using the Ishikawa (fishbone) Diagram and Focus Group Discussion, the main contributor to the problem is coming from the Inventory Method and Policies. Several alternative solutions have been developed and using Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis there are two solutions that should be conducted immediately to reduce the PDS, they are Apply Impairment Method and Recategorize Materials. Potential Problem Analysis is also conducted for those two solutions to anticipate any potential problem occurred and the choice of contingency plans. The implementation plan has also developed with the target can be finished by six months. Keywords: inventory, MRO, Kepner-Tregoe, PT Badak NGL, LNG, Potential Dead Stock i ANALYSIS TO REDUCE POTENTIAL DEAD STOCK OF MAINTENANCE REPAIR & OPERATION (MRO) INVENTORY IN PT BADAK NGL MOHAMAD FAROUK RIZA NIM: 29116309 Date of Passing Final Test ( 22 / 01 / 2019) Date of Graduation Ceremony ( 05 / 04 / 2019) Master’s Programme, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2018 Thesis Counsellor: Dr. Eng. Nur Budi Mulyono ST.MT ABSTRAK PT Badak NGL adalah perusahaan non profit yang mengoperasikan Kilang Bontang LNG di Kalimantan Timur, tugas utamanya adalah mencairkan gas alam menjadi Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). Seluruh asset kilang Bontang LNG adalah milik Pemerintah cq Department Keuangan. PT Badak NGL beroperasi menggunakan anggaran yang dipertanggung jawabkan secara at cost. Sebagai perusahaan yang beroperasi dengan skema at cost, efisiensi dan efektifitas penggunaan anggaran menjadi salah satu KPI PT Badak NGL, termasuk inventory terhadap material yang disimpan di Warehouse. Inventory utama PT Badak NGL adalah material Maintenance Repair & Operation (MRO) seperti bahan kimia dan suku cadang dari peralatan kilang. Indikator kinerja inventory dapat dilihat dari nilai inventory dan komposisinya, Turnover Ratio dan Service Level. Dari hasil benchmarking tahun 2017, kinerja inventory PT Badak NGL berada di bawah rata-rata. Data yang diambil dari tahun 2014 - 2018 menunjukkan bahwa total nilai inventory PT Badak NGL adalah sebesar US$ 35 juta, namun 73%nya diklasifikasikan sebagai material Potential Dead Stock (PDS) yaitu material yang tersimpan di warehouse lebih dari 5 tahun. Turnover Ratio dari tahun 2014-2018 adalah sekitar 70% yang berarti dari 100% material yang masuk ke dalam warehouse, hanya 70% yang keluar (digunakan) sedangkan sisanya 30% tetap tersimpan di warehouse, hal ini terjadi setiap tahun dan memberilan kontribusi terjadinya PDS. Sementara untuk Service Level berada di sekitar 99%, dimana hampir semua permintaan material dari user dapat dipenuhi oleh warehouse. Hal ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa 30% material yang tidak keluar dari warehouse setiap tahunnya memang tidak diperlukan pada saat itu. Dengan kondisi di atas maka permasalahan dalam final project ini adalah “Tidak efisienya inventory MRO akibat besarnya PDS dari tahun ke tahun di PT Badak NGL” Dengan menggunakan diagram Ishikawa (tulang ikan) dan Focus Group Discussion, penyebab utama dari permasalahan berasal dari metode dan kebijakan dalam inventory. Beberapa solusi alternative telah dibuat dan dengan menggunakan Analisa Pengambilan Keputusan Kepner- Tregoe, ada dua solusi yang harus dilaksanakan secepatnya untuk mengurangi PDS, yaitu mengaplikasikan metode impairment dan melakukan kategori ulang material yang ada. Analisa potensial masalah juga telah dilakukan untuk kedua solusi tersebut untuk mengantisipasi segala potensi masalah yang mungkin terjadi beserta rencana alternatifnya. Rencana pelaksanaan ditetapkan dengan target penyelesaian selama 6 bulan. Kata Kunci: inventory, MRO, Kepner-Tregoe, PT Badak NGL, LNG, Potential Dead Stock ii VAL I DATI O N PAG E ANALYSIS TO REDUCE POTENTIAL DEAD STOCK OF MAINTENANCE REPAIR & OPERATION (MRO) INVENTORY IN PT BADAK NGL By: MOHAMAD FAROUK RIZA NIM: 29116309 Master of Business Administration Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Approved, Bandung, 2019 Final Project Advisor __________________________________________ Dr. Eng. Nur Budi Mulyono ST.MT iii .
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